This was the 30th Week of the Distress, I give a few paragraphs.

Aug. - The Mayor having invited me to accompany him to review some Machinery in Westmoreland, and to go forward for a day or two to the Lakes. - I started per Rail from Blackburn at 8.10 Monday, Aug 18. 1862, taking a Trip Ticket value 8/- and proceeded via Preston up to Windermere where I arrived at 12.30. - I made arrangements to Board at Windermere Hotel (R. Rigg) - and slept at Mrs Taylor's private lodgings. - The Hotel is a first rate place but only suitable for parties with plenty of money and accustomed to high life - but the Landlord is a very homely yet gentlemanly Man. - As Mr Hutchinson did not join me until the Evening, I walked from the Hotel down to the Lake at Bowness, and was fortunate to meet with the Steamer just going up the Lake, - I took a return ticket (1/-) and the Afternoon proving very fine had a pleasant sail, and a good view of the romantic scenery, - We landed at about 2 pm at Ambleside, which I had visited before but the Town appeared much changed and enlarged - There are two Churches the new one, a very handsome fabric, with lofty spire - learnt (afterwards) that the Rev H Marlen, formerly of St. John's was the Incumbent, but was then under suspension for misconduct. - I saw the Rev Gent twice after words with His Wife, Cousin of the Mayor - Having taking a stroll for an hour, - I sailed down the Lake to Bowness, - inspected by permission of the Gardener the most[?] Mansion of Frank Crossley, Esq. M.P. at Bowness, and the pleasure of a walk through the Gardens & Grounds. Thence I walked to Windermere and after a tedious delay of the Train of 1-10 there - was joined by the Mayor with whom I took Tea - and after a little conversation retired to my Lodgings –
[August] 19th Rose at 6. - and went with the Mayor to the lofty hill behind the Hotel, from whence there is an excellent view of the whole Lake District near to Windermere, - thence to Breakfast with good appetite, - Took Trap to Ambleside delightful ride of 41/2 Miles, - called upon Mr & Mrs Marlen who both accompanied us to Grasmere & Rydal Water - Met the Revd J Kelly wife & friend - The walk was through a rich country, diversified with scenery beautiful, romantic & grand - Took Coach (4 Horse) to Keswick, wh: we reached at 1/2 past 1. - called upon Mr Wm Guy, the pencil Manufacturer, who gave us a right hearty welcome and exhibited to us the process of Pencil making from the "Plumbago" - The whole process from the cutting of the Cedar, to the smelting of the Ore to the completeness of the pencil was highly interesting and pleased Mr H & myself in no small degree - Adjourned to the Hotel for refreshments, had a Glass of Wine with Mr Guy. - Had very little time to look at the Derwentwater Lake, as it just then began to rain, -so hastened back to the Coach and took the inside fare to Windermere, - The rain continued all the way and of course prevented us from viewing the wonderful beauties of this District - Arrived at Windermere at 7 1/2 - After Tea rode down to Bowness, thence to the Royal Hotel - visited the Billiard Room - curiously decorated with trophies of the hunting field & sports generally - At home & to bed at 10-15. Tired, slept better than on the first Night. Mrs Taylor - a very quiet respectable person - Bed excellent and clean - Room airy & pleasant for an attic.
The Mayor, this Morning, Breakfast ended and after a nice little stroll to the College, Church and the village generally, took Train for Burton & Holme to view some Flax Works (lately burnt down), and to examine some Machinery suitable for flax spinning & Manufacture. This occupied our time until 11-30 a.m. - After a minute[?] and careful survey, we had a pleasant walk by the Canal side for about 2 Miles, on the road to the Carnforth Station which we reached at about 1-30. The day was oppressively hot and close - and I perspired violently - tho' without any bad consequences - At this Station the Mayor left me for Manchester. - I being minded[?] to have a longer stay returned back to the Town of Kendal and perambulated the place for several hours - the heat having subsided I marched up the Hill side to the remains of Kendal Castle - from which there is a good view of the surrounding country - The Hills around Kendal are a very respectable Elevation - such as our Revidge or Billinge - but not partake of the grandeur or sublimity of the Lake District - The Town seemed quiet enough, tho I heard the operations are in full work - The Ken is a broad and clear - but not deep River, - Upon its banks I observed numerous Peltries, Tanneries & Workshops - I also visited a Weaver's Shop and saw a Linsey-Wolsey Petticoat part Woven - There is a peculiarity about the River which I did not notice elsewhere - After passing the noble Bridge - it divides into Two Streams - that to the left winds round by Castle Street & Castle Hill - the other which indeed is the larger portions flows close to the Town and is much used for business purposes - I noticed that that the Island formed by this Division was well occupied by the Inhabitants as Clothes Drying Ground and was filled with them at the time I visited it - There is a very peculiar, and at first to a Stranger an unaccountable mode of naming the Courts or Alleys Instead of as at Liverpool - giving each place a Name they are simply Numbered Yard No 1 - & so on up to yard no 130 or more - These yards - are passages of about a quarter of a Mile in length - in most cases there are Houses on both sides - In other being very narrow they are occupied only upon one side - They lead principally from the Main Streets down to the bank of the River - Many of them are beautifully planted - with flowers and other vegetables, and all appeared to me to be neat & clean - I left Kendal for Windermere at 7-45 and arrived well pleased with my day's excursion. Note - A reed maker's apprentice assayed to shave me - but having no faith in this nobstick kind of barbering - I allowed him to prepare a Razor - and shaved myself - He was awfully surprised at the swiftness of the operation - and Said he was sure I came from Bolton or Manchester - I lunched at a Coffee House, where a Duck - in bloody pen and but villainously cooked was placed on the Table - however I made a fair Tea for 1/3d.
[August] 21. Thursday - Rose at 6, rain - which continued up to 10 a.m. After a pleasant walk on the Ambleside road and Patterdale Road, - Overtaken by the Coach, which I took and so on to Ulleswater. Met with some pleasant Companions on the journey - The day turned out most lovely and fair - The length of the journey about 14 miles over a most bold & mountainous road, - passed the Kirk stone where there is the highest inhabited house in England - this a licenced Beerhouse, kept by a person called Thompson, - We arrived at the Hotel at about 1/2 past 1 and took Steamer up the Lake, - a most delicious sail - Thence walked to Pooley Bridge & called at the Inn for refreshments, - At the Bridge was recognised by three Itinerant Glaziers from Blackburn in search of Employment. - I relieved them - After a stay of one hour - we took Steamer up the Lake to Patterdale, the Scenery was truly majestic - & fully realised the couplets of Pope.
Hills peep o'er hills - and Alps on Alps arise.
Helvellyn was remarkably clear, - and one Gent of the party ascended at a labour of 3-20 mins. - We returned by Coach having to walk about 2 miles of the ascending Road - The steep path downwards caused in us sometimes a timid sensation fearing the Coach might be upset but the Driver and Guard were experienced - To lifes [?] on the road - Arrived at Windermere about 7 o'clock - got Tea and retired early to Bed.
22nd Friday, Took Rails home
Sepr 1st Fine, but Dull - Immense Excitement The Preston Guild - See Programme.
[September] 7th The Great Guild Festival is gone - and ranks now with the things that have been. Upon the whole it may have been considered highly successful - though on the Wednesday and Thursday the continued Rain spoiled the Agricultural Show, and the Great Trade Procession - On Tuesday, the foundation Stone of the Town Hall was laid with great State & Masonic Ceremony, - The Mayor, Sir T G Hesketh, & a large Body of Freemasons assembled, - The day was fine - The Earl of Derby also was present & many other Gentlemen R T Parker was the Mayor officiated. On Friday the very interesting gathering of the School Children took place in the Park. Weather fair but cold wind, Mrs T & self there. Walked with the Masons in the Procession, our Mayor R H Hutchison & many Bn Masons were present.
Sep. 18th & 19th Two Days at Blackpool. - Magnificent Weather - cloudless days, & warm - The most splendid harvest time ever remembered.
Oct 25th, Saturday, Mr John Withers destroyed himself by hanging he was always a cheerful Man aged 42. I was on this Jury - Verdict Insanity - so ends Happy Jack
Novr 3rd Mr Doctor W. Forrest, died, - aged 52
Novr 6th Disgraceful Riots in Blackburn - a deal of Windows broken, - Military sent for. - This was a Game Riot - belonging Butler Bowdon of Pleasington Laverty Chief Con. blamed & discharged
[November] 10th J B S Sturdy - Mayor, -
[November] 16th (The Mayor) attended the Mayor to the Church accompanied by the Volunteer Corp both Artillery & Rifle - Most excellent Sermon at the Parish Church - & very large Congregation.
Nov 20 Died William Yates, Iron founder aged 43 the son of Mr Yates Senior & origin of the Firm Also old John Starkie, a worthy old Man aged 70 Years - He was uncle to my Wife by Marriage & the father of 25 children.
Nov 30 The Rev D Robinson improved their deaths in a powerful and pathetic Sermon from the Words 'The sting of death is sin & the strength of sin is the Law'.
[December] 4th Installation of Mr Heath - Thankful to be liberated from the heavy duty of the Lodge, Gift of £10.10.0 to the Poor.
Dec 3 - Died much regretted the young and talented Dr James Sheppard, after just completing his professional Studies as M.D. which high & distinguished position he obtained only a few days since in London
[December] 4th Died Mr Richard Johnson, late Sprit Merchant and afterwards Common Brewer
[December] 18th The children - Fanny & Essie returned from the School at Grantham, in good health -
[December] 19th Memorable for the circumstance that thro the Blessing of God, the Property in Mount Street was paid off £33.12.0 less Income Tax - also Little Essy's birthday aged 12 years. -
Dec 22nd
A Day's Work - rose at 7.30 - Prayed & Washed - Down to Shop at 8 a.m. - put Work into order, thence at 9.30 to inspect fixing up Lamp at the New Post Office - thence to Shop - Work - until 11 - thence to the Soup Kitchen, assisted in the delivery of Meal & Flour for St Mary's Ward until 12-30 - To the Shop again 1 pm shaved & ran up to J Eatough's to swallow a crust of Bread & cheese, and a Glass of Port Wine - In the Shop until 2 pm thence to the General Purpose Committee presided as Chairman - Left there at 2-30 & visited with Mr Dean the Clothing Store in Back Lane. At 3 pm attended Meeting of Chairmen & Vice do [ditto] of the Six Wards on the new Scale of Relief - This occupied until 5 pm. - ran down to the Shop for a Cup of Tea, - and remained until 6 pm. - Thence to the Watch Committee to hear the report of the Sub Committee on the conduct of the Chief Constable at the late Riots - very strong Meeting terminated at 7 pm - Thence to the Sanitary Committee - passed Accounts selected Contracts for the 6 months' provender - & concluded at 8 - Thence to the Relief Committee but did not stop - Went to Mullineau [?] and got treated to a score of Oysters, - Thence to the Lodge where I audibly [?] read the Leader on Bright - A glass of Whiskey & to home at 11 pm - Examined Proof Sheet, chattered 10 Minutes with Mrs T. & so to Bed
1862 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes
Feb. 16th Monday After a succession of very heavy storms of Wind prevailing throughout the month of January, we are now favored with fine, calm, clear & frosty Weather - in fact cloudless for some days
Died Feb 25th 1863 - Old Mr Astley of the Dutton Brewery at Blackpool - This is incorrect. It was his son John at Clitheroe who committed Suicide by hanging - Old Mr. A. continued at Blackpool several years & there died above fourscore years old.
