​​​Pleckgate | Revidge | Lammack | Redlam & Witton Stocks | Billinge 
Central Blackburn | Livesey | South-East Blackburn | Limbrick and Shear Brow



There are a number of interesting settlements of handloom weavers' dwellings in this area.  A few of the cottages were apparently erected for agricultural workers, however most, if not all, had some provision for weaving.  In 1841 the Blackburn Standard reported that the majority of the inhabitants were handloom weavers.
274 Pleckgate Road SD 682 308
A single fronted cottage dating from the early 19th century.  Loomshop in rear extension lit by triple window.  The two adjoining properties have been extensively modernised.

Further Wilworth SD 682 307
A short row at right angles to Pleckgate Road; Numbers 19 and 18 are double fronted with loomshops lit by triple windows. Number 19 is through lit and the second triple light can be seen at the rear.  The two end cottages are single fronted, but wider from back to front which possibly gave room for rear loomshops.  Numbers 360-358 Pleckgate Road appear to belong to the same group; note the pair of separated windows in the gable of 358.

Lower Wilworth SD 682 304
A group of modernized cottages.  Number 6 has an offset window facing the courtyard, while the rear projection at Number 7 could have been equipped with a pair of separated windows.

141-145 Pleckgate Road SD 681 305
Number 143 has a triple window to the north of the door, the adjoining house (145) was probably built to the same pattern.  The single fronted cottage (141), has a rear extension.

111-113 Pleckgate Road SD 680 303
113 has a three light window on the south of the door.  The adjacent cottage may have been of a similar design but the facade appears to have been rebuilt.

103-109 Pleckgate Road SD 680 302
A terrace of double fronted cottages; Number 109 had a triple window until recent alteration, this house also has a cellar.  At Number 107 two lights of the loomshop survive, while there is evidence of infilling at the adjoining house.

Pleckgate Fold and 101-95 Pleckgate Road SD 681 301
Cottages with vernacular qualities associated with weavers' dwellings. Number 95 has an offset window.  The rear window openings at Pleckgate Fold are irregular.

160-154 Pleckgate Road
A short terrace, watershot masonry and single fronts.  Possibly had rear loomshops.  This area of Pleckgate was formerly known as the "village".  Note also the Royal Oak which is dated 1764.

Roe Lee Cottages SD 683 302
Modernised group of cottages with no physical evidence of handloom weaving.  The derelict barn attached to Number 1 has a datestone of 1789.

59-69 Pleckgate Road SD 682 299
Four of these cottages are double fronted and the sills and mullions of infilled loomshop windows can be seen at Numbers 59 and 61.  67 and 69 are single fronted.  Number 9, Toddy Fold, at right angles to the terrace, has traces of blocked windows on the west side of the door.  In 1837 two of the cottages at Toddy had shops for two and four looms respectively.  The houses on Pleckgate Road could accommodate four looms each at the same date.

Aspinall Fold, Pleckgate Road SD 681 298
Numbers 17 and 16, facing the main road, are double fronted; the former has an offset window.  12 to 15 are single fronted.  The rear openings suggest these cottages had back weaving shops.

Green Gown, Pleckgate Road SD 681 297
A group of cottages, reputedly the last site occupied by handloom weavers in Blackburn.  Number 4 has a probable cellar loomshop. There is a datestone of 1767 on the cottages fronting Pleckgate Road.

Other possible sites include Numbers 23-25 Pleckgate Road (New Holme) and 1 and 3 Pleckgate Road (Hawkshaw Bank), both are single fronted groups and may have had rear loomshops.  Number 27 Pleckgate Road is an interesting house and its name, "Moutre" may recall the 19th century offence (yarn theft) sometimes committed by weavers.
Mike Rothwell


Another area of Blackburn in which many weavers' houses have survived.  Part of the road was built in 1826-27 to alleviate the hardships of the local population, and is commemorated by a plaque at Mount Pleasant, Revidge Road.
Four Lane Ends SD 679 296
Numbers 531-539 have well lit rear extensions.  The latter house has two separated windows, with cellar beneath, on the Lammack Road gable.  Lower down Lammack Road are two modernized cottages which are possibly the "Back o' the Hill" of the 1851 Census.

