Other Memorials

Battle Of Britain Memorial | Blackburn Cemetery War Memorial | Blackburn Garden of Remembrance
Diana or Christ | Gorse Street Area | Little Harwood Clock Tower | Mellor War Memorial Cross
Order of Good Templars | Organ King Georges Hall | Red Cross Honours 
Salesbury War Memorial Hall | St. Johns Ambulance 
St. Philip's Recreation Ground | Women Police Aid Detachment and Special Constables


Four Of The Few

The names of four Blackburn-born airmen who lost their lives in the Battle of Britain (between July 10th and October 31st 1940) have now been inscribed on the Roll of Honour to be placed in the Battle of Britain Memorial Chapel in West Minster, which the King will unveil on July 10th during an hour’s ceremony that will be marked by pageantry and colour. The names of the men are Sergeant John Burrows, 155 London Road, 77 Squadron; Sergeant Christopher Douglas Evens, 124 Redlam, 50 Squadron; Sergeant Fred J.P. Dixon only son of Lt. Col. F.A. Dixon of Wilpshire and Whalley; Sergeant J.R. Brown, son of Mr. And Mrs Joseph Brown, of Blackpool, he was interred at Blackburn Cemetery.
The Roll of Honour is a volume of parchment bound in leather which will rest on a lectern.

Blackburn Times 16th May 1947, 4th July 1947.

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Blackburn Cemetery War Memorial

The Memorial is sited at the top of the central driveway at Blackburn Cemetery, Whalley New-road
It commemorates those who fell during the First World War and are buried in the cemetery.
The memorial has an octagonal stepped base surmounted by a cross of sacrifice.
Each of the arms and top of the memorial are finished off with an ornamental, slightly oversize cap.  The approximately 12' crucifix is mounted on a base of 5 stone octagons, each smaller than the one it surmounts.  There is a bronze sword on a stone crucifix mounted on a stone base with lead lettering.  An unsheathed bronze sword pointing downwards is fixed to the front face of the crucifix. 
On the highest part of the octagonal base there is an inscription which reads:

To The Honoured Memory Of Those Sailors And Soldiers Who Gave Their Lives For Their Country In The Great War 1914-1918 And Who Were Buried In This Cemetery

The lettering on the second octagon appears one word on each of the front five faces. It reads:

Their names liveth for evermore

There are no names listed on the Memorial.

War Memorial Ref. No. 51308.

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Blackburn's Garden of Remembrance, Corporation Park

The Blackburn Garden of Remembrance is located at Corporation Park. It stands on the left-hand side of the main entrance on Preston New Road.
The Garden of Remembrance was designed by the Borough Engineer of the time, A.T. Gooseman. It was laid out with pathways, flower beds and a lily pond with two fountains, when the Memorial Garden was built there was a sundial in front of the pond. At the back of the pond, where the statue was, at either side were two bronze lion heads with water pouring from their mouths into pools above them were small plaques, which have now disappeared. In 2010 these were stolen and had to be replaced by synthetic replicas. Twice in 2018, the York stone flags were stolen from the pathways. The garden cost about £2,500.
The bronze statue at the end of the garden, which represents “Sacrifice and Devotion" depicts a woman supporting a dying youth. It was designed and sculpted by Sir Bertram Mackennal, 1863–1931 the Australian born sculptor at a cost of £3,000. The statue stood on a stone plinth which bore the inscription

In Remembrance

A new plaque was added to the plinth about 2009–10 with later conflicts add. It now reads:

In Remembrance of
First World War
Second World War
Korea 1950–1953
Falklands 1982
Gulf War 1991
Balkans 1992
Afghanistan 2001
Iraq 2003–2009

The Memorial was unveiled and dedicated on Saturday 2nd August 1924. The procession, which included Police Army, civic dignitaries, including the Mayor, Sir Bertram Mackennal, youth organisations, church dignitaries, choirs and bands etc. started from Northgate and marched to the park. Five mothers and wives, Mrs Brown, Mrs, Lowther Mrs Longworth Mrs Taylor and Mrs Gregory, who had lost twenty members of their families stood by the lily pond and seventy children, some wearing medals who had lost fathers stood close by, also there were three VC holders Percy Dean, William Henry Gimbaldeston and James Pitts.
The unveiling ceremony was carried out by the five mothers who each held the rope that revealed the statue. Canon John Sinker then dedicated it. After he ceremony wreaths were laid by the dignitaries and members of the public.