March 10th 1863. Grand Demonstration on the occasion of the Marriage of HRH the Prince of Wales, and the Princess of Wales, -
1st A Procession about four miles long,
2nd The planting of Two Oaks,
3rd The Laying foundation Stone of New Exchange,
4th The Illumination, - very good,
5th The Fireworks, - poor, expensive & miserable
6th A Monster Bonfire, on Revidge - under the able management of Henry Duckworth.
In the Evening Banquet &c. in which I got more liquor than I ought to have done.
Good Friday, April 3rd This day departed this Life our excellent and respected Treasurer, Jas Parkinson Esqre after a very short illness. He was interred at Accrington on the 9th - Aged 49 years, - The Relief Committee, and many Gentleman assembled on the morning of the Funeral & escorted the same on the way to Accrington.
March 19th Messrs R H Hutchinson, John Proctor, James Thompson & Joseph Callis, were duly initiated in the first Degree of Masonry. - Two of the first proceeded to P.M. Thompson resigned.
This is a year since I wrote my Letter to the Times and received so large a sum of Money - Though things are somewhat better, there is much distress existing. - I have had many trials - and hence alas fallen into many sins thro heavy temptations. There is no help but in God thro Jesus Christ our Lord - whose blood alone cleanseth from all sin. My Mercies during the year have been great - what has been my return to God. - deep ingratitude and imperfect services, - "O Lord, correct me but with judgment, not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing"
April 21 Died James Hadfield, Grocer, aged 76 years, and old & respectable Tradesman for many years.
April 25. This day Duncan McPhail and George Woods were executed at Kirkdale jail Liverpool, for the wilful Murder of Anne Walne of Ribchester on the 11th of Nov 1862. - Dan Carr had died in Prison, on the first Morning of the Trial Ben Hartley turned approver, and was acquitted - There was immense excitement existed with regard to the Trial and efforts were made to obtain a commutation of the Sentence.
[April] 26th Died Mr Sedgwick, Schoolmaster, aged ___ a worthy & most respectable Man, - and very useful in his day & generation -
All flesh is grass, - the grass withereth & the flower fadeth - but the word of the Lord standeth fast forever.
May 1st Appointment of chief Constable in place of Mr Laverty -
Mr Potts | } | |
Mr Tattersall | } | Candidate |
Mr Summersgill | } |
[May] 9th David Thornber left.The Watch Committee met at 7 o'clock 27 were present, After a long discussion Mr Summersgill's name was struck off - and on the other Two being put Mr Potts was declared elected. - In the Evening I was most grossly insulted by Mr Hy Backhouse, Mr B. Sandford & Mr Tattersall, because I would not sacrifice the interest of the Town to personal feelings
May The following persons died in the course of about 10 or 12 days
Mr Wm Brennand, | } |
" Geo Walsh | } | all of whom were in the prime of life - but |
" John Hebden | } | injured their health by Intoxicating Liquor. |
" Douglas Baron | } | |
" Thomas Pemberton | } |
May 24th Whit Sunday - Weather cold and dry - E.W. [Easterly Wind] Went with Mrs Tiplady to visit Misses Callis of Bolton - painful foot - At Bolton Church in the Morning - No Sermon - Hymns very long.
On the following day rode to Slaidburn My first visit - The Club day - Procession to Church - visited Dunnow the residence of Leo Wilkinson Esqre - spent a very pleasant day & returned home to Bn. at 8 o'clock pm - This Day there was a Grand Review at Bn. - All things went off well.
June 22nd. Meeting of the Mechanics Institution rather strong discussion on the appointment of the Officer - Good Speech from Mr Woodhouse, - Mr Sturdy in the Chair, - Baynes, Hutchinson, Livesey, Thompson, Booth, Proctor, Tiplady, Gourlay and other spoke - All concluded peaceably.
A heavy fall of rain in June about the 15 & 16th Days. The river much swollen.
[June] 23rd 55th Birthday - very fine Morning - In good health and all the family. Thank God. Down to Ribchester with Wife & two Daughters delicious day & very fine visit - Bad in my Water, & obstruction from Stone
[June] 25 Was probed for the stone - very painful - Will have to be cut - passed a Stone afterwards
[June] 26 paid Dr Rushton £31.17.8 for the Societys Books.
July 2nd. Notice of Action delivered in Laverty's Case Damages £2000 - always some bother.
[July] 6th Glorious fine July - Was favored with a Letter from Richard after a months delay. - In good health but cannot come home this year.
[July] 7 to 11th Exceedingly fine, hot & dry -
[July] 11th Died Richard Greenwood, much esteemed left Eight Orphan children - aged 47 Years.
[July] 20th Visited Manchester at a Sale where good Bargains might have been made but had not money to spare. In the Evening visited Belle Vue and the Magnificent fire Works, which surpassed any thing I ever witnessed, - Home with Mrs T. at 1.30 am. 21st The Weather Glorious
Up to this day July has been one of the driest, most Sunny and delightful seasons ever remembered. The Hay Harvest in very early and quite concluded in July. There was a day or two's rain after the 20th but the 6 last days were Magnificent - Fruits beautiful -
[July] 27th James Bury died - aged 38.
Thursday the 30th [July] John Dean treated a large Company of his friend to a fishing excursion on the Ribble at Lytham. Weather Grand.
Aug 2nd Very fine. Went to Langho Sermons - very good singing - and a plain homely discourse.
Letter from Son Richard to his Mother, all well, thank God, - sent £15.0.0 to his Mother
[August] 13th Went down to Liverpool to consult Mr Meakin on my Complaint the Stone - He gave me some Decoction of Herbs, -
[August] 14th Urine - 4-30 - very Muddy which after lying until cold, settled at the Bottom - as of from Inflammation
[August] 28th Borrowed of my Son Richard the sum of Fifteen Pounds, to pay my Insurance Premium -
Sep 10th Clithero[e] Show, - very well attended went to Worthorn, - by myself
[September] 13th Mr Littlewood Died aged 70 - a good Man.
[September] 15th Mr Horrocks died suddenly. Tailor & Draper
[September] 16th Mrs Tiplady went to Scarborough, and on the 19th (Sat) I followed. The Day was very dull and when the Train reached Scarh. it rained heavily. I had some difficulty in getting to my Lodgings, but arrived safely and was welcomed by Mrs C. about 1/2 past 8 o'clock; After Tea, I rested - In the Morning to Church (Xt [Christ]) Aristocratic Assembly - Collection - Noticed that the Beadle was purloined[?] to find sittings tho' there was plenty of room, In the Afternoon took a long walk round by the Castle Hill and on to the Pier, - Saw a French Sloop of War, the "Cuvier" fully manned - Evening at Home. -
Monday after Breakfast sailed on board the Confidence to Whitby - fre [fare] 1/-. The day at first gloomy - afternoon very fine - visited the fine old Church & Abbey - had to walk up 200 Steps to the church - Whitby in some parts is not unlike Douglas in the Isle of Man. The old part is very ruinous - the new part beautiful The Harbour is very strong & piers neatly built
We also at this time visited Bridlington and Filey & other places and returned to Blackburn on the 26th September.
Killed on the Accrington Line Mr Daniel Leach one of the Members of the Clayton-le-Dale Lodge A very worthy Man. He leaves a Widow & 2 children to lament him.
[October] 12th At Whalley in the Afternoon with Mrs Tiplady a nice walk and Tea at Lamb Row -
Nov 2nd Re-elected a Councillor for St Johns Ward without much opposition, cost about £12.0.0
Mem. Nov 27th 1863. Sent off this day the sum of £73.3.0 being the amount of money in the Bank, and owing by me to Miss Jane Tiplady of Atherstone! - also the Scrip for the Shares in the Darwen Gas Company. -
Dec. 8th Died Mr James Bolton at the Old Bull Inn, - very unhappy with his Wife, in consequence of her unfaithfulness
Dined this Evening at Lovely Hall, the seat of the Mayor, Thomas Lund, Esqre - a very quiet and pleasant Company comprising his Worship and Mr George Lund - the Rev Archdeacon Rushton, Jas Pilkington Esq. M.P. - Wm Pilkington, Esq. - Aldn Stones, Coddington and Grime; - Councillors, Jas Lewis, Tiplady, Smith, T.H Pickup, - Cartwright, Polding, Yates, Shackleton, and J.B. Sturdy.
Dec 26th St John's, large Meeting of Free Masons.
[December] 29. Dined with Mr Hutchinson, who presented T Butterfield with a neat silver cup in token of his services to the Soup Kitchen
1863 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes
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Jan 1st 1864 - The year commenced with a clear bright frost which lasted for Eight Days without rain or snow.
Thaw on the 10th [January] very mild - frost resumed 12th.
James Sagar Died - also Joseph Martland formerly Apprentice to W.H. Hornby - Both I am sorry to observe by habits of Intemperance - God grant us grace to restrain - 7th [January].
Took £20 to the Saving's Bank belonging St John's Female Friendly Society -
Feb 4th Letter from Son Richard, who intends coming home, in May this year, - health pretty good - a Salary of £300.0.0 per annum
[February] 7th Sunday, Richard's 21st Birthday, - We held a quiet festival in honour of the Event and thanked God for all his gracious dealings with him and us. - My Wife recovered from severe attack of Bronchitis.
Shrove Tuesday 1864
[February] 9th The ever memorable day when I narrowly escaped death, but was mercifully preserved -
Hard frost from the 3rd Inst - Reservoir for the second time - clear & bright with little snow.
The most remarkable thing about this Winter's frost is that they occurred during the dark "Moon"
[February] 12th Storm of Wind, Snow, Rain & Sleet - very cold.
Meeting of Water Works Co. Row with the Bury Shareholders about the creation of new shares.
Also this Day the following Memorandum -
I agree to sell to Mr William Stones, the three Houses in Mount Street, with all the Gas & other Fixtures therein, (Metres excluded) and to give possession of the same on the 12th day of May next for the sum of Seven Hundred Pounds, which sum has to be paid on the execution of a Conveyance.
Feby. 12th 1864
As witness my hand the day above written
Charles Tiplady -
I agree to purchase on the terms above mentioned
William Stones -
March 10th 1864 The Annual Meeting of the O D Gas Company - a pleasant day with the Directors. Six per cent declared.
Mr Richard Walker, aged 80, - Mr William Bradley 87 - Mr William Moore, 67, and Mr Alexander Blundell - aged 60 years - all died within a few days of each other - They were all Men greatly respected, and well known in the Town.
[March] 16th Sale of James Boyles Shop in Salford also Richard Moor's, Bought by Dutton & Co for £5270 about £4000 of a Bargain to the Owners.
[March] 17th William Mitton, an humble but faithful old Servant of Mr Hopwood, died suddenly in the Street -
[March] 18th Died this Morning after a long and painful illness Miss Margaret Hartley, the daughter of the late Rev. W. Hartley of Balderstone, a fine young Woman and one of whom we thought very highly - Aged 21 yrs.
Fearful accident, by the bursting of Bradfield Reservoir on the Evening & Morng of March 11th & 12. More than 200 people drowned.
Good Friday. - (March 25th) Exceedingly fine & clear day. Vast Multitudes left the town for cheap Trips to the Sea Side & other places. - Parish Ch: Morning - Aftern home, Mr L Clarke of Preston visited us, - also Rev L. Preston.
[March 26] Saturday very fine & throng - being Easter Eve.
