NAISBY, George William
Private, 27923 East Lancashire Regiment, 6th Bn.
26th February 1917, 38 years.
Basra Memorial, Panel 19.
Naughton Martin.jpg
Gunner, 55811, Royal Garrison Artillery, 38th Siege Coy.
9th September 1916, 24 years.
Warlincourt Halte British Cemetery, I. G. 4.
NAYLOR, Frederick
Naylor Frederick.jpg
Bombardier, 876780, Royal Field Artillery, 15th Brigade.
30th September 1918, 32 years.
Thilloy Road Cemetery Beaulencourt, D. 9.
NEESON, William
Neesom William.jpg
Private, 49369, Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment), 16th Bn.
23rd August 1918, 42 years.
Vis-en-Artois Memorial, Panel 3.
NEILD, John Nicholas
Neil John.jpg
Private, 16023, Kings Shropshire Light Infantry, 7th Bn.
25th September 1916, 21 years.
Thiepval Memorial, Addenda Panel.
NELSON, George
Nelson G.jpg
2nd Lieutenant, East Lancashire Regiment, 4th Bn.
26th March 1918, 32 years
Pozieres Memorial, Addenda Panel.
NELSON, John Robert
Private, 81668, Machine Gun Corps (Infantry),
24th June 1919, 31 years.
Blackburn Cemetery, I. R.C. 2438.
NELSON, Thomas
Private, 38609, King’s (Shropshire Light Infantry), 7th Bn.
19th February 1919.
Blackburn Cemetery.
NELSON, William
Nelson William.jpg
Private, 13524, Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), 10th Bn.
25th September 1915, 23 years.
Loos Memorial, Panel 57 to 59.
NEVETT, Thomas
Nevett Thomas.jpg
Corporal, 5980, East Lancashire Regiment, 2nd Bn.
14th March 1915.
Vieille-Chapelle New Military Cemetery Lacouture, VII. B. 3
Neville Henry.jpg
Private, 28374, Lancashire Fusiliers, 16th Bn.
23rd November 1916, 24 years.
Waggon Road Beaumont-Hamel, C. 31.
Private, 242310, East Lancashire Regiment, 2nd Bn.
30th June 1918.
Sissonne British Cemetery Aisne, P. 3.
Private, 4671, Lancashire Fusiliers, 1st Bn.
3rd December 1915.
Hellles Memorial, Panel 58 to 72 or 218 to 219.
Newcombe F.jpg
Chief Stoker, 155192, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Shark.
31st May 1916, 43 years.
Hull Western Cemetery, 538. 51950.

NEWELL, George (NEWALL on Roll of Honour)
4677, Lance Corporal, Coldstream Guards, 3rd Bn.
13th February 1915
Bethune Town cemetery, Ref. 1V.A.15
NEWELL, William Henry
Private, 36719, Essex Regiment, 5th Bn.
2nd November 1917, 26 years.
Jerusalem Memorial, Panels 33 to 39.

NEWTON, William
Newton W.jpg
Private, 61236, Welsh Regiment, 18th Bn.
24th March 1918, 19 years.
Arras Memorial Pas de Calais, Bay 6.

NEWTON, ​William Isaac
Newton W.jpg
Private, 357764, King's Liverpool Regiment.
​9​ April 1981, 28 years.
Loos Memorial, Panel ​27 to 30​


Nicholson W.jpg
Private, 26427, King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), 2nd Bn.

4th August 1918, 24 years.
Bouchoir New British Cemetery, V. E. 24.

NEILD, James
Lance Corporal, 19145, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 1st Bn.
3rd September 1916
Guillemont Road Cemetery, Ref. 1X.E.7


NIELD, ​Jonathan
Nield J.jpg
Private, 200642, East Lancashire Regiment​, 1st Bn.

22nd August, 1918
Merville Communal Cemetery Extension, Ref. 11, F, 24.

