Januuary |  February | March | Apri​l | May​


January 1915​

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 2nd 1915

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The photograph affords a suggestion of the beauty of Sunnyhurst Wood, as it appeared immediately after the snowfall at the beginning of the week.  Always attractive the wood in a white and spotless garb seemed like a stretch of fairyland, with the kiosk, the building in the photograph, as the enchanted castle.  Sunnyhurst wood is Darwen’s proud possession, and is lovely in all moods.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 2nd 1915
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The newly installed 700 h.p. engines at Ewood Mills Blackburn Messrs. J. Livesey, Ltd., were christened at noon on Saturday.  The high-pressure engine was christened “Olive “by Miss Olive Livesey, daughter of Mr H. Livesey, senior, and the low pressure engine was named “Mary” by Miss Mary Livesey, daughter of Mr W. Livesey, junior partner.  Afterwards luncheon was served in the engine-room, those present being Mr and Mrs H. Livesey and Miss Oliver Livesey, Mr and Mrs W. Livesey, Miss Mary and master Tom Livesey, Mr J. B. Livesey, Miss Lois Nevilley, Miss J. I. Rawes, Mrs J. Sisson (Southport), Mr E. Geldart (Southport) Mr and Mrs E. Cunliffe, Mr G. G. Sames, Mr T. Frost, Mr W. Grundy, Mr H. P. Willson, Mr E. Officer, Mr H. Thom MR P. Leach, Mr J. Sandiford, Mr J. Hindle, Mr R. D. Hindle, Mr R. Snape, Mr A Verity, Mr T. Woolfall, Mr and Mrs F. Hindle.  The loyal toasts were proposed by Mr H. Livesey, that of Miss Olive and Miss Mary Livesey, by Mr H. Thom, and the toast of the hosts was given by Mr H. P. Willson.  Miss Olive and Miss Mary Livesey were each presented with a gold replica of the starting wheel.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 2nd 1915
Trades-men were naturally anxious as to how the results of the Christmas shopping, in view of the extreme circumstances attending this important season this year.  Many depend upon the Christmas trade to make the year’s returns show a balance on the right side, so that anything likely to interfere with the volume of business is a matter of serious concern to the shopkeeper.  Fortunately the public realised the duty to support the tradesmen as much as possible, and the result has been a very gratifying one. Taking trade as a whole, excellent business has been done, and expectations have been considerable exceeded.  Naturally the returns have varied in different trades, and a few have been hit rather severely.  Drapers, for instance, have found that people have preferred to mend their things rather than buy new ones, and similar stories are told by other shopkeepers.  On the other hand, tradesmen who deal in luxuries pure and simple report a very good trade, and others state that t​heir returns have been higher than during a normal Christmas.  It is difficult to account for such a bright state of affairs as that, for those concerned have not all been selling goods suitable for sending as presents to our soldiers and sailors.
The opinions of a few prominent tradesmen will be interesting.  Mr J. Stanworth, president of the Chamber of Trade, states that while trade has not been normal, it has been much better than anybody expected.  Wednesday of last week was a very good day, and the seasonable weather on Christmas Eve also brought the shoppers out in large numbers.  The trade during the month of December was not as good as in former years, but the purely Christmas trade was almost normal.  Mr H. Le-Moine, president-elect of the Chamber, expressed the opinion that everybody was well satisfied with the Christmas trade, and states that he has heard several say it has been the best Christmas they have ever had.  Mr Garland, while agreeing that the trade done was no better than they anticipated, noted a great falling-off of country customers.  He thinks all the tradesmen have passed through an anxious time very well indeed.  Mr A. E. Brown, too, thinks that trade has been better than they dared to hope for.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 9th January 1915
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Quartermaster J. H. Rowland, of the 4th Battalion East Lancashire regiment, stationed at Cairo, says; “All the troops are well here, and we send greetings to the Telegraph.”  He forwards the accompanying photograph of the grave of the late Private Jackson who died of dysentery.  The cost of the monument of white marble—one of the highest and most beautiful in the cemetery—has been defrayed by voluntary contributions by his comrades, who responded generously to the appeal.  It stands in the portion of Old Cairo Cemetery reserved badge, is carved in the design of the stone and its lettering.  “We had a difficulty,” says Sergeant Rowland, “as we could find no sculptor who could form the letters and crest, though they could cut the stone if sketched, so that was done by myself.  We have kept our promise to a departed comrade, and I am sure it will console his parents to know their lad was buried with honours, and that this stone stands to his memory.”
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 9th January 1915
The suggestion that a number of German workmen now interned at the Lancaster concentration camp should be released and allowed to return to work at the Darwen Gasworks was referred to at the meeting of the Darwen Town Council on Monday afternoon.
In reply to Mr Duxbury the Mayor said it was proposed to hold a meeting at the General Purposes Committee on the subject after the Council meeting.
Mr Thornley asked if a letter from a public body in the town was not referred at the last meeting of the Town Council to the Gas Committee.
The Town Clerk: The letter is before the Council.
Mr Duxbury: It was not read then, but was referred to the committee, and was not read at any committee meeting at which I was present.
The question was further discussed at a meeting of the General Purposes Committee subsequently held, and a strong letter of protest against the release of the men and their return to the gasworks was read from the Property Owners Association.
In the course of the discussion which followed it was explained that the initiative for securing the release of the men was not taken by the Corporation, but by Messrs. Dempster, of Manchester, the contractors who were responsible for handing the installation over to the town in working order.  It was also pointed out that the non-starting of the works was likely to involve the town in an annual  loss of £3,000, and, further, that under present conditions a continued supply of gas could not be guaranteed.
Mr Parkington asked a question in regard to conditions which might arise should the men return to the gasworks, and it was stated that nothing had been heard of the matter.
Mr Thornley declared that there was a very strong feeling in the town, and that he had received a number of letters on the subject.
A member replied that no notice should be taken of anonymous letters.
Mr Thornley replied that some of the letters he had received were signed.
After further discussion it was decided that further action should be postponed for a period of three months.
Blackburn Times, 16th January 1915
Interesting letters from all Quarters