Easter Sunday [March] (27) cold - Morning fine but indications of change, snow in the Evening & very winterly - Rev P. Graham preached at Holy Trinity a magnificent Sermon, on the faith once delivered to the Saints
[March 28] Easter Monday - wet, windy & as cold as need be. Died Dr Martland, - aged 69. Much respected, 45 years practice in the Town -
[March 29] Easter Tuesday - Good Meeting of the St John's F Friendly Society - Mr Smith & Mr Wallace attended
Died Roger Pomfret - Rope Manufr - Charles Whitworth cheese Factor - Mrs Cardwell Inn keeper Craven Heifer; -
April 2nd The New Workhouse inaugurated - Dinner to the Inmates. - Afterwards celebrated at the Old Bull by a Grand Dinner & Expensive Dinner -
April 14th 1864
I this day underwent the operation for braking [sic] the Stone in the Bladder, Dr Thos Pickop officiated assisted by Dr Smith, - I was 2.40 min under the first operation some stones were ejected I afterwards submitted to two more operations of a very painful character, the Latter of which reduced me to the very point of death, and from the effects of which I did not recover untill the month of August undergoing in the meantime the most agonising pains & sufferings about the 10th of June I went with Mrs Tiplady to Lytham, where I sojourned 7 weeks part of the time I was with Mrs Harwood, late Nancy Procter, an old Servant of ours - afterwards at P Walmsley's where I did not like - then to Mr Knox's the Draper a good place - Lytham is a nice quiet place for an invalid - Upon the whole I recreated strength but July was hot, & brought on a fit of bile & loosening Mr Hastleton a Druggist there prescribed for me very successfully, I left Lytham Friday July 28th and came to the New House in St Alban's, which I like very well. -
Note I bought this House for £300 from Mr Backhouse. It was considered a Bargain.
On Tuesday the 2nd [August] my Son William, left home to meet his Brother Richard at Southampton, and on Friday the 5th Day of August, my dear Son Richard safely landed and visited home after an absence of 6 years & three months. He is grown a fine Manly young fellow, about the size of his Brother Charles and very like him in voice and other resemblances. - His arrival was the signal for a joyous Home festival, wh: was then particularly celebrated on Sunday the 7th when all my children dined with me and were very happy.
In the meantime I was gradually regaining lost strength and thro the mercy of God, and the kind attentive nursing of Mrs T am partly recovered (Aug 15th) our Marriage day. -
On Thursday 11th [August] Died in Anvil Street most suddenly Mr George Callis, my Brother-in-law of heart disease.
During the Months of Sept, Oct & November, I was shut out from the world & suffered dreadfully from an enlargement of the Liver and other Complaints which reduced me to the verge of the grave - so much so that I was given up by all - but ultimately by God's providence was gradually built up again - & on the 12th Day of November a change for improvement took place - During this season of great and severe sickness I was carefully nursed by my excellent Wife, who for months had watched over me with tender solicitude & unwearied diligence - My spiritual Advisers were Dr Rushton the vicar, and Dr Robinson of Holy Trinity and in their presence and Mrs Rushton took the Sacrament, as being as it were my last public service of the Church Dr Thomas Pickop visited me at times and prescribed and had I believe the concurrent assistance of many able men of the faculty, all of whom knew of my illness - These good Men have all gone Since to their eternal rests, and I yet remain an instance of the sparing Mercy of Almighty God.
1864 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes
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1865 - Jan 2nd
Through the Mercy of Almighty God - I am still in being, having passed thro one of the severest ordeals that a human being could suffer. - For the last 8 weeks, my strength has gradually returned - but yet I am only thin of flesh & weak of Limb - But I must wait in patience & leave all to Him, - in whom we live and move & have our being -
Weather 31 Decr morning damp - Jan 1 Fine Day hard frost - 2nd excessively cold with much snow.
Jan 22nd At St Michael's afternoon Mr Pengelly - He every one that [?] good sermon
Jan Mr Walter Watson accidentally drowned in the reservoir at Stone Bridge Mill - Aged 35 great sensation caused thereby -
Wrote Annual reports for Widow & Orphans Do New Assurance Society
[January] 29th & 30th Very heavy fall of snow, none larger since 1861 - Back Garden & Yard very full.
The Thaw was very partial, so about the 4th [February] a very hard frost set in, with wind E & N E and generally a clear but exceedingly cold atmosphere, which I was little able to bear.
Feb 7th Richard's 22nd Birthday - We had letters on the 8th from Brazils (all well) including £50 for certain Articles wh: he bought when over
This Day Died in his chair very suddenly Mr Councillor Edward Holroyde aged 56 years, a Man highly respected by his colleagues in the council and by all the Public.
[February] 8th Died Miss Carr, very aged, (say 86 years) one of the old Links of a bygone Generation.
Feb 17th Friday - Sad accounts from Scotland of the great severity of the Winter - large falls of snow, & storms. This day it snows very much in Bn and we have not had so much snow for many years. The frost is sharp
[February] 16th Died Miss Longworth - also Cardinal Wiseman aged 63 years. -
My health feeble - received from Tradesman's £9.7.2 for salary & work. -
[February] 17th to 20. Exceedingly severe frost with large falls of Snow. I fast at home, very feeble, but upon the whole holding on for warmer weather. -
[February] 19 Anniversary of P Aid Society - Hail, sleet snow, rain, wind & Thunder, a very rough day - more moderate p.m.
Feb 23rd The old Tradesmans Society broken up, and the money divided, the amount each Member was £31.3.6 less 1/5 for a widow, All this time I had been very ill, The President, Stewards & Trustee, made an intermingling of accounts which was very unpleasant & caused many reflections to be passed upon the Secretary - The Books of the Society were ordered to be burnt in the presence of Mr John Robinson Trustee & Mr Brogden who was called to assist at the division of the funds. - Mr Adam Balshaw was the President at the time of the Winding up of the Club. - I have enclosed the accounts sent out to each Members, I got my Money on the 28th Feb. - A more uncomfortable transaction has not happened for a long time
[February] 27th St Mary's Ward Election, Mr Stafford elected in the room of Mr E Holroyd
The Grand New Organ of St Peter's Church open by Mr Best of Liverpool, splendid performance, very successful Event.
[February] 25th Died & Buried this day, Mr Heywood a great supporter of Mr Hornby Wednesday March 1.
March 5 (Sunday) St Michaels in the Afternoon. Good Sermon by the Curate.
[March] 8th Letter from Richard - (all well) thank God -
[March] 9th The Annual Meeting of the O. D. Gas Company. - All the Directors present, Dined at Mrs Smalley's - £7.0.0 per cent dividend Declared - Tired at night as the Weather was cold. -
[March] 10th Fall of Snow - very cold weather -
A few days since Miss Mary Pilkington, youngish daughter of the Member, married Major (?) Flynn an Irish Man, much to the annoyance of her parents and friends -
The month of March exceedingly cold & stormy especially from the 16th to the 25th [March] Lady Day when there fell a large quantity of Snow.
[March] 25th Confirmation at the Parish Ch: by the Bishop of Manchester - Essy & Henry my youngest Son & Daughter were confirmed - very wet & stormy.
Health Moderate - Thank Aly God for his great mercy. -
A dreadful March until the 28th or thereabouts thence calm and mild -
Died at London April 2nd Richard Cobden Esq. the great advocate of the Repeal of the Corn Laws. universally respected -
[April] 4th - John Barlow - formerly an Overlooker at Brookhouse but lately partner with Hy Shuttleworth & Co. hanged himself - it is said by reason of reverses in business.
[April] 1st Mrs Critchley died - an excellent person - the wife of Mr Critchley the Druggist -
Health problem - Bowels disordered.
April 11th Down to Whalley with Mrs Tiplady a very pleasant day and warm - did me much good
[April] 14th Good Friday - 12 Months this day since I had the operation performed - since which time my sufferings have been very severe - I attended Church & Sacrament this day -
[April] 16th Easter Sunday - a Magnificent day -
The fair well attended - Thunder Storm in the Evening - & great change in the Atmosphere.
[April 18] Easter Tuesday - the usual Tea party at St Johns F Friendly Society - I took cold with the East Winds -
Wed - 19[April]. Thomas Lund, Sec of a Co-op committed for forgery & Embezzlement - His furniture [?] & establishment broken up.
[April] 26th Special Council Meeting - Present - Mr Charles G. H Beck, solicitor of Worcester was elected Town Clerk in the room of Mr Saward discharged - 22 to 12.
[April] (14th) President Lincoln assasinated [sic] in the Theater at New York - General Lee surrendered to Grant.
My health rather better in April
[April] 25th Attended the funeral of the late Joseph Pearson at Balderstone - There was a procession of Masons at his funeral. - About Ten went forward.
May 4th Thursday. This day I went to Manchester & thence to Denton to the Anl Prov Grand Lodge of Masons, and travelled in the whole by Rail & Bus, about 70 Miles - Was much fatigued but all right on the (5th) - The only person from person from [sic] Bn was Mr Richard Eaves, whose death will be found entered in its proper place a very excellent Christian & a consistent Free Mason.
May 20th, (Saty) 1865 - Funeral of Le G. N. Starkie Esq. R W. Prov G. Master of West Lancashire, at Padiham.
This day I was present at one of the magnificent though mournful spectacles wh I ever witnessed viz the funeral of Mr Starkie - The Freemasons attended in large numbers with nearly the whole staff of the Prov Grand Lodge - The day was exceedingly fine & beautiful - The funeral cortege consisted of 250 Masons from Liverpool, Preston, Blackburn, Burnley, Clitheroe, Accrington, Harwood & other Towns. - The Company consisted of the principal Gentry & Magistracy of the county - including L Gen Scarlet, Lord Abinger, Townley Parker, C. Townley, Joseph Feilden & many others - the Tenants mustered about 200 strong, and then nearly forty Gent Carriages in the Procession. - The Guests were invited to the Hall at 11 am, and a large Tent was erected for the special accommodation of the Masons. Breakfast of a sumptuous character was provided for all who attended. After wh. Captain le Gendre N Starkie paid his respects to the Company. - The Cortege left the Hall at 12.45 and proceeded to the Ancient parish Church of Padiham where the Burial Service was read in a very feeling & effective manner, - The Choir sang "Vital Spark of heavenly flame" in a most delightful & solemn Manner, - Thence the Procession moved on to the Cemetery & about 2.30 his remains were consigned to the Tomb. The Masonic Oration followed & two Anthems were sung & the Doxology. The whole affairs was inexpressively grand & solemn & the whole population of the Town seemed to have poured out onto the Streets to view the Procession.
June 4th 1865
Whitsuntide was ushered in with the usual festivities The weather was exceedingly fine & genial - There were very cheap Trips to York and other places. Mrs T & children went to York - W. to Whitewell - C to Hodder Bridge - Myself to Sawley - Mr & Mrs H to Blackpool & all arrived safely home.
Thursday June 8. To Lytham & Blackpool -
Reported in the paper three Dreadful Railway Accidents resulting in the death of nearly 30 persons & 50 Wounded more or less -
[June] 11th Sunday 12 a.m. or noon Departed this Life my old Neighbour & Friend, William Hart, Esq. Spring Hill, aged 67 years - For a long period we were united at St John's School as Superintendents and also in the Management of the Female Friendly Society. He was exceedingly kind to me in my late sickness visiting me very frequently & always bringing some little present, I sincerely hope he is now at rest -
[June] 16th W. Hart interred at the Cemetery. Attended the funeral - about Ten present besides the family, as E Baynes, C Parkinson &c
[June] 18th At St Johns, where the Rev J Smith Incumbent delivered an affecting Sermon wherein he paid a tribute of respect to Mr Hart, and to the Teachers of the Thunder Alley School.
[June] 23rd (Aged 57) Praised be God for all his Mercies. Treated the children, say, F & E & C & Henry with Mrs T, to a Drive Ribchester, Langho, Whalley Lamb Row where we had Tea, - Rain fell about 5 o'clock - very acceptable to the Farmers.