NEILD, James


Nightingale Edward.jpg

Private, 200630, East Lancashire Regiment, 2nd/4th Bn.
21st March 1918.   
Pozieres Memorial, Panel 42 and 43.

, Fred
Nightingale Fred.jpg

Private, 40236, Manchester Regiment, 20th Bn.

4th. May 1917, 36 years.

Arras Memorial, Bay 7.



Nightingale J.jpg
Private, 106679, Royal Army Medical Corps.
28th October 19​17, 26 years.
Bag​hdad (Noth Gate Cemetery)​ War Cemetery, XII. E. 7.


NIXON, William
Nxon, William CT.jpg
Boy 1st Class, J/26752, Royal Navy, HMS Hawke.
15th October 1914, 17 years.
Portsmouth Naval Memorial, 3.
NOBLE, Bertram
Lieutenant, Lancashire Fusiliers, 22nd Bn.
23rd August 1916, 28 years.
Neufchatel-Hardelot (Neufchatel) Churchyard, II.


NOBLET, William
Private, PO/1188(S), Royal Marine Light Infantry, 223rd Machine Gune Coy. R.N. Div.
11th October 1918, 21 years
Hamburg Cemetery, ref. V1.C.10.
JohnNolan(Private, 96544)_2.jpg
Private, 96544, King’s (Liverpool Regiment), 4th Bn.
18th November 1918, 19 years.
Caudry British Cemetery, I. E. 29.
NOLAN, Richard
Nolan Richard.jpg
Rifleman, 8587, Kind’s Royal Rifle Corps. 4th Bn.
8th May 1915, 25 years.
Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Panel 51 and 53.
NOON, Albert
Noon A.jpg
Private, 3444, East Lancashire Regiment, 1st/4th Bn.
13th August 1915, 18 years.
Redoubt Cemetery Helles, XI. B. 12.
NOON, Martin
Private,197, East Lancashire Regiment, 1st/4th Bn.
19th May 1915.
Lancashire Landing Cemetery, D. 27.
NOONE, Thomas
Noone Thomas.jpg
Private, 29041, Lancashire Fusiliers, 20th Bn.
24th July 1916, 21 years.
Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 3 C and 3 D.
Norcross E.jpg
Private 103593 Royal Army Medical Corps
15th April1917, 26 years.
Mikra Memorial.
NORMAN, Ernest
Norman Ernest.jpg
Private, 26022, East Lancashire Regiment, 8th Bn.
16th November 1916, 24 years.           
Waggon Road Cemetery Beaumont-Hamel, E. 5.
Norman Harry.jpg
Private, S/7911, Rifle Brigade, 11th Bn.
3rd September 1916, 22 years.
Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 16 B and 16 C.
Private, G/81976, Royal Fusiliers, 4th Bn
15th June 1918, 19 years.
Sandpits British Cemetery Fouquereuil, II. G. 8.

NORRIS, Samuel James
Norris Samuel J.jpg
Sergeant, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
7th July 1916, 25 years.

NORSE, Thomas
Norse Thomas.jpg
Private, 2117, East Lancashire Regiment 1st/4th Bn.
24th June 1915, 34 years.
Helles Memorial, Panel 113 to 117.

NORTH, Christopher
North Christopher.jpg
Private, 22779, East Lancashire Regiment, 1st Bn.
21st March 1918.
Arras Memorial, Bay 6.

NORTH, John James
North JJ.jpg
Corporal, 201088, East Lancashire Regiment, 2nd/4th Bn.
21st March 1918   34 years
Pozieres Memorial, Panel 42 and 43.​

