​​​​​​1870 - 1873

​1870 | 1871 | 1872 ​| 1873​

N.B. The pdfs contain David Hughes’ transcription of the diary, footnotes​ and annotations which could not be included on the website.  
It is particularly​ recommended to check the pdf  in relation to financial tables & lists.

Home (Diary of Charles Tiplady)​


The New Year commenced Wet and dull. -

Jan 4th Died Mr John Baldwin Ironmonger. He was interred at Gisburn on the 11th. About 50 Brethren of Freemans attended the Funeral - The day was very stormy and windy - The Hills were covered with Snow, and the road very slippy. John was carried to the Grave by Messrs Birtwitsle, Eastwood, Shuttleworth, Ainsworth, Duerden, Lofthouse[?] Duckworth and Myself.

[January] 14th Friday Died aged 68 Years Mr Saward the ex-Town Clerk. He was a Man of considerable parts as a Lawyer, but extreme in his party views, and did not agree with the Corporation, who ultimately dismissed him without
Notice - An Action was the result of a very expensive and irritating nature - by which he loss considerable sum of money - He was sold up about 3 months before his death, as I understood at the Suit of Ex Alderman Boyle.

A Singular fatality occurred this Month in the family of Mr Bradshaw, Plumber and Glazier from Typhoid Fever, Himself, Wife and one Daughter died in the space of Ten Days and were interred at the Cemetery -

From the 16th to the 30th [January] There was hard dry frost, with sharp Winds - on Thursday the 27th [January] the Rishton Reservoir at the small end was fully covered with ice, and gave opportunity for skating but the large end was very unsafe and two young Gent Mr Walter Dean and Mr Barton Greenwood by venturing upon that part had a narrow escape from being drowned

On the [January] 30th Sunday immense numbers of persons wended their way to the same Reservoir where I saw at a distance of a Mile - In the Afternoon about 4 o'clock - the ice in one part gave way, and the following persons were unhappily drowned
Catherine Bleasdale 22.
Hannah Towers - 17,
Sarah Ann Townley -
James Smith 21.
This sad affair caused a great deal of excitement in the Town.
The above unfortunate persons were interred on the 3rd Inst at the Cemetery, There was a large concourse of people assembled, consistly [sic] of many School Scholars, Companions & friends of the deceased. It is said with respect to the Y W. [young woman] Hannah Towers that her Mother used every Means short of confinement to the House to persuade her not to go and that she promised not to get upon the Ice. - However the Company induced her to break her promise, and the Melancholy result was her death - - She seems to have a very large amount of general sympathy worked at the Brookhouse, and was a particularly active intelligent and handsome Girl. - She attended St. Michael's Church & School on the same Morning. Her father was drowned a few years since.

About the 10th [February] Died John Abbott, late a Manufacturer hand loom - aged 76. He was several years an inmate of the Workhouse, and died in dotage. -

From the 7th of Feb. the weather suddenly changed to hard Frost with a biting Wind from the North East and lasted all the Week - On the 14th Valentine's Day it was excessively cold.
Nothing of importance in the Town. Trade rather better but accounts hard to get in.

Sunday Feb. 20. - This day died my Eldest Brother James in his 70th Year - He had been in a feeble state for some months, in fact ever since the death of Sister Margaret. His conduct on the death of my Mother had caused an estrangement between the other Members of the Family - However of he believed himself justified I leave it to his conscience. He was interred at the Cemetery on the 25th.
Same day the Rev Joseph Welland, Missionary in India preached to overwhelming Congregation at the Trinity Church when Collections were made amounting to £ --- for the Warden's Expences.

March 8th Mr Councillor Rd Webster, (Quaker) was interred this day at the Friends' Meeting House King Street. There was a Procession of the Mayor, Ald. & Councillors, and the Police together with about 40 Gentleman - The Hearse and Coaches tho' black - had no favors upon them. He was much respected.

[March] 10th Annual Meeting of the O D Gas Company held this day. Mr T Bertwistle, Architect was elected Director & Mr C. Shorrock. - Mr Counsell Auditor - While there information was given that Mr Leonard Wilkinson Solicitor, died in his Office this Morning at 10 1/2 o'clock. The death of Mr Wilkinson will be found a very severe loss to the Conservative Cause in Blackburn. He was a Man of great Tact & Judgment, and highly respected by all Classes of the Community -

[March] 15 Monday - Took Essie to Manchester on her way to Spalding. The day was cold but very fine, there was hard frost until Evening. At 3 o'clock crossed over to Preston by Rail. to attend a Lecture in St Peter's School by Mr R Hutchinson - The attendance was very slender. The Lecture was first-rate, - Afterwards came home by Cab - At Samlesbury the Mare became restive & began to kick violently - the Shaft was broken, the traces damaged and were obliged to secure a return Cab to Blackburn, Mr Proctor was with us It was nearly one when I reached home.

April 7. At Accrington Agrl Show, very large concourse of people.

[April] 8th Died Mr W. Lonsdale Junr. - 9 [April] Miss Starkie aged 82, Daughter of the late vicar. - and Miss Worswick aged 92 formerly Housekeeper to the late Dr Barlow, Surgeon.

[April] 15th Good Friday - attended the Parish Church - Sermon by the Vicar from Isaiah 53 c. v. 7 & 8. - Good discourse. In the Afternoon walked to Langho & went forward to Chadburn.

[April] 17th Easter Sunday - brilliant Weather, cloudless days - Morng, Parish, Sermon by the Rev George Read, Com [communion]. - Evengs Trinity Rev W. Stones Col [collect]. both on the Resurrection. Com in the Morng at the Parish Church

[April] 18th Still very fine - to Blackpool - opening of the Promenade - Great rejoicings - Procession, Banquet &c Left for Lytham at 2.30. Saw Mrs Carter Widow, & N. Horwood - thence back to Blackpool Home at 1/2 past Nine.

[April] 19th Died Mr Orlando Brothers, Manager of the Bn. Gas Company after a long & severe illness aged 54 years - He was a very clever Gas Engineer and under his inspection the Gas Company's Works were largely extended - He was however given at times to take too much Liquor, & somewhat quarrelsome. He leaves 10 Orphans to lament his loss -

[April] 18th Died Mr James Garsden, Surveyor a Young Man of great promise (aged 37) but one from what cause I cannot tell, fell into a most reckless state got entangled in his business, dissolved Partp with Mr Hopwood, and after the death of his children, seemed to have lost all balance and control of action - and so came to the Grave.

April 25th 1870. Foundations Stone of the Central National & Sunday Schools by the Right Rev Dr Frazer Bp of Manchester. A very large concourse assembled.

May 3rd Attended the Charity Committee Manchester and transacted business.

[May] 5th Provincial Grand Meeting of Masons - very splendid affair nearly 350 persons - The following Honours were conferred - P G S W R. H Hutchinson Esq. P G J Dr. Rd Ratcliffe Esq. P. G R. W. Harrison Esq. P G M C Jas Spencer, Esq A. P G M C. Thos Clarkson Esq - P. G Treasurer Charles Tiplady After the Meeting a Banquet took place in there

[May] 7th Visiting Rochdale laying Foundation Stone of a New Church by A H Royd Esq. - Masonic Procession a very grand affair

[May] 14th Died Mr John Sagar, aged 74. The oldest Tradesman in Church Street, having occupied the same shop for 45 years, a quietly unobtrusive Man, a good father and honest in his delivery. A plain, homely Churchman, not given to meddling nor to change - Weather now magnificent - Sunshine & Rain - with some wind.

[May] 20th Attended Meeting of Lodge 269. very pleasant gathering. Br H. Stowe delivered Wolsey valedictory Address in a very effective style.