The resolution of the Misses Cowan, four Blackburn sisters to assist their King and country by taking up arms with the soldiers in the trenches has brought them letters of delightful appreciation from naval and military men both in the fighting line and in home training centres.  Indeed, some of the men in khaki have requested to be supplied with photos of the Amazons in the order that it “might be an inspiration to them in their darkest hour in the fighting ranks.”  Not only so, but ladies of prominence in different parts of the country are sending the girls letters of encouragement in their desire to be real soldiers.  The girls are hoping to co-operate with the Women’s Volunteer Movement which has been started by a number of titled ladies, and to provide East Lancashire with a large body of well-trained and useful women, able to use the rifle.  Even the Blackburn authorities acknowledge the plucky stand of the maidens for this week they have been invited to co-operate with the towns, recruiting committee.
Mr Thomas Hamlett, of R.A.M.C., has written congratulating the girls on their fine spirit and pluck in desiring to fight for the Old Country, which he describes as truly British, and adds “I have often thought since I read of your case in the paper, what do those young men who have not yet offered themselves for their country and its people think after reading that noble act of yours.  I hope your splendid courage may be the means of enlisting a goodly number of eligible men and so assist in establishing peace once more.  I am afraid there are thousands who have no thought for the lads who are risking their lives for their country’s safety.”  The writer condemned the general consolation which many seem to have that there are plenty of soldiers to do the work and that they would be ready to go when their turn came.  That was a false position considering the elaborate training which men had to undergo for modern warfare.  As one of Kitchener’s Army he meant to stick to it to the bitter end and he appreciated the desire of his Lancashire sisters to do the same.  Private Horne, of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, sent the thanks of “A” Company to the girls for their splendid pluck, and in their name he wished them every success in their venture.  Another soldier at the front suggested that the Woman’s Corps would do a good service by writing personal letters of encouragement to the men now championing their country’s cause.  The Army Council expressed appreciation of the girl’s kind thought for the troops in collecting suitable gifts for them.  Miss Winifred Stevens of Old Windsor, wrote stating that she would never satisfied in this war-time unless she was doing something in the military line.  She added “I must say I quite agree with you in wanting to go to the front—nothing would please me better.  I am a girl of 16 years and take a great interest in military affairs, so I hope you will grant me the favour of belonging to your force.  I am certain I could get quite a large number of girls in the Old Windsor and Windsor as recruits.”  A young lady from a suburb of London stated, “I see you are wanting to go and enlist.  I have been simply mad to hear of someone else besides myself with this desire.  At last I have seen your names.  How I should like to join you.  Do you think you will succeed?  Do please try your hardest and let me know if you would care for me to join.  I am 5ft 5in in height, never had a day’s illness in my life, am very strong and am willing to part with my chestnut curly hair.  We must try our uttermost to get on the field. I am so excited; I know we could do far more than people think if only we could get out there.  Shall we try to get out with a staff of nurses to start with?”  Another girl of 19 years “weighing 11stone and being 5ft 9in in height,” also offered her services as a lady soldier.  Still another epistle from Wigan stated, I admire your pluck, and I am sure women can serve their King and country just like my brother who is on the battlefield.”
Writing on Thursday, “On Behalf of the Canadian boys,” Sergeant Main of the Field Battery, Royal Artillery (Canadian Contingent) stated that the Canadian soldiers had read with interest of the girl’s determined effort to take part in the defence of their country. “We unite;” they added, “wishing you good luck, and hope your efforts will be crowned with success.  We feel certain that you girls would make a better stand than all those cold-footed able bodied young men who are still to be seen in all parts and who should be wearing the King’s uniform, but who are lacking the proper spirit for good soldiers.  Well, girls, we admire you and are proud to think the old country has such daughters.  Good luck to every one of you.”
Lance-Corporal Clarke of the King’s Scottish Borderers wrote form Portland:—“I write on behalf of a number of Blackburn men serving with the King’s Own Scottish Borderers at Portland to express our admiration of your action in setting an example to the young men of the same town who have failed to respond to their country’s call.  During the time I was on leave week ago I was disgusted to see so many young men strolling up and down the main thoroughfare, with apparently not a care in the world.  Taking into account the honour due to  those who have responded to the call I must say I along with my comrades from the same town feel ashamed to think that a town of Blackburn’s magnitude and reputation should be so pleasure-loving as not to grasp the present serious situation.  I conclude by saying that if this letter is instrumental in bringing a few recruits to the colours I shall be amply rewarded for my humble efforts.
“It has been a real pleasure to read of your brave efforts,” remarked Miss Matilda Edwards of Long Stratton, Norfolk in her letter which she signed “A would be soldier of the King.”  She added, “It ought to go a long way to prevail upon the young men of England to enlist.  I only wish I were a man.  I can’t understand young men hanging back when their country’s honour is in the balance.  Can I join as one of your recruits?”  I have got plenty of pluck and good health and I am sure I could do my part with the rest of them.  I am sure there are thousands of young women in England, if given a chance would join to help their country.  And why should a woman left at home not be given the chance to help as well as wall as a man?  I have thought many  a time the same as you have—If I could only enlist without discovery I would have done so months ago.”
A sailor on H.M.S. “Defiance” wrote “Just a line to congratulate you on your enterprise.  Wish you the best of luck and success.”
Blackburn Times, 16th January 1915
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A party of 80 Blackburn workmen left the town on Monday by the Midland express for Scotland to, to be engaged in the construction of the new naval base at Rosyth.  They have been got together by the Labour Exchange and have been selected by a representative of the firm of Messrs.  Easton, Gibb and Co. contractors for the naval work.  Most of the party were “pick and shovel” men and, there were also included a few skilled workers and there were also included a few skilled workers and quarrymen.  The Labour Exchange advanced the men’s fares on the responsibility of the contractors, and the Railway Company placed four reserved coaches at their disposal.  The men, who appeared to be in the best of spirits marched through the streets in processional order one of their number carrying a large Union Jack on a pole.  The contractor’s representative interviewed a fresh batch of 50 men on Monday afternoon.  Mr Robinson, the Labour Exchange manager, said, “We have appeled to these men on patriotic grounds.  It is quite necessary for them to do this class of work for the defence of our shores, as it is for them to fight at the front.” Another body of 50 men left Blackburn, on Tuesday, for the same destination.
Blackburn Times, 30th January 1915

