Situated at Altom Street, Limbrick.
There is no description of this war memorial.
An inscription on the roll reads:
Our Fallen Heroes. Greater love hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life for his friends
There is a list of those belonging to the church who died in the Great War,
The names are:
Harry Brown; Harry T. Cook; Robert Widdup; Arthur Marsden; William Collis; Harry Price; Robert Brookfield; T.W. Goodare; Cyril B. Sephten; James E. Martin; John Shaples; Richard Whalley; Arthur Haworth; Arnold Heape; Harry Cronshaw; Russell Halliday; William Best; Aquilla Bass; Norman Parker; Robert Brown
This War Memorial took the form of tablet which contained the names of 35 men connected to the Church and School. It was unveiled on Sunday the 6th February 1921 by the pastor of the church, Rev. Duncan C. Carson.
An inscription on the tablet reads:
Erected In Honoured Memory Of The Following Of
Our Congregation And Schools Who Died In The Great War
George Almond; William Anderton; Thomas Arkwright; Sydney Astley; Ernest Bailey; Thomas B. Beardwood; Joseph Blackshaw; Allen Bottomley; Adam Broughton; James Calvert; James Culshaw; William E. Eaton; Wilfred Eddisford; Robert Forrest; Harold Grime; George Haworth; Robert Hindle; George Howard; Edward Hummer; Thomas Lang; Fred Mackereth; James Marsden; Edward Nightingale; Harry Peel; John Pickup; Fred Ridsdale; William Scott; Charles Stonehouse; Frank West; Henry W. Whalley; Reginald L. Whalley; Besant Whitehead; Joseph Wilding; Colin Withnell; James A. Woods.
Who Being Dead, Yet Call Humanity To The High Task Of Establishing
Righteousness And Peace On Earth
Blackburn Times: 12th February 1921.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph; 12th February 1921.
War Memorial Ref. No. 51318.
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The church is located on Preston Old Road Cherry Tree.
Its WW1 Memorial was an organ, built by Messrs Pickering and Sons of Bank Top, Blackburn, at a cost of £500. The organ was opened on Thursday 6th November 1919 and dedicated on Sunday 9th November 1919 by the pastor the Rev R.K. Postlethwaite, the organist was J.T. Walton who supervised the building of the organ on behalf of the church.
The Inscription on a brass tablet in front of the organ reads:
This Organ Was Erected To The Glorious Memory Of The Boys Of This Church Who Gave Their Lives In The European War 1914-1918
The names of the sixteen men who lost their lives are:
James Anderton; William Dunning; Joseph Cooper; John Richard Halliwell; Fred Hargreaves; Alfred Hesketh; Ernest Richardson; John William Seed; Danial Sumner; Robert Sumner; James Thompson; Joseph Thornley; Robert George Tuck; Harold Walsh; James Wignall; William Wikinson;
Blackburn Times: 8th November 1919.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 8th November 1919, 15th November 1919
Cherry Tree Congregational Church hand-book of 1924
War Memorial Ref No. 54858.
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The Memorial was situated on Clayton Street.
This WW1 Memorials took the form of three engravings of Incidents in the life of Christ and were by the artists Holman Hunt and Gustave Dore. Each of the engravings bore the inscription:
In Honour Of Those Who Fell In The Great War, 1914-1918.*
The unveiling was carried out by Mrs. J. Robinson on Sunday Afternoon 30th October 1921.
In the evening of the same day a brass tablet mounted in mahogany was unveiled by Miss Furness who represented Mrs. Dean, the mother of one of the men who gave their lives.
The Inscription on the tablet was:
To The Glory Of God And In Memory Of
Tom Andrews; Joseph Chadwick; Herbert F. Dean; Joseph Garbutt; Richard Hoskins; Jack Livesey; Westwell Shuttleworth; Cyril Tunnicliffe.
Greater Love Hath No Man Than This
That A Man Lay Down His Life
For His Friends.
