Belgrave Bowling Club | Bolton Road Conservative Club | Central Conservative Club 
Chapels Conservative Club | Darwen Borough Band | Free Gardeners |  Highfield Working Men’s Club
Darwen Liberal Club | Loyal Lodge Institute Darwen | Darwen Oddfellows | Spring Vale Working Men’s Institute
Total Abstinence Club No. 1 | United Service Club


Belgrave Bowling Club

The Memorial was an oak tablet presented by W Shorrock. It contained the names of members who served in WW1. One member and seven sons of members were killed and one died in hospital.
It was unveiled by the Mayor of Darwen, T. Duxbury on Tuesday 15th February 1921.
No further Information Available.

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 19th February 1921.
Darwen News: 19th February 1921.
Darwen Advertiser: 18th February 1921.

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Bolton Road Conservative Club

Bolton Road Conservative Club Located Bolton Road, Darwen.
The Memorial had three large oak panels with gold lettering and surmounted by a Lion.
There are 31 names on the panel, 29 who served and returned, and 2 men who gave their lives.
The centre panel was the inscription;


Then follow the names of the 2 men that were killed:
Aspden, J.T.:  Entwistle, H.
Beneath, in large letters surrounded by a scroll was inscribed;


On the outside panels are the name of those 31 men who enlisted and returned, they are:
Aspden, B.; Aspden, L.; Aspden, T.; Bland J.; Bolton, R.; Bridson, T.; Cooper, T.; Crook, T.H.; Cronshaw, A.; Davis, —; Davis, A.; Duncon, T.; —wistle, R.; Foley, G.; Hollins, M.; H–son, T.; Hewitt, H.; Holden, W.A.; Ho–, E.; Lowe, J.; Marsh, T.; Nevison, W.;Orrell, –; Seed, W.;  Shipstone, –;  Townsend, J.; Taylor,–; Waring, G.; Watson, W.

The Memorial was unveiled by the Rev. Matthias Pilkington on Saturday the 6th March 1920.
All the work on the Roll of Honour was carried out by Messrs. Harwood and Allanson of Darwen.

Darwen News: 13th March 1920.
Darwen Gazette: 13th March 1920.

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 Central Conservative Club

The Central Conservative Club was located on Church Street
The Memorial is an oak board which was fitted to a wall in the Committee Room. The very top of the memorial is not visible in the photograph. At the bottom left corner are crossed guns, the bottom right corner shows a cannon.
There are 86 names on the memorial in gold lettering, 9 of whom gave their lives, these names are not indicated but their names together with their photographs in oak frames were placed along the top of the Memorial. At the base of it were the photographs of the 77 members who served and returned.

Central Conservative Club.jpg
© Darwen Research Group (WMR-80711)
Central Conservative WW1 Memorial


An inscription on the Memorial reads:


The names on the Memorial are:
Ashworth, C.; Aspden, Y.; Aspin, J.W.; Baron, R.; Bibby, E.; Bogle, J.W.; Bibby, W.; Birtwistle, E.; Broadbend, C. St. J.; Brooks, J.E.; Bury, H.; Banks, J.; Catterall, J.; Conlong, T.; Cook, T.; Cooper, J.T. MC; Cooper, T.; Crompton, R.T.; Crompton, A.; Crook; J.; Dalton, F.; Darwen, R.; Ellison, G.; Entwistle, J.; Foley, A.; Foley, G.A.; France, F.; Grimshaw, A.; Hacking, G.P. MC; Hacking, W.; Hall, J.R.; Hall, W.; Harwood, G.; Haslam, J.; Hill, R.; Hindle, H.B. MM; Holden, A.; Holden, J.; Hollis, J.; Horrocks, G. B.; Humphreys, W.; Hutchinson, T.;  Isherwood, B.; Jepson, J.; Leach, H.; Marsden, J.; Moss, H.; Newsham, A.; Nightingale, A.; Nuttall, W.H.; Parkinson, G.; Pattison, J.; Pilkington, F.; Pitfield, Jos.; Pitfield, J.; Pitfield, J.H.; Pitfield, W.; Preston, R.; Preston, J.; Parr, J.; Robinson, W.H.; Rostron, N.; Sharples, E.; Sharples, H.; Sharples, J.; Shorrock, W.; Slater, R.; Smith; W.N.M.; Smith, W.A.; Snelling, S.; Sharples, Jos.; Squire, F.; Sutton, G.; Thompson, M.H.; Thompson, G.A.;  Ward, J.; Watson, G.H.; Watson, H.; Wearing, J.D.; Williams, F.; Williamson, A.; Williamson, A.; Wynn, W.; Yates, A.; Yates, N.; Yates, P.M.
The Memorial was unveiled by Major J.M. Thwaites, M.C., of Bromley Cross, on Friday 22nd August 1924.

