Blackburn Memorials
There is no description of this WW1 Roll of Honour other than being described as a scroll.
There are the names of 285 members of the Association on the Roll 39 of whom were killed.
It was unveiled Late May or early June, 1920, by the general secretary of the Association W.C. Robinson at a Social gathering held in the Co-operative Assembly Rooms, Northgate.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 5th June 1920.
The Blackburn Borough Police and Fire Brigade First World War Memorial was made of oak. At the top is the Borough Coat-of-Arms with a laurel wreath in the border. The date 1914-1918 appears at the bottom. The roll is 5ft (1.5M) by 4ft (1.2M.). It was erected in the Session's House over the fireplace of the police reading room. It was unveiled by the Mayor, Lawrence Cotton, on Monday afternoon of 29th March, 1920.
The names on the memorial are of those who served in the war. They are:
Ball, H.; Barton, H.; Bridge T.F.; Cayton, W.; Crabtree, J.A.; Darbyshire, J.; Dent, C.T.; Dickinson, D.; Duerden, F.; Duffy, W.; Eastham, J.; Eastham, W.H.; Edwardson, T.; Entwistle, A.E.; Entwistle, H.; Evans, J.W.; Fawcet, G.; Frith, J.J.; Gradwell, R.; Harrison, H.; Hart, S.; Hartley, P.; Harvey, W.; Haworth, S.; Heyes, H.; Hilton, G.; Hilton, T.; Hodgson, T.S.; Holden, G.; Holden, J.T.; Holden, R.; Holt, F.; Hutchinson, J.; Hyde, H.H.; Johnson, F.; Langley, R.S.; Lazenby, J.; Little, F.; Loynds, A.; Maycock, J.; McKie, S.; Peet, A.P.; Pollard, J.; Price, T.; Rigbye, A.; Robinson, J.; Rodgett, P.; Smith, T.; Tattersall, E.T.; Thacker, K.T.; Walmsley, A.; Walsh, J.H.; Ward, H.; West, H.; Whalley, J.; Wilkinson, J.;
Moran, W.
Those Killed in Action were:
Collis, W.A.; Colter, S.J.; Dickinson, J.; Grime, H.; Howson, J.; Moscrop, J.; Partington, H.; Pope, H.; Rhodes, A.; Smith, J.
Died of Wounds:
Bradshaw, J.
Its current location is at the Blackburn Police Station,
Blackburn Times 3rd April 1920.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 27th April 1919.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 3297.
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The WW1 Memorial is at this present time located at the old Lancashire Telegraph Office, High-street.
It commemorates those men killed, who worked for the Northern Daily Telegraph and the Blackburn Weekly Telegraph, although these papers were not connected. It was placed in the entrance hall of the Northern Daily Telegraph, Station Road.
The Memorial is a bronze tablet 3ft by 2ft. At the top is a figure representing Peace and Victory. In her right hand is a sword with the point on the ground and her left hand is carrying wreath of laurel. Either side of the figure are representations of artillery, aircraft and other armaments.
Beneath this are the words:
The Great War 1914-1919
In Honour Of The Following
Members Of Staff Who
Made The Supreme Sacrifice
The names of those men killed are:
Pte William Bannister. 9th Border Regt.
Pte Harry Butterworth. 4th East Lancs. Regt.
Pte John W. Farrell. 4th East Lancs. Regt.
Pte Thomas H. Griffiths. 4th East Lancs. Regt.
L.S. John Chindle. 12th Middlesex Regt.
Pte Sam Kenyon. 1st Cheshire Regt.
Pte Albert V. Owens. 1st King's Shropshire Regt.
Pte Harold Potter. 8th King's Liverpool Regt.
Sgt Leonard Rigg. 14th Royal Warwick Regt.
Pte Stanley Roscoe. 6th King's Liverpool Regt.
LCpl William Slater 9th Border Regt.
Trooper Herbert Speed. 9th Hussars.
Pte Thomas Stanworth 1st East Lancs. Regt.
Pte Arthur Walmsley 2nd Welsh Regt.
Pte john Witton. 2nd Royal Fusiliers.
The WW2 Memorial is Located at the old Lancashire Telegraph Office, High-street
The Memorial is an oblong Bronze Tablet.
with the Words:
In Honour Of The Following Members
Of The Staff Who Made The Supreme
Sacrifice In The Second World War
The names on this memorial are:
Gunner Sydney Astley, Royal Artillery
Flight Sergeant Alfred Baker, Royal Air Force
Trooper Arnold Hasler, Royal Armoured Corps
Coder Albert Ratcliffe, Royal Navy.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 6th September 1919.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 42287, 67682.
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The Memorial was located the unions club room, Kendal-street.