Top of Revidge, 407-397 Revidge Road SD 676 294
A terrace of six cottages, random stone construction, with plain door and window surrounds.  All appear to have had cellar weaving shops lit by three windows.  Numbers 395 and 393, set back from the road, are reported to be quarry workers' dwellings, although 395 has an offset window.

Red Rake, off Revidge Road SD 673 292
Adjoining Number 2 is a former triple lit loomshop in which the sills and lintels of the side windows survive.  The centre opening has been enlarged.  This was possibly a loomshop attached to the existing shop. Number 359 Revidge Road may belong to the same group.  Number 7 Red Rake has a pair of windows on the gable end, while 5 has a possible infilled window at the back.  On the opposite side of Revidge Road was the now demolished Red Rake Farmhouse which had a loomshop for five looms in 1816.  To the south of Red Rake is Sod Hall, adjoining the Corporation Arms.  These cottages, now extensively modernized, were probably also weavers' cottages.

Higher Ravenswing, Revidge Road SD 675 293
Cottage and adjoining barn/shippon now used for machinery storage by the golf club.  The rear wall has a range of infilled loomshop windows.  A later 19th century house occupies the site of the farmhouse which had a shop for seven looms in 1819.  The cottage had weaving for two looms at the same date.

Revidge Lane Ends, Dukes Brow SD 668 289
Number 164 Dukes Brow has a two storey rear extension through lit by triple windows, Number 160 appears to have been built to the same design.  The double fronted inner cottage retains traces of infilled windows on the facade and an altered triple window at the rear. Above are Numbers 166-170. 166 is partially demolished although a two storey rear extension remains.  Number 170 (which appears to incorporate 168) is double fronted with an infilled window and a corresponding triple light at the back.  A two storey rear projection is lit by separated windows at ground and first floor levels.

105-105A Revidge Road, 8-4 Beardwood Brow SD 668 289
A group of cottages two of which have been altered by the addition of bays.  Number 4 Beardwood Brow has evidence of a triple window at the back - the middle opening has been enlarged to form a door.

Wagtail, Dukes Brow SD 669 288
In 1851 there were 29 handloom. weavers living in 15 separate dwellings at Wagtail.  The remaining buildings include the Quarrymans' Arms, which has a rear cellar lit by a pair of separated windows.  The adjacent cottage has infilled cellar openings.  Opposite is a short vernacular row with indications of rebuilding on the facade.

Mile End, West View SD 666 286
The most important colony of weavers' cottages in Blackburn, some built between 1817 and c1830 by the Mile End Subscription Building Club.  Including the cottages on Revidge Road, there are over 60 dwellings in the settlement.  Handloom weaving was still well established here in 1851 and isolated weavers continued working until the end of the 19th century.
Most of the houses are detailed with ogee stone gutters, watershot masonry and keystone arched doors.  Straight line joints indicate varying phases of construction.  Infilled cellar windows can be seen in at least 15 cottages on West View Place, the lower houses possibly had rear loomshops - notice the irregular window arrangements at the back.  A similar pattern was probably adopted on Mile End Row (formerly Dandy Row), although one cottage, with an offset window, seems to be a conversion of a side loomshop.  An interesting survival is the ruined cottage in the yard of the public house, an infilled triple window can be seen on the north wall (back Revidge Road).  Numbers 2-12 Revidge Road and the modernized cottages in Dinkley Square belong to the same group and some have well lit rear extensions.  The West View Public House dates from before 1848 and could be contemporary with the settlement.

