Green Lowe SD 688 207
The remains of at least two triple window ranges can be seen in the rear wall of this converted farmhouse.
Robin Hood Cottages/Pinfold SD 685 220
A renovated dwelling on the east side of Darwen Moor.  The rear wall has pairs of separated windows at ground floor level.
Mike Rothwell
Dandy Row, Roman Road SD 701233
Two long rows of early nineteenth century cottages, with some later Victorian rebuilding.  Offset windows can be seen in at least two examples.  A number of cottages have pairs of windows at first floor level which may be an indication of upper loomshops.
To the south on Pot House Lane is a short terrace of cottages, two of which have keystone arch door surrounds and watershot coursing.
Number 35 was possibly double-fronted.  Its loomshop now seems to be part of the next dwelling.
Number 37 is single fronted and probably had a rear loomshop.
69-58 Roman Road, Blacksnape SD 712 217
A long terrace of watershot cottages.  Eight of the dwellings were probably double fronted.  Numbers 67, 66 and 63 all had ground floor loomshops lit by pairs of separated windows.  Traces of infilling can also be seen at Number 62.
An offset window is also apparent at Number 47 in the adjacent terrace.  This could have been the loomshop of the adjoining house.  At the northern end of the settlement is a larger, detached house (Number 81), setback from the road.  One of the windows is offset and there is also evidence of a cellar loomshop.
9-14 Blacksnape SD 713 213
Another terrace of watershot dwellings, now greatly altered.  Clear remains of an infilled triple light survive at Number 14.  Lower down the road, Number 19 has an offset window.  It is likely that this cottage was once the loomshop of the adjoining property.
Mike Rothwell
Two long terraces of cottages constructed with watershot facades. Some of the dwellings have been greatly modernized.
Number 10 has an infilled window and was probably a loomshop attached to Number 12.  Further signs of infilled windows can be seen at Numbers 24 and 26, whilst Number 30, with an offset window, seems to have originally been a weaving shop of the adjoining house. Two of the dwellings also seem to have had loomshops at first floor level.
On the opposite side of the road similar alterations have taken place. Numbers 21, 19, 15 and 3 all have remains of infilled windows, and seem to be conversions of loomshops formerly belonging to adjacent houses.  Over the door lintel of Number 13 is a datestone of 181.
Peak, Bog Height Road SD 669 247
A pair of double fronted cottages with a watershot stone facade.  Both have side loomshops lit by triple windows.
Just to the west is Number 89, Bog Height Road, which appears to have had a triple window in the roadside gable end.  The central opening has been enlarged to form a door.
Mike Rothwell
51, Market Street SD 692 222
The watershot gable end of this shop has a blocked triple light at ground floor level.  There is a corresponding range of windows to the first floor, with one of the openings enlarged to create a loading door.
140, Bolton Road SD 693 217
This appears to be a conversion of a large handloom weavers' cottage. The loomshop has probably been enlarged to form a door and shop window.  Although the rear wall is rendered there is slight indication of infilled windows.  The 1893 O.S.Map shows the cottage as a dwelling with the loomshop narrower in depth.
384-382 Bolton Road SD 695 211
A three storey block, in watershot masonry, adjoining the Bowling Green Inn.  Number 382 has a blocked, square opening next to the present window.
16-18 Bury Fold Lane SD 695 211
The lintels and sill of an infilled window can be seen at Number 18. This was probably the loomshop of the adjacent cottage.  Number 20, which has been heightened, appears to have an infilled window.
Mike Rothwell
Bury Square SD 695 232
Number 2 Chapels is a large double-fronted cottage.  The dwelling formerly had a side loomshop lit by a triple window.  The central opening has been blocked but the sill and lintel remain in situ.  On the bank above is Bury Square, a terrace of four dwellings.  The end cottages each had a loomshop lit by triple windows.  (These examples have been altered since they were reported by J.G.Timmins in 1977).
Beyond the Swan Inn are a pair of dwellings set at right angles to the road.  The larger (Moor View) seems to have had a through lit loomshop with triple windows, and traces of infilled openings are visible on the rear wall.  The single fronted house was probably designed with a rear, cellar loomshop lit by a range of windows.
There were also handloom weavers' cottages at Holden and Knowle Folds.
The latter settlement has been largely modernised since the 1970s, and little now remains at Holden Fold. 
Mike Rothwell
Clough Street SD 700 209
A row of six houses converted from three former handloom weavers' cottages with side loomshops.
Number 1, with an offset window, and the remains of infilling at the rear, was the loomshop of Number 2.  The internal party wall is a later brick structure.
Numbers 3 and 4 were originally one cottage; the offset window of Number 4 indicating the position of the loomshop.
In the final two dwellings Number 6, again with an offset window, is likely to have been the weaving room.  Blocked internal doors between the former loomshops and dwellings have been noted in a number of these cottages.
The facade of the row is watershot coursing.  Random stone is used for the rear wall.
Greenfield Farm SD 703 210
A farmhouse and attached barn at the lower end of Cranberry Lane. The barn has two infilled, separated windows which may have once lit a loomshop.
140-148 Pole Lane SD 706 219
A short row of cottages built of watershot coursing.  Number 144 has a side window formerly lit by a triple window.  The inner window has been filled in but its outline is clearly visible.
Slightly below is Stone Street, built at right angles to the road.  One cottage has an offset window indicating the position of a loomshop.
20-38 Pole Lane SD 703 215
A terrace with at least three phases of construction.  Number 30 has an offset window, while Number 34, a double fronted cottage, appears to have had a loomshop lit by a pair of separated windows.
Sandhill, Bolton Road SD 698 205
A group of cottages which were possibly constructed for handloom weaving.  There are no obvious indications of blocked windows in Numbers 35-41 Bolton Road, although the vernacular qualities suggest a date around 1800.  One of the cottages at Sandhill Fold has a triple light, whilst on the opposite wall, the central opening of the loomshop window has been made into a door.
On the opposite side of Bolton Road, Numbers 32-10, all with watershot fronts, appear to date from the same period.  Numbers 32-26 are single fronted, with keystone arch doors.  The rear window openings are irregular and it is likely that these cottages were designed with back loomshops.
Mike Rothwell