* The Blackburn Weekly Telegraph gives the inscription as:
In Honour Of Those Who Served And In Loving Memory Of those
Who Fell In The Great War Of 1914-18.
Blackburn Times: 5th November 1921.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 5th November 1921.
Memorial Ref. No. 54860, 54880.
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Feniscowles Mission Hall (Methodist Chapel) was situated on Preston Old Road, Feniscowles.
Its Memorial took the form of a Lych gate and a marble Memorial tablet. The tablet contained the names of 41 men connected to the Mission Hall who served in the forces during WW1 14 of Whom lost their lives. The tablet was unveiled by John Ely Jepson on Sunday 29th of August 1920. The dedicatory ceremony was performed by the Rev D. Critchley, of Tockholes. The Lych gate was demolished in the c 1970 and the Tablet is lost.
Blackburn Times: 4th September 1920.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 4th September 1920
War Memorial Ref. No. 51341.
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Furthergate Congregational Church was located at Futhergate, Blackburn. The church was demolished and the Memorial lost.
This War memorial takes the form of a stained-glass window and commemorate those of the church Sunday and day schools who lost their lives.. It represents Peace and Sacrifice, under Peace were the words;
“A Little Child Shall Lead Them"
Under Sacrifice;
“Yea A Sword Shall Pierce Through Thy Own Soul"
Beneath the window is the inscription;
“In Memory of The Men of Furthergate Church And School Who Fell In The War 1914-1918."
There are no names recorded of those who died.
The Memorial was unveiled on the 1st May 1921 by Ephraim Hindle J.P.
The Memorial also included the building of a men's club and the provision of a secondary school scholarship the total cost of the entire scheme was £1,300.
Blackburn Times 07 May 1921
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 07 May 1921
War Memorial Ref. No. 54867
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This church was situated on Harwood Street.
The Memorial consisted of Mural Tablet within the vestibule of the Church and contained the names of 10 men from the church who gave their lives in WW1. It was unveiled on Sunday the 22nd of April 1921 by the Rev. Lewis A. Brown of Mellor.
There is no more information about the Memorial or the names of the men on it.
The church was demolished and the Memorial is lost.
Blackburn Times: 28th May 1921.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 28th May 1921.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 54866.
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This church is situated on Hawthorn Street, near Whalley New Road.
It has both a WW1 and WW2 Memorial.
The WW1 Memorial is a Nowy-headed oak board is1ft 6in (485mm) by 2ft 2in (660mm), with oak leaves at each side. The letters are central and in black. It contains the names of 5 men who gave their lives.
The Inscription reads:
Killed In Defence Of Their Country
During The European War
The 5 names on the Memorial are:
Ainsworth, Alex; Carr, Ernest; Knowles, Herbert; Pemberton, William; Taylor, James
The board was unveiled on Tuesday the 19th of February 1921 by Mrs Duxbury of Southport.
The WW2 Memorial is an oak font, height 3ft 6in (1080mm), with a plaque on the front. It contains the names of 6 men who gave their lives in WW2.
The inscription on the plaque reads:
To The
Glory Of God
And In Memory Of
Who Laid
Down Their Lives
In The World War
The names of the men who died in WW2 are not known.
In 1966 a new church was built at the side of the old one and the Memorials were moved to there.
Blackburn Times: 19th February 1921.
War Memorial Reference: 51281 and 51282.
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The memorial was located at James Street Congregational School.
The Roll was in a mahogany frame and contained the names of 328 men from the church and Sunday school who served in WW1, 42 of which lost their lives. It also gives the decorations won by the men. Although the names of the casualties are not now known those who were honoured are. They were:
Brigadier – General Birtwistle, D.S.O., C.M.G., C.B.; Major Bikerdike, D.S.O.; Captain Marsden, M.C.; Rifleman J.E. Eden, M.M.; Private E. McGovern, M.M.; Gunner S. Simonds, M.M.; Driver E. Newton, M.M.; Private W. George, M.M.