Mike Rothwell


Formerly known as Lambock, most of the weavers' cottages in this area were sited along the old road to Ramsgreave and Mellor.
Seven Acre Brook, 213-255 Lammack Road SD 672 303
An important terrace of cottages built between c1808 and c1825.  The deeds of one suggest that these were "Club Houses" erected by a terminating building society.  Handloom weaving of silk and cotton persisted here until at least 1881.  Physical and documentary evidence indicates 19 original dwellings, 10 single fronted with probable rear loomshops, and 9 double fronted with triple windows.  The "steps" do not appear to represent the larger houses as Numbers 213 and 215 are probably unaltered, while 251 and 251A are an early 20th century conversion of a double fronted house.
The best surviving examples of the triple window type are Number 227, which retains two of its loomshop windows, and Numbers 233-37.  Evidence of alteration can be found at a number of houses, including Numbers 229, 231, 223, 221 and 219.
Higher Waves Farmhouse, Ramsgreave Drive SD 676 304
A dwelling and barn under the same roof.  There is an offset window in the centre of the west wall.
Stoops Fold, 120-126 Lammack Road SD 674 301
Handloom weaving recorded here by the 1851 Census.  Numbers 120 and 122 have rear extensions which may have been lit by a pair of separated windows.  The adjoining cottages are much altered although the circular pitching eye on the gable suggests an agricultural use.  Just to the north is Cunningham House, also occupied by handloom weavers during the early 19th century.
1-3 Whinney Lane, Lammack SD 674 298
Number 1 is single fronted with a rear projection lit by two square windows at ground floor level - a central opening may have been filled. The adjoining cottage is double fronted with the former through lit loomshop on the west of the door.  The lintels of the outer windows of a former triple light can be clearly seen.  The middle window has been enlarged.
Rough Hey, Whinney Lane SD 668 302
Number 143 Whinney Lane is a large house converted into two dwellings.  The loomshop appears to have been lit by five windows, one has been enlarged to form a door, while a second is infilled.  There is also evidence of infilling on the rear wall.  The house is detailed with quoins, keystone arch door surround and a moulded stone gutter.  Just to the west is a derelict barn and a pair of cottages, the latter has a blocked triple window at the rear.
Bullion Moss, Whinney Lane SD 667 304
The farmhouse has the lintel of a blocked window next to the present opening.  Number 156 Whinney Lane appears to have had a side loomshop lit by a triple window sills and lintels can be seen.  The adjoining double fronted cottage may have been built to the same design.
Brownhill Cottages, 577-587 Whalley New Road SD 684 310
A 1915 conversion of a short row of weaver's dwellings.  There were originally three cottages in the, group, with side loomshops lit by triple windows.
Mike Rothwell

Redlam & Witton Stocks

A district of the town which had a large population of handloom weavers at the date of the 1851 Census.  The use of brick reflects the extensive grounds which operated here during the 19th century.
Redlam SD 668 274
A long terrace between the Bull's Head and Vauxhall Street.  The unaltered houses are brick built with ogee stone gutters, keystone arched doors and steps.  Infilled cellar windows can be seen at 117a, and 127 to 133.  The best example is Number 121 in which the triple window has not been blocked.  The architectural details to these cottages suggests an early 19th century date for construction.  Could this settlement be the work of a terminating building society?
To the east of the Bull's Head (95-59 and 557 Redlam) is a group of mainly single fronted cottages which may have had provision for weaving.  There are odd rear window groupings in a number, including 65 which has two ground floor windows, one enlarged, and a door. The dwellings closest to the public house may have had cellars.
8-2 Rutland Street SD 667 274
A short row surrounded by later 19th century housing.
Watershot masonry with stone rainwater gutter.  Number 8 has an offset window and is likely to be a conversion of the loomshop of Number 6, the rear wall retains a triple light.  There are two storey extensions to 6 and 4.
Springfield Street SD 667 273
Number 7 has an offset window and is probably an alteration of the loomshop originally belonging to 9.  On the opposite side of the street three distinct phases of building can be identified by straight line joints. Number 2 seems to have been converted from a loomshop.  Notice the irregular back windows in this block.
187 Redlam SD 667 272
A large brick built three storey house with Tuscan columns and pediment to the centrally placed door.  Probably erected c1812 by James Willock, calico manufacturer.  In 1813 the dwelling also had a three storey warehouse.
Mike Rothwell