[May] 22nd Parish Church Annual Sermons for the Schools The Rev Mr Doyle preached two admirable Sermons on the character of Jacob & Joseph. In the Afternoon old W Holt of Shire Brow was buried, aged 83 years. He was uncle to my Wife

June 5th Whit Sunday - Very fine - Attended the parish Church in the Morning. The Congregation was slender, Canon Birch officiated and preached a good Sermon on the Out pouring of the Spirit. At four in the Afternoon Mr Ratcliffe called, when Mrs Tiplady & I had a pleasant drive to Ribchester and home at Eight, - The Weather glorious

Whit Monday 1870
Perhaps of all Excursion Days this has been the prime for according to Railway official intelligence, there no fewer than 40,000 Persons left the Town beginning on Saturday & culminating on Monday the 6th of June. The Weather was cloudless & hot. At 3, 4, 5, & 6 o'clock the respective Trains left for Llandudno, Scaboro' Windermere, Liverpool, Blackpool & other places of Resort in the Summer Season - At 4.45, I left the Blackburn Station for Scarboro' in company with my Wife, my Two Daughters, Fanny & Essie, my Son Charles & his Wife, and Miss Polly Briggs, a visitor from Spalding. We had a pleasant run and reached the place at 9.50 or thereabouts and after a Cup of Coffee taken, went down to the Water - thence we had an hour's sail, - Essie, Fanny & Polly rather sick, but Mrs Tiplady, self and the rest quite well. There was a company of Artillery volunteers on the Castle Mount at Ball & Shell practice at a Bouy [sic] on the Water
The aim in some cases was very true and the effects brilliant - We had then a pleasant Walk to the North Marine Pier, but not many visitors appeared there. Returning to the Town we hired a Carriage & were taken a most delightful ride through what is designated "New Scarboro" - after which we had Tea, and so prepared to return home. The Shops, however were mostly closed in consequence of the holy-day; but we saw sufficient to convince us that this Town is remarkably for beauty, salubrity & attractive qualifications of every kind - The Street, Squares, and detached villas on the West & South parts are magnificent. The walks & drives very beautiful, and the views from different[?] exhibited a vast panorama of Nature & Art combined. We returned at 6 o'clock, but the Train being very heavy (35 carriages full laden) caused our journey home to be somewhat tedious, tho' very safe, and we arrived home at 1-10 - That being about 1 hour later than was expected - Mrs Tiplady stood the whole journey exceedingly well - but some of the young people suffered from fatigue. By the kindness of Mr Mitchell we had the privilege of riding first class both there and back - At Normanton there was some confusion, the time of stopping being very limited and the press of people great to obtain a little refreshment however by my Son's help we managed very well & came safely home for wh: Mercy God be thanked & after spending one of the happiest & I hope I may add one of the most innocent of our lives - and a day that will always hold a first place in our pleasant recollection.

June 9th 1870 Died Charles Dickens, Esq the Eminent Novelist, aged 58 - Mr D began his career as a Writer in 1834 by the issue of Pickwick Papers which took immensely. These were followed by Nicholas Nickleby, Oliver Twist, Martin Chuzzlewitt, Barnaby Rudge, Little Dorrit, Dombey & Son, and many others in all of wh: he portrayed the living World in Graphic Characters - His writing generally have taken their place among the Standard Works of this Country and have contributed in a large degree to the social, moral & intellectual reformation of this Age.
He was interred in Westminster Abbey - at the request of the Nation.

[June] 17th Boiler Explosion at Cotton & Slater's Shed whereby 2 persons were killed, a Man and a Woman.

[June] 19th Went to Tockholes Church, being the Sermons for Sunday Schools. Mr Thompson took me in his Carriage - The Revd Jas Taylor preached a good practical Sermon from Proverbs, - "Better is a poor Man who walketh in his uprightness than he who perverth his way though he be rich - The Masonic mustered in great force, - Choral Service was performed, and no doubt good Collections would be made. -

For further Memoranda see folio 200 at the End of this Book commencing June 23rd 1870.
Continued from folio 200.

June 23rd 1870 - My 62nd Birthday - Weather brilliant, health good -

A Prayer
Almighty and ever living God, who art always more ready to hear than we are to pray, grant unto me the aid of thy blessed Spirit to call upon Thee in an acceptable Manner, Blessed by thy holy name for permitting to close one year & to enter upon another of my earthly pilgrimage in health of body and mind - & the full enjoyment of my reasoning powers - Pardon, for Jesus' sake, the multitude of Transgressions in thought, word & deed committed in a lifetime against Thee: the follies of youth, the wilfulness of Manhood, and the indecision of Age. From Thee nothing can be hidden - but even according to that promise that whosoever calleth upon Thee in name of Thy dear Son shall have pardon & eternal Life, so Said let it be. - Bless O God, my beloved Wife, and all my Children thro' many trails, difficulties and dangers we have lived happily together in this life for a long period of years - may that happiness continue until this life be ended & recommenced in Heaven. May all their sins be forgiven and should it please Thee first to remove us their parents from this scene of trial & probation continue thy providential care over them unto their lifes' end - And now for all thy Gifts & Mercies in Providence & Grace - accept the humble thanks of an unworthy Son - not looking to my unworthiness but to the great love of thy only Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

[June] 25th Saturday The Annual Procession of the Church Schools took place this Day. - The Weather was fine and the assembly Magnificent. The Bishop, the Clergy, Churchwardens, Mayor & Teachers walked in Procession. It is estimated there were not fewer than 15,000 persons - They assembled first in the Parish Churchyard and then after singing the 100th Psalm, proceeded to the Park where his Lordship delivered an Address - All passed off well.

July 3 Saturday - This Evening my Son William detected Betty Harrison in the act of robbing the Private Office. She was apprehended & on Monday 5th committed to Preston to take her trial for House breaking & robbery - She took about 35/- in Cash belonging the Sick Society and had a pound of Tea ready to carry off -

Monday July 5. Son William & I had to appear before the Magistrates in the case of Betty Harrison who was committed for trial at the Sessions.
On this day Died Stephen Blair Esq Prov G M. E. Lancashire of Antient Free & Accepted Masons, - aged 66 years. He was interred at the Bolton Cemetery on the 9th when about 350 Brethren & 110 Work people attended the Funeral. He was a Man universally beloved, of a generous & social disposition and among his Brethren revered for all the characters of a great liberal & well disciplined mind - To Many charities he was a bountiful benefactor and had only very recently completed a Gift of 1000 Guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Orphan Boys. - I attended the funeral along with J. Procter WM Jas Spencer W. M. Rd Radcliffe P G S D. Amos Armistead, Robt Duckworth, John Clough, Thomas Sharples, John Cottam. Charles Aspden, Thomas Haworth, R. H. Hutchinson.
Captain Starkie of Huntroyde appointed P G Master in the room of the late Stephen Blair, Manchester Brethren not contested.

[July] 10th Sunday Morning Trinity very affecting Sermon on occasion of the sudden demise of Miss Hindle by the Rev W Stones - And God shall wipe away all tears &c. Afternoon Bamber Bridge, Sermon by the Rev Canon Parr - Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God & keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of Man. The Sermon was instructive, practical & impressive and the Rev Gentn depicted in graphic language the Vanity of Merely earthly pursuits shewing that they all tended to one place "the grave" & strongly exhorted his hearers to secure that "repose" after this Life's toils were passed which endureth for ever. Evening - Sermon by the Rev J Taylor at the same Church, and God said "Let there be light". The Collection amounted to £55:17:0. There were many Masons from Blackburn to whom & to all Strangers Mr & Mrs Taylor exhibited great hospitality.

[July] 13th At Manchester, Took Miss Polly Brigs on her journey home to Spalding -

[July] 21. Thursday. Attended the Annual Meeting of the Literary Club and responded to the Toast Town & Trade of Blackburn. A very pleasant Meeting. Some fair reading and recitations - The personification of Lord Dundreary caused a deal of merriment.

[July] 24th Weather excessively hot these few days. - Attended Trinity Morning & Evening. Rev Wilson Stones - Show Piety at Home - also Eg The Righteous shall flourish as a Branch. Two good practical discourses.
List in for Three Wards - The Weather exceedingly hot all the time - Mary, Trinity, Johns.

A Emmett (28th) buried his only Son aged 20 Years He died on the 25th

[July] 29th Darwen Gas Meeting - No very particular business - except that it was arranged the Cashier should prepare a financial Statement for the Board with a view of paying an Intermediate Dividend.

August was ushered in with fine and dry weather which continued for several weeks -

On the 8th [August] I visited Buxton whither Mrs Tiplady had gone for the benefit of her Health - I found it much larger & handsomer than I expected to find it - and daily improving - The place was very full of visitors and lodgings were dear -
[August] 10th Visited Chatsworth the seat of the Duke of Devonshire - It is a very grand Manorial residence & would require a Book to describe its wonders & beauties - The Architecture - Paintings - Statuary - Marbles, Gardens, Park &c were all of them exceedingly rich & valuable. We spent a pleasant day - Saw Haddon Hall on the same day - an ancient Ruin.

