ST. PETER’S PARISH----Population, 2,736.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 579.
From Bridge Inn, at corner of Harrison Street, along Whalley Banks, then along Leyland Street, along Adelaide Street, across Montague Street, down Feilden Street, along Fish Lane, Astley Gate, Mincing Lane.
thence along Mill Lane, eastward from No 54, to River, then westward following the course of the River behind houses in Canterbury Street, then northward down Harrison Street.
ST. PAUL’S PARISH----Population, 4,821.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,166.
From Sudell Cross, up Limbrick, Shear Brow, through Park Avenue, Lilford Road, to the Park Entrance.
thence an imaginary line across the Park by Superintendent’s Lodge to West Park Road, down Duke’s Brow to Hope Terrace, across Delph, down Adelaide Terrace to Preston New Road, down Montague Street to Feilden Street, through Warwick Street, (both sides),
across Blakey Moor, up Queen Street, through Northgate, to Sudell Cross.
ST. MARK’S PARISH, WITTON----Population, 7,536.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,784.
South side of Preston New Road from No. 169 to the Stream beyond the Yew Tree Inn.
Thence southward bordering on the parishes of Feniscowles, St. Francis’ and St. Philip’s.
Then starting from the corner of Spring Lane and Spring Gardens, along Witton Village, Redlam, and Redlam Brow, to Greenfield Street. Then crossing over to Bridgewater Street by an irregular course northward, bordering on St. Barnabas’ parish to Preston New Road, via Lawrence Street and Bromley Street.
ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH----Population, 12,836.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 2,999.
From the Bridge of the L. & Y. Railway which forms the boundary of St. Stephen’s parish, along the middle of the line of railway across Willow Street to the junction of Whalley Old Road with Bank Hey Lane
Thence to the junction of Birley Street with Whalley New Road which is the boundary of Holy Trinity parish, Brookhouse Lane to River, along River to Ice Street, along the middle of Ice Street to Whalley Street.
Thence along the middle of Whalley Street to Troy Street, along middle of Troy Street to Cart Road, along the same from Oozebooth to Higher Royshaw.
Thence by footpath and cart road to Pleckgate Road, along the said Road to were Borough boundary of Blackburn joins that of Little Harwood township.
Thence along the township boundary to Side Beet Bridge.
HOLY TRINITY PARISH----Population, 6,547.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,361.
From Eanam Bridge, along the Canal to Cicely Bridge, Cicely Lane, Eanam, Skye Street, Penny Street, Larkhill, Whalley Old Road, along middle of Union Buildings to its junction with Moss Street.
thence along the middle of Moss Street to centre of the level crossing of Railway, along Line of Railway to Stanley Street, along middle of Stanley Street to Appleby Street.
Thence to Canal Bridge.
Thence along the Canal to Eanam Bridge.
CHRIST CHURCH PARISH----Population, 13,361.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 2,818.
From Ewood Bridge, along the high road to Nova Scotia Canal Bridge (excluding Nos. 3,5,7,9 &
11, Infirmary Road).
Thence along the Canal, Highfield Road, Eccles Street, Commercial Street, Prince Albert Street, School Street, Hopwood Street, Kay Street, Hutchinson Street, Park Road, Lower Audley Street, to the Canal Bridge, along Bennington Street, Pringle Street, Queen’s
Park Road, Queen’s Road to Audley Brook, that Brook to the boundary of Lumb Barn Estate, that boundary to Shadsworth Lane, along Shadsworth Lane to Old Bank Lane and Warm Lane to Bank Lane End Farm.
Thence along the footpath westward to Everton.
Thence along the water-course in Roughley Lane and that water-course to the River Darwen.
Thence along the River Darwen to Ewood Bridge.
ST. THOMAS’S PARISH----Population, 13,968.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 3,151.
From Eanam Canal Bridge, along the Canal to Whitebirk Brook and Bridges
Thence in a straight line south-west to Quarry Lane
Thence along Shadsworth Lane to the boundary of Christ Church parish, i.e. close to Lumb Farm.
Thence following the Brook through Queen’s Park to Queen’s Road
Thence along Queen’s Road, Queen’s Park Road, Audley Lane, Higher Eanam, to Eanam Canal Bridge.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,506.
From the bottom of Lower Audley Street to the Railway Bridge, along Railway to Bolton Road Station Bridge
Thence along Freckleton Street, Canterbury Street, Alice Street, Coal Yard Wall, Galligreaves Street, Taylor Street, Footpath (near Galligreaves Hall) to River Darwen, along River to Ewood Bridge.