Rifleman, S/867, Rifle Brigade, 11th Bn.
1st April 1918, 24 years.
Pargny British Cemetery, I. A. 15.
Nowell J.jpg
Private, 200716, East Lancashire Regiment, 11th Bn.
13th April 1918, 20 years.
Ploegsteert Memorial, Panel 5 and 6.
NULTY, Thomas
Nulty Thomas.jpg
Private, 5976, East Lancashire Regiment, 1st Bn.
1st November 1914, 38 years.
Bailleul Community Cemetery, C. 16.
NURTON, George
Nurton George.jpg
Private, G/22965, Royal Sussex Regiment, 13th Bn.
16th April 1918, 19 years.
Tyne Cot Memorial, Panel 86 to 88.
Nuttall Alfred Lieut.jpg
2nd Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery 1st/1st EL Bde.
11th May 1916, 18 years.
Suez War Memorial Cemetery, D. 2.
NUTTALL, George Edward
Nuttall G E.jpg
Private, 7665, Lancashire Fusiliers, 2nd/5th Bn.
3rd October 1916, 26 years,
La Neuville British Cemetery Corbie, II. F. 28.
NUTTALL, Haworth
Private, 11981, King’s (Shropshire Light Infantry), 5th Bn
18th July 1915. 27 years.
Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Panel 47 and 49.
NUTTALL, Henry “Harry”
Nuttall H Lance Cor.jpg
Lance Corporal, 266405, South Lancashire Regiment, 14th Bn.
10th June 1918, 31 years.
Blackburn Cemetery, D. N.E. 4132.

NUTTALL, John William
Nuttall J W.jpg
Private, 39777, Lancashire Fusiliers, 17th Bn.
27th May 1918.
Varennes Military Cemtery, II. D. 10​

Nuttall J Lance Cor.jpg
Lance Corporal, Z/1832, Rifle Brigade, 1st Bn.
11th April 1917, 30 years.
Arras Memorial, Bay 9.
NUTTALL, Robert Peel
Nuttall R P.jpg
Private, 70389, Royal Fusiliers, 11th Bn.
23rd October 1918.
Awoignt British Cemetery, I. B. 10.
NUTTALL, Solomon
Nuttall  S.jpg
Private, 28264, East Lancashire Regiment 2nd Bn.
27th May 1918, 36 years.
Soisons Memorial.

NUTTALL, William


Nuttall Wilson Lance Corp.jpg
Lance Corporal, 3/2277, King’s Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), 8th Bn.
1st July 1916, 29 years.
Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 11C and 12 A.
Nutter Harry.jpg
Private, East Lancashire Regiment 11th Bn.
1916, 19 years.
NUTTER, Thomas
Nutter Thomas.jpg
Private, 61238, Welsh Regiment, 18th Bn.
13th April 1918, 18 years.
Pleogsteert Memorial, Panel 7.
Letter O

O’CONNOR, Edward
O'Connor E.jpg
Private, 16128, East Lancashire Regiment, 8th Bn.
15th July 1916, 42 years.
Thiepval Memorial, France, Pier and Face 6C.
ODDIE, Ambrose
Oddie Ambrose.jpg
Private, 34818, Lancashire Fusiliers, 12th Bn.
30th May 1917, 27 years.
Sarigol Military Cemetery, B. 283.
O'Donnell Edward.jpg
Lance Corporal, 6335, Connaught Rangers, 6th Bn.
30th July 1916, 30 years.
Loos Memorial , Panel 124.
OGDEN, Arnold
Ogden Arnold.jpg
Rifleman, 43894, Kings Rpyal Rifle Corps, 13th Bn.
31st August 1918, 29 years.
Bac-Du-Sud British Cemetery, 1. F. 10.
OGDEN, Nicholas Gillett
Ogden N G.jpg
Private, 10584, Machine Gun Corps, 28th Co.
16th July 1916, 21 years.
Thiepval Memorial , Pier and Face 5 C and 12 C.
OGDEN, William H.
Ogden W.jpg
Private, 5887, Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1st Bn.
9th  September 1916, 30 years.
Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 16 C.