 [August] 11th Perambulated Buxton & Fairfield one Mile from Buxton, at which latter place a Grand Wedding took place - visited the School there

 [August] 12th Visited Castleton - 12 Miles from Buxton & saw the Caves at Peak - also the old Ruins The Cave so far as I explored is wonderfully Grand -
[August] 13th Pooles Cavern - very strange & wonderful sight

 [August] 14th Sunday Morning at Fairfield Church, plain & homely discourse. Evening at St John's Church very throng - on the character of Ahab. This is a most beautiful Church the pulpit is of worked Marble - very grand.
[August] 15th At Chapel-le-Frith A very dry & fine - a small Market Town, with a fine old Church - but seems poor and lifeless place. - It is about 5 Miles from Buxton.

 [August] 16th Left Buxton & returned home with my Wife. The visit I think has been beneficial to her.

21 Aug. Attended the Annual Sermons at Great Harwood in the Afternoon. The attendance was not so large as formerly - the singing wh: used to be first rate - sadly deficient Like in all human meditations I could see decay - The Town itself wonderfully improved, I noticed in going the new line of Railway was staked out.

29 August Monday. For some weeks Jos Feilden Esq has lingered in a hopeless state - He died this Day - Mr Feilden has been Lord of the Manor 55 years having succeeded his Father in 1815. He was 77 years of Age.

Seps: 24th Attended the Consecration of Waverley Lodge No 1322 of Hurst, near Ashton-under-Lyne. A very imposing Ceremony. Mr R Callender was there and Dr Lees. - The Evening before I spent with R H Hutchinson Esq at Tenter House, very beautiful place, 3 miles from Rochdale.

Tenders for Printing & Stationery Aug 29th.
B. T. Barton3596111/2
Thomas Woods211130
Edward Wharton348 981/2
Charles Tiplady & Son2911791/2​

The Tender of Thomas Woods accepted.

[September] 25 Jane Peel Confectioner was confined of a Girl this day & Father a married Man. Almond.
Attended St Michaels in the Morning Sermon by Mr Taylor of Bamber Bridge. - In the Afternoon Mr & Mrs R rode & took Fanny who was not well - Evening - Trinity -
After the equinoctial Gales which prevailed more or less in the early part of September the weather Settled & became exceedingly clear & pleasant extending to the day of October. In the last week of Seper we were visited by a descent of myriads of small flies which filled the atmosphere for several days.

Oct 1st Saturday - Grand Demonstration of the Independent Order of Oddfellows - Procession, Tea Party & Ball. - The whole affair was a great success and being for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans' I trust there may be a surplus though the Expences will be heavy. I attended the Procession. The weather was fine - In the Evening the Bull was exceedingly throng -

Sepr 6th Joseph Feilden was interred there was a Procession of a large number of Tenants and respectable Inhabitants from the Hall to St Mark's Church, Witton

Nov 1. The Election passed off peaceably and resulted in the return of Eight Conservatives & four Liberals.

[November] 5th Birth of Charles Ernest at Bahia, Grandson.

[November] 9th T. H Pickup, Esq re-elected Mayor.

[November] 15th First fall of Snow. Cold Weather

[November] 26th Saturday - Dreadful Accident on the L & N. W Rails at Harrow near London, whereby Seven valuable Lives were sacrificed - four of whom belonged to Manchester, and Two to Bolton in Lancashire

[December] 9th Dined with the P G Lodge at Manchester and was re-elected to the Office of P.G. Treasurer - Le G. N. Starkie was installed P G M see page opposite

Dec 13th Died very suddenly at Rock Ferry, Robt Spencer Esq. Agent to the Earl of Balcarres, a Gentleman universally respected in Blackburn. -
After a long season of Wet, cold & disagreeable Weather a strong commenced on the Evening of the 16th and on the 18th it froze very keenly - Business in the Printing slack. Letter from my Son in America - all well. My second Grandson Born Nov 5 1870.

19th Decr There was a continued flood of Rain all day & night - 20 variable - 21 Frost again set in with intensity - Christmas Eve a splendid Show of Butcher's Meat, Poultry, Geese, Game, Fruit &c &c.

[December] 25th Morning at Trinity Church good Sermon by Rev W. Stones "Thou shalt call his name Jesus" for he shall save his people from their sins - Afternn visited the easterly Pond at Blow-up - The weather was remarkably fine and strong Frost

31st Dec. The Entire last week of the Year was one of hard Frost, & a little Snow on this last Day it was very keen, a good deal of Skating all over the Country with a few accidents

The Events of the Year 1870 are very important. At its beginning the political burden[?] was clear and perfectly calm & peaceful, - but in the month of July there suddenly broke out a furious War between France & Prussia, which has continued up to the present date - It is calculated that more than 250,000 Men have been slain and 30,000 Horses. - I thank God for all his Mercies to myself & Family - & that the blessing of Peace still continue to our Land.


1870 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes​​​

Jan 1. Sunday Attended the Parish Church in the Morning - Sermon by the Vicar, 62nd Psalm "My Expectation is from Him" a homely & practical Discourse - The Church was rather Slender no doubt owing to the very severe cold weather with a keen Blast from the S. East all day. In the Afternoon visited my Son William with Fanny & Essy - In the Evening with Mrs Tiplady - reading -

[January] 5th The festival of St John held, Lodge of Perseverance 345 about 86 Brethren present. The V. W. D Prov' G. Master installed the W. M. Davis Towers - A very pleasant and instructive Meeting broke up at Eleven - Br. J H Robinson presided at the Piano - He died suddenly on the 10th Inst. tho' he appeared cheerful on the Evg attended to yet he had been poorly a very long time. He was organist of St Peter's Parish Church.
The frost partially gave way on the 5th & 6th but again commenced on the 7th with some Snow in various - This Morning the 11th it freezes with intensity, and there is every appearance of a Continuance

[January] 15th Frost remitted all day - The remains of Mr J. H Robinson Organist of St Peter's Ch. were interred this day at the Cemetery - About 40 Masons attended - The Rev C W Woodhouse officiated - and a Choir of Singers performed the Anthem very beautifully. -

Tuesday Jan 24th Thos Thwaites Esq interred the Brother of D Thwaites at the

[January] 26. Very partial Thaw about the 20 & 21st but when the New Moon appeared the Frost re-commenced with great severity. - Clear, cold, biting East Winds - but not much Snow.
The fearful Struggle between France and Prussia continues but it is thought the French cannot hold out long and that Paris must surrender. -

[January] 27th News of Capitulation of Paris - arrived, after dreadful suffering - Terms not fully realised[?], Paris to be revictualled

[January] 31st This Day was remarkable on account of a Torchlight Skating recreation upon the Rishton Reservoir. Many Thousand people were assembled. The Ice very firm - No accidents except falls one Gent Mr Ellston unfortunately broke his right wrist bone. - The Weather severe, dull, and dreadfully cold to the End -

Feb 1. John Ibbotson, Accountant died aged

Feb 9. Visited Manchester on Business -
[February] 12th After a variable week the Weather became intensely cold on Saturday the 12th when there commenced a heavy Storm of Snow lasting all night.

March came on gentle but after a few days it resumed its old freeze.

9th March Thursday. Annual Meeting of the Over Darwen Gas Co. Very successful year. My Son was re-appointed Auditor - Mr James Gibson a Member of the Board died - from the effects of an accident, aged 75. - A very worthy, quiet old Man. Mr Baron chimney blown down and Mr Walsh, by the negligence of his Sons, got fined £100 for an infringement of the Factory Act -

[March] 12th Cold, wild & Stormy. The Vicar preached from Father forgive them for they know what they do. He seemed to aim at Some one of the Congregation.

[March] 13th Heavy Thunder, rain & Wind.

[March] 14 & 15. The first day very cold & stormy ending in heavy snow. 15 Heavy keen hard frost and very slippy.

[March] 16th Tremendous fall of snow exceedingly cold & wintry weather. Wild March

[March] 17th At Accrington St John's. Mr Romaine Callender present and many Brethren a very pleasant night. - Home 9.45. - Shock of an Earthquake 11.5 pm. I did not feel it.

[March] 23 R T. Meeting - Ths Wright of Bolton was present. a full no.

