George Ainsworth |  James Ainsworth | Thomas Crooke AinsworthJohn Baynes | Thomas Bertwistle
William Boardman | John Butler Bowden | William Clayton | William George Cort | James Dickinson
John Charles Dickinson | William Dickinson


 George Ainsworth

Teacher; assistant master of Blackburn Grammar School; no relation to James Ainsworth.

James Ainsworth

Teacher; headmaster of Blackburn Grammar School from 1855.

Thomas Crooke Ainsworth

Solicitor; clerk to the County Magistrates, Waterworks, Burial Board and Grammar School.

 John Baynes


Cotton manufactureer at Cicely Bridge Mill; mayor in 1858-9; officer in the 5th Lancashire Volunteer Artillery.

Thomas Bertwistle


Land agent and surveyor.

William Boardman


Decorative artist. One of the sons of Thomas Boardman and Sons,painters and decorators of King William Street.


John Butler Bowden

No Photograph Available
Landowner residing at Pleasington Hall; officer in the 5th Lancashire Volunteer Artillery.


William Clayton


Engineer at Atlas Foundry, Audley; Founded Clayton, Goodfellow & Co.

William George Cort


Surgeon of Princes Street.

James Dickinson


Cotton manufacturer; son of William Dickinson; mayor in 1878.
Engineer and agent; son of William Dickinson; close friend of Vladimir Sherwood.

 William Dickinson

Engineer at Phoenix Foundry, Whalley Banks; designed and built the 'Blackburn Loom'.

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