A Most Glorious & Magnificent June -
Electioneering beginning - Sound of a Contest -
[July] 11th Mr George Stones died aged 56 years
The Election
| Wm Hy Hornby, Esq. | 1,053 |
2. | Joseph Feilden, Esq. | 938 |
3 - | James Pilkington, Esq | 774 |
4. | John Gerald Potter, Esq | 5 |
| | [227]
Now there is one thing to note about this Election. There appeared to be a perfect understanding that there should be no contest - but one Ernest King the printer of the Bn. Times thought otherwise & so Mr Potter was brought forward to put in 2 Liberals - but the opinion of all moderate Men was against him. The upshot was that Mr Feilden of Witton at the eleventh hour was carried one of the Members for Blackburn, and James Pilkington Liberal who had served the town 17 years was thus thrown out by the folly and obstinacy of the extreme Radicals.
Sunday July 16th Reopening of Great Harwood Chu. attended Afternoon and Evening - Sermon in the Afternoon - "One Thing is Needful" plain, practical Discourse, and earnestly delivered by the Revd J Baker - Evening - Sermon by Revd G Beardall, very eloquent and impressive discourse - Text Malichie [sic] The Coming of the Lord to his Temple - I walked there wonderful strength, the Lord be praised - A Quire of Singers from St Peter's & St John Attended & sang some most beautiful Music - The Collection amounted to more than £64.0.0.

Visit to Lytham, Aug 26 Saty Left Bn for Lytham with Mrs Tiplady, and stayed with Mrs Harwood - Sunday dined at the Ship - 28th to Blackpool & had a sail - also a Bath - 29th In Lytham, 30 to Fleetwood & Furness Abbey - very fine day & delightful out & home at Night - Stayed in Lytham until the 9th September & then home in safety - Attended a Lodge on the 6th
This Sept the weather has been magnificent & fine also extremely hot. - this the 17th Day as hot as any
On the 13th [September] Died Mr Ellis Heath one of the Brethren of our Lodge - aged 48 years Interred with Masonic Honours. Also George Baron, Innkeeper, Both interred same day.
[September] 22nd Died Mr J D. Bolton a PM of 269.
[September] 25th Presentation of beautiful Silver Cup to John Dean, Esq Councillor for St Marys Ward.
[September] 27th Wednesday, The weather continues remarkably clear and fine. At Mid-day very hot indeed. On Monday there was a cloud of Midges or small Flies - in immense quantities - Rain has fallen and only twice this Month in Bn. - The Mills are closed for want of water - and the reservoirs are nearly dry. In short it is the hottest finest and driest September ever remembered, and the traffic on the Canal partly stopped
This Saturday the 30th of Sept concludes one of the driest seasons ever remembered. - The Water Works Co are nearly dried up - and the people have to get Water from pumps, old Wells & springs wherever they can get it. It has been also excessively hot. -
Oct 6th At O. Darwen to Eccleshill to settle upon route to Hoddlesden with new pipes, (Gas) thence to the Commercial Inn. At Dinner was nearly choked by a piece of Rabbit.
[October] 8th Sunday After an unprecedented Season of Drought there are this Morning indications of change - Water is much wanted.
[October] 3rd Witnessed the Installation of Sir Thos G. Hesketh at Preston - not as imposing as at Leeds - thence to the Exhibition where I was very much gratified.
Oct 18th St Lukes Day - Died Lord Palmerston the prime minister aged 80 years - had he lived to until the 20th he would have been 81.
Died about this date Wm Sames Esq PM
The glories of our earthly state
Are shadows, not substantial things,
There is no armour against Fate
Death lays his icy hand on Kings
Sceptre & crown
Must tumble down
And in the earth be equal laid
With the poor crooked scythe and spade.
Sunday 22nd [October] The Annual Sermons of Holy Trinity Church. Two eloquent Sermons by the Rev Mr Quirk of Over Kellett. In the Morning from the psalms, in the Evening from Genesis - Ishmael. The preacher is a very talented Man, full of great power & language, his views sound his doctrine scriptural - his delivery very impressive. He is also an excellent Reader, in fact, quite a treat to hear him.
Saturday 28th [October] The Mayor, William Stones Esq - laid the Foundation Stone of the public Baths near St Peter's Church. The Day was fine, and there was a large Procession of the Corporation, Gentry, Magistrates, Oddfellows, Joiners, Masons, Shepherds, Licensed Victuallers & others. In the Evening 200 Gentlemen took Luncheon with the Mayor, when a very pleasant time was spent
Thursday Nov 2nd At Accrington Prov Grand Lodge on the Charity Committee, very pleasant Meeting, got James Pilkington £5 - The PGM recognised me after my illness - dined with the Lodge & home at 9.30 - very large & pleasant Meeting, splendid Sermon - at Ch Church -
[November] 9th James Thompson Esq elected Mayor - Aldermen James Cunningham (36) - John Dean (31) Charles Tiplady (27) - T. A. Pickup (21) - John Smith (20) Thomas Lewis - 16 Votes -
He gave me £5 for the Widow & Orphan's Society - i.e. the Mayor, J Thompson Esq.
Nov. 23rd. Died, young Thos Brooks aged 19, very much respected also Mrs Brennand, aged 60 - late the Widow of Mr Greenwood the Swan
with T. Riley, Schoolmaster
Dec 1. My Son Charles in a scrape - arrested and put in the Ward all Night on a charge of assault.
He avers was assaulted & acted only in self defence - they were set upon by a lot of Quarrymen one of whom Charley severely injured. Thomas looked after the case which heard privately by the Magistrates was dismissed -
Dec 10th Expired Leopold King of Belgium the Queens Uncle aged 74 - A wise & good Man, and dearly beloved by all both here and in his own Kingdom. He was the husband of Princess Charlotte, Daughter of Geo 4th (Qy? [Query?] was he not fond of Liaisons)
1865 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes
The year was ushered in with very strong weather particularly windy & wet. On the 10th & 11th there was a heavy storm of Snow, which singularly began in the South & reached us here on the 11th Just - It snowed all night - but so rapid was the Thaw that on the 14th all vestiges were obliterated –
Jan 8th Died Mr Jno Stevenson of the White Bull Inn Salford Bridge, aged 56-7 - It is feared that intemperance hastened his end - He was a very interprising Man, particularly it must be noted he was the Originator of daily Omnibus in the Town, which was found to be highly convenient. Whether they will be continued remains to be seen - He was interred at Whalley on the 11th & the Licenced Victuallers walked in Procession a part of the way in respect to the deceased.
Jan 14th "Little Birdie" the Giller of our Son Richard died - to the grief of all the family.
Poor little Bird, thy warbling voice
We listen to no more
For thou art silent in thy Cage,
And one lament thee Sore -
Oft has "dear Essie" petted thee
And given thy daily bread
But now she sadly sighs & says
Papa "Poor Birdie" dead -
But still in Memory of our Dick -
Who brought thee is away
With us thy Body shall remain
Till many a distant day.
And tho no more we hear thy Song
Which filled us with delight
Will keep thy form for sake of him,
Forever in our sight
So if our God is good to Thee
And thou again shall come
Poor little Birdie thou shalt see
Within thine own dear Home
Jany. Clara Lister visited us from Ollerton in Nottinghamshire. We had very bad Weather during her visit - She is a very sensible young Woman. We took her to Blackpool, Preston & Liverpool - She left us with regret on Saturday the 17th.
Feb 22nd Opening of Rishton Schools Sermons by the Revd C W Woodhouse MA.
Feb 23rd At Over Darwen - rough day.
Feby 24th Attended the Handel's Anniversary at the Black Horse, - Mr Clough (tho' very poorly) presided. - There was a very large attendance, and a pleasant Meeting. -
March 8th Thursday, the Annual Meeting of the Over Darwen Gas Company, - re-appointed a Director, - £7.0.0 per Cent Dividend, - The weather very frosty - A comfortable and pleasant Meeting. -
[March] 12th New Reform Bill brought by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
[March] 23rd Died Mrs J Gate - aged
[March] 25th Lady Day - very suddenly Mr Adam Duckworth He was interred at St Peters when the Lodge walked in procession about 50
[March] 27th Oratorio of Messiah at Darwen went with Fanny - and was much gratified –
[March] 28th Day of Humiliation for the Cattle Plague attended the parish Church
[March] 29th Good Friday - Weather fine - To the Church in the Morning - Afternoon at Whalley.
April 1. Easter-Day - cold but fair - Church Morning and Evening - Dr Robinson at Trinity. Dr Rushton at the Parish -
[April 2] Easter Monday - very throng fair - fine but cold.
[April 3] Tuesday the usual Annual Tea Party about 350 present - very pleasant Meeting -
[April 4] Wednesday Grand Catholic Ball -
[April 5] Thursday Grand First Assembly Ball at the Town Hall was made K T this Evening -
[April] 6th Dined with James Shorrock Esq at Astley Bank, Darwen - about 14 present, a very delightful company - Mrs Shorrock a most agreeable Lady - Home by Train -
Parish Well -
April 8. Sunday - Mrs James Forrest died suddenly - my son Thomas' Mother-in-law.
May 1st Very Winterly - snow & sleet - Mr McNab interred the Superintendent of the County Constabulary aged 31. - Eight children & widow -
In this Month the Rev R T. Wheeler visited Blackburn and preached first in St John's Ch. on behalf of the Schools Collection £130. Afterwards at Trinity Church, and on the following Sunday at the Parish Ch. at all which Services, and also at Witton very large & overwhelming Congregations were present and handsome Collections made
[May] 20th Whitsunday - Hot and fine - Wind Easterly.
[May] 21 Monday went with Fanny & Mrs T. to Lytham and had a pleasant day - Also visited Blackpool
This Day died Thomas Latham, the oldest Innkeeper in Blackburn. He was generally called old Tat being a sporting character
[May] 3rd Thursday - The Mayor dissolved the Council Meeting abruptly in consequence of the disorderly conduct of Councillor Backhouse.
July. Funeral of Dr Gill Free Mason, Accrington
Aug 16th Married at Holy Trinity Ch: by the Revd Dr Robinson Mr Charles Lomax Tiplady, to Miss Elizabeth Harrison, Schoolmistress, Christ Ch: May God prosper them
The weather in August & September exceedingly stormy, wet & ungenial - The harvest backward and much Grain spoiled, Eight weeks rain
Sepr 8th Grand Banquet at the Town Hall - James Thompson, Mayor, also review of the Volunteers, a very great day in the Town.
Sep 22nd Old Henry Mercer, aged 97 Years died. The oldest Man in the Town
Oct 13th Died James Houlker son of Mrs Houlker, late Bay Horse Inn, aged 44 years after a very long & painful sickness.
Sep 23rd to 29th A week full of change disaster and trouble -
Forrest & Co (my son's father law succumbed to bad Trade and losses. My Son Thomas a partner.
[September] 29th Died awfully sudden, while eating his Supper Mr Ralph Abbott, aged 33, The Secretary of Lodge, 345, -
This day I underwent examination for the Stone but after a very severe Test by Mr Pickop he said there was none - only a partial stricture of the prostate gland -
The weather until the 30th [September] fearfully wet and ungenial for the harvest.
Oct 1st Delightful & summer like - at Whalley and Clitheroe
[October] 2nd Poor Ralph Abbott interred. A procession was formed to the Ceremony. -
Also Robert Peel, formerly Draper - in reduced circumstances. -
Oct 1. Meeting to establish a Church Institute.
The dismal Weather ended with 30th Sep and up to the 10th Oct very fine - On the 9th Tuesday spent a day at Blackpool with Mrs T. Mr & Miss Stevenson, and Essie - also visited Lytham.