The unveiling of the Roll took place on February 26th 1920 and was performed by William Nuttall, Superintendent of the Sunday School.
James Street Congregational Chapel
The WW1 Memorial was a brass tablet which contained the names of the 40* men from the chapel who gave their lives.
at the very top of the tablet were the words:
Pro Deo et Patria (for God and Country)
Below this:
In Honoured Memory Of Our Brave Men Who
Died In The Great War
The memorial was unveiled on the April 18th 1920 by the pastor, Rev. J.P. Wilson
The church had a Sunday school extension built as a memorial. It was opened on January 2nd 1921 by Richard Thompson, J.P. by opening the door with a silver key. An inscription on a tablet read:
This Entrance Hall, Primary Room Etc. Were Erected In Memory Of Our Brave Men Who Fell In The Great War
An inscription on the key read:
Presented to Richard Thompson, Esq. J.P., January 1st 1921, at the opening of the Memorial Hall, James-street Independent Chapel, Blackburn.
The Memorial cost £4000.
the memorial for WW2 was a tablet and contained the names of 6 men who lost their lives. It was unveiled and dedicated on Sunday afternoon the 19th October 1952 by the Rev. Edgar Jones
Blackburn Times: 28th February 1920, 24th April 1920, 8th January 1921. 24th October 1952.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 28th February 1920, 24th April 1920, 8th January 1921.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 54868, 54869, 60200.
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This Church is situated on Sandy Lane, Lower Darwen.
There is a stained-glass window, which is a representation of “Sacrifice". There are two lights with figures in each and tracery at the top, the inscription reads.;
Well Done Good And Faithful Servant.
At the base of the window are the words:
This Window Was Erected To The Glory Of God And In Memory Of Those Who Went Forth From This Place And Laid Down Their Lives In The Great War,
Below the figures in each light are the names of 9 men from the church who lost their lives, they are:
Ainsworth, Harold, Almond, James W.H.; Boxall, George; Cooper, John; Gardner, James A.; Greaves, Albert; Norman, Harry; Norman, Ernest; Shaw, Robert W.
The window manufactured by Shrigley and Hunt of Lancaster and cost £200 guineas
it was unveiled on Sunday 15th May 1921 by the Rev. C. Davis.
The second Memorial in the church for WW1 is an oak choir stall, with the inscription:
Erected In Honour Of
Those Who Went Forth
From This Church To The
Great War
And Returned
Praise Be To God
which was dedicated to the returned soldiers of the church it was accepted by Mr. Mather, who represented his Comrades. The work was done by Messrs Langshaw of Whalley.
The service took place on Sunday 3rd April 1921.
There was an also an oak tablet in the school which contains this inscription:
This Tablet Is Dedicated
To The Hallowed Memory Of
Who Served Their Country Faithfully
And Gave Their Lives
The names are:
Ainsworth, H.; Ainsworth, J.; Almond, J.W.H.; Aspin, T.; Bebbington, F.; Boxall, C.; Briggs, J.H.; Chambers, W.; Clegg, C.; Cooper, H.; Cooper, J.; Coward, J.W.; Dawson, T.W.; Dugdale, T.D.; Duxbury, T.; Eckton, D.; Fenton, E.; Fielding, G.C.; Gardner, J.H.; Greaves, A.; Greaves, J.; Greaves, J.W.; Haworth, E.; Haworth, W.T.; Jepson, A.; Jepson, H.; Landles, A.; Langdale, C.; Lightbown, J.; Livesey, J.; Livesey, T.; Longworth, B.; Longworth, G.; Longworth, J.; Longworth, J.; Longworth, J.; Longworth, T.; Martin, B.; Martin, J.T.; Martin, J.W.; Mather, J.; Norman, A.; Norman, E.; Norman, G.; Norman, H; Oates, H.; Shaw, D.W.; Shaw, J.W.; Shaw, M.T.; Shaw, R.W.; Shepherd, P.; Thornber, R.S.; Tomlinson, J.; Ward, J.; Westall, H.; Whalley, A.; Whalley, R.; Whalley, W.; Williams, H.; Wilson, H.; Worsley, W.