Beardwood Cottage, Beardwood Tenement Farm SD 664 292
A pair of cottages, one retains a triple light window for its loomshop. Close by is Beardwood Fold which was occupied by handloom weavers in the first half of the 19th century.
Long Row, 70-6 Manor Road SD 667 282
Club houses built c1803 - c 1820, principally watershot coursing with ogee and square section gutters.  Many Victorian alterations including a pair completely rebuilt in 1899.
Number 28 is the best preserved and has a through lit loomshop lit by pairs of windows at front and rear.  Number 58 has the lintels of two infilled windows and is probably a conversion of a weaving shop previously attached to 56.  Offset windows of former loomshops can be seen in Numbers 50, 49, 38, 8 and 6. At Number 60 what appear to be the lintels of infilled cellar windows can be found.
Oozehead Cottages, 63-69 Manor Road SD 666 282
The raised road level has almost obscured the cellar windows in these cottages; internally at least one had triple windows at the front and rear.  Number 78 Manor Road may also have been used for handloom weaving.
Freezeland Row, 1-29 Billinge End Road SD 658 284
These are possibly Club houses dating from c1815 onwards.  In 1851 most of the residents were handloom weavers.  The houses have been extensively altered by the addition of bay windows, however the watershot masonry, ogee gutter and keystone arched doors are indicative of their origins.  Number 1 could have had a side loomshop.
Pall Mall, 1-10 Billinge End Road SD 651 283
Number 3, dated 1795, has a side loomshop lit by two separated windows.  It is likely that the adjoining house (Number 2) had a weaving room of the same type.
Mike Rothwell

Central Blackburn

55-63 James Street
SD 683 284
A short brick terrace with ogee gutters and plinth.  Infilled cellar windows in Numbers 55-57, the other dwellings may have also had cellars.

Eanam SD 689 282
A small group of cottages on the corner of Manner Sutton Street, one with keystone arched door.  Much altered but well lit cellars can be seen at the back.
Mike Rothwell


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Waterloo, Livesey Branch Road SD 666 259
A settlement of over fifty early 19th century weavers' cottages of differing designs.  Many have been radically altered and others completely rebuilt.  Cottages with physical evidence of handloom weaving are as follows.

295-297 Shorrock Lane
A pair of rendered cottages, 295 has an offset window and was probably the loomshop of 297.
Opposite are two single fronted dwellings (186 and 184).  186 has two windows, one blocked, at the rear.  Number 4 Picton Street has triple windows to both ground and first floors, as has 33 Anglesey Street, both are corner houses.  Remains of former triple lights can be seen at Numbers 9 and 4 Duke of Sussex Street and 346 Livesey Branch Road.  314 Livesey Branch Road has an offset window and may have been the weaving shop for 312.  At 330 and 332 the mullions and lintels of blocked cellar windows can be seen.  The lack of any obvious alterations to the fronts of the inner cottages suggests that they might have been provided with rear loomshops.  This is supported by 27 Anglesey Street which appears to have had three windows at the back.
The two public houses, both watershot with Victorian additions, probably belong to the same period as the cottages.  There is an interesting stable with a circular pitching eye to the rear of the Lord Raglan.

West of Waterloo is Wellington, four cottages (430-424 Livesey Branch Road) which have architectural features of the early 19th century but no obvious indications of loomshops.

Higher Broadhalgh, 782 Livesey Branch Road SD 649 253
One of the most interesting cottages in Blackburn, this dwelling may be older than many of the examples noted above.  Random stone construction with flagstone roof.  A long, partially infilled window is sited on the west side of the centrally placed door.