OLDHAM, James Loynd
Private, 904379, Canadian Infantry, 10th Bn.
December 11th 1917, 25 years
Ypres (Menin Gate) memorial, Panel 24, 28, 30
Oldham J.jpg
Private, 235275, Suffolk Regiment, 2nd Bn.
15th June 1918.
Loos Memorial, Panel 37 and 38.
Private, 883034, Canadian Infantry, 10th Bn.
7th September 1918, 46 years.
Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension, IV. E. 8.
O’MALLEY, Arthur
O'Malley A.jpg
Private, G/5048, East Surrey Regiment, 8th Bn
5th July 1916, 20 years.
La Neuville British Cemetery, I. A. 76.
O’MALLEY, Charles
Lieutenant, Welsh Regiment, 17th Bn.
25th November 1917, 27 years.
Cambrai Memorial, Panel 7.
ORMANDY, William
Ormandy W.jpg
Private, 203192, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, 2nd/4th Bn.
31st August 1917, 31 years.
Ploegsteert Memorial, Panel 7.
ORME, John Joseph
Orme J J.jpg
Private, 71507, Canadian Infantry, 27th Bn.
16th June 1916.
Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, VIII. D. 98.
ORMEROD, Alfred,
Private, 15203, King's Own Scottish Borderers, 8th Bn.
22nd August 1915, 21 years.
Maroc British Cemetery, Grenay. III. D. 15.
Lance Corporal, 33156, Wiltshire Regiment, 6th Bn.
20th September 1917, 33 years.
Tyne Cot memorial, Panels 119 to120.
Corporal, 24161, East Lancashire Regiment, 11th Bn.
5th January 1917, 22 years.
Blackburn Cemetery, C.E. A. 347.
Ormerod F Lance Corporal.jpg
Lance Corporal, 34355, Northumberland Fusiliers, 9th Bn.
19th August 1918, 26 years.
Aire Communal Cemetery, IV. B.16.
ORMEROD, Henry Alban (Harry)
Ormerod Harry.jpg
Lance Corporal, 201533, East Lancashire Regiment, 1st/4th Bn.
25th June1917, 23 years.
Ruyaulcourt Military Cemetery, C. 20.
ORMEROD, Horatio Nelson
Omerod Nelson Bombadier.jpg
Gunner, 49590, Royal Garrison Artillery, 30th Siege Corps
28th July 1917, 29 years.
Brandhoek New Military Cemetery, I. D. 7.

Ormerod J.jpg
Private, 18043, Highland Light Infantry, 16th Bn.
18th November 1916, 29 years.
Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 16C.

ORMEROD, Richard
Ormerod R.jpg
Corporal, 15173, East Lancashire Regiment, 11th Bn.
1st July 1916, 22 years.
Euston Road Cemetery, I. A. 24.

ORMEROD, William Arthur
Lance Corporal, 15388, East Lancashire Regiment, 11th Bn.
1st July 1916, 24 years.
Railway Hollow Cemetery, A. 29.
ORMESHER, John Robert
Ormisher J R Rifleman.jpg
Rifleman, 9070, Kings Royal Rifle Corps, 2nd Bn.
9th May 1915, 27 years.
Le Touret Military Cemetery, Panels 32 and 33
O’ROURKE, Thomas
O'Rourke T.jpg
Sergeant, 11302, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, 6th Bn.
7th August 1915, 24 years.
Helles Memorial, Panels 152 to154.
ORRELL, John William
Orrell J W.jpg
Private 24054, East Lancashire Regiment, 6th Bn.
3rd  May 1917, 22 years.
Baghdad North Gate Ware Cemetery, XV. L. 11.

Private, 20720, The King's (Liverpool Regiment), 12th Bn.
October 3rd 1916, 28 years
Thiepval Memorial, Pier and Face 1D, 8B and 8
OWEN, Herbert E
Owen H E Gunner.jpg
Gunner, 137478, Royal Garrison Artillery, 33rd Div. H.Q.
29th  May 1918, 19 years.
Dozinghem Military Cemetery, XIV. G. 8.
OWEN, Robert
Owen Robert.jpg
Private, 14397, Lancashire Fusiliers, 17th Bn.
24th August 1916, 26 years.
Thiepval Memorial, France, Panels 3C and 3D