In 2014, 100 years after the start of WW1, Brent Stevenson of Stevenson Memorials began to lay black granite plaques in the Memorial Garden with the names of those who had died, starting with 1914. Each subsequent year plaques were added with the names of those who died in that year. All the stones should be in place by November 1918. It was a massive and time-consuming undertaking lettering over 4000 names, not only for Brent Stevenson who donated all the material and time, but also for the late Ray Smith who researched many of the names.

Blackburn Times: 14th October 1922, 2nd June 1923, 16th June 1923, 19th July 1924, 2nd August 1924, 9th August 1924
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 2nd June 1922, 14th October 1922, August 9th 1924
Darwen News August 9th 1924
Lancashire Telegraph: 18th September 2010, 30th October 2014, 10th May 2018.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 2231.

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Picture, Diana or Christ

This picture was presented to Blackburn Corporation by John Edmondson of Arley, Preston New Road. The painting, Diana or Christ, was by Edwin Long, R.A. the medium was oil on canvas it measured 121cm by 211cm and painted in 1881.
On the top of the frame is the inscription:

A Tribute Of Admiration To All Those Of Blackburn Who Went Forth To Battle For Their King And Country's Cause and Who by their self-sacrifice and gallantry helped to achieve a Glorious Victory in the Great War,

On the bottom it reads:

Diana Or Christ Edwin Long R.A.
Presented By John Edmondson Esq. 1919

It was placed on view to the public in the art gallery on Wednesday 2nd April 1919. And on the first day was seen by over 700 people.

Blackburn Times: 5th April 1919
War memorial Ref. No.: 54846.

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Gorse Street Area

This Roll of Honour was dedicated to the men of Gorse-street, Holehouse-street, Esther-street, Kenyon-street and Burnley-road who served in the two World wars. The tablet was located on the Corner of Gorse-street and Esther-street, the cost being met by the people of the area. The unveiling was performed by Major R.V. Russell M.B.E. on Sunday the 20th November 1949. The dedication service was conducted by the vicar of St. Jude’s the Rev. W.F. Cummins.

Blackburn Times 18th November 1949, 25th November 1949.

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Little Harwood Clock Tower

Little Harwood War Memorial is sited at the junction of Whalley Old Road and Plan Street.
It is in the form of a Clock Tower. The Design was by architects L.H. Maxwell and G.G. Dickinson, and it was built by John Cronshaw and Sons.  The stone used was Darly Dale brown stone and for the spire green slate was used, topped off by an arrowed wind vane. The four foundation stones for the Memorial were laid on the 27th January 1923 by, front 1; The Mayor, Alderman J.T. Ramsay also on behalf of ex-service men, Front 2; George Hindle J.P. Chairman of the Memorial Committee.
The back stones were laid by Right side Mrs. A Eddestone and left side T.B. Aitkin.

At the top of the tower and on each of the four faces is a clock. It was erected by W. Potts and Sons Ltd., of Leeds. The chiming bell weighs about 2cwt.

The cost of the Memorial was £1000

The clock tower lies within a memorial garden.  The square base measures 8ft 1½ in., the height of the tower is 33ft in height, 44ft to the apex below the weather vane. There is an inscribed panel on each of the four sides. On the front panel is a wreath above which is the inscription:

Little Harwood War Memorial
1914 1918

Below the wreath it reads:

Loved Honoured Remembered

The opposite face to this reads:

Little Harwood War Memoria
This Memorial / Was Erected By Public Subscription / In Honour Of
The Men Of
Little Harwood / Who / Made / The Supreme Sacrifice
In The Great War.
Unveiled by
Major General A. Solly–Flood, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.