This Memorial is a black plaque with an incised inscription done in black letters. It reads:
This Tablet Is Dedicted
To The Hallowed Memory
Who Served Their Country Faithfully
And Gave Their Lives
This Memorial was unveiled on the 4th July 1948.
Blackburn Times: 9th April 1921, 14th May 1921.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 9th April 1921
War Memorial Ref. No.: 18590,18591, 18592, 18593
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This Memorial is a tennis court (now gone) and bowling green it adjoins the United Methodist Church. It commemorates the 65 men of the church, 6 of whom were killed, who served in in the war*. The Scheme cost about £700. There is a sandstone block with a copper tablet measuring 14 in by 12in, at the edge of the bowling green with the inscription:
United Methodist Church
This Bowling Green And Tennis Court Were
Laid In Honour Of The Men Of This Church And
School Who Gave Their Lives In The Great War
The names are:
Duckworth, Richard E.; Gardner, James H.; Haworth, Robert W.; Livesey, William H.; Robinson, Harry; Walmsley, Osborne.
Greater Love Hath No Man.
It was opened on the 7th May 1921 by Councillor J.W. Forrest, leader of Blackburn Town Council, who, along with Colonel Arthur Birtwistle played the first game on the balling green. The tennis court was opened by Mrs. Singleton, Alice Kay, Mr. J. Sudworth and Harold Darbyshire who played game on the court.
Blackburn Times: 14th May 1921.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 14th May 1921.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 51347.
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The church (demolished in the 1960's) was on New Wellington Street, Mill Hill.
There were two Memorials in the Church to commemorate the members of the church and school who lost their lives in the First World War. On the west wall of the church there was an Elaborately moulded tablet in black and white marble. The head of the tablet was in the form of a broken pediment with urn at the apex with decorative roundels and carvings beneath this. The left and right hand edges of the tablet were curved. There was an inscription in the centre of the tablet in black lettering. The first line of the dedication is arched. The Memorial was made by H. Hodgkinson, a Blackburn monumental mason.
The inscription was;
In proud and grateful memory of those who gave their lives in the Great War,
1914-1919. Fondly remembered for what they have done:
The names of the men who gave their lives follow.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends
(John 15 verse 13)
Erected by the members of the congregation and scholars of the Sunday school
The names of the 21 men who gave their lives are:
Arthur W. Abram; Harold F. Atkinson; Fred Clarke; George Clayton; James Dixon;
Daniel Greenwood; John Holden; Edward Howorth; William Howson;
Edwin Lofthouse; Walter Lomax; George E. Mercer; Harry Mitchell; Edwin Norcross;
Stanley Ruscoe; Thomas O. Ryden; Fred Spencer; John Taylor; Ralph Waddington;
John Wolstenholme.
The other Memorial was in the vestibule of the Church. It was designed by Kelsall of Bolton and the frame was supplied by R. Haworth of Blackburn.
The Coats of Arms of Australia, South Africa, Egypt, Canada and New Zealand. Inscribed was a quotation from Wordsworth's “Sonnets dedicated to Liberty". The one inscribed is “Honour".
Say, what is Honour?—'Tis the finest sense
Of 'justice' which the human mind can frame,
Intent each lurking frailty to disclaim,
And guard the way of life from all offence
Suffered or done. When lawless violence
Invades a Realm, so pressed that in the scale
Of perilous war her weightiest armies fail,
Honour is hopeful elevation,— whence
Glory, and triumph.
There is also an inscription that says;
“Justice and freedom for the peace of the world."
Then follows the names of the 171 men and two women (including the 21 who died) who served during the war.
Both Memorials cost £320 which was raised by subscription.