It consisted of an illuminated framed parchment with the names of 220 members who served in the forces, of this number 15 were killed. In a central position on the parchment is the figure of Justice, underneath this are the words:
They Fought And Died For A Just Cause
The memorial was unveiled on Saturday 6th December 1916 by the unions solicitor Alfred Riley.
There are no names recorded.
Blackburn Times 13th December 1919.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 13th December 1919.
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The police station was situated on King Street, Blackburn.
The memorial was a board with the photographs of the men from the division who served in WW1. The following inscription was in the centre of the board:
Members Of The Lancashire County Constabulary (Blackburn Lower Division),
Who Served During The Great War
Presented By E. Hamer, Esq. JP,
Alum Scar, Pleasington.
The names on the Memorial are:
Samuel Kerrison; T. Watkinson; Harold Hall; Joseph Pattison; Harold Johnson; John Jones, T.H. Greaves; Sidney C. Cooke; Frank Meeks; Isaac Thomasson; F.F. Stratford; Reginald Arthur William Dennis; T.R. Howarth; W. Blenkinship; Amos Nuttall; Richard Bailey; Thomas Haynes; Daniel Harding; John W. law; John Garnet; T.R. Haworth; C. Connor.
The roll was presented by E. Hamer on Thursday afternoon 10th February 1921, with the chief Constable of Lancashire, H.P.P. Lane, presiding.
Blackburn Times: 12th February 1921.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 12th February 1921.
Darwen News: 16th February 1921.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 54881.
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Oozebooth Mill was situated on Oak Street, Blackburn.
This Roll of Honour was a gold-framed Memorial which contained the names and portraits of 48 men who worked at the mill and served in the First World War. Six of these men were killed. It was unveiled on Saturday night the 5th of April by T. Read the chairman of directors at a dance held at the Co-op rooms, Daisyfield.
No names of those who lost their lives are given.
Blackburn Times: 12th April 1919.
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Ordnance Mill was situated on Ordnance Street.
The Memorial was an oak frame with the names and photographs of the eight men from the mill who gave their lives. In the middle of the frame the inscription reads:
Humble Yet Honourable
Underneath the photographs was another inscription which said:
The Liberty Their Fathers Fought To Win
These Died To Keep.
The name on the Memorial are:
John Aspin; Thomas Aspin; Fenton Burgess; John Grimshaw; Albert Jackson; Harry Maden; John James Robinson; Walter Wren.
The memorial was situated in the No.2 spinning room, and was unveiled by A. Cayley, son-in-law of Sir William Coddington, on Monday 27th September 1920.
Blackburn Times: 11th September 1920.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 11th September 1920, 2nd October 1920
War Memorial Ref. No.: 5879.
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Sited at the Refuge Assurance Office, Ainsworth-street. Lost.
The Memorial consisted of a brass tablet. In a panel, on the left-hand side was a sword, wreathed with laurel which extended the full length of the tablet.
The inscription above the sword said:
Pro Deo, Pro Rege, Et Pro Patria
Let Those Who Came After See To It That Their Names Be Not Forgotten.
On the panel above the names are the words:
Refuge Assurance Company Limited
Roll Of Honour
In Tribute To The 393 Members Of The Staff Of The Blackburn Division
Who Served In The Great War Of 1914-1919
And In Honoured Memory
Of The Following Men Who Gave Their Lives For Their Country.
Then follow 41 names of the men who died, they are:
Pte T. Beasley, West Yorks.; Pte A.L. Berry, Liverpool Sco.t; Pte W.E. Bloomfield, West Yorks.; Corpl. J. Burrows, West Yorks.; Pte J. Cowley, L.N. Lancs.; Pte W. Ellis, Durham L.I.; Gnr. D. Finch, R.G.A.; Bdr. A.H. Fowler R.G.A.; Pte G.W. Greenhalgh, East Lancs.; Pte J. Grundy, Roy. Lancs.; Pte J.G Hartley, Gloucesters; Gnr. F. Horrocks, Tank Corps; Pte F. Horsfall, East Lancs.; Rfn. S. Hughes, K.R.R.C.; Sergt. M. Jagger, West Riding; Pte G. Jackson, R.E.; Pte H.S. Jackson, West Yorks.; Bdr. W. Kenyon, R.F.A.; Pte J. Lamb, Inniskilling Fus.; Pte W. Lingard, East Yorks.; Sergt. A.W. Martin, West Yorks.; Able Seaman H. Messenger, R.N.; Pte H. Midwood, West Riding; Lieut. H.H. Mitchell, East Lancs.; Pte G.P. Pearson, East Lancs.; Pte H. Ratcliffe, East Surry; Pte G. Robinson, R.A.M.C. Pte F. Rule, Manchesters; Lance Corpl. P.R. Russell, A. and S. Highlanders; Pte C. Seed, N. Fus.; Pte F. Sutcliffe, N. Fus.; Tpr. H. Thomas, Guards; Pte H.H. Trafford, Cheshires; Lance Corpl. A. Watt, S. Lancs. Pte E. Webster R.A.M.C.; Sergt. F.H. Whitehead, R.F.A.; Pte Whyte, R.A.M.C. Pte J. Willett, Durham L.I.; Sergt. N.B. Wilson, R.E.; Pte. E. Woffenden, East Yorks.; Bdr. M.E. Wright, R.F.A.