 On the other two sides are a list of the 96 men of Little Harwood who died.
On the right-hand panel:

Addison Arthur, Aspden Albert, Aspin Albert, Bamber William, Barlow Fred, Barlow John E., Barnes Arthur, Barnes William E., Battersby Ernest, Beardsworth James, Bird David, Blackshaw Charles, Brackell  Albert, Bradwood Harold, Bridge John, Brindle Robert E., Booth Job, Bowker Harry, Bowker Joseph, Bowling  Albert, Broughton Robert, Bulcock Joseph, Catlow Robert, Clarkson William, Clarkson Frederick, Clarkson Joseph, Clarkson Richard H., Cottam Walter, Cowell Francis, Cumpsty John, Davenport Charles, Dewhurst John, Dewhurst Walter, Dickinson charles, Doughty John H., Duerden John, Duxbury Fred, Earnshaw Mark, Eastham William, Elliott Seth M.M., Embley Herbert, Gillow Thomas, Grimshaw Harry, Hadfield William, Haworth John, Haydock Fred, Hilton Edward,

On the left hand panel:

 Hindle George, Hodgkinson Herbert, Holden Alfred, Howson, Robert, Hurst Thomas, King Joseph, Knowles Edmund, Langstaff Herbert, Lawrence Robert, Leash James, Leaver Fred, Leeming Ralph, Lighterbound Walter, Little George, Lowther William, Marsh Herbert, Mercer Alexander, Mounsey Herbert S., Newell William H., Noon Albert, Ogden Arnold, Pennington Harold, Pennington James, Pickering Henry, Preston Samuel, Preston William, Roberts John T., Roskell William, Rushton Albert, Sharples Victor A., Smethurst Harry C., Smith Samuel, Snailman Thomas, Stoddard Christopher, Stoddard John, Talbot Walter, Taylor Harry H., Taylor James E., Taylor William B., Thompson Thoas, Thornley Joseph, Valentine Joseph, Wade Emmett, Walmsley John, Walmsley William, Waters Frederick, Watson George S., Williams George, Williams John.

The Memorial was unveiled on Saturday 11th August 1923 by Major-General A. Solly-Flood C.B. C.M.G. D.S.O.

Blackburn Times: 24th June 1922, 27th January 1923, 11th August 1923, 18th August 1923.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 3rd February 1923, 8th April 1923, 18th August 1923.
Northern Daily Telegraph 11th August 1923.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 3291

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Mellor War Memorial Cross

The Mellor War Memorial was opposite the Mill Stone Inn, erected on ground given by Henry Smalley.
It took the form of a Celtic cross on a tapering ornate column and plinth. The stone used was granite. There are three large plinths which form steps up to the cross. On each of the four sides of the plinth are bronze name plates with the inscription:

In Memory Of The Men Of Mellor Who Fell In The Great War

The names of the 22 men who gave their lives are:
Beggs, Henry; Blackburn, John;  Billington, Joshua; Clarkson, James; Cook, Eli K.; Gillett, Joseph; Greenbank, Isaac; Greenbank, Thomas; Hamer, Alfred; Hamer, Norman; Hargreaves, Fred; Holdsworth, Joseph; Hughes, James; Knowles, John T.; Marsden, Joseph; North J, J.; Pye, Edward; Rushton, Thomas; Singleton, William; Slater, Richard; Waddington, William; Whalley, Fred.
The Memorial was unveiled on June 18th 1921 by Lord Shuttleworth, Lord Lieutenant of the county.
Memorial books were given to the relatives of those who died and to ex-service men from the village. The books were bound in in blue leather and “presented by the inhabitants of Mellor as a small token of Valuable service in the great war." It contained the names of every man in Mellor who served in the Forces. It had the introduction;

Who whether praise of him must walk the earth
For ever, and to noble deeds give birth,
Or he must fall, to sleep without his fame,
And leave a dead unprofitable name—
Finds comfort in himself and in his cause;
And while the mortal mist is gathering, draws
His breath in confidence of Heaven's applause:
This is the happy Warrior; this is He
That every man in arms should wish to be.


On Sunday 1st of June 1947 the Rev E. Ingham unveiled the WW2 Memorial, which was an addition to the WW1 Memorial cross with the names of the 2 men who gave their lives. They were:
Lamb, James Gordon, Royal Air Force; Holden, Edward, East Lancashire Regiment.