There is also a silver plaque with, embossed in to it, an image Britannia kissing a soldier farewell. An inscription reads;


Below the image are two joined laurel branches with an inscription that reads;


There is no further information at this time

Central Conservative Club 2.jpg
© Albert Gavagan (WMR-80711)

Darwen Advertiser: 29th August 1924.
Darwen News: 30th August 1924.
War Memorial Ref. No. 80711

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Chapels Conservative Club

On Saturday 27th March 68 members of this club who had served in WWI were presented with silver medals, paid for by members and friends. The medals were presented by the president of the club Mr. Bentley. Each medal bore the name of the recipient, and the name of the club, the reverse side depicted the Borough coat of arms. Five members of the club lost their lives, there medals were presented to relatives.
The full list of names was as follows.
Aspin, R.; Airey, R.; Aspden, A.; Aspden, L.; Almond, W.H.; Alston, J.; Briggs, R.; Briggs, W.; Briggs, G.; Brindle, J.; Broadbent, J. St. John; Barkway, W.; Berryman, J.; Berryman, J.W.; Bury, J.; Coupe, J.W.; Cronshaw, G.; Clitheroe, W.; Clegg, J.; Duxbury, James; Duxbury, John; Entwistle, G.; Foley, G.; Farnworth, A.; Gillibrand, T.L.; Grime, John; Grime, James; Hollins, W.H.; Holden, J.; Holden, G.; Holden, G.A.; Haslam, J.; Isherwood, B.; Kirkham, A.; Kershaw, R.; Kershaw, W.; Kay, G.; Lawrence, W.; Leach, James; Millward, H.; McCaul, T.; Naylor, J.W.; Pilkington, J.; Parker, R.; Parr, J.; Paul, R.; Pitfield, C.; Robinson, E.; Ramsden, H.;Reilly, H.; Reilly, W.; Rostron, F.; Round, F.; Sandaham, J.; Shaw, A.; Scholes, T.S.; Tibbets, F.; Townsend, J.; Townsend, J.T.; Taylor, F.; Taylor, S.; Taylor, W.R.; Watson, A.; Watson, G.L.; Whittaker, J.; Wych, J.J.; Whitlow, A.; Yates, B.
It is not stated whether the five killed were included in this list.

Darwen Gazette 3rd April 1920.
Blackburn Times: 3rd April 1920

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Darwen Borough Band

The Memorial took the form of a solid oak panel delicately patterned to a design constructed by Messrs. Harwood Allanson and Co.  At the top, in an oval panel, in embossed letters was the inscription:

Darwen Borough Band Roll Honour

Below are the names of 91 members of the club. In a centre panel are the names of 13 men who gave their lives.  No names are given.
The Roll of Honour was unveiled on Saturday 15th November 1919 at the Darwen Borough Band Club-room by Major Carus, J.P

Darwen News: 22nd November 1919.
Darwen Gazette: 22nd November 1919.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 22nd November 1919.

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Free Gardeners

The Free Gardeners had their club room on Hacking Street.
The memorial was a large panel with the names and photographs of the 14 men who gave their lives in the centre. At either side are the names and regiments of those who served.
The names of the 14 men who gave their lives are;
Armstrong, R.; Banks, A.; Eccles, James; Green, H.; Holden, L.; Ingham, R.; Keown, J.; Lodge, W.; Marsden, Walt; Miller, Thomas; Scowcroft, W.; Swarbrick, R.; Walker, T.; Walsh, W.
The Memorial was unveiled by Major Crossley St. John Broadbent on Saturday the 5th June 1920.
No further information at this time.

Darwen Advertise: June 11th 1920.
Darwen News: 12th June 1920.
Darwen Gazette: 12 June 1920.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 62468

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Highfield Working Men’s Club

The Roll of Honour was an Illuminated board surmounted in in a large dark oak frame. The Roll contains the names and photographs of 76 members of the club who joined the forces during WW1 one of whom gave his life.
The work was done by Mr. Kershaw, a Darwen photographer.
The Roll of Honour was unveiled on Saturday 20th November 1920 by Major E.L. Carus
The names of the man who died are not given.
No further information.

Darwen Advertiser: 26th November 1920.
Darwen News: 27th November 1920.
Darwen Gazette: 27th Novenber 1920.

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Darwen Liberal Club

The Darwen Liberal Club is located on the corner of Blackburn Road and Falcon Avenue.
The Memorial is wall-mounted carved oak board in the centre of which, is a large shield bearing a lion rampant facing right, there are pilasters at each side and a broken pediment at the top below this are four equally spaced carved roses.
The 33 names of those who gave their lives are at either side of the shield, the left side with 16 names and the right with 17.