Farmers Row, off Heys Lane SD 670 252
The 1851 Census shows a high incidence of handloom weavers living in these cottages.  Three vernacular terraces, with suggestions of rear weaving shops in some examples.  Number 2 has a cellar.  Opposite is Bank Hey Cottage with a possible infilled window.  Green Row, to the southwest, probably also had rooms for weaving.
Mike Rothwell

​​South-East Blackburn

Iron Street, Nova Scotia SD 681 272
The only survival of an apparently large settlement of handloom weavers at Novas.  Traces of cellar loomshops at the rear.  The motor cycle shop on Bolton Road has infilled cellar openings at the back.
Bury Hill, 224-212 Brandy House Brow SD 689 267
A terrace of houses, with keystone arched doors, watershot coursing and stone gutters.  212, with two square windows, may have been a loomshop attached to Number 214.  In 1847 one of these cottages had a shop for four looms.
Everton, Roman Road SD 691 265
A modernized row at right angles to the main road.  In 1851 most of the residents were handloom weavers.  The facade has no evidence of conversion but the rear window and door arrangements suggest that these dwellings were equipped with back loomshops.  Further to the south are 110 Roman Road, which has a through lit room on the north side of its keystone arched door, and 122-118, single fronted dwellings with well lit back rooms.

124 Haslingden Road, Grimshaw Park SD 270 689
Double fronted cottage with round-headed doorway and watershot masonry.  One of the ground floor windows is offset, with indications of rebuilding adjoining.  There was a large colony of weavers in this area of Blackburn during the first half of the 19th century.
No. 1, Feccit Brow SD 706 279
Detached cottage with loomshop lit by a triple window.  Watershot and random stone, plain sills and lintels.  1A and 3 appear to have been converted from a similar house.  This dwelling also has a rear cellar.
16-48 Shadsworth SD 707 277
A long vernacular terrace, the Forresters' Arms and adjacent derelict cottages possibly belong to the same group.  All the dwellings are single fronted but at least four cottages seem to have the remains of loomshop windows at the back.  A number of handloom weavers were living here in 1851.
Over Barn, Lower Darwen SD 688 249
A pair of cottages which appear to have rear ground floor weaving shops lit by pairs of separated windows.  The lack of any obvious alteration is a rare survival.
Stopes Brow, Lower Darwen SD 690 252
Two groups of cottages which may have been weavers' dwellings. Number 8, near the Hindle Arms, has an offset window, while the "stepped" terrace, 61-71, has vernacular qualities.  Number 61 has a triple window at the back, the central light has been enlarged to form a door.

2-6 Blackamoor Road SD 697 254
Number 2 has an offset window and is probably a conversion from the weaving shop of 4.  A straight line joint separates this pair from 6 which has a rear extension.  Round the corner is a short terrace, 161-171 Roman Road, with irregular rear openings.

Blackamoor Row 40-48 and 52-66 Blackamoor Road SD 699 254
Two terraces indicated as weavers' cottages by the 1851 Census.  40 has two separated windows at the rear.  62 has an offset window and suggestions of infilled windows to either side.
Mike Rothwell

Limbrick and Shear Brow

Limbrick 42-82 SD 680 287
Census evidence shows that some of these cottages were still used for handloom weaving in 1851.  Differing stages of building shown by straight line joints and varying heights.  Many have been altered but infilled cellar windows remain in situ at 48 and 46.  Number 50 had cellar window openings until 1984.  Below, at 28-26 Limbrick is a pair of derelict cottages of the same period.  It is likely that the now cleared housing on Tontine Street also had provision for weaving.

Shear Brow SD 679 290
A number of former weavers' cottages can be found along this road, although some have been modernized.  Examples include 95, double fronted with possible loomshop on top side; 101-107 and 113-115. 113 has an offset window.  117 is set back from the road, the cottage at the rear has irregular back windows.  The recently modernized group which includes 133 also has vernacular qualities.
Number 137 is double fronted but has been rendered, the block extends into Eldon Road where Number 1 has a very clear infilled window.  The adjacent house also has blocked openings.  On the opposite side of Shear Brow is Stead Fold, Wimberley Street, a group of cottages which seem to have been altered towards the close of the 19th century.

230-236 Shear Brow, Four Lanes End SD 679 295
A short terrace of cottages opposite Revidge Fold Church with suggestions of Victorian alterations.  Traces of cellar windows can be seen at 232.  Beyond are 240-252 with features indicating an early 19th century origin.  On the opposite side of the road (317-325 and 329-333) are two rows, some converted to shops, all have irregular rear window arrangements, 319 has an offset window at the front.
Mike Rothwell