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: June 25th 1921.
War Memorial Ref No.:574

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Order of Good Templars

The Star of Blackburn Lodge1167 of the International Order of Good Templers' war memorial was framed in polished oak made by T.W. Martindale of Higher Eanam. The mount was supplied by The Grand Lodge, Birmingham. All the lettering was done in Gilt, red and black.
On the memorial were the names of 31 lodge members, there is one woman among the names, who served. 5 of them were killed their photographs were inset.

The Name are:
Buckle, W.; Davis, H.; Holden, F.; Holden J.; Gardner, W.; Eastham, C.; Ellison, A.E.; Freguson, G.; Ireland, G.; Irving, J., Johnson, J.J.; Mack, W.; Martindale, A.J. Martindale, F.; Martindale T.W.; Martindale, W.: Moorhouse, R.B.; Rathbone, M.E. Miss; Roscoe, H.T.; Slater, T.; Thompson, T.; Whalley, J.; Woods, J.; Woods, W.

The names of those killed were:
Collis, W.S.; Crossley, Hugh; Robinson, Tom; Smith, Frank; Smith, John.

There is no information of any inscriptions or decoration that may have been on the Memorial.

The ceremony took place in the Temperance Mission Room, Northgate on Sunday evening 4th April 1920. Chief Templar J. Heard unveiled the memorial.

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 17th April 1920.

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Memorial Organ King Georges Hall

The Memorial organ was situated in King Georges, Hall, Northgate.

The organ was erected to the Memory of the late Lieutenant Alfred Nuttall, and the late Lieutenant John Cotton and all the other townsmen who died in the war.

It was erected by Messrs Rusworth and Dreaper Ltd. Of Liverpool to the specifications of Fred Pollard, a local musician, and Dr Herman Brearley, the parish church organist.
The case work was designed by the architects of the Hall, Briggs, Wolstenholme and Thornely together with Stones, Stones and Atkinson of Blackburn and Liverpool.

The formal opening ceremony took place on Tuesday 25th October 1921, and was performed by the Mayor of Blackburn, Alderman J. Fielding the dedication by the Rev. John Sinker, vicar of the parish church. The cost of the project was £12,000.
In 1981 the organ was destroyed by fire being replaced at a cost of £350,000.

Blackburn Times: May 27th 1922.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: May 6th 1922, My 27th 1922
War Memorial Ref. No.: 76518

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Red Cross Honours

The Roll of honourable service which was prepared by the British Red Cross Society contained the names of 19 Blackburn members who each received a letter from Dr. T. Wheeler Hart, of Manchester, County Director of the East Lancashire Branch which read:

“It is with very great pleasure that I forward to you the enclosed certificate of Honourable Service, showing that your name has been inscribed upon the Roll of Honourable Service, in recognition of your splendid service during the war. I congratulate you most sincerely upon this well-deserved honour which has been conferred upon you by the British Red Cross Society—an honour which has been indeed well earned—and at the same time I should like to express the grateful thanks of the county headquarters for the magnificent work which you carried out on behalf of the Society during the trying days of the war"

The names are as follows:
Mrs R.Y. Aitken, joint matron, Ellerslie Hospital, and commandant.
Mrs J.W. Carter, comforts section.
Mr John Dewsnap, secretary men's detachment.
Miss E.M. Dugdale quartermaster, Ellerslie Hospital.
Mrs H. Eccles, commandant, Steward, Ellerslie Hospital.
Mrs R. Hargreaves, head of linen room, Ellerslie Hospital.
Mrs L. Heyworth, commandant, steward, and staff nurse, Ellerslie Hospital.
Miss K. Howard, R.R.C. lady superintendent, and sister in charge, Ellerslie Hospital.
Miss H. Howard, commandant, staff nurse, Ellerslie Hospital.
Miss N. Howard, head steward, staff nurse, Ellerslie Hospital.
Mrs W. Illingworth, comforts section.
Miss E. Karck, head cook, Ellerslie Hospital.
Mrs J. Kay, comforts section.
Mrs T. Mercer, head of laundry, Ellerslie Hospital.
Mr G. Pickup, quartermaster men's detachment.
Mrs F. Pritchard, head of pack store, Ellerslie Hospital.
Mrs J. Radcliffe, comforts section.
Miss N. Sharples, staff nurse, Ellerslie Hospital.
Mrs P.P. Wheelwright, divisional secretary, assistant quartermaster, Ellerslie Hospital.