The unveiling ceremony took place on Sunday afternoon June 20th. The Memorial tablet was unveiled by the Rev J.W. Rose former pastor of the church and the Roll of Honour by the Rev E.M. Williams Pastor.
Blackburn Times: 26th June 1920.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 26th June 1920.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 54837.
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Montague Street Baptist Church, Montague Street, now demolished.
The Memorial of this church was in the form of a window which was the work of Robert Pringle of Mount-street, Blackburn, and was the first in Blackburn to be entirely by a local man. The window represents the resurrection.
Across the top are the words;
Though He Die, Yet Shall He Live.
The first panel says;
He is not here He is risen.
The second panel;
The third day He rose again from the dead.
The third panel;
Jesus saith unto her Mary.
At the foot of the window;
To the glory of God and in loving Memory of
F. Ellis; W. Godwin; H. Hyde; F. Hyde; J. Kenyon, J. Leith, W. Morrison; A Oldring; F. Riding; W. Seed; P. Shorrock; E. Singleton; G. Singleton; N. Slinger; H. Smalley; J. Stott; H. Walmsley; H. Walsh; J. Wharton; S. Verity.
The window was unveiled on Sunday May 8th 1921 by the Rev. Joseph Farquhar.
Blackburn Times: 07 May 1921, 14 May 1921
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 07 May 1921, 14 May 1921
War Memorial Ref. No.: 54871.
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The church (now demolished) was located on Montague Street, and the Memorial is now lost.
The Memorial consisted of a white marble scroll mounted on a black marble slab. There are 8 names on it.
An inscription at the head of the memorial reads:
This Memorial Is Erected As A Lasting Tribute To The Members Of This Church Who Paid The Supreme Sacrifice In The Great War 1914-1918.
Called To A Higher Service.
The names of the men follow
Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That A Man Lay Down His Life For His Friends
The names of the 8 men who gave their lives are:
George Appleton; William Evisom; John Hargreaves; John Milner; William Robinson; Absalom Smith; Arthur Walmsley; George Wilson.
The tablet was located in the vestibule of the church. It was unveiled on Sunday 20th August 1922 by Harry Catlow, assistant secretary of the Sunday School and John W. Cooper, treasurer of the Sunday School. The dedication was performed by the Rev. J. Stanley Crossland.
Blackburn Times: 26th August 1922.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 26th August 1922.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 54870.
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This War Memorial consisted of a white marble tablet with a black marble base. It was fixed to the east side of the church. The dedication service took place on Saturday 24th February 1923 with the dedication being performed by Rev. T.H. Berryman.
The tablet contains the following description.
Erected In Grateful Memory To The Members Of This Chapel Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice In The Great War 1914-1918:
Their Glory Shall Not Be Blotted Out Their Name Liveth For Evermore
And The Following Men Served Their Country:
G. Aspinall M.M.; Rev. J.H. Briggs; J. Barlow; H, Bury; T. Braithwaite; J. Bolton
J. Berry; F. Charnley; J.A. Davey; C. Maudsley; J. Maudsley; J. Morris; R.C. Woods; E, Whalley; W. Whalley.
The names of those who gave the lives are:
J. Beardsworh; C. Davey; J. Livesey; C. Scruton; J.H. Woods.
Blackburn Times 3rd March 1923.
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This Church was situated on Oxford-street just off Higher Audley-street.
On Thursday the 6th of April 1922 the church was re-opened after renovation. During this work two vestries were built as the War Memorial, each vestry has a window beneath is an inscription (not mentioned in the newspapers). The complete work cost £1000.
The War Memorial vestries were unveiled on Thursday evening of the same day by Lieutenant W.W. Brown and Private H. Walker.