Thence along the boundary of Christ Church parish to the point of
ST. JAMES’S PARISH----Population, 6,575.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,599.
From Seven Acre Brook, along Borough boundary to Pleckgate Road
Thence along Pleckgate Road to footpath opposite Aspinall Fold.
Thence along cart road to footpath from Lower Royshaw, past the Brickworks, and Lower Oozebooth to Whalley Street.
Thence along Whalley
Street to Ice Street, along Ice Street to River Blakewater, along River side to Brookhouse Lane, along Brookhouse Lane, Whalley Range, Blackburn Street, London Road, Shear Brow, Park Avenue, Lilford Road, through Corporation Park to Revidge Road at Higher Raven’s Wing.
Thence across meadows to Borough boundary.
Thence along Borough boundary to Seven Acre Brook.
ST. ANDREW’S PARISH. LIVESEY----Population, 5,232.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,216
Commencing at the Canal Bridge on the south of Green Lane.
Thence along the middle of the same Lane to Cleggs, where the same Lane joins the Livesey Branch Road and Gib Lane.
Thence continuing southward along the middle of Gib Lane to the Boundary at the junction
of the same Lane with the old highway leading from Preston to Darwen, and thereby following
the middle of the said old highway eastward to a point at the junction of the same old highway
with Meadow Head Lane.
Thence extending north-eastward to Craven House Farm.
Thence in a straight-line northward along the centre of Fernhurst Street and Albion Road until
the Mill Goit is reached.
Thence following the Mill Goit to the Canal, thence in a straight line along the centre of Albert Street till the L. & Y. Railway Bridge.
Thence following the Railway to the Bridge over the river Darwen.
Thence following the course of the Darwen to Mill Hill Bridge.
Thence along the centre of Mill Hill and New Chapel Streets to the Canal Bridge going south.
Thence following the Canal in a westerly direction to the Canal Bridge on the south side of Green Lane.
ST. LUKE’S PARISH----Population, 4,686.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,119.
Begin with 85, Bank Top (corner of Longfield Street), to Throstle Street.
Thence to River, mid-river to Whalley Banks Bridge, Harrison Street, Alice Street to Railway, mid-railway to Galligreaves Street, Taylor Street, all Wellington Road to River, mid-river to Perth Street, Coleridge Street, all Montrose Street, to point of starting.
ST. PHILIP’S PARISH----Population, 4,038.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 941.
From bottom of Redlam Brow, along Bank Top (left side), to Throstle Street down the middle of Throstle Street to River, down River to Garden Street Bridge, up Bridgewater Street to the top, and up Redlam Brow to Greenfield Street, along middle of Greenfield Street, following the northern boundary of the Griffin Estate to Springfield Street, taking in St. Philip’s Street, Byron Terrace, Dugdale Terrace, Clyde Street, Pink Place even numbers, Springfield Street, along Spring Lane to River, up River to Perth Street, along Perth Street to its junction with Coleridge Street.
Thence Coleridge Street (west of Perth Street), East Street, and Longfield Street.
ST. BARNABAS’ PARISH----Population, 6,778.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,597.
From Preston New Road down through Bromley Street
Thence round the end of Belle Vue Street, through Cheetham Street to Johnston Street.
Thence along Lawrence Street, and by an imaginary line through the Gas Works to George Street West and Adelaide Street.
Thence along Montague Street and Preston New Road to Bromley Street.
ST. MATTHEWS’ PARISH----Population, 7,500.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,774.
From Eanam Canal Bridge along Higher Eanam to Audley Lane.
Thence along Audley Lane and Queen’s Park Road to Pringle Street, along that street to Bennington Street
Thence to Lower Audley Bridge.
Thence along the Canal to Eanam Bridge.
ST. FRANCIS’ PARISH, FENISCLIFFE----Population, 4,796.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,066.
Beginning at the bridge over the River Darwen in Pleasington Fields, follow the course of the said River until it reaches an imaginary line with Brook Street, cross Queen Victoria Street, into Mill Hill Street, New Chapel Street, to Canal Bridge, then follow the Canal to Cherry Tree Foundry.
Thence up Green Lane to and along Livesey Branch Road to Beechwood Carriage Drive, along this to Livesey Old Hall.
Thence in a straight line to the starting point, the Bridge in Pleasington Fields.
ST. SILAS’ PARISH----Population, 5,666.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,454.
The Borough boundary between Blackburn and Mellor, Preston Road to Adelaide Terrace, Adelaide Terrace, Hope Terrace, Duke’s Brow, West Park Road, through large gates to centre of Park, imaginary line from centre of Park cutting Revidge at Higher Ravens-wing, on to
Borough boundary.