Blackburn Times: 17th April 1920, 24th April  1924.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 17th April 1920.

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Salesbury War Memorial Hall

Salesbury War Memorial Hall is located off Ribchester Road.
The foundation stone for the War Memorial Hall was laid by the Bishop of Blackburn, Dr. Percy Herbert on the 30th May 1927. The site for the hall cost £500 and the building £3000, All the money was raised by the local community. The architects being Metcalf and Robinson of Blackburn.


In the vestibule was an oak memorial tablet with decretive frame of leaves and berries. On it an Inscription reads:

The Great War
Faithful Unto Death
The Following Gave Their Lives
For God And Country
Their Name Liveth For Evermore.

250 men from the parish served of which 36 gave their lives, they are;
Mjr. J. Tennant Smith; Capt. John A. Dugdale; Lieut. W.F.E. East; Lieut. Harry H. Michell; Lieut. Harold H. Smith; Surgeon Probr. R. MacPhearson; Fred Ward; Sgt. Mjr. Walter Hammond; Sgt. Harry Ashton; Sgt. Alfred Holden; Cpl. Richard Ormerod; Cpl. Frank Eddleston; Lance Cpr. Joseph Turner; Pte. Edwin Baker; Pte. John Bashall; Pte. Joseph Baxter; Pte. James Ellison; Pte. Edgar Fell; Pte N.S. Horner; Pte. Edward Ingham; Pte. R.B. Johnson; Pte. Charles H. Lawson; Sig. Harry Levett; Pte. Thomas E. Lord; Stoker Henry Moore; Pte. Arthur Morris; Pte Fred Nightingale; Pte. Fred Nutter; Pte. Chris Smith; Pte. Harold Smith; Trp. J.L.K. Stones; Pte. Anthony D. Thompson; Pte. E. Timmes; Pte. William B. Topping; Pte. Arthur Walker; Pte. John Wilkinson.

The Memorial Hall was opened on Tuesday 10th of January 1928 by Colonel G.G.H. Bolton, M.C. commander of the 4th/5th East Lancashire Regiment.
The hall, when first opened, consisted of large assembly room, Kitchen, clock-rooms and secretary's office on the ground floor. A large room, used for billiards, and smaller room upstairs

Blackburn Times: 4th June 1927. 14th January 1928.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 42630

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St. Johns Ambulance

The Memorial was an illuminated Roll of Honour to the 17 men and 4 women who died as a result of war service.
The illustrations on the roll were; a knight of St. John, Malta, a nursing sister at Malta, the ophthalmic hospital at Jerusalem, St. Johns Gate, Clerkenwell, London, and a battlefield scene.
The Inscription reads:

To The Glorious And Sacred Memory Of The Members Of The Blackburn Ambulance And Nursing Division Who Died During The Great War

The memorial was the work of P.L.W. Lang, a Blackburn Artist.

It was unveiled in the police parade room, Northgate on Tuesday night June 4th 1924 by Major B.G. Elliott, Divisional Surgeon and Superintendent of the St John's Ambulance Brigade.
No names are recorded.

Blackburn Times: 21st June 1924
Northern Daily Telegraph 5th June 1924.