The names of the men from the Church and Sunday School who lost their lives are:
Walter Alston; Thomas Baldwin, Richard Baldwin; James Birtwell; Charles Blackshaw; Arthur Booth; Joseph Booth; George Butterworth; Francis Charnock, Walter Clemson; Fred Cookson; John Counsell; William Dawber; Herbert Fell; James Fish; William Green; John Gregson; George Hartley; Luke Hartley; William S. Hartley; Harry Ingham; Ernest Jackson; Tom Mather; Ezra Norman; Frank Ormerod; John W. Orrell; Albert Parkington; Robert Rawcliffe; James Richmond; Joseph Riley; William Riley; James Roberts; Tom Roberts; Abraham Rushton; William Rushton; George E. Sergeant; Thomas Singleton; Joseph Smith; William Smith; Ebenezer Standing; Walter Talbot; James Turner; John F. Turner; William Turner; Percy Walsh; John Warburton; Milton Whewell; John Whalley 1); John Whalley 2); Herbert Whalley; Albert Wolstenholme.
Blackburn Times: 8th April 1922.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 8th April 1922.
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The Church was situated on Fielding Street Blackburn. It is now demolished and the memorial lost.
The Memorial took the shape of a marble baptismal font on the base of which was the inscription:
To The Glory Of God And In Memory Of Our Boys Who Fell In The Great War
135 men connected with the Church and Sunday School served in the armed forces during WW1, of these 20 died and their names are inscribed onto the font.
They are:
John Aspin; James Bayley; John Bracewell; Percy Duxbury; Fred Edmundson; Spencer Genn; Robert Henshaw; William Hennessey; Charles T. Howell; Samuel Kenyon; W.J. Laxton; Fred Leaver; Robert McCallister; Fred Mellelieu; Albert Noon; W.E.G. Scholes; J.S. Shorrock; James Stanley; Joseph Taylor; Frank West; John Witton.
The Memorial was dedicated and unveiled by the Rev. W.G. Peck on Sunday 24th October 1920.
Blackburn Times 30th October 1920.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 30th October 1920.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 54872.
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The Memorial Tablet commemorated those men who died in WW1, to it was added the 4 men who gave their lives in WW2. The Memorial was unveiled by H. Pearson and dedicated by the Rev. P.B. Cliffe, on Sunday the 16th March 1947.
There is no further information about this Memorial.
Blackburn Times: 21st March 1947.
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This Church was located on Preston New Road, (Now demolished Memorials lost.)
The WW1 Memorial took the form of a marble and alabaster tablet, on the left of which was the figure of St. Andrew and the right that of St. Michael. The central part of the memorial was of “Hopton wood stone" (a type of limestone) and bore the inscription:
St. George's Presbyterian Church of England Blackburn
In Honour and ever grateful Remembrance of the
Men Of This Church Who Died For God and King For
Right for Freedom and For Peace In the Great War.
The names of the men are:
Thomas Anderson; James Bamber; Thomas Bamber; Joseph Bates; Charles Bell; James Blacklock: Thomas Carr; James Cunliffe; Bruce Ducat; William Eastham; William Fletcher; Robert Geddes; D. Grosart; James Hadfield; Charles H. Hammonds; Robert Kenyon; Robert Kirk; Alexander S. McKeand; Wallace McAlister; Robert McPherson; Willial Patterson; Herbert Raynor; Michael Riley; William Rushton; Alfred Thompson; Charles W. Turner; James Wallace; Douglas Watson; John Wilding; Albert Yates; David Younger.
Their Names Liveth For Ever More.
The Tablet was paid for by the congregation.
It was unveiled on Sunday 19th June 1921 by J.A. Ormerod J.P.
The Tablet was the work of J. Wippell and Co. of Exeter.
Memorial Window
There is a Window to the memory of Lieutenant John Wilding, Killed in WW1. The window has two lights, the left depicted St. George and the right St. Alban. It was the work of James Powell and Sons (Whitefriars) Ltd.
The window was unveiled on 11 September 1920. It was presented to the church by Mr. J.A. and Mrs Ormerod with Mr Ormerod performing the unveiling.