ST. STEPHEN’S PARISH----Population, 4,704.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 1,024.
All that part of the parish of St. Michael which is bounded on the North-East and on the East by the parish of S.S. Peter and Paul, Rishton, upon the South-East and upon the South by the parish of St. Thomas, upon part of the South-West by the parish of Holy Trinity, and upon the remaining sides, i.e., upon the remaining part of the South-West and upon the North-West by an imaginary line commencing upon the boundary which divides the parish of Trinity from the parish of St. Michael at the centre of the bridge which carries the Bolton, Blackburn and Hellifield line of the L. & Y. Railway across Stanley Street to the centre of the bridge carrying the
said line across Willow Street, and extending North-Eastward along the middle of Willow
Street to its junction with Beardsworth Street.
Thence North-Eastward in a straight line to the junction of Whalley Old Road and Bank Hey Lane, and then along the middle of Whalley Old Road to the boundary which divides the parish of St. Michael from the parish of SS. Peter and Paul,
ST. BARTHOLOMEW’S PARISH----Population, 2,904.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 655.
Upon the North-West and upon the West and upon the South by an imaginary line commencing at the point near the Western side of the river Darwen where the boundary which divides the said new parish of All Saints’, Nova Scotia, from the said new parish of St. Francis’, crosses the middle of the Liverpool, Blackburn and Accrington line of the L. & Y. Railway, and extending thence South-Westward along the middle of the said line of railway, distance of five chains ort here-abouts, to the centre of bridge which carries such line of railway across Albert Street, extending thence South-Eastward along the middle of Albert Street for a distance of 11 chains and a half thereabouts to its present Southern end, and continuing thence South-eastward in exactly the same direction in a straight line, thereby crossing at the middle of Leeds and Liverpool Canal the boundary which divides the said new parish of St. Andrew’s, Livesey, for a distance of 20 chains or thereabouts to a point in the middle of the Goit running between the said Canal and Albion Road, and extending thence Southward along the middle of the said Goit for a distance of five chains or thereabouts to the point where it meets the Northern side of Albion Road, and extending thence first Southward to the middle of Albion Road.
Thence first South-Westward then Southward along the middle of Albion Road for a distance of seven chains or thereabouts to its junction to Livesey Branch Road.
Thence Westward to the middle of Livesey Branch Road for a distance of ten yards or thereabouts, to its junction with Fernhurst Street, and extending thence South-Westward along the middle of Fernhurst Street for a distance of seven chains or thereabouts to its present Southern end, and extending thence South-Eastward in a straight line thereby crossing the boundary which divides the said new parish of St. Andrew’s, Livesey, from the said new parish of St. Cuthbert’s, Darwen, for a distance of 47 chains or thereabouts to Southern corner of Close which contains the house known as Craven’s Farm, and which is numbered 1,125 up Ord. Map of Borough published 1894, and extending thence Eastward in a straight line thereby crossing the road at Craven’s Brow and Scotia Brook for a distance of 33 chains to the junction of Cross Street with Sandy Lane, extending thence Eastward along the middle of Sandy Lane for a distance of seven chain
and a half or thereabouts, to the centre of the Bridge which carries said Lane across the River Darwen, upon the boundary which divides the said new parish of St. Cuthbert’s from the said new parish of St. James’, Lower Darwen.
ST. JAMES’S PARISH, LOWER DARWEN----Population, 2,040.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 495.
(Part in Darwen and part in Blackburn)
Beginning where the River Darwen meets the Boundary of Christ Church parish at the north-west corner in an easterly direction, that boundary of Christ Church parish to Bank Lane Ends fFarm to boundary of that Farm and Set End Inn Farm, and then Borough boundary, then that Boundary to where it meets the River Darwen that River to where it meets the boundary of Christ Church parish. Area 800 acres.
KNUZDEN PARISH----Population, 3,700.
Families or Separate Occupiers, 811.
(Part in Blackburn and part in County)
Boundaries of part in Blackburn only.
From the centre of Whitebirk Bridge which carries the Blackburn to Rishton Road over Knuzden Brook in a South Westerly direction for about half-a-mile to the junction of Delph or Quarry lane with Accrington Road.
Thence along Quarry Lane to Sahdsworth Road, including Shadsworth Hall and Villas, to the entry to Lobbs Farm.
Thence South-East past Lobbs Farm to the municipal boundary, along the boundary to Knuzden Brook and along Knuzden Brook to Whitebirk Bridge.
Population in Blackburn about 1,1500.