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St. Philip's Recreation Ground

This Memorial is situated between Sandon Street and Bombay street
It was originally a bowling green and tennis courts.
The project was paid for by Norman Dugdale J.P. and consisted of a bowling green and two tennis courts; the tennis courts were sold for development about 2001.
the Recreation Ground original measured  228m by 119.5m with the courts being constructed by the En Tout Gas Company, of Syston, Leicestershire and bowling green was laid by Messrs. J. Ferguson  the bowling and tennis house was built by Messrs. J.W. Lee of Chorley. 
The ground was opened on the 2nd of April 1921 by Norman Dugdale by unlocking the gate with a silver key which had been presented to him by the contractors. After the opening ceremony Norman Dugdale Rolled the first bowl while Mrs Dugdale and Miss M. Greenwood played the first set on the courts.
On a stone tablet near the gate are the words;

This Recreation Ground Was Made
 For The Use Of The Parishioners Of
St Philip's Griffin
A. Norman Dugdale Esq. J.P.
As A Thankoffering For
Victory And Peace.

There are no names on this Memorial Stone.

Blackburn Times: 9th April 1921.
War Memorial Ref No.: 51307.

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Women Police Aid Detachment
and Special Constables

On Thursday October 27th 1921, at the Police Courts about 300 presentations were made to members of the Women Police Aid Detachment and the Special Constabulary who volunteered for special service and assisted the police during the Great War. Each member of the W.P.A.D and the Specials was presented with an illuminated certificate and a baton. The certificate had the following inscription:

This is to certify that —— served as a special constable of the County Borough of Blackburn and performed duty as such during the period of the Great War, 1914–19.
Lawrence Cotton, Mayor and Chairman of the Watch Committee, Christopher Hodson, Chief Constable

The batons are surmounted by a crown in colours with the letters “G.R." underneath. Then follow the borough coat of arms, also in colours and the words:

Special Constable, 1914–19.

There are 42 names on the roll of the W.P.A.D. they are:
Brown, M.J.; Baron, A.; M'Carthy, A.; Callis, F.; Cooper, L.; Cotton, I.; Crucifix, M.E.; Davis, E.; Farquhar, I; Graham, A.; Haslam, E; Johnson, J.; Jones, M; Jennings, M.; Lomax, A.; Leaver, M.J.; Livesey, I.; Leeming, E.; Lemming, M.; Marshall, C.; Mitchell, A.E.; Morley, M.; Morris, E.; Mercer, E.; Mason, A.G.; Nuttall, S. (hon commandant); Ollett, M.; O'Shea, M.; Pickering, M.; Ramsay, M. (commandant); Richards, N.; Richards, L.; Rigby, E. M.; Rigby, J.; Sharples, S.E.; Standing, B.; Tennant, D.; tenant, H.; Tennant, M.; Tipping, M.; Watson, A.; Wilkinson, H.;
Isabella Cotton died in late 1918 aged 27.