[March] 25th A distressing Accident by Fire took place this Morning at the Confectioner Shop Top of King Street by which Three lives were lost by suffocation and one person Mrs Dewhurst was almost miraculous saved by leaping from a Window 3 Stories [sic] high.
On the same Evening after a rather sultry day there came a very heavy Thunder Storm which lasted some time -
Borrowed this Day of Rd Thompson Esq. £15.0.0 Daughters went Lytham.

April 6 - Meeting of the New Assurance Society 138 New Policies - W Kenyon Poor Rate Collector died on the 5th & this Evening at the Lodge died Mr Richard Eaves, very highly Esteemed by all the Masonic Fraternity - Aged 58.
See afterds

All thro' March & April France in a state of Revolution and Bloodshed.

April 7th Good Friday Parish Church, capital Sermon by the Vicar "Woman behold thy son" a very affecting Discourse

April 9. Easter Sunday. Sermon by the Vicar John XI 21 &c. - Lord if thou had been here my Brother had not died. The Rev Genn defended the character of Martha from many unjust aspersions, the Sermon was eloquent and beautiful -

April 10. Easter Monday, the funeral of Mr Richard Eaves took place this day at the Cemetery. He was buried with full Masonic honours, and about 70 of the Brethren formed a Procession. The Rev J Baker & C Hughes officiated. There was also full choral Service, and Br Ainsworth W M of 269 read the funeral Address - A large number of Spectators attended at the Cemetery to witness this deeply interesting & affecting Ceremony. -

[April] 14th A Prayer for merciful deliverance from a painful disease, and death. O merciful God who hast spared my life after great affliction & toil, received my humble thanks for this great Mercy and grant that by Grace helping me, I may in all my public and private duties, I may be found faithful

[April] 16th Sunday down to St Peter's Sermon by the Rev W. L. Feilden, - David love of the Courts of God from Psalm 84. - The Rev Gentn made an allusion to the dreadful state of France at Paris showing the wickedness of the French People in dishonouring God, & the consequent judgement. In the Evening to Trinity - Sermon Rev W. Stones, Acts 16th v. - "Do thyself no harm" a very plain and faithful discourse, against the sin of Drunkenness.

Died on the 7th [April] Mr Thos Oddie formerly of this Town the protegee of Mr John Eccles, and on the 15th [April] at Leyland John Eccles, Esq. the originator of St John's Sunday School, - Sick Society - Female Friendly Society, and other good & useful Institutions, aged 71 years - The living fruits of this Man's labours were yet to be seen, and will endure for Generations to come. So passeth away one good stay & another - but God remaineth - and his Word will not fail

April 29. The New Schools belonging the Parish Church were opened this day - by the Bishop of Manchester. - There was a large Tea Party in the Evening.

[April] 30th Sermons at Holy Trinity by the Rev J Doyle of Manchester - The Evening Discourse was on the present position & prospects of the Church of England. An eloquent discourse.

May 7th, I went down to Ribchester and attended service at Lydd Church, when a Sermon was preached by the Venerable Rector T. R. Haslewood. There was a good Congregation Morning & Evening. Collections very niggardly surprisingly so for so respectable an attendance. - The text was from the Epistle of St James "For every good gift, and every perfect Gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning".
Mr John Parkinson, a very excellent and pious Man died Aged 62 years no doubt he is gone to rest.

May 11th The Prov G. Lodge was held at the Mechanics' Institution Burnley, where I delivered office PGL. Mr Starkie presided. We assembled dined at the Wall Inn. - It was a comfortable business Meeting but the Rooms were dirty - The room for the Provl Officers sadly too small & crowded.

[May] 20th Died Mrs Eltoft aged 78 years, Burnley, a very worthy and respectable Widow.

[May] 24th Queen's Birthday, aged 53 years - Telegrams that certain places in Paris were in Flames - especially the Louvre & the Tuilleries - The Commune fled and Tiers & N. [National] Assembly Triumphant.

[May] 27th Saturday. Whitsun Eve, a Thunder Storm in the Afternoon. Large number of people going to the Sea Side. I went down to Lytham and Blackpool and staid until Tuesday Evening with my Wife, Son Charles & his Wife - There were a vast throng on Monday from all parts, especially from Bn.

[May] 29th Had a beautiful Drive on the old road to Blackpool. It was very fine and warm. Saw a large Bakery Establishment (Walkers) in the Country. Bake six packs per week - Also inspected his Garden and vinery 

June 4th At Feniscowles - Sermon by Mr Leighton Isaiah 55. 1. "Ho every one that thirsteth" a good practical discourse. Afterwards to Tea with H. Waddington

[June] 7th Married Miss Blomley to her cousin James Forrest, and yet not her cousin by Marriage of his Father Miss B became his Sister in law and Mrs Forrest is Mother to them in a Threefold first naturally to her Daughter 2nd by Marriage to James Forrest to his Son - 3rd by this Marriage to them both as Son & Daughter
[June] 7th Borrowed of the Green Bank Lodge the sum of Sixty Pounds @ £5 per cent Lodged with the Trustees Security Five Darwen Gas Share Certificates, Nos 354 &c also a Promissory Note

June 15th Went to Manchester, very wet all day. John Robinson was paid the £80 which I borrowed from him in 1866 to pay off the Preston Banking Co. - with all Interest thereon. Caught very severe cold.

[June] 17th This Day received the Melancholy intelligence of my Son Richard Wife's death at Bahia after an illness of 3 or 4 month - She has left 2 very young children - I pray God he may have fortitude to bear this heavy loss & trial.

[June] 23rd I am now 63 years old - I pray the Almighty to pardon a Life's Sins for Christ sake, and to give grace to fulfil all my station with integrity. I offer unfeigned thanks for innumerable life mercies and pray for all my Children and Friends to be Blessed of God.

These paragraphs are misplaced.

1871 Nov 7th To Manchester - Day fine - Mrs T. also there Attended the Charity Committee, and voted for several Grants. It is however to be regretted that Lodges do not take better care to represent their cases to the Committee - Home 9-30 evening Wet.

Nov 9. Thursday Mr Thos Bury late Pawnbroker was this day elected Mayor -

Sunday the 16th [July] Attended the Parish Church, Sermon by the Curate, on the necessity of self-abrogation by warning in whatever we do - it must be not to ourselves but unto God. This Gentn is a Man of scientific attainment, his illustrations were apt - and the whole argument very logical & scriptural - The day was very fine and hot - in short a summer's day.

Thursday 27th [July] The N. L. [North Lancashire] Agricultural Show was held in this Town near the Billinge School. - The attendance was great & the day fine £625 was taken at the Gate £64 at the Grand Stand, £23 Trial of Implements. In the Evening a Dinner was held at the Exchange £64 taken at the Grand - £200 Guarranteed [sic] to the Council by the Bn. Public - Total £913.0.0

Monday 31st [July] Died Ald Hy Pemberton, very suddenly. He was present at the Dinner alluded to above. The death of this Gentn was a subject of much discussion in the Town - From the Evidence at the Inquest it appeared he had been struck by Mr Wm Thompson at the old Bull Hotel and he never recovered the Shock - The Medical Men however concluded he had died from the effects of Drink and Jury entered a verdict of Delirium Tremens, a verdict much cavilled about in the circle of friends of the deceased Gentn

The Overseer's List of votes for 1871-2 continued as under:-

St Mary's Ward, (Names)672
St John'sDo1733
Park WardDo2450
St Peter'sDo1211
St Paul'sDo1744
LiveseyDo ​

Visiting Lytham with Mrs Tiplady on Wednesday the 2nd till Tuesday the 7th of August, and went also 4 times to Blackpool, where on Friday was a very fine Sea - It afterwards became calm & very hot - In fact the summer began on Saturday 5th of August. -

Aug 10. Heat in the Sun 1 pm 116 Degrees.
Great Pic Nic Party of Lodge 269 to Browsholm Park the residence of E. Parker Esq. - Day very fine and hot.

Aug 11. Heat Sun 116, 1-40 pm Shade 74 Clouds none - Began Saturday the 6th Augt

[August] 12 Heat Sun 118, 1-30 pm Shade 79

On Sunday the same, closed a week of most brilliant harvest weather for which God be ever praised. - This Eving Rev W Stone took most affectionate Farewell of the Congregation at Trinity Church after a Pastorate of 2 1/2 years.