Sunday School Roll
The Sunday School Roll of Honour was presented by William and Mrs Walton and executed by their daughter Isa Walton. It is illuminated on Vellum. It was unveiled on 18th October 1920.
Peace Window
The gift of an anonymous donor. Dedicated and unveiled 29th June 1919 by the Rev. J.H.C. Macauly.
The inscription on the window reads:
To the Glory of God this window
was Dedicated to the Peace after the
European War 1914-1918
June 29th 1919
Blackburn Times: 5th July 1919, 8th May 1920, 18th September 1920, 18th June 1921.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 11th September 1920, 25th June 1921.
War Memorial Ref No.: 54830, 54832, 54833
St. Georges Centenary Celebration 1828-1928 (booklet).
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Tockholes Congregational church is situated on Chapels Lane.
The WW1 memorial is an oak Lych gate at the entrance to the chapel. There is a Aluminium plaque with the inscription:
To The Glory Of God
And In Memory Of
Who Gave Their Lives For
Their Country and Humanity
In The Great War
The names of the six men who died are.
Nightingale, Fred; Hoskin, Richard: Beesley, John; Alston, Roland; Smalley, Herbert.
The Memorial was unveiled by William Kay, of Beechwood, Cherry Tree on Saturday September 26th 1920 and dedicated on the following day by the Rev. D. Critchley.
The Memorial cost £140 and was erected by D.E. Critchley, of Blackburn, (woodwork) and J. Paly of Brinscall (stone work).
There is a second aluminium plaque on the gate for the two men who died in the 1939–1945 conflict. This Inscription reads:
To The Glory Of God
And In Memory Of
Who Gave Their Lives For
Their Country And Humanity
World War II
The names are:
Cooper, John; Caterall, James Victor.
Blackburn Times: October 2nd 1920.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: September 25th 1920.
War Memorial Ref. No. 51354.
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Trinity Wesleyan Church was located on Montague-street, it is now demolished and the Memorials are lost.
The Memorial was a window with three lights on the Montague street side of the church. The right light depicted a woman, representing the dedication and sacrifice they made by sending their men to war. It bore the inscription:
She Gave Her Loved Ones For Righteousness Sake
Took Up Her Cross, And With Great And
Abiding Hope Waited for The Dawn.
The left light was of a knight dressed in armour to represent the men that fought and died. The inscription on this read:
For The Honour Of His Country, For Home, Faith, And Freedom,
He While Loving Peace Went Forth To War
And Laid Down His Life.
The centre window had the names of 19 men who gave their lives. The inscription on this light reads:
To The Imperishable Memory Of Our Heroic Dead Who Fell In The Great War
1914-1918, This Window Is Gratefully Dedicated.
The names of the 19 men:
Ainsworth, E.H.; Bannister, G.; Barritt, J.; Beauchamp, E.W.; Bond, F.; Bracewell, H.; Brown, R.; Carter, W.; Clarke, J.; Ellison, H.; Ellison, J.; Greenwood, C.; Holdsworth, N.; Marsden, J.; Metcalfe, H.; Moore, J.B.; Sharples, W.; Sutton, F.; Walsh, J.
The window was built by Messrs Heaton, Butler & Bayne. It was unveiled on Sunday 8th May 1921 by The Rev J. G. Beauchamp.
There was also a large panel unveiled in the porch of the church by the Rev Omar Pearson, this contained the names of all those from the parish who served in the war, Including those who died, these are omitted in the list below
The names are.