Rev J. Smith left St John's Mr Baker appointed Sep 28.
[October] 9th Journey for a Day to Blackpool with Wife & Essy.
[October] 13th After a long, severe and dreadful illness died Mr James Houlker aged 45 years - In early life he was a fine strong young Man, but I think his Trade of Spirit Merchant led him into Company too Much - He married Lydia Lawson one of the finest Women in the Town, and she attended him with the devotions of a Martyr.
Also Died this day awfully sudden, Thomas Boardman, Esq, Painter & Gilder, a Man of varied attainments. - He latterly made himself conspicuous by his exposure of certain encroachments of the New Exchange Committee - He was in his year He died on the Platform of the Whalley Station.
Oct. Died John Yates Esq Iron founder, by a rapid consumption - There was a public procession at his funeral of Workmen & Free Masons. -
Nov 9. Fine Day - John Dean an old friend & acquaintance & schoolfellow, appointed Mayor, A very worthy Man, and an instance of the success attending honesty - punctuality and diligence in business Mr Dean commenced life in a Mill, was afterwards a journeyman Sawyer - Subsequently he took up the Coal Business, in which, & Slate Merchant he prospered Remarkably. Last there a Man &c Prov.
[November] 7th Retired from the Corporation - Motion made & Ald Baynes seconded by Councr Abbott - and expression of sincere regret -
[November] 15 & 16th Dreadful Flood - Water higher than I had seen for 20 years. - Whalley Bridge could scarcely take the Water.
Dec 3rd Journey to Preston to pay off the Preston Banking Company £81-0-3 - John Robinson lent me £80.0.0 at 5 per cent - and I lodged with him - Shares in the Water Company. -
On the 28th [December] Died much respected, the Rev Dr Skinner aged 68 years - He was pastor of Mount St Scotch Kirk for the long period of 36 years and was eminently useful & much beloved. He was a staunch opponent of all State Church Endorsements. There was a public Funeral on Thursday Jan 3rd 1867.
The Year 1866 concluded under a storm of hail, wind & Snow wh: commenced on the 30th leading to a hard frost on New Year's Day. - My health has been upon the whole pretty fair except in Autumn when an attack of my old Complaint seized me but was providentially averted. - The weather from July to Decr was awfully wet there being many Flood especially that on Nov 16 & 17 when all Lanc & Yorkshire were nearly under water i.e. places adjacent Rivers. The Trade is moderate but money very dear & scarce. -
1866 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes
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Jan 1. 1867 A bright frosty - The Reform Demonstration plenty of Banners and Bands of Music but the Procession, predicted for 30,000 was short of the last Cypher. Hard frost up to the 5th when a thaw set in and lasted until the 10th at night - It re-commenced freezing -- On the 12th heavy fall of Snow.
[January] 3rd Died after Three Days sickness Mr Benjn Sandford Auctioneer, a person for whom at one time I did much printing. He has left a large family. The mortality of Lodge 345 of which Mr Sandford was a Member has been very great during the last 20 Months. There having been Death:
Joseph Pearson PM | Thos Butterfield; S.W. |
Ellis Heath, PM. | Adam Duckworth S.W. |
James Houlker P.M. | Ralph Abbott, Secy. |
Andrew Holden | John Yates, P.M. |
Joseph Bolton, PM. | Benj Sandford, SW.
[January] 9th Attended the funeral of B Sandford, about 70 persons present.
[January] 9th At Preston - Dowager Lady Feilden Died in her 90th Year - And Sam Hibbert aged 64 years.
[January] 13th Died after a severe and painful Illness Joseph Feilding, White Bull Hotel aged 48 years, His end was peace. - [January] 14th Awfully sudden Mr Critchley Bacon Factor -
[January] 17th We buried at Immanuel Ch: Oswaldtwistle Mr Joseph Feilding, a Worthy Man - In the Evening I went to the St John's of Clayton-le-Dale with a large Compy of Brethren - The Evening was spent in a rational Manner and we arrived home at 11 pm. The excitement of the day had the effect of making me very sick in the night-time & kept in from work -
Continued hard frost up to the 21st [January] A Dreadful accident at London on the Ice more than 40 persons drowned at Regents Park (15th Jan.) A thaw set in on the 23rd [January] and in a few days all signs of the severe frost had disappeared -
Feb 2 Law. Charnley Died aged 58. - 6th [February] at Manchester - nasty day - The Houses of Parliament, met and the Queen's Speech delivered to the great satisfaction of all reasonable people. - 17th [February] Richard 24th Birthday - all well thank God. - Night fall of snow.
J B. S Sturdy Died at a private Asylum aged 58 Years. Sturdy was a J.P. and an Ex Mayor of the Town. He was supposed to be the natural Son of the late James Barlow, Esq. Surgeon &c There was a public funeral on the 15th [February] About 100 Gent & fifteen Carriages. He was buried at the Parish Church.
[February] 15th Died Mr Thos Brennand - a worthy Townsman aged 69. He was actuary at the Savings Bank -
Mr W Wood late Bookseller succeeded him.
March 1 Clear, bright and frosty - with East Winds. A Continuance of the same up to the 12th [March] excessively cold - Fells covered with Snow but not a heavy downfall.
March 11th Died The Rev Canon Irving Rom Cath Priest of St Alban's Died - Interred at Cemetery.
[March] 14th Annual Meeting of the Over Darwen Gas Company 7/- per Cent declared - a satisfactory Meeting.
[March] 18th The Wind still Easterly and extremely cold. Large Falls of Snow in many places. - Towards Evening there was a heavy Snow Storm -
Mem. We have now at the Parish Church Rev J Taylor and the Rev R Mayall - both excellent Men and good preachers.
[March] 21st Died early this Morning James Forrest the Father in law of my Son Thomas - after a very short time. He has left Seven children all Orphans. There can be little doubt but heavy losses The death of his Wife weighed heavily upon him - I hope some providential arrangement will be made for his children.
[March] 22nd Heavy fall of Snow exceedingly Wintry Weather ending in a complete Thaw.
[March] 19th Attended the Quarterly Meeting of the Burial Society and carried a Resolution for a Donation of £50 and an Annual Subscription of £10.0.0 towards the support of the Bn Infirmary -
[March] 24th Sunday At the Parish Church - the Revd J Taylor improved the death of James Forrest in an eloquent from Lamentations c. 1 - v. 12th.
April 1. The end of March tho' not very dry was more favourable to vegetation and the last day was very fine & genial.
[April] 2nd Died James Callis, aged 49 at Ashton under Lyne leaving a Widow and five children, I attended the funeral on the sixth and was deeply affected by the sorrow & bereavement of his poor Widow & fatherless children.
What I can do among others, will be cheerfully rendered to help them.
On the 4th [April] Died, after a very long and painful disease, Mr William Eaves, the Secretary of the Blackburn Philanthropic Burial Society & the Assurance Society -
April 14th Sunday The Third Anniversary since the operation for the Stone - for which deliverance I thank Almighty God. -
Within the last Week my shop has been like a livery being visited by the Vicar, Mayor, Clergymen, Aldermen, Councillors & others to consult on private & public business. –
[April] 19th Good Friday. Attended with family the Parish Church at Communion Morning, a good sermon from Dr Rushton. Afternoon went to Mytham but it came on rain in the Evening - This Day died at Blackpool my much respected Medical Man, Thos Pickop, Esq Aged 32. - His loss will be seriously felt both by his family & the public to whom he was a devoted & skilful servant.
David Kearton, Manfer Livesey died.
Easter Day ([April] 21) At Parish Morning the Rev R Mayall - He is not here - he is risen - A good practical Sermon.
([April] 20) Day before the Bishop held a Confirmation, there were nearly 1100 candidates
[April] 23. Jacob Duckworth foreman of the Lamp Lighters Died aged 62. - Anniversary of Female Friendly Society - Attended the Funeral of Mr Thos Pickop Surgeon - to whom, under Gods Providence, I owe my life.
May 12. Died Thos Livesey Junr Son of Mr Livesey Sexton (aged 43 Years) - A bad undutiful Son - Poor Tom Jackson, Barber who died about the same date - an old & early School Mate. -
The business fair - but money scarce. The weather of June genial spring - alternated with cold East Winds - with rain, hail or snow - The night of the 20th [May] dreadful storm destroying much bloom & new Potatoes.
[May] 23rd Prov Grand Conclave of Knight Templars held in this Town. -
[May] 16th Presentation of Purse - 100 Guineas - and Silk Gown to the Rev James Taylor, Curate of P. Church I acted as Chairman of the Committee
After a variable May - wherein were some fierce cold Days - the Weather became more genial and though much rain fell - it settled about the 7th of June and we had one of the most magnificent Whitsuntides that I ever remember - The Railway did an enormous traffic on the 8th, 9th, 10th & 11th and also throughout the Week. It was computed there were not fewer than 40,000 Tickets used on Whitmonday the 10th of June.
[June] 6th Broadbent & Tiplady Dissolved partnership
[June] 15th Died John Taylor, Esq Morton Hall, aged 64
Also W. D. Coddington, Esq, aged 68 formerly an Alderman of this Borough - Buried St John's We acted per Auditors together - 1st Year of the Corporation
Work slack Money scarce, spirits depressed, wealth Moderate.
£15 from John Baynes Esq - F. F [Female Friendly] Society.
[June] 23rd to 26th Magnificent Summer Weather - passed my 59th Year on Sunday when all children at Home Dined with me; - Thos at Liverpool has now six children -
July 4th Letter from Richard, going to stop 3 years longer, and to be married - £500 per year
[July] 15th The Reform Bill read a third time - in the H of Commons. -
[July] 22nd Burial Board Meeting - stormy - Gregson very insulting - Lost all his Motions - My Son appointed Auditor -
Aug 6. My Eldest Daughter this day attained her majority, on occasion of which happy Event her Brothers Sister and friends enjoyed a Picnic at Whittle Springs. The day was delightfully fine, and all spent a very pleasant day.
[August] 8th Thursday, The Mayor Annual Fishing Excursion took place this Day when upwards of seventy of his Friends accompanied him Fleetwood, and embarked on the fine Steamer the Wyre, a very pleasant day was spent but there was too heavy a swell for fishing
Aug 15 Reform Bill passed.
Aug 15th My 28th Wedding Day - Left home with Mrs Tiplady to Lancaster and thence to Hest Bank, where lodged for 2 nights - a nice quite [sic] place within 3 Minutes walk of the Railway. - 16th [August] To Morecambe and selected Lodgings with Mrs Heathcote 17th [August] Saty to Lancaster Market very wet day all through - 18th [August] to Poulton Church, - Friday visited Carnforth Afternoon to Heysham (18) 19th [August] to Windermere Morning very wet - sailed up the Lake to Ambleside and back to Morecambe - Eveng very fine 20th [August] At Morecambe - 21st [August] Wedy sailed to Grange - a most beautiful place on the opposite side of the Bay. 22nd [August] To Caton & Hornby by Rails very fine day - Walked by Halton to Lancaster - Friday rested all day - walked in the Eveng to Hest Bank - 24th [August] Sailed to Blackpool & spent the Afternoon there from there to Lytham, where we slept at Mrs Harwood - Sunday (25) [August] Lytham old Church, - Monday Home again, all well.