[August] 26th Died Thomas Dutton Esq my Landlord aged 51 years. He had principally resided in London for some being in a feeble state of Health. He was never married. The large property I presume will fall to his Nephew son of John Pickop Esq of Blackpool. Mr D was a strong Conservative, a JP and DL and he was one of the first Councillors for St John's Ward in the Election of 1851.

28th Aug. A lamentable boiler explosion took place this Morning at the Works of Messrs Cotton & Slater by which the latter Gentleman lost his life - he was a very worthy & industrious Man and leaves a family to lament his loss.
Great Pit explosion at Arley Pit Wigan by which 70 persons lost their lives - and the Pit mouth was obliged to be walled up to put out the fires below.

Tuesday the 5th [September] Fanny had a severe attack of Spasms, which made her very ill.

[September] 10th Sunday The Curate preached an admirable discourse on the Ten Lepers shewing the sinfulness of ingratitude to God's Mercies. In the Evening he preached at St Peter's - and was well appreciated "No Man liveth unto himself".
Died suddenly James Mitchell, Draper, Darwen Street.
Also Died Edward Whittle formerly the Secretary of the Weaver's Association. A good Mathematician.

[September] 12th To Ribchester with old Mr Thompson (Nutting). They were rather short but a fair crop.

[September] 16th Mrs Vose lost her purse £6.10.0

Sep 20th Died Mrs Sellers, an excellent Wife and Mother.

[September] 24th Sunday wet. Parish Church - Canon Birch If I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear - The Rev Gent seems to mind to be under the Impression that there few righteous people in the world - This sermon was full of suspicious innuendos - He looks ever on the dark perhaps this is the natural effect of Age. I should have attended Rishton in the Afternoon but the weather & indisposition prevented me. - Evening Trinity Rev W. R Stephen If I wash thee not, thou has no part in me.
My Nieces Miss Beddoes & Miss A Callis on a visit. I am very sorry Fanny not so well to receive them.

Oct 7th Death of Daniel Thwaites Esq. Liquor Merchant aged never looked up after the death of his friend T. Dutton, Esq.

Sept 28. Lodge Meeting about 36 persons present. Afterwards supper, a pleasant rational Evening was spent. Several recitations were given by Bramley, Thomas & Myself. Broke up at 11.

Oct 7th Soirée & Ball for the Widow & Orphan’s Fund I O F. Mr Geo Ellis' Band attended. He also was here for a short time - On the following Morning (Sunday) he was seized with an Apoplectic Fit and died in the course of the same day - Mr Ellis was thus suddenly cut off from his earthly labours. - He was 54 years old and has been at the head of the Musical Profession, as an Instrumentalist for 25 years. Numerous testimonials had been presented to him by the various Bands which he had formed and taught most of them obtaining great celebrity and carrying away prizes at Contests held in Lancashire & Yorkshire - He was educated at the National School, and commenced his professional career under Mr Woomwell's Managerie [sic] Band. - He will be interred with Masonic and Musical honours on the 12th Inst. - Well may we pray, each rising day that we may be led into no sin, but perform our allotted in the fear of God.

[October] 10th This Morning I visited Manchester on business. A very beautiful fine day. Mr Benjn Ellston Draper, a very old friend, died after a short illness of a few days of brain fever - He was also a Member of Lodge 345, and a Gentn rightly esteemed in Blackburn.

Election of Trinity Ward - Orderly & peaceable

H Shuttleworth880
J Ingham816
W. Edmundson531

Alderman Dean, presiding Alderman. Cost £124 Conservatives

Nov 2 This day was interred Mrs Hart the relict of Mr W Hart, a Lady of most estimable character and one to whom, in my long sickness, I was under the deepest obligations. Nov 7. Visited Manchester, day fine

Nov 9th This Day Thos Bury Esq Top oth Coal Pits was unanimously elected Mayor of this Borough. He was formerly in business as a Pawnbroker, and retired with a Competency. He gave me Two Guineas for the Widow & Orphans Fund, M U. His father was for many years the surveyor of the Town. He attended church on the 12th but being at Trinity I did not go. - The Sermons by Canon Bell were highly devotional and affectionate. Collection for the School was £

Nov 26th Sunday, Attended the Parish Church in the Morning Sermon on the Kingship of Christ very eloquent - Preacher the Curate - When the service was ended the muffled Bell was tolled for the death of the venerable Sexton, Thomas Livesey aged 73, years 42 of which he spent in the laborious duties of his office - He was a Man universally respected, and one of the old Native residents of the Town.

[November] 30th Thos Livesey interred public Procession a very worthy man. Received the card as below a very old acquaintance, and at one time a strong Man.

Dec 1st Mrs Whittaker, relict of the late Dr Whittaker vicar of Blackburn died aged 71 years. She was the Daughter of the late Sir Wm. Feilden Bart.

[December] 2nd Parish Ch: very excellent Sermon on Xn [Christian] Liberality by the Rev Mr Youard, Curate, Evening Stranger at Holy Trinity - was drosy. [drossy]

[December] 5th Died Henry Stow, Butcher aged

[December] 6th Died Lieut Gen Sir James Scarlett, Bank House Burnley, aged 73, a fine specimen of the old English Gentn He took part in the Crimean War, and commanded the heavy Cavalry Brigade - at Balaclava.

Nov & Dec 8th The Prince of Wales was seized about the 15 or 16th Day of Nov with Typhoid Fever and now lies dangerously ill at Sandringham. This day unfavourable Telegram was up at early Bulletin.
Very alarming symptoms on the 8th [December] - Queen & D of Edinburgh telegraphed for - faint hope of recovery.

Dec 10. Throughout the entire kingdom there is profound regret and deep sympathy felt for the Heir of the Throne the Prince of Wales, now lying upon a sick bed of Fever - The Bulletins are very alarming. The Royal family has been summoned and very slight hopes of recovery entertained. In all Churches & Chapels earnest prayers for his recovery were offered up and men & women of all ranks were most deeply affected - The Rev C H Wainwright preached at St Peter's a most eloquent discourse for the S & P. Schools and in opening the discourse very pointedly attended to the mournful subject. His text was "Receive ye the ingrafted word of God which is able to save your souls".

Dec 11th Died at Preston my venerable old Friend Mr Lawrence Clark, Stationer, in the 84th year of his Age - He was in business as a Bookseller for the long period of 55 years - attended Three Guilds - vide in 22, 42, and 62 and was looked upon by all Classes a worthy Tradesman, honest Citizen and devout Christian of the old School.

[December] 14th & 15 Bp of Manchester preached at Feniscowles (14) and at Holy Trinity (15) - Sermons were in the latter case Opening of the New Schools -

[December] 18th Great Fire at one of the Mills worked by Messrs Pilkington Bro. Damage £8000 or thereabouts. It happened at 3 o'clock when the Workpeople were all engaged but all happily escaped tho' many of the Young Women had their clothing burnt.

[December] 19th Essie's 21 Birthday, my youngest Child. God be praised that I and their mother have been spared to see them all up. She had a party of friends who spent a pleasant Night. All my children were there except whom God Preserve.

Dec 30. A miserable day wet stormy and very dirty, moderate business done. -

[December] 31st Sunday at the Parish Church in the Morning very homely & practical Discourse by Canon Birch from these words Job 29 v. 18 "Then I said I shall die in my nest" Showing how Job thought himself secure from the reverses of fortune and how miserably he was deceived. The inference was not that should not lawfully desire to retain our comforts & possessions but that should forbear to put our all, trust & reliance on these things. I thought he might after all have shown that after all his afflictions God permitted to "Die in his Nest" surrounded by all the worldly comforts which could make a Man happy. - In the Afternoon visited Whalley Church. Evening at Home where thanking God for all the Mercies of the Year 1871 - my Wife & family fell peaceably asleep and rose refreshed for the Work of 1872. - The last day of the year was brilliantly fine - but not frosty


1871 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes​​​​

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Jan. 1 Children went to Atherstone & staid

[January] 3rd MacCarte was Worried to Death by five lions at Manders' Theatre, Bolton @ 10-30 in the presence of 500 persons.

[January] 4th Mrs Tiplady fell down Stairs & severly [sic] bruised her shoulder & side - Bedfast for several days but is now recovering.
A fearful Week for rain &c.