Ainsworth, H.; Ashton, W.A.; Bannister, H,; Bannister, R.; Barritt, N.; Barrit, R.; Barritt, W.; Barritt, Wil.; Bond, G.; Booth, F.; Booth, R.; Bridges, R.; Bury, G.; Charmichael, F.R.; Cass, T.; Clarke, A.; Clarke, H.; Clucas, H.; Coar, H.; Coar, J.; Cumberbach, G; Cooper, N.; Cooper, W.; Cotterill, R.; Dickinson, T.; Dixon, W.; Duckworth, A.; Duckworth, J.; Ellison, R.; Entwistle, J.; Gabbutt, Fk: Gabbutt, Fd.; Gaskell, T.; Gelder, L; Gibson, T.; Gill, G.H.; Gillibrand, T.H.; Goodwin, P.; Greenwood, Rb.; Greenwood, Rt.; Hart, D; Hart, W.; Haworth, R.H.; Heatley, A.; Heatley, H.; Heslop, T.; Higham, J. R.; Hodgson, T.; Holden, A.; Holt, R.; Hope, W.; Houghton, T.; Hughes, J.E.; Hulme, W.A.; Hyde, F.A.; Jackson, H.; Jackson, T.; Jowett, H.; Kenyon, A.; Kilner, H.; Margerison, F.; Maudsley, W.M.; Meadowcroft, E.; Meadowcroft, H.; Metcalf, H.; Nicholson, F.; Oldcorn, P.; Oldcorn, J.C.; Pearson, H.A.; Prest, J.; Prest, T.; Raine, J.; Reeday, J.; Riley, R.; Riley, S.; Robinson, C.; Robinson, R.; Robinson, W.; Rowntree, J.; Rowntree, Jos.; Satterthwaite, F.; Sellers, F.; Shuttleworth, T.; Singleton, G.; Singleton, G.; Singleton, R.A.; Singleton, S.; Smethurst, F.; Smithies, R.B.; Southworth, J.; Spencer, J.; Stafford, H.; Standing, W.; Stones, H.; Sumner, D.; Sutton, H.; Tennant, C.W; Ward, A.; Ward, Fd.; Ward Frank; Waring, H.; West, A.J.; Wilkinson, H.; Wilson, E.B. Wilson, J.; Wolstenholme, J.V.; Wolley, E.; Wrigley, J.L.
On the 1st May 1921 a carved Oak Memorial Desk was unveiled in the Trinity Wesleyan Sunday School by J. Sharples, W. Wooley and S. Taylor. The desk was designed by Mr. Calverly and bears the inscription:
Dedicated In Ever Glorious Remembrance To The Men Of This School Who Answered Their Country's Call In The Great War 1914-1918.
Also included in the Trinity Wesleyan War Memorial scheme was a War Memorial Institute. This was opened by Councillor J.W. Carmichael. The institute consisted of billiard room, gymnasium, reading and recreation room and a separate building for ladies.
The entire scheme of windows, Roll of Honour, Memorial Desk and institute cost an about £1,300.
Blackburn Times: 30th September 1920, 2nd October 1920, 22nd January 1921, 14th May 1921.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 2nd October 1920, 12th February 1921, 7th May 1921, 14th May 1921.
War Memorial Ref. No. 54873,54874,54875,54876,54838.
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The United Teetotal Christian Mission was situated on Barton-street, Blackburn.
The Memorial took the shape of a carved oak pulpit.
A tablet on the Memorial as the Inscription:
Greater Love Hath No Man Than This, That He Lay Down His Life For His Friends.
The names of the 15 men who lost their lives are:
E. Brindle; W.E. Blackburn; J. Coupe; M. Cawley; C. Davies; M. Earnshaw; J. Gorton; T. Hand; W. Harwood; J. Hargreaves; J.T. Leach; J. Lang; T. Lees; J. Rawlinson; G. Thomas
It was unveiled and dedicated by the Rev. H. Hurbert, Church Superintendent, on Saturday 8th July 1922.
The pulpit was made by W. Edmundson & Sons, Bolton Road Saw Mills.
Blackburn Times: 15th July 1922.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 15th July 1922.
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This church was situated on Griffin Street.
There is no description given of this Memorial. It was unveiled by the Rev.
W.B. Milward on September 5th 1920
Blackburn Times: 11th September 1920.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 11th September 1920.
War memorial Ref: 62428.
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