There are 246 Special Constables on the Roll they are:
Hon. chief Alderman Thompson, W.; hon deputy chief, Higginson, J.; drill instructor inspector Mackereth; Airey, F.; Airey, R.; Aitkin, W.J.H.; Astley, J.; Ashworth, W.; Atkinson, R; Atkinson, T.
 Boddy, W.H.; Brown, A.E.; Bolton, P.; Briscoe, C.T.; Briggs, E.; Blackshaw, H.:Blackshaw, J.R.; Burton, T.; Burke, Richard;  Bond, W.; Baines, G.; Baldwin, W.; Boothman, F.; Balme, W.E.; Booth, F.; Bowker, T.; Brothers, Malam; Butterworth, F.
Cam, M; Campbell, J.; Campbell, T.; Carmichael, J.W.; Caton, A.; Charnley, J.T.; Clough, W.H.; Cowell, J.; Croasdale, J.M.; Culshaw, R.; Cunliffe, E.; Cunliffe, F.; Carmichael, F.R; Carmichael, W.; Catterall J.; Charnock, J.E.; Chadwick, J.; Chadwick. J.; Carr, W.; Catlow, R.; Coward, W.; Cumpstey, B.W.; Cotton, J.; Culshaw, W.; Cook, R.; Chadwick, W.E.; Carruthers, J.
Duckworth. F.; Davis, R.; Duxbury, L.; Dixon, C.; Duckworth, J.W.; Draper, J.E.; Dawson, W.; Dewhurst, T.
Entwistle, R.; Ellison, J.T.; Eatough, J.T.; Eastwood, F.; Eastwood, H.; Edmundson, Joseph; Emundson, Joseph; Eastwood, R.;
Ferguson, W.J.; Fair, E.; Fletcher, R.; Forrest, B.; Ferguson, J.; Fielding, R.R.; Farnworth, J.
Greenwood, S.; Green, J.B.; Geldart, William; Gilmore, H.; Garstang, W.J.; Grills, C.H.; Ginger, W.H.; Guest, W.; Gillibrand, R.A.; Goodwin, A.W.; Gidbart, R.; Garland; A.H.; Greene, R.; Gibson, T.F.; Gill. J.;
Hammond, W.; Holden, Y.; Heyworth, L.; hayes, J.; Hartley, A.; Hargreaves, J.; Haydock, J.; Hacking, J.; Highton,E.; Haworth, R.; Haworth, J.; Heys, R.; Harrison, T.; Hoyle, A.; Hodgkinson, J.E.; Haydock, G.B.; Harwood, G.; Horrocks, H.; Harrison, W.; Haworth, J.R., Howard, W.; Holden, T.; Hindle, F.; Hoghton, J.B.; Horsfall, F.S.;Hartley, J.
Isherwood, J.; Ingham, T.; Ingham, A.E.; Ingham, J.; Ianson, J.W.
Jackson, W.S.; Jepson, J.; Jenkinson, J.; Jones, F.; Jones, E..
Knowles, G.; Knowles, W.; Kirk, W.; Kraut, A; Kay, W.T.; Keeling, G.W.; Lewis, J.; Levers, W.H.; Lomax, J.P.; Leigh, H.; Law, W.; Longton, E.; Longworth, J.; Livesey, W.; Leaver, J.; Leaver, T.A.
Morris, J.; Markland, J.H.; Mayers,, J.; Margerison, J.; Matthews, J.H.S.; Morris M.; Metcalf, R.; Maden, E.; Mawley, W.; Moxen, E.; Morris, W.; Moss, W.E.; Martin, J.
Needham, T.; North, J.W. Norwood, C.B.
Oates, A.; Ormerod, J.; Ormerod, R.; Oddie, R.M.; Oldham, W.; Ollett, F.;
Parkinson, G.W.; Pickering, W.; Parker, A.E.; pomfret, E.; Parkinson, H.; Pickles, A.; Pickup, H.S.; Parkinson, C.M.; Petherill, C.R.; Pickup, R.T.; Pickering, E.;
Richards, H.; Richardson, H.E.; Roberts, T.S.; Riley, W.; Robinson, J.H.; Rudd, E.; Riley, J.; Ryden, H.;
Sharples, T.; Street, E.s.; Smalley, G.; Sweeting, J.; Shaw, J.; Sharples, J.; Speight, R.; Smith, W.R.; Stonehouse, W.H.; Schofield, W.S.; Steward, J.H.; Snape, J.; Shorrock, C.; Shorrock, B.; Smith, J.; Seed, W.E.; Sutton, W.; Shaw, J.L.; Smalley, R.H.; Slater, F.; Sharples, F.W.
Thompson, T.R.; Topping, W.; Thompson, W.; Thompson, H.G.; Talbot, A.; Thompson, W.E.; Trickett, W.; Townley, R.H.; Turner, G.W.; Turner, G.E.; Tattersall, W.; Taylor, G.H.; Taylor, J.; Tinning, W.J.; Taylor, J.
Walmsley, J.; Wilkinson, W.W.; Wigglesworth, J.; Wilson, W.; Wade, H.T.; Watson, H.A.; Wilson, A.; Whittaker, J.; White, H.; Wilkinson, S.S.; Wood, G.; Worswick, F.J.; Wallwork, T.; Wheelwright, P.P.; Wolley, W.; White, J.; Westwell, J.; Wild, L.; Walmsley, W.T.; Walker, R.B.; Warrington, L.; Ward, J.; Wilkinson, R,; Wood, T.

Four of the special constables on the list died before the presentation, They were:
Richard Burke, died 1920, aged 57.
William Coward, died 1920, aged 43.
Thomas Albert Leaver, died 1920, aged 56.
Charles Burton Norwood, died 1921, aged 63.

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 29th October 1921.

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