Sep 3rd - Heavy and unusual Thunder Storm for Sep - Fine up till now
[September] 2nd Telegram Boy, maimed at Daisy Field Station. Leg amputated. -
Weather changeable nevertheless Harvest well secured in the South and Midland. -
[September] 12th Thursday, the Brethren of Lodge 345 presented me with a most beautiful & costly PMs Jewell for my humble Services on the Charity Committee & as Treasurer of the Lodge, a Gift certainly magnificent & I think far beyond my deserts. P.M. Hutchinson presented it on behalf of the Lodge in a very elaborate and eloquent address
[September] 18th paid Sister Margaret £22:0: towards my Debt
Sep 23rd To Day a special Meeting of the Subscribers to the District Committee SPCK was held to receive resignation of the President & Treasurer and to wind up the affairs of the District Committee
1st The resignation accepted.
2nd The Dissolution resolved upon
3rd Mr Tiplady to pay £25:0:0 for the Bibles Testament & Prayer Books.
4th The remainder of the Books to be distributed among the Churches in the Town, also the surplus Cash
5th The following Gents to form Committee for the Division of the Cash & Books
Attg | Rev C. W. Woodhouse |
| " J. Barker |
| " R. Mayall |
| " H. Wescoe |
| " D. Robinson.
6th £10 to be given to the Parent Society -
7th Thanks were voted to the Archdeacon
8th Thanks were also voted to the Agent.
Thus ended my 35th Year of Agency with the Society
Tuesday Afn at Worsthon - No Nuts
Thursday at Preston Mr Beard.
Friday at Over Darwen Board Meeting - Evg Mutual Assurance
Sunday Morn at St Paul's eloquent Sermon from Mr Marychurch Lam. III 41. Eveng Trinity Rev E Eager Sermon on the false Repentance of Esau - read a portion of Lord Clive Life by Macauley.
[September] 30th Councillor Robt Porter Died, a very worthy and respectable Burgess.
Oct 19. Died suddenly, Mrs Glazebrook, wife of the Rev I. K Glazebrook, Lower Darwen -
[October] 21. Richard Crankshaw, esq J.P. aged 46, a very worthy & respectable Man -
John Balshaw, formerly Bell Man, aged 55
James Riding, formerly Innkeeper, and Driver of the Coach to Manchester - aged 55. He also kept the Bay Horse and Castle Inn. -
Died also about the 23rd [October] Mr Thomas Bentley formerly Schoolmaster of the National School, and also for several years Churchwarden of the Parish Church, a venerable and worthy old Townsman & highly respected aged 81 years.
[October] 27th Died John Aspden, Plasterer, I suppose one of the "oldest Inhabitants" aged 88.
Novr 1. Municipal Election - Nine Liberals and Three Conservatives returned to the Town Council
A very severe contest in St Mary's Ward - polling as under.
Constantine | Liberal | 216 |
Ellston, | Con | 210 |
Hartley | Con | 207 |
Henry | Lib | 201 |
It is to be noted that both parties polled an equal number of votes 217 - Total 434 - on the List - 461. unpolled and dead 27 persons only.
[November] 7th To Manchester, Prov Grand Meeting at Hulme - not much business - A Motion of condolence moved to the Widow of the late Law. Newell DPGM who died on the 1st deeply lamented - Bro. Radcliffe, Robinson & Redmanye also present. Also Dr Stocks who died shortly afterwards - aged 75 years. – 9 [November]/ Smith, Mayor.
[November] 17th At St John's - Mr Hield, Bay Horse, to Mrs Lydia Houlker, Widow of James Houlker, - Married
[November] 23rd Allen, Larkin & Gould, the three Fenians concerned in the Murder of Sergeant Brett were this Day hung at the Old Bailey prison, Salford, Manchester, - All passed off peaceably - M'Guire had been pardoned & Shore respited during the Queen's pleasure. The day was very foggy - a row was expected.
Nov 28th Died, aged 75 years Dr Stock Surgeon a most respectable & valuable Member of Society - He was a Br of the Craft.
[November] 29th Over Darwen Gas Meeting -
The Town was much scandalised by the delinquencies of Mr David Nicol of the District Bank who was arrested for Forgery on Tuesday Evening - He was the Manager of the Bank, had a handsome salary of £600 per annum, but by dabbling in Cotton lost all his Money, and in order to redeem his losses - made bad worse by resorting to fraud. -
The Month of Decr was rough and winterly yet not much Frost. There was no particular occurrence transpired in the Town, except that a large number of Special Constables were sworn in to put down any attempt at Riot by the Fenians.
On the 31st [December] Died Henry Haworth Esq. Solicitor aged 75 Years - One thing remarkable about him was that he possessed a very large amount of poor Cottage Property. The year ended peacefully. Blessed be the Almighty for all his Mercies. –
27th [December] St John's Held very throng 82 sat down -
1867 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes
The Year commenced calm, and rather cold. An immense quantity of Game & Meat were exhibited for sale, and upon the whole I think a very fair average happy New Year's Day was enjoyed.
[January] 4th Died very suddenly Mr Robt Riley, partner of W. H Hornby, Esq, Brookouse Mills, a very worthy and upright young Man and one in whom Mr Hornby placed great confidence.
About the same time Chrisr Tattersall Councillor & James Bell, solicitor
[January] 9th The remains of Robt Riley were conveyed to the Cemetery on which occasion the Workpeople of Blackburn formed a funeral procession, about 800 Male & Female being present - He was very highly respected.
[January] 10th Attended the funeral of C. Tattersall, about 22 Masons present.
[January] 16th Wednesday Letter from Richard - 15 Days late by reason of an accident to the Mail Steamer - Richard married Nov 7th 1867 to Miss Annie Clement of Bahia - She died in 2 or 3 years afterwards –
[January] 17 Thursday Friday - The Melancholy intelligence of Dr Robinson's death of Holy Trinity was communicated to us. - In him the Ch of England has lost one of its most staunch supporters. He was a rigid opponent to Popery. A very sincere Friend to me - I hope the Doctor is taken to his reward.
The above was contraindicated, The Doctor was better.
About this time also died in the prime of Manhood Roger Forrest - after I fear a dissolute Life - Robert Pemberton, Angel Inn, - Peter R Parkinson, Pawnbroker
Monday, Jan 20. Died at the residence of Wm. Pilkington Esq., The Grange, John Sparrow Esq. JP. a Gentleman long connected with the Town's affairs - a Roman Catholic and extreme liberal in Politics, but a high minded and Gentlemanly Man.
[January] 24 John Bank's, aged 65, 26 Robt Hubbestey Innkeeper, 28. William Newsham, of cancer in the face, painful illness & death. -
Mrs Bailey aged 77 years Widow of Dr Bailey.
Weather very dismal - Our Trade brisk especially work of all kinds -
Feb. was ushered in with a strong storm of Wind & Rain which did much damage to House Property - On this day died Mrs James Hilton, a very worthy Lady and one of my earliest acquaintances -
On the 5th [February] we had Letter from Son Richard informing us of his Marriage &c, he is well -
[February] 9th Sunday, My dear Wife had a paralytic stroke affecting the whole of the left side - but not so violent as to deprive her of speech. She had some time ago a very severe attack of Bronchitis. Of course we are all deeply affected under this Disperation [sic] - but our Faith in God who ordereth all things aright
[February] 13th My Wife is no worse, but is quite powerless on her left side - Her spirits are much depressed.
It is singular but true, the 9th of Feby has been a very ominous day in my life - or say from 8 to 10.
Lance[?] Day. Intelligence of the death of the Rev G Preston B.D. formerly Minister of Whalley Free Grammar Schools, week since. He was indeed a good Man, and useful in his day & generation - His age about 68 or 69 years. A most excellent and upright free mason.
[February] 15th Died the Rev D DeBoudrey Incumbent at Salesbury - The Rev D Rushton is also very ill indeed (Aged 82)
[February] 18th Attended the funeral at Whalley of my great and true friend the Rev G Preston, The number present was small and the funeral strictly private. The Vicar of Whalley performed the Service.
[February] 21st Friday 3 p.m. Death has added one more victim to the long list inserted in this Book. The Rev Dr Wm Rushton, vicar, expired this day after a brief illness of 14 days - On the 8th he paid me a visit with his oldest Daughter, was taken poorly very shortly after and lingered on until this Afternoon - He was in his 70th year of his Age. Though Dr Rushton did not at first take to me, our acquaintance improved with time, and he was a sincere friend and often called at the shop, and in fact was very intimate & cordial.
[February] 27th Funeral of the Vicar. The Clergy, principal Inhabitants & Boys of the Grammar School assembled at the parish Church and formed a Procession headed by the Police to accompany the corpse of the late Revd Dr Rushton, who was buried at Walton-le-Dale. I attended and went forward to Walton-le-Dale. Funeral Service by Revd the [sic] J C Kershaw, vicar
March 7th Went down to Lytham to see my Wife whom I found better, and able to walk - The Weather at times very boisterous and Tides high - Left Lytham on the 11th and to Over Darwen Gas Meeting on the following day. A very quiet and comfortable Annual Meeting Dividend 7/- per cent.
March 21. Again at Lytham - Mrs Tiplady better thank God. - Weather wild & rough high Tide - home on Tuesday - William laid up by the Quincy -
March 27. Mr John Johnston, a Scotch Draper well to do and highly respected hung himself in his own office -
[March] 28th Third time to Lytham to fetch home my Wife who is much better - John Brierley formerly of this Town was found drowned at Lytham on the Morning of Sunday March 29th. I saw him the evening before - He was under the influence of Liquor and am afraid had led a disorderly Life -
Mr John Heptonstall an old Neighbour died aged 67.
April 8 Died John Salisbury Auctioneer, aged a man of more than average ability, but I fear injured himself by intemperate habits - He had a brilliant opportunity to have distinguished himself as his connection was good & extensive
The Revd Edward Birch, Canon of Manchester succeeded the Rev John Rushton as vicar of this parish He read himself in on the 5th Day of April - 1868; - and preached the same night
May 1st. A great domestic scandal was this day exposed in the Town hall, in a case of affiliation between Councillor Beaty & Elizabeth SharplesThe case was proved - 5/- a week & 2/6 for 13 years She was a Teacher in the Schools - She died shortly after - and his Character was blasted for ever. -
[May] 5th At Manchester; Charity Committee obtained for Widow Pearson the sum of Ten Pounds in Instalments.
[May] 14th Very fine - down to Sawley - had Tea there with Mrs Tiplady, and Daughters, also Miss Briggs of Spalding - Ths Baldwin was there, and very graciously gave us a Ride from & to Chadburn [Chatburn].
[May] 15th Br J Pilkington PM was this Day interred with Masonic Honours at Great Harwood Church, aged 72.
[May] 16th To Accrington - Grand Procession, laying of Corner Stone Market House.
