Employment | Hospital & Health | Law & Order | Working Conditions 
Social Conditions | Institutions | Efforts at Reform | Fire Service | ​The Revidge Tank​ | Alms Houses​

 The first section outlines the health and welfare of Blackburn and Dar​wen starting by a look at how the workforce began to have more leisure time with the introduction of shorter working hours and paid holidays. 
We see how the conditions under which the poor lived gradually improved over the years.  This is contrasted in an article by Alan Crosby showing how the elite carried on their lives. 
Murders, sieges, and embezzlement all feature in the section on Law and Order.
Life in Houghton Workhouse and the building of the Royal Infirmary are both touched on.
The section finishes with a short history of the Temperance movement and its effects on the populace.

Please use the links above to navigate to the section you wish to discover more about.