[January] 7th At the Parish Church, a good practical Sermon by the vicar. "He that observeth the wind shall not sow, and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap". - The drift of the discourse was to show that under all circumstances of Life we should maintain a steady reliance on the mercy of God, and strict fidelity in his service.

[January] 26th Died, Henry Knowles an Apprentice of mine -  a fine young lad rising 16 years, very likely for making a clever Man. He was cut down very suddenly.

Sunday 28th [January] Died Thomas Hindle Esq aged 50, self made man, in the cotton business.

Also on 3rd [February] Henry Hargreaves Esq Beardwood aged 82 Brother of the Ex Coroner and one of the oldest Legal Practitioners of Blackburn. He had been in an unhealthy state for a long time.

[February] 8th Viceroy of India Lord Mayo assassinated by Mahommedan convict at Port Blair.

[February] 13 Shrove Tuesday Very fine - at Chatburn & Clitheroe with Mrs T. - paid G. Lofthouse his Bill -

Sunday Feb 18th Parish Morning - the vicar on Satanic Agency.
Evening, Holy Trinity, an excellent Sermon by the Bishop of Manchester on the spiritual Warfare of the Christian - An overwhelming Congregation who were exceedingly attentive and devout. Collection - £28.

The above Gentn travelled nearly 30 years for Venables. He was with us on 14th of the Month and tho' he complained of illness it did [not] seem to us very serious. He was a Gentleman of great experience in the business and one for whom both my son & myself felt a great respect. He literally died in harness - but when we are in the path of upright duty it is better thus to go than linger on fit for nothing but mourn over decaying faculties.

March 4th This has been a very important Week in my life. On the 27th Feb was the Great Day of Thanksgiving for the recovery of the Prince of Wales from a dangerous illness. The Freemasons of Bn mustered well & went in Procession to the Parish Church 100 in number. Sermon by the vicar. "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars, and unto God the things that are Gods -" The Sermon was a mixture religious & political discussion, arguing duty[?] of the Church in things essential and liberty in things optional. Afternoon to Darwen to settle upon Terms of Agreement between the Local Board & the Directors for the purchase of the Darwen Gas Company -. Thursday to Manchester to the P G Meeting to adopt a new Code of Bye Laws for the Province, a dreadfully wet day in fact a flood of Waters. - March continued with a heavy drizzling fog - Saturday the 2nd attended a special Meeting of the Board of Directors to the Local Board of Health & agreed upon Terms to be accepted & presented to the Gas Shareholders for the Sale of the Gas Company's Works & Plant. - In this business I have endeavoured to negociate [sic] to the advantage of the Shareholders. It is now for them to accept or reject the mutual propositions of both parties - Heard the Bishop at St Thomas in the Evening.
My Daughter Fanny received a Letter from her Brother in America Stating that he was in good health, & had an addition of £100 to his Salary - for all these Mercies I wish to express thankfulness to God

The Weather throughout Feby was exceedingly wet the 27th being the only full fair day. This was the Thanksgiving day.

March 11th Received Printed reports of the Bahia and San Francisco Railway containing of Reports to the Directors from my Son Richard, being very gratifying to us all -

March 3. Sunday at the Parish Church Sermons for the Schools - a good sermon from Canon Birch, Collection more than £50. The charity Children sang well. We printed for the occasion. The Evening Preacher was the Rev Edward J Whittaker a Son of the late vicar of Bn one of my first & fastest friends.

March, except about 6 days in the beginning has been a very variable Month for weather up to the 20th when a severe Storm of Snow and frost set in which continued more or less until the End of the Month

[March] 26th Died at Blackpool my much esteemed friend Nathaniel Walsh Esq. JP Over Darwen, and one of the Directors of the Gas Company. - Lord do teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto Wisdom. Mr W. was universally respected. He was one of a Sub Committee to meet the Board of Health, to treat for the sale of the Gas Works to them.

[March] 30th very fine after troublesome Weather. Had a glass of wine with my old friend John Procter, who reminded me of his Engagement with R H Hutchinson. They the said prosper him & his - 11 years ago - I hear that his oldest Daughter will shortly be married.

[March] 31 Easter Sunday - To Church Parish - The vicar preached from Revelations the last judgment. I thought he was too literal in his interpretations of Scripture - The Books were opened - but as this was purely a figure of Speech of St. John I presume he meant the Book of Conscience - The weather dismal all day. At Night to Tea with my Son where was surprised to find a New Portrait of myself, and also one of my Wife - The last one good but myself very melancholy looking & severe.

April 1 very Wet - 2nd Heavy fall of Snow and Winterly. Mr Disraeli in Manchester - Met by the Working Men of various Towns in Lancashire. Mr John Carr robbed of £380 in Manchester - at the Bank. In the [evening] the usual Tea party at St John's was held which was well attended.

Monday April 8th On this day the Over Darwen Gas Company sold their concern to the Local Board of Health for 71/2 per cent in perpetuity - The 8 shares receiving a Bonus of One Pound per share. Thus ends my long connection with this company, a loss to me of more than £20 per annum - having been a Member of the Board for 26 years. The Meeting was very fully attended, all the Directors being present, for particulars see the following page - About 60 were present.

[April] 11th Inquest at the Police Court over the body of a Young Man aged 22, killed at the side of the Railway at Brinscall. Verdict was accidental death. Was Foreman of the Jury. In the evening went to Trinity vestry Meeting very angry discussion wardens, on the Vicar and spend of the Pew Charge about a £10:0:0 which ought to be paid by him for Ch: Expenses.

April 14th 1872 Sunday - a fine day - To the Parish Church, Sermon by Canon Birch on the earnestness of praise - Evening at Trinity - Rev W R. Stephens "What meanest thou, O Sleeper arise, & call upon they God" from Jonah - a good discourse. - Remembered that it was the 8th year since my operation for the Stone and thanked God for his great Mercy - Sons & their Wives to Tea in the Afternoon


[April] 18th Present at the marriage of Miss Proctor daughter of my friend Mr Proctor - a very fine and beautiful sight - Christ Church Grimshaw Park.

[April] 24th Rather severe Thunder Storm. In the Evening at 10 my Daughter Fanny had a very severe spasmodic attack and was fearfully convulsed for two hours – I sent for Dr Dunbar, at about 11 and at 12 o’clock she fell quietly to rest for wh: God be thanked.
Verse on Funeral Card

Long time with sickness sore distressed
My soul in anguish cried
But now released in endless rest
By Christ my tears are dried
So loving friends farewell and be,
That you prepare to follow me.

[April] 25 All Saints’ Church Consecrated by the Bishop of Manchester, who preached an excellent Sermon on the occasion. Collection £102.10.0 Luncheon in the School afterwards. –

[April] 27th Died Mr William Brooks, a very old & respected Tradesman of this Town aged 65.

May 18th Whit Saturday very stormy, also snow, rain & sleet on the Sunday but on Monday brilliantly fine – Many thousands left Town for Liverpool, Blackpool, Southport and all the Watering places – but not quite so many Schools –

[May 20] Visited Preston on Whitmonday, the Procession was very large and beautifull [sic] – The R Catholics were arranged by different school and being uniform in dress presented a neat & [?] appearance they marched in twoes and it took 1 hour to pass in succession – The Church schools started at Two o’clock opposite the old Church and marched in fives occupying an hour & forty minutes. Both processions had an array of splendid banners, - and bands of Music. The day was magnificently fine – The Town exceedingly throng & busy, and the people very neat, clean, well dressed and happy looking.

[May] 24 Died Mrs W. Brooks relict of W Brooks Clothier – about a month after her husband.

June 1st Visited Southport where my wife and eldest Daughter stayed on a mission[?] for a few days - Sunday Christ Church a very impressive Sermon by Mr Cross the Curate "God is love" Took a good view of S on the Monday, it is a surprisingly thriving place containing nearly 20000 inhabitants - having Churches, Chapels, Baths, Market House, Gas & Water Works, Observatory, Two Parks, Town Hall, Corporation, Hotels & about 700 detached Mansions and semi-detached dwellings.
Tuesday to Churchtown Strawberry Garden - very poor - Wednesday sail to Lytham - saw Nancy, Mrs Carter and other Friends - Weather on returning very wet - Thursday was invited to to [sic] Dinner to Mr R Entwistle's it being his birthday aged 52 - had Tea also and much Music. They behaved very well to us all - Fanny played and sung for them. I read & recited pieces for the Ladies - Friday Wife & I went down to Liverpool and I returned Home - On Monday 3rd visited Liverpool & Birkenhead Park. The day was very fine - but generally since June came in we have had exceedingly heavy Rains and cold Atmosphere - but not frost.