May 27th Died John Witherington, Esq, Surgeon - a young Man of great promise & abilities, - very learned in chemical Sciences, horticultural pursuits - A famous Lecturer on Microscopic subjects - He was a man greatly esteemed by all Classes - For several years he held the appointment of Medical Officer to the Volunteer Corps of this Town
Note - respecting the Weather of this Month - it must noted that it was exceedingly fine & the spring forward Oaks were nearly in full Leaf on the 29 - There was a very large show of May Bloom, Longer than was known for many years -
Whit Saturday - Down at Mr Duckworth's Farm which was very nice. We had a fishing Job and did very well May 30th 1868
On Whit Monday which was the first Day of June. - myself, Wife, Essie, Fanny, Harry & Miss Briggs went on a Cheap Trip to Windermere - The weather was delightfully fine and hot We sailed up the Lake to Ambleside, and had a ride all round Grass Mere Lake - Saw the Grave of Wm Wordsworth. - The Scenery was exceedingly grand & sublime - We arrived home at 9-30 all weak except Polly who was very sick -
June 14. Sunday Mr Birch the vicar preached a very excellent Sermon in the Morning "If our Gospel be hid, it is hid to those who are lost". In the Afternoon, to Bamber Bridge - Mr Lee of Preston preached an elegant discourse, "Add to your faith & virtue, and to your Virtue, knowledge" Took Tea with my Daughter Fanny and a large Company at the parsonage House, and heard Mr Taylor in the Evening "Inasmuch as ye did it to one of the least of these my Brethren, ye did it unto me" The Congregations were large and a Liberal collection of £90-2-6 was obtained. Mr Ellis Nuttall drove me home in in his Phaeton. -
Grand Masonic Festival, Lancaster
`Wednesday June 17 1868
Visited Lancaster and attended the special Grand Lodge under the Earl of Zetland on laying the foundation Stone of the Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots & Imbeciles There was a large assembly of the Brethren - some say nearly 1500 in Procession, including the GM Marquis of Hartington, Lord de Tabley, Lord Kenlis, The High Sherriff - L G Starkie & many others. - The day was very fine and a great concourse of people attended. - In the Evening I visited Hest Bank & stayed all Night there - A very pleasant journey - From our Lodge these attended E. Eastwood, W M, John Rigby J. W. - D Turner S. D. Wm Hurst J. W. R. Duckworth J. G. - Rd Radcliffe I M Thos Bertwistle P. M. Charles Tiplady, P. M. Geo Duerden, - John Procter, - Henry Duckworth, W Ainsworth, Denis Baron, John Forrest.
Lodge 345 Sourbutts PM Carr, - Smalley PM Sharples PM Armistead, Jno Thompson, 269 John Clough, Clarkson, Townley, Gillibrand, Spurr.
In all about 26 from the 3 Lodges.
Weather Magnificent all thro' June
[June] 20th Sudden Thunder Storm at Blackburn also on the following Day.
[June] 15 or 16 Died Alexr Pateson, Cotton Manufacturer.
June 23. (Tuesday) My Sixtieth Birthday Truly the shadows of Evening are falling fast around me. -
Time like an ever rolling stream
Bears all its sons away
They fly forgotten as a Dream
Dies at the opening Day.
So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto Wisdom. - Thanks be to God for all his sparing Mercies. Amen.
A Toothpick from my Daughters & Polly Briggs, our Guest, a pocket handkerchief from Lissie - my Daughter in Law, a most excellent Woman.
Died John Priestley of Accrington, a F Mason with whom I was well acquainted, aged 57. He was in my Shop a few days prior to his Death.
[June] 25th This day died Seth Harwood aged 84 years. He was for many years the Overseer of Over Darwen, and very highly respected.
[June] 26 Darwen Gas Meeting 40 present.
I learned from Mr Cartwright that Mrs Forshaw died about the 11 or 12 of June, she was formerly Mrs Kenworthy and after his death married a Schoolmaster. I understand she had taken sadly to drinking. She left two daughters - by Mr K and 1 by Forshaw - the former well, and the latter badly provided for
[June] 25th Died Mr Alfred Brooks son of Mr Brooks Draper, very young - He had been to Madeira for his health, Mr B. has suffered severe domestic losses these several years - This is the 3rd son.
Sunday 28 [June]. Attended the parish Ch: Morning Sermon by the Vicar "For even Christ pleased not himself" - The discourse was an Homily against Self in every form and degree "The Christian Disciple must imitate his Divine Master by a perfect abnegation of Self, - evidenced by a life of usefulness to his fellow man. The vicar has not a pleasant voice, especially in the higher notes - but this defect is fully compensated by an earnest & emphatic delivery and a strict adherence to sound gospel doctrines.
Evening Trinity Rev W Webb on "Christ has abolished Death" Ye Ephesians - An eloquent discourse showing death to be unnatural & the Wages of Sin. Mr W. quoted Longfellow's Poem & also Dr Watts. His manner reminds one of listening to a person of disappointed expectations, somewhat hard but very faithful - The singing beautiful.
The Weather throughout the Entire of June has been magnificent & glorious - but the Farmers complain of Drought.
July 7th Tuesday Went on the Chorley Line with a number of Gentleman; very fine Day.
[July] 10th To Padiham on business with Mrs T and Polly Briggs, very fine, Wind E very dry.
[July] 8th Died Mr Hy Molyneux aged 48 years - He formerly lived in Blackburn.
[July] 27 Excessively hot. The 21st was considered to be the hottest day ever known in England. Therr [Thermometer] 101 in the Shade, 128 in the Sun - No rain all dried up & parched - Cholera cases prevalent.
My family have been afflicted with sickness particularly Fanny who had a narrow escape from death.
Augt 2nd The hottest day that I ever remember - Fanny better.
Aug 6 & 7 The Drought ended - with fine showers and in some places heavy thunder. Immense tracts of Ground & Timber burnt by the extreme heat.
Great preparations for the Coming elections Mr Maden Holt & Mr Starkie for North East Lancashire.
Aug 10th Died James Brooks, President of the Widow & Orphan's Society after a very short illness and on the 12th J Moses Pemberton of Brookhouse Mills, a very old Servant of Mr Hornby. - Truly we do fade away like the Grass, our each succeeding paragraph adds only to the long long list of of [sic] those departed from this scene of care and great troubles here on earth.
My family improved in health, Thank God.
[August] 16th Attended Great Harwood Sermons - Very throng and very hot. - Essie with me
[August] 18th Mother, Essie & Fanny to Southport.
[August] 20. There occurred on of the most dreadful accident by Railway and Fire that has ever happened in this Country - It was on the Rails from Chester to Holyhead. Some luggage Truck containing petroleum got detached and were run into by the Mail Train and a Dreadful collision transpired by which 26 persons were killed or burnt. Among these were Mr W B Parkinson & his Brother & Sons of C Parkinson Esq. and also their Brother-in-Law Mr W T Lund the mournful Event has been most painfully felt by all Classes in this Town.
The above occurrence is fully confirmed and all the Newspapers are filled with horrible details - It is by far the most appaling [sic] catastrophe ever known in Railway Accident - The bodies were all burnt to a cinder & worse.
Sep 10 My Son William Callis married at Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev Mr Bannister. After the ceremony we had Breakfast and then a Drive around Stonyhurst. It was very fine - to Miss Isabella Towers -
[September] 19th Died Mrs Geo. Ainsworth, late Miss Cort aged 45 years also Saml Wardle, Royal Oak Inn, - aged 48
Oct 10th Great Liberal Demonstration & Procession for Gerald Potter, M J Feilden, K Shuttleworth & Mr Fenton, about 4000 in the ranks -
[October] 24th Great Tory Demonstration & Procession large numbers of Horsemen, Carriages & Banners between 5 & 6000 in ranks for W. H Hornby, Jos Feilden, - Messrs Starkie & Holt.
I was present at the inauguration of the Widow & Orphan's Fund at Over Darwen this Night (24)
Nov 2nd Monday, Great Municipal Election, all the Wards contested - Con won in four Wards and lost in 2.
The following is the Poll for St Mary's –
H. Duckworth (C) | 253 |
G. P Hartley (C) | 250 |
Henry (L) | 223 |
Beads (L) | 219
One Man, Patrick Gallaher died from the effects of a wound received at this Election, a second died on the 5th and many were very severely wounded. -
The Irishman was buried (Nov 8) about 700 walked on the procession with Green favors
The above Election was followed by the Parliamentary one
W. H Hornby | 4980 |
Jos Feilden | 4890 |
J. G Potter | 4407 |
M J Feilden | 4183
The Election was orderly except by the Irish
[November] 19th Died William Durham, a particularly original character - and as changeable in his opinions as a chemelion [chameleon] in colour. In his Youth he was a teacher in Grimshaw Park and one of the very few left who were my colleague. -
Had no good reputation, T. Tiplady
{Proved to be in his later years a vile traducer of character & virtue I nearly thrashed him
in Public for a gross insult to my Mother's memory}
T. Tiplady
[November] 20th Died John Rayner, Keeper of the Con News Room.
[November] 21st The first great County Election for the North Eastern Division of Lancashire took place this Day - The polling was very animated and the contest close. The following were the candidates,
| Votes |
J Maden Holt | 3619 |
L. Chamberlain Starkie | 3611 |
J Fenton, | 3441 |
U S Shuttleworth | 3465
The two former were returned by a majority ranging from 150 to 180 Votes.
There was a great excitement, and I understand a vast amount of money changed hands.
[November] 23rd Obtained a Grant of £15.0.0 for Widow Pilkington the relict of Br James Pilkington, 345.
[November] 25th published Bn Year Book 3rd Issue
The Radicals presented a petition against the Return of Mr Hornby & Mr Feilden for Bribery, Corruption and undue Influence.
Dec all through very wet without frost.
Christmas Day (Friday) Wet following on the Sunday by a tremendous storm of Wind & Rain, and also in the evening Thunder & Lightning - My daughter Fanny very poorly at Liverpool, had to send Essie to her
[December] 28th St Johns Festival of the Lodge - very comfortable and pleasant Meeting -
[December] 30th To the Lodge at Clitheroe, St John's Festival very good meeting. Had much Liberty in speaking. D Baron sang most admirably. Br Cal [page torn] also went from Bn J D. Thornber.
1868 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes
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These Mems follow the last page in this Book 60
I have removed the Diary unto this Leaf in consequence of the Book being filled to the end.
The Year began with moderate Weather, but Storm of Wind & Rain followed on the 2nd & 3rd -
Jan 7th Died Robt Cooper Bookbinder aged 72 years. He was an apprentice at the same office with myself, and Mr Hy Hargreaves & & self are the only surviving persons from Mr Rogerson's Office
[January] 9th Died very suddenly at Longton the Rev Lawrence Preston aged 53 years, a very old and valued Friend and on the
[January] 13th Mrs Stephenson relict of the late John Stevenson of the White Bull - aged 60 years. - from home in a fit of apoplexy.
[January] 17th Rev. A Fraser aged 61 Years died greatly respected formerly pastor of Chapel Street Chapel.
Rev J B. Lister resigned James Street Church pastorate =
[January] 20th Died after a severe illness - Mrs Evans Old Bull Hotel. - much respected.
[January] 22nd Rev A Frazer Interred with much solemnity a procession of about 100 of his old congregation attended, with nearly all the Dissenting Ministers of every persuasion - His death improved in the Chapel on the following Sunday.
[January] 24th At St Paul's Rev H. W. Marychurch preached an excellent Sermon for Psalm 49 "The Redemption of the soul is a precious and it ceaseth for ever"
Died William Peel Draper aged 55 Years. He was interred on the 29 at St Peters, the Members of the Lodge attending in a private capacity
[January] 29th Went to Slaidburn and stayed all night at my Brother in law the Rev W. Callis, Curate of Slaidburn
[January] 28th New Church Consecrated at Brookhouse St Michael's by the Bishop.
Jan 20. at Bahia, born a Son to my Son Richard
March 11th up to 16th Memorable in the annals of Blackburn for the Trial of the Petition of John Gerald Potter & M J Feilden against W. H Hornby and Jos Feilden. The Judge Sir James Shaw Willes came in state from London and sat from day to day in the Town Hall. A great number of witnesses were examined on both sides, and his Lordship delivered judgement on Tuesday the 16th inst when the Sitting Members were unseated - It would seem the disturbances at the Municipal Election had caused this Catastrophe - but many persons attribute it to the revengeful spirit of Mr Potter and Mr Gladstone
[March] 15th 5-15 pm A Shock of an earthquake was distinctly felt in this Town by great number of persons.
