The following list has been compiled with kind assistance from Tony Foster, Brian Houghton, Ray Smith, Stephen Smith, Blackburn Museum and Blackburn with Darwen Library & Information Service.
The following resources are available to use free of charge in Blackburn, Darwen, Livesey, Mill Hill and Roman Road Libraries: Ancestry and Find My Past.
For general information about the First World War the following websites are very useful: The Long, Long Trail and the BBC World War 1
Locally, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council are publishing events to commemorate the Centenary in "The Shuttle": Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council
"The Lancashire Telegraph" is also publishing information from their archives: Lancashire Telegraph World War 1
Army, Air Force, Navy
National Army Museum
National Maritime Museum
Royal Airforce Museum
Royal Naval Museum
Royal Air Force Commands
East Lancashire Regiments
Accrington Pals
8th East Lancs
The Lancashire Fusiliers
The Lancashire Infantry Museum
Loyal North Lancashire Regiment
Foreign Interest
Canadian Great War Project
Discovering Anzacs
Finding Names in the Landscape. In Search of Missing Canadian Soldiers of WW1
Gallipoli Association
Information and stories from Europe and beyond
Western Front Association
General resources useful for First World War information
British Newspaper Archive
Forces War Records
Military Family History
Prinsoners of War
VAD Nurses
Wills (British Armed Forces 1850-1986)
Ireland, Scotland & Wales
Ireland - Soldiers' Wills
National Archive Scotland
Scotland's People
National Library Wales
Wales 1914
National: British Library, Imperial War Museum, National Archives
British Library
Imperial War Museum
Lives of the First World War
National Archives
Operation War Diary
Brindle Historical Society War Memorials
Chorley Pals Memorial
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
National Inventory: War Memorials Archive
Ramsgreave War Dead
World War One Cemeteries
War Graves Photographic Project
War Memorials Online
War Memorials Trust
In from the Cold (This group will research anyone missing from the Commonwealth War Grave Commission)
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