Sunday the 9th [June] Thunder in the many places and rain - also on the 10th very heavy rain throughout the whole day - 11th rather better weather.

Memorandum June 8th 1872 Repaid the sum of Sixty Pounds to the Green Bank Lodge and Interest on the same which sum I took out of the Prince of Wales Building Society and I also repaid this day the sum of Thirty Pounds to the same Society which I borrowed in February at 5 per cent for the Transaction. I lodged with the Society five Certificates of the Original Gas Shares of Darwen.

[June] 14th The Inhabitants of the Town and vicinity were greatly shocked by the suicide of Miss Bullough the eldest Daughter of Adam Bullough Esq, Cotton Spinner, by cutting her throat dreadfully so as to cause instant death. Various rumours were afloat respecting the cause of the melancholy catastrophe but I cannot pretend to write down any thing definite.
Went to Whalley in the Afternoon, and saw there on the Station the Rev R T Wheeler who is on a visit to Mr Ashe of Witton - Fanny had a bad night up to 2 o'clock when she fell asleep - Poor Fanny. - I would that I could devise any remedy for her - but we must submit -

[June] 22nd Grand Demonstration of the Church Sunday School, about 15,000 walked. Hugh Birley Esq addressed them in the Park. The day was moderately fine and the sight most beautiful - Are these Demonstrations calculated to enhance true piety - The Dissenters have partly given them up - but it is thought in consequence of being out numbered.

July 18th Foundation Stone of the New Library laid by Thomas Bury Esq Mayor. A Great Banquet in the Evening wh: I attended.

July 25th The Cattle Show held near the Cemetery. There was a Thunder Storm in the Morning which prevented many from attending. - I went in the Afternoon many Thousands visited the Ground and a better Show never took place. My Son Charles was the Secretary & William general Cashier - I dined with the Society in the Evening. Cash £482.0.0
Old George Holden, an old Churchman was crushed by an Omnibus falling upon him and died the following day.
John Cotton, who died July 20, was interred with Masonic honours this day Rd Ja Duckworth WN

This day 26 [July] Jane Lloyd our Servant was delivered of a child, tho' she bitterly denied it to the very last hour. I had a deal of domestic trouble thro' it. She was removed to Liverpool 31st

[July] 27th At Bamber Bridge, fine Day. Sermon in the evening by Rev R. Whittaker Splendid Discourse "Take that child and nurse if for me" Ex 2 11. Collection £62.0.0

Aug 3rd Dreadful accident on the L & Y Railway near Pendleton by which five persons were killed. The body of old Mr Wm Johnson (79) was in the Horse Box, which was smashed to pieces - but the Coffin and body escaped injury.

[August] 4th Rev A G Youard preached in the parish Church and made a suitable allusion to the Generosity of the Congregation on his recent illness.

[August] 6th Fanny's Birthday - Wrote to Son Richard - Three heavy Thunder Storms, this day - & much rain. It must be noted that this Summer has been very remarkable for the prevalence of Electricity. Frequent Thunder Storms from June until August & heavy Rains.

[August] 8th First Election (Municipal) under the Ballot resulting in the Election of Denis Towers 513 defeating Mr Higson 496 St Peter's Ward.

Aug 2. Died James Holden aged 69 Years a very worthy humble Christian Man. He died happy.

[August] 18th Very hot Day. Went to Harwood Sermons the Reader of the Lessons I liked well.

[August] 19th Visited Buxton, where my Wife & Daughter were, stopped at no 5 Belmont Terrace. Buxton is greatly improved - both in the pleasures and good Buildings Erected. Visited Matlock, nothing particular except the scenery of the River which on one side is well planted with Timber and adorned with rocks. The height of Abram are also, well worth notice, where are many good Building - 22nd. Went to Alton Towers moderately fine day until Afternoon when rain fell. This place is wonderfully beautiful whether as regards the princely Mansion of the Earl, the surrounding Grounds or the magnificent Gardens - In fact I never saw any equal to them, neither at Chatsworth nor at the Crystal palace.

Sep 13th Election at Preston return

Mr Holker (C) 4542
German (L) 3824
 Majority  718

This was the first Parliamentary Election in the county of Lancaster under the Ballot and caused immense interest in Lancashire and the neighbourhood - There was much rejoicing in Preston on the occasion.

Mr James Spencer died in Manchester Sep 18th aged 38 Years - A young Man of whom it can be said possessing much ability he disappointed his friends by imprudent conduct.

[September] 18th Very heavy Gale at Blackpool and damage to the Promenade

[September] 21. Died Wm Aspinall of Lower Darwen aged 63 son of "Billy at Bont" - A penurious Man - but not bad principled - He lost money by a foolish Law Suit.

Sep 30th & Oct 1. Received information from Bahia with £45 for William to apply Steam Power. Richard well but hard worked.

Octr 2nd 1872 Judge Willis, who unseated our old members committed suicide by shooting himself - His reputation stood high as a judge

[October] 9th Visited Southport. Prince & Princess Teck laying the foundation Stone of Cambridge Hall Concourse of people was very great - Illumination beautiful especially some in Chapel Street - Train arrangements awfully bad scandalous delay - reached Bn at 12-55 nearly 4 hours on the road - Saw few Bn people - came home with Richd Pemberton.

[October] 10th Richard Thompson 80 Years - 12th John Hargreaves Esq 89 years.

[October] 12th Died G. L Bliss aged 34 Years, James Caughey Esq late Councillor -

Oct 18th 1872 Died Christopher Parkinson Esq JP. aged 75 Years. A very excellent Townsman and worthy Christian. He was interred at St John's Church on the 23rd. A procession of Magistrates & Genn attended the Funeral -
Same date also died James Leach Hawthorne aged 39 Years. He was the Grandson of Mr Hutchinson of Darwen and formerly held the situation of Manager to the Gas Co. there - His Marriage is stated to have been most unhappy. His Wife being a Woman of disorderly & unsteady habits.

Nov 1. The first general Municipal Election took place under the Ballot, and resulted in the return of six Con & six Liberals. In St Mary's Ward no doubt some of the First voters were substantially sugared

Wednesday Nov 6. Died aged 75 years Mrs Martland the respected Widow of Dr Martland, a very excellent and pious Lady - and universally respected -
Mr C. Greenwood Aged 51 on the 1 P.P.GM.

[November] 9th John Thompson Esq elected Mayor.

[November] 21st Prov. G. Lodge at Farnworth near Bolton., very large attendance - Dined in Church Schools - Dinner cooked at Bolton was much spoiled, - but the Brethren were very patient.

[November] 22nd Son William's Birthday (31) First application of Steam Power to our Machine Printing Also for the Almanack.

[November] 24 Sunday. Parish Church Morning - Canon Birch, Sermon on Despondency of David.
At Evening died Mr James Walkden, Printer and Bookseller - much respected aged 65 years. Interred at St Pauls
Died in Texas Mr Thomas Stones, eldest Son of the late Geo Stones aged 23 years.

Decr 1872 H Hoyle Esq Clerk to the Borough Magistrates aged 59 Years. A Man who indulged much in ardent spirits -


1872 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes​​​​

The year began with a fine Morning - but there was rain at Night, and every day up to the 9th.

On the 5th [January] I went to Lytham where my Wife was for a few days - Boisterous Weather Nearly all the time. When there read in the papers that the Emperor Napoleon was undergoing the painful operation of lithotrity or crushing for stone in the Bladder - The first operation he stood pretty well - but died on the Ninth Jan at the second operation.
I mention this as it reminds me of the dreadful suffering I endured from the same complaint and operation on me on the 14th day of July 1864 from which by the Mercy of God I recovered after a long and painful illness.
The Emperor Napoleon died on the Ninth Jany aged 64.

Jany 22nd Wednesday 11 pm Frightful Collision at in the English Channel when a strange vessel ran into the Emigrant Ship Northfleet 900 Tons, when sad to relate more than 300 Mariners were drowned. The offending Vessel never stopped a moment to report the damage.