March 24 The Writ received. Election ordered for Easter Monday & Tuesday next -
Candidates | Result | 4 o'clock |
Mr E. K. Hornby (C) | 4738 | |
" H. M Feilden (C) | 4697 | |
" J G. Potter (L) | 3964 | |
" John Morley (L) | 3804 |
March 28. Easter Day, a very cold & Winterly Day with Snow & Sleet & high Wind. At Parish Morning - Canon Birch on the General Resurrection very solemn & impressive Sermon. Trinity in the Eveng - Mr Webb on the Resurrection of Xt [Christ], the fundamental Doctrine of the Trinity
Good Friday at the Parish - an admirable Sermon by Mr Read on the Sacrifice of Abraham's Son Isaac Showing the strict analogy between it & the one Great Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
[March] 29. - The Nomination Day - Show of hands &c in favor of Hornby & Feilden
[March] 30th The Election passed off very peaceably and the majorities for the Con Candidates were largely increased - A foolish Man of the name of Bradshaw fired a pistol from his House in Penny Street amongst the Crowd - which caused them to break his Windows - He was apprehended and heavily fined.
[April] 10th The Weather Milder, - went to Dinckley with Mr Hy Duckworth
[April] 11th To the Parish Church - Philip & the Eunuch the ordination & intention or design of a preached Gospel - Jesus The theme of the Ministers discourse (by the Vicar) a very impressive Sermon.
Eveng Trinity - Mr Stones - Consider this all ye that forget God &c, a very awaking discourse perhaps the Clergyman took too gloomy a view of human nature - He seems a very affectionate and earnest preacher, and calculated to do good - The Curate is but a prentice Lad at his Works - and does certainly appear to me to be very careless.
This Day the 11th [April] was eventful inasmuch as Two very old and dear friends departed this life namely James Shorrock Esq. the excellent Chairman of the Over Darwen Gas Company - He attended divine service with his Wife at Belgrave Chapel Over Darwen in the Morning and was seized with a fit of Apoplexy about dinner time - He was 63 years of Age - Darwen has lost one of her brighter ornaments, for independent of his public Services as a Member of the Board of Health, a Magistrate & a large Capitalist - he was greatly beloved for his charity & urbanity of manners. - for many years I sat next to him at the Board Meetings of the Gas Company, writing out the resolutions of the Board, and I can repeat with truth, he was a Gentleman of superior worth and won the esteem of all ranks & denominations of the community.
The other Gentleman was the Revd Dr Robinson of Holy Trinity - aged only 51 Years - For a long period prior to his Death, his health & faculties had given way - in fine; he was but a skeleton or wreck of his former self - It is supposed that intense stress acting on a rather feeble constitution, overthrew the balance of mind & body - He was much beloved by the Congregation of Holy Trinity Church a powerful writer - and an energetic opponent of the Errors of the papacy.
April 11 to 14th Heat Oppressive - Thunder Storm on Wednesday the 14th, Afterwards very good Growing Weather 14th Let me not forget & thank Almighty God that 5 years since this day I was delivered from great peril - Lord help me to show my gratitude for this mercy.
[April] 15th The Mortal remains of James Shorrock Esq of Over Darwen were this Morning committed to the Grave amid the lamentations of thousands - There was a public procession, composed of Men of all ranks, persuasions, politics & religion, including the Clergy, Ministers, Priests, Magistrates, Board of Health, Board of Directors of the Gas Company & about 500 Tradesmen & Gentlemen of the Town. - All business was suspended. The Bells of the Church rang a muffled peal and every demonstration of affection and respect was shown to the Memory of the deceased. The Burial Service was conducted in a very impressive manner by the Rev Mr McDonall, Minister of Belgrave Chapel. Requiescat in pace.
[April] 16th Died Mrs Houlker, late of the Bay Horse Hotel, a Lady highly respected by all who knew her aged 77 years - Interred at Harwood.
The death of Dr Robinson was improved in two Sermons at Holy Trinity Church, on the 18th Inst. Morning by the Rev D F Chapman, Evening by the Rev G H Ashe of Witton - the latter discourse I heard - Text "For we have this treasure in earthen Vessels, that the Glory may be of God & not of us" - The attendance was numerous and with few exception all the Congregation wore deep Mourning. - Rev Ashe made some feeling allusions to the high character of Dr R as a fearless Champion of Protestantism and also of his very benevolent and affectionate disposition. - One of the Sermons (D. F Chapman) was printed.
May 4th Attended the Charity Committee at Manchester - Got a further Grant of Five Pounds for Widow Pearson, - A very fair Attendance.
[May] 8th Saturday - 11-30 am Died my Sister Margaret after a short but painful illness aged 57 Years. She died in peace trusting in the Merits of our Redeemer - Lord help us, we beseech thee to follow her in faith and love until our end also come, And I say unto you all Watch -
May 13th Sister Margaret was interred this day at the Cemetery - in the same grave with sister Jane who Died May 7 1859. - On the same day there was a Masonic Funeral at Over Darwen, in the Interment of old Ralph Ellison who died on Sunday the 9th - I was prevented attending by the funeral of my Sister.
[May] 20th A Meeting in Clitheroe to form a Mining Company (Limited) I attended and was appointed the Chairman. There was a full Meeting but I fear the majority were entirely ignorant of all legal forms and requisites
[May] 24th Died Mr Henry Leigh aged 75 Years, an old and highly respected Inhabitant of this Town.
The prevalence of East Wind has made it very uncomfortable this Whitsuntide, and though a considerable number of Scholars and others left the Town on the 17th for various places on the sea coast and to Preston - yet there was a great falling off in comparison with other Seasons. - I had a ride to Preston with Mr P Hartley.
Memr May 31st Sold to Mr John Marsden Ten Shares in the Victoria Mining Company Limited @ 12/6 per share paid which he will be entitled.
June 1st A Glorious growing day. Wind W.
[June] 2nd Journey to Clitheroe to meet the Directors of the Victoria Mining Company. - To look over and settle the Articles of Association - Mr Eastham Sol. read the rules - There were present Messrs Dr Jackson - J Blezard, John Marsden, John Southworth and Rich Constantine. The business was finished at 1-30.
Same day bought Ten Shares in the Company at 5/- per share from Hy Procter -
[June] 4th Journey in the Afternoon to Preston to obtain some Leads for the office - very fine day - had a view of the Park - in capital order -
My brother, John, of Bury visited on Sunday - and intimated his intention to leave England for America. -
[June] 13th Great Demonstration at Manchester against the Irish Church Bill, many went from Black with flags & Banners - Orangemen &c.
[June] 14th Sunday, Parish Church Rev E Birch, Vicar sermon on the Ministration of Angels - It is a pity he got so excited in the preaching - nevertheless a good discourse
Evening, Trinity, first Sermon of the new vicar Rev W. R Stephens - on the Ministers vocation, the Gospel of Christ - a very powerful & scriptural discourse most extempore yet full of quotations & apt illustrations, I think he will be a very useful Man
General Trade disastrous in the Extreme, many heavy failures affecting several firms in this Town & Neighbourhood - Truly we live in very trying times, - many have to leave Old England for America -
[June] 15th Tuesday. Memorable on account of the departure of my Brother John, Wife and family to America. Dreadfully stormy day - Wet, Windy & Cold. They sailed from Liverpool at 2 o'clock pm. Visited Son Thomas same day.
[June] 17th The Article of Association of the Victoria Mining Company were approved and adopted at Clitheroe.
[June] 19th The Scholars of the Church Schools marched in Procession to the Park - there were about 14,000 and they looked remarkably well. - The old 100 Psalm was sung in the Parish Ch: yard - All the Clergymen of the Town were at the head of their respective Schools. Such a demonstration had not occurred for 31 years previously.
[June] 20th The Accession - Her Majesty has reigned 32 years - The special services were read in the Church, and in the old Parish Church the occasion was improved by the Rev George Read M.A. Curate in an admirable Sermon - Thos Sedall had a fit just as the Clergyman concluded his Discourse -
June 29. The Witnesses (Con) attended before the Registrar for our allowance - We received a very small sum in comparison with our demands I had 10/- per day for three days. - The lower class had more in proportion.
[June] 30th John Bannister died, after a short illness - several years the Tyler of the Lodge in very indigent circumstances
2nd July Died old Sarah Pearson (aged 77) the Widow of the late Joseph Pearson.
[July] 4th Sunday - Parochial Ch: with Wife & Daughters the latter having returned from their Summer Trip. Sermon, Canon Birch "The virtue & necessity of Patience" - Evening Mr Stephens, Trinity, the privilege of Christs Flock, John 10.2. Both discourses very full of Christian Edification.
A Weeks of uninterrupted fine Weather and warm.
July 23rd Went to the All England Cattle Show at Manchester, very beautiful sight. - They took during the week about £18,000 a great success
[July] 31st Early this Morning my Son William's Wife gave birth to a little Daughter.
Aug 12th Visited Southport to see my Wife and Daughters. Lodge at 13 Bath Street Miss Baker.
[August] 14th Went down to Liverpool & New Brighton saw Prince Arthur, sail for Canada. -
[August] 15th Aug. 30th Wedding Day at Southport Sunday Chapel in the Morng - Eveng Church a very good discourse in the Morning - but, of course, strongly Calvinistic.
[August] 29th to Manchester - Charity Committee -
[August] 20th To Slaidburn. Dined with the Lodge Departure of Rev W. Callis from S. - A good and comfortable Meeting.
[August] 22nd Harwood Sermons. A remarkably hot Day - walked - I did not think much of Mr L discourse, as a Sermon, it was more in the Lecture[?], quite anecdotical. Collection.
Aug 27. Great National Boat Race - America & Oxford. The latter won by four lengths
Remarkably Hot. - Heat 134 in the Sun Lord Street Liverpool -
[August] 29. Sunday - A revolution in the air from 134 to 34 Frost at night - Terrible high wind all day.
Sepr 1st 1869 Trip to Scarboro, - (Wednesday) very pleasant journey by Rail, we arrived at 7-30 - Great accident fatal to one Man at Stensall Station 7 Miles from York, saw the Carriage which had been broken. This happened two hours before our arrival - Got good & respectable Lodging, No 9 Aberdeen Walk, Mrs Darby.
[September] 2nd Sail to Whitby very heavy sea, - but a fine voyage, and not wet.
[September] 4th Rode by Rail to Filey and spent the Afternoon there - In the Evening at the spa
[September] 3rd Rode by Coach to Hackness, very fine day, with T Knowles & Wife, and Mr Garstang and Wife.
[September] 5th Sunday at Christ Church without the Bar In Vernon Street - Evening at the Wesleyan Chapel Queen Street - eloquent discourses at both places - Text in the Evening Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
Nov 9th Thos H. Pickup Esq. Elected Mayor
Oct 2nd Grand Masonic Celebration Laying Foundation Stone of the Volunteer Barracks by Lt Col Starkie - Dined with the Officers at the Old Bull
[October] 7th Henry, Fanny & Essy all took the Scarlet Fever but have recovered, only Fanny very weak
[October] 23rd Died regretted by the whole Nation, the Earl of Derby aged 70 years, after a painful illness of 14 days. - Interred at Knowsley on the 29th quite privately -
The Weather throughout Oct Nov & Decr exceedingly unsettled, wet & unhealthy, I took the Bronchitis, among others - Many died
In Dec died Mr Robt Cookson (12th) Mr Thomas Copeland, aged 47, very short illness, much respected
[December] 16th Letter from Richard, all well, but complains of heat &c.
Dec 24th Christmas Eve - The Weather somewhat more settled, ushering in Christmas Day a fine frosty & brilliantly sunny Day. But on the following Day, Sunday - there fell a great quantity of Snow with a terrible high Wind which continued all Day and Night, and also on the 27th making the county assume the appearance of hoary Winter indeed.
1869 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes
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