Darwen Liberal Club.jpg
WW1 © Albert Gavagan (WMR-80708)
The Darwen Liberal Club
WW1 Memorial

An Inscription on the pediment  and just above the shield reads;


The Names of the men who gave their lives are;
Barnes, T.; Bowe, G.; Bury, Dr. G.W.; Edge. W.; Fielding, H.; Fish, E.; Flannery, J.; Garner, L.; Hindle, F.; Holden, J.; Hargreaves, E.; Hargreaves, G.; Isherwood, J.; Isherwood, T.; Johnstone, A.; Johnstone, L.; Kay, A.; Kay, H.; Kershaw, J.; Longworth, F.; Morris, F.; McCAnn, B; Miller, H; Pomfret, H.; Thompson, W.; Turner, E.; Walsh, J.; Watson, J.; Watson, L.; Whalley, W.; Whalley, W.; Whewell, H.; Whewell, W.

The memorial is now located at the Darwen Heritage Centre, Railway Road, Darwen
War Memorial Ref, No., 80708.

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Loyal Lodge Institute Darwen

Located at the Provident Hall Darwen.
The Memorial—No description given—bore 75 names, including the 4 names of members of the institute who gave their lives.
It was unveiled on the 3rd March 1923, by the Rev. H.J. Bryan of Liverpool who was the grand chaplain of the order.
No more information at this time.

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 10th March 1923.

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Darwen Oddfellows

Darwen Oddfellows were located in the “Lodge Room” at the Millstone Hotel.
The Roll of Honour to the members of the Loyal Newtonian Lodge of the Independent Order of Oddfellow (Manchester Unity) was unveiled by Herbert Baldwin at a smoking concert, held in the Lodge Room, on Saturday 13th March 1920. Of the 86 men belonging to the society 13 had given their lives.
There is no description of the memorial or names given.

Darwen News: 17th March 1920.
Darwen Advertiser: 20th March 1920.
Darwen Gazette: 20th March 1920.

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Spring Vale Working Men’s Institute

The Memorial was an oak frame in which was encased a white mould. On this were inserted the photographs of 51 men from the club who had served in the forces, 11 of whom gave their lives. Each photograph had the man’s name under it which was inscribed in embellished handwriting by W. Coupe. The photographs were arranged in an oval formation. No names are given.
The Memorial was unveiled by Major E.L. Carus on Saturday 22nd November 1919.

Darwen Advertiser: 29th November 1919.
Darwen News: 26th November 1919.
Darwen Gazette: 29th November 1919.

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 Total Abstinence Club No. 1

The memorial was an illuminated board with the photographs of 8 men who gave their lives. There is no indication of an inscription.
The names of the 8 men are;
Addis, J.; Ainsworth, T.E.; Hacking, J.; Hall, W.J.; Leach, A.; Singleton, G.; Walsh, H.; Wearing, H.
The memorial was unveiled by Armena Coulthurst on Saturday 28th August 1920.
Memorial is lost.
There is no more information at this time.

Darwen Advertiser: 3rd September 1920
Darwen Gazette: 4th September 1920.
Darwen News: 4th September 1920
Blackburn Times: 4th September 1920.
War Memorial Ref. No.: 51335.

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United Service Club

The United Service Club was located at Wellington Fold, Darwen.
The Memorial was a marble slab, fixed into the north wall of an upstairs room in the club. It was the work of Mr. Redmand, of Bolton Road, Darwen.
Inlaid in the ornamental headpiece is a rose with the Ttitle;

National United Service Club

At the opposite corners appear figures of cannons. Below is the general panel. This is surmounted by a scroll in which appears the Inscription;

1914 European War 1919
by the Members of This
 Club to the Everlasting Memory of Their
Comrades and Fellow Members Who Made
the Supreme Sacrifice in The Great War
Greater Love Hath No Man Than This
That He Lay Down His Life For His Country

Emblems of the varied services were ornamented at each corner of the tablet.
The names of the 26 men who gave their lives are;
Aspin, J.; Aspin, W.; Boswell, T.; Bury, T.H.; Duerden, J.; Dinsdale, E.; Dowd, J.; Entwistle, A.; Fowler, R.; Farnell, J.; Goodwin, J.; Gorman, —; Heap, T.; Lucas, F.; Massey, G.; May, J.; Proctor, T.W.; Parr, T.; Rawlinson Capt. J.; Roscoe, W.H.; Shipton, G.; Springfellow, T.; Speak, W.H.; Townsend, J.; Walmsley, J.; Walker, T.
The Memorial was unveiled by Major E.L. Carus on Saturday 25th September 1920.
As part of the War Memorial scheme a large photograph of the first 60 men who enlisted from the club was hung on the east wall
It was noted that of the 280 members of the club 269 joined the services.

Darwen Gazette: 2nd October 1920.
Darwen Advertiser: 1st October 1920.
Darwen News: 2nd October 1920.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph: 2nd October 1920.
War Memorial Ref No.: 62472.

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