The Memorial was presented by J. Wilcock Holgate, of Wilmar Lodge who was a director of the company and unveiled by Archdeacon Richardson on Thursday 30th December 1920.
it was Designed and made by the Bromsgrove Guild of Fine Arts.
Blackburn Times: 1st January 1921.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 1st January 1921.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 62443.
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In 2009 the Voith factory at Witton closed down. The factory, previously known as Scapa Dryers Limited had been on the site since the early part of the last century and when former employee Roger Booth, heard of the factory's demise he contacted them in order to try and save some of the important artefacts from the factory for the town.
One of the items saved was the 1939-1945 War Memorial, with the names of the fifty-nine employees of Scapa Dryers who served in the armed forces during WW2, of those, six were killed and their names are marked on the memorial with a cross. The Memorial was in danger of being forgotten or being thrown away in a skip. As it was always in pride of place in the factory Roger contacted Stephen Irwin, Education Officer at Blackburn Museum in order to try and salvage it. The Museum agreed to have the Memorial but rather than see the Memorial go into storage, the Museum staff felt it should continue to be used by members of the Witton Community and so they asked Witton Park High School if they would give the Memorial a home.
On Thursday 20th January 2010, former Manager of Scapa, Dudley Cannon, officially unveiled the Memorial in the School in front of a number of guests including Councillor Damian Talbot, Headteacher Dean Logan along with Governors and teachers from the School, Gordon Hebden and Kenny & Kenneth Houghton whose relations are named on the Memorial, and of course Roger, Stephen & Laura Parfitt, Head of History at Witton Park High School, who all helped to secure the future of the Memorial. Pupils from Witton Park School who had painstakingly researched the names on the Memorial also got the chance to speak about their findings and talk to former employees of the factory.
The Memorial is on loan from the Museum to Witton Park High School for the next 18 months until a new school is ready and hopefully the Memorial will have a permanent home in the new school. Anyone can view the Memorial by contacting Witton Park High School on 01254 264551 and ask for Laura Parfitt.
The Memorial is a large metal plate with the inscription on the top which reads:
Scapa Dryers Limited
Roll Of Honour
The 59 names on the memorial are:
Ainsworth, G.; Allsup, H.; Ashworth, H.; Ashworth, P.N.; Bennett, T.; Blackburn, J.H.; Bradley, F.; Buckley, H.; Campbell, A.; Campbell, J.; Carr, J.V.; Carter, W.; Carysforth, H.; Chadwick, W.; Charnley, A.; Crompton. T.; Dickinson, T.A.; Evans, G.; Fort, J.; Green, A.; Hamilton. J.; Hayhurst, W.; Hebden, N. (DFC); Hebson, C.; Hewitt, N.; Hindle, J.; Houghton, A.; Jackson, J.; Johnson, R.; Knott, F.; Leeming, J.; Livesey, J.; Livesey, W.; Longworth, F.; Lowe, D.; Mitchell, M.; Morris, J.; Munroe, A.; McCabe, G.; Norcross, F.; Orme, H.; Parker, H.; Parkinson, F.; Proctor, A.S.; Read, H.; Read, S; Riley, H.; Roper, G.L.; Rushworth, F.; Shepherd, S.; Tattersall, A. Tomlinson R, van Goietsenoven F, Waddington E*, Walmsley W, Wardell J, Webber C.; Whitehouse, T.; Wilkinson, G.
The 6 men who gave their lives were:
Allsup, H.; Houghton, A.; Jackson, J.; Parkinson, F.; Read, H.; Waddington, E.
Lancashire Telegraph: 25th October 2010, 2nd February 2011.
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Swallow Street Mill, now demolished, was situated at Brookhouse, Blackburn.
The Memorial consisted of a carved oak tablet on which was inscribed with the names of 95 men from the mill who joined the forces during WW1. It was unveiled at a dance held in the Co-operative-rooms, Town Hall-street, on the Thursday 17th June 1920, by G. Hindle, a director of the firm. It is not known how many of those 95 men lost their lives. Five of the men had gained distinctions in the war and these men were presented with gold watches by Mr. Hindle.
No names are recorded
Blackburn Times: 19th June 1920.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 19th June 1920.
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