Feb 20th visited Bracewell the seat of J Turner Hopwood Esq, Yorkshire, a very beautiful House, grand Organ worth £4000, grounds & situation very beautiful. Weather fine.

The Snow on Pendle Hill from the 11th of March to the 18th wonderful - The Mountain was perfectly covered as if with a white Table Cloth.
March with solitary exception has been a Winter month indeed.

March 20th Letter from Richard enclosing a Bill for £100 which was banked in my name at Cunliffe's Bank.

Mar: The Great Steamer Atlantic struck upon a rock in Prospect when more than 400 persons perished.

April 14th Easter Monday. Weather fine. This day nine years ago I underwent operation for the Stone, and suffered great affliction but by Gods Mercy recovered to whom thanks I return for this and his long Mercies.

[April] 18th Visited Lytham for 2 days. Weather splendid.

[April] 21st Mr Joy, Superintendent of Fire Brigade, and William McCallum killed at Mr Parkinson's Brass Foundry, Canterbury Street, A most lamentable catastrophe - Mr McC not dead.
On the same Evening also died my old Apprentice David Thornber after a long illness, - an active & naturally shrewd Man and one whom I had taken much care with - but sadly deficient in sobriety & stability of character. He was with me 17 1/2 Years, and then commenced for himself.

[April] 24th Great public Funeral for Mr Joy Superintendent of the Fire Brigade who was killed as above. He was interred with Masonic honours. W McCallum was also interred on the same day, in the Catholic Grounds.

[April] 25th David Thornber interred at Whalley with Masonic honours -

May 7th (Wed) Provincial Grand Meeting at Rochdale Consecration of St Edmund's Church, Falinge, the Gift of Albert Hudson Royds Esq, cost £20,000 A very large attendance of Masons (530) Procession to the Church, Grand Banquet at the Town Hall. The day was fair but cloudy. The Streets were lined by a vast concourse of people. The Sermon was preached by the Bishop of Manchester to a very large Congregation and there was Collection on behalf of the Rochdale Infirmary. The Town hall of Rochdale is a noble Building standing on the South Bank of the River the interior is highly decorated with Imitation Tapestry and a large painting medieval style of the Granting of Magna Charter by King John.

May 15th At Accrington - Great Concourse of people - Show Good. Weather gloomy, fair and very cold. Paid Marshall's Bill

Sunday 18th [May] At Feniscowles, heard Dr Lee very eloquent Man and sound Protestant.

Marmaduke Callis, died Decr 23rd 1786, aged 55 Years
John Callis, born at Bridlington, Yorkshire, Oct 28th 1759
May Callis, his Wife (then Ashmore) born at Mansfield, April 8th 1757.
Married at Nottingham February 11th 1779.
William their Son, born at Walesby Nottinghamshire Dec 4th 1779
John, born at Nottingham St Nicholas Parish May 18th 1788, Trinity Woods.
Mary, born at Nottingham (St Mary's Parish) Aug 31st 1791

A Continuation of these Mems will be found on page 60. - Besides this Book I had a small 8vo [octavo] Book with a few Mems from 1825 but not of much consequence.

Died R W Low a friend of my Son William, 40. Also Mr Rowland Baguley very suddenly - both interred on the 24th.

[May] 24th Brookhouse Sports Queen's Birthday - a large concourse of Spectators - The vol force both Artillery & Rifle mustered in good numbers

Whitsuntide 1873. Sunday confined to the House with a severe cold all day - Monday large procession of Roman Catholics from 4 to 5000 Men, Women & children. No other Procession

[June] 2nd Sam Walkden drowned at Lytham

Tuesday June 3rd Great Day at Preston unveiling the Statue of the late Earl of Derby in Miller Park. Vast concourse of people and magnificent Procession. The children belonging to the Church Schools walked not fewer than 10,000 - The Orangemen also mustered very numerously, and the display of Banners was very brilliant - Mr Wilson Patten M.P. officiated on the occasion. There were also present the Early of Derby, the Earl of Sefton, and many other distinguished Gentlemen - The day was moderately fine until 5 o'clock pm when there came on a heavy Thunder Storm & Rain until 8 pm. The Rain was much wanted, and did good service to the Growing Crops.

[June] 3rd This Evening died John Dean Esq Ald. a Gentleman of high respectability - A Man who rose from the Low Estate of a Sawyer to be an extensive Merchant in Slate, Coal &c and in the possession of 2 Mills - Goree Bridge and Eanam Bridge - He was only 57 years old & was formerly a Teacher at Grimshaw Park School. We entered the Council Chamber together in 1860 and he was elected Alderman on the same day with myself in 1865. He leaves a large family of Sons, and 2 Daughters, and they must feel very sincerely the sudden bereavement which has fallen upon them. Tho' Mr Dean was not a Man of brilliant attainments or of advanced Education he possessed in an eminent degree the virtues of perseverance and integrity, and became one of the most successful Merchants in the Town. He was also a Man in whom were exhibited the good qualities pertaining to a domestic Man and humble Xtian [Christian]. A firm supporter of the Ch. of England yet holding liberal views & a catholic spirit to all who differed from him in politics or religion - He was one of Blackburn's Worthies, and stands prominently forward as an example to all Young Men of what can be accomplished by unflinching integrity, veracity & perseverance. - He was May[or] in the years - 1867.
He was interred at Whalley (public funeral) on the 7th Day of June. Great respect was shown to him.

[June] 22nd Sunday, Parish Church, Rev A G Youard "Judge not that ye be not judged", a plain and practical discourse - which was calculated to do good. Evening St Michael's, the Rev C Hughes, of Tockholes, the character & mission of Gideon, - delivered in an energetic and interesting manner, - shewing that Man in the strength of God was capable of doing great things.

[June] 23rd My 65th Birthday. - Health Moderate. - What great changes in a year - An Emperor Gone - a Monarchy overthrown, - An Asiatic Sovereigns first visit to England & Europe - What a sweeping away of multitudes by Death, both locally and nationally - What great Events in the County - Lord Derby Monument, Sir Robert Peels - &c. &c On this day the 43rd Day of the Tichbourn Trial, a wonderful perplexing case. To God be all the praise.

[June] 28th Great Masonic Demn Laying Cornerstone of St James Church -

July 3 Mr Field 48 Birthday a Glass of Champagne. His Brother in law Joseph Lawson very ill - and going. -

July 13th Sunday, visited Tockholes, being the Annual Sermons. There was a large attendance and a good Collection was made, Mr Hughes the vicar being the Chaplain of the Lodge, a strong muster of Free masons attended and helped by their generous support, the Collection made £71.0.0

[July] 15th St Swithin Rain in the Morning. Heavy Thunder Storm at Whalley - where the Lightning Struck a Tree very near the National School & completely destroyed it - The Report was very alarming to the inhabitants of Whalley - It happened the School was closed for the Midsummer Holiday.

[July] 19th Dr Wilberforce, Bp of Winchester was killed this day at 7 p.m., being thrown from his horse and his neck Broken. - He was in company with Lord Granville.

[July] 21 & 22nd Intense Heat 22nd Terrific Thunderstorm. Then from 112 to 130.

Aug 1st Died Charles Callis of Liverpool aged 57 Years.

[August] 2nd Born, a Son to my Son William also on the same day a Son to Dr Forest. -

Died old Dr Patchett of Ribchester on Wednesday the 6th Day of August very suddenly. A Man whose skill & service in Medicine will be much felt in that Neighbourhood.

Augt 9th Died Mr Joseph L. Lawson, Traveller for W & T. Thwaites, Liquor Merchants aged 36 Years. At Blackpool for a few days with Mrs Tiplady, very fine Sea on several days. - Saw the African Blondin &c. also visited Lytham and Poulton. - The Weather changeable. -

Aug 31. Died Mrs Orrell Junr in childbirth

Sepr 5. Mrs Jas Smith, died, very suddenly

[September] 7th Dr Lee of Preston preached at St Silas to an overwhelming congregation. (Billinge School)

July 24th Great Agricultural Show, at Witton Park, £692 15/- received at the Entrances, Grand Stand, and sale of Catalogues.

Sepr 6th William Counsell appointed the Boro Treasurer. Stamp office W Gregson opened this day.

[September] 13th Foundation Stone laid of New Primitive Methodist Chapel & Schools, by Mrs John Hindle, estimated cost £3,200.
Died George Hayhurst aged 92 years.


1873 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes​​​​

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