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 Blackburn soldier surprises his friends.
Officially reported to be killed and his photo and career having been published in the press, Private Patrick Connolly, of the second Battalion East Lancashire Regiment, a reservist, employed with the railway company when war broke out, caused amazement when he greeted old comrades at the station on his arrival home a few days ago.  He was warmly welcomed and congratulated on a providential escape.  For some days the soldier was busily occupied contradicting the false report and conjecturing as to how the war came to announce his death.  He told our representative on Tuesday that he had had some trying experiences at the front.  Arriving at Merville, he went straight into the trenches and participated in the fighting around Armentieres and La Bassee.  He accounted for his name appearing in the casualty list in this way.  In the early hours of the morning his company held an advanced position which was being hotly shelled by the Germans and a number of men were killed.  He deemed it wise to seek proper shelter some distance away.  Probably he would be found to be missing, and would be reported as dead, though subsequently he rejoined his battalion and took part in other fighting.  Afterwards he was struck by shrapnel on the back and shoulder, he was deafened by the roar of cannon, and he suffered from frostbite.  He passed through various hospitals in France, and was afterwards sent to England.  He added that he felt quite at home when he saw several Blackburn motor-lurries driving right up to the firing line.
The Old Year
Farewell?  Why should we weep for the?
We are not loth to part,
Since thou hast brought such misery
To many an aching heart
We will not weep beside the bier
that holds thy naked shroud;
We’ll pass thee by, as though thou wert
A stranger in the crowd.
For what thou wert and might have been
we do not care to dwell;
To some thou might have proved a friend,
And kindly been as well.
But thou hast spoiled my life’s young dream,
And cast my hopes aside.
Nothing but battered wrecks I see,
Now washed up by the side.

Mrs W. Livesey, Billington, near Whalley


Februar​y 1915​

Blackburn Times 6th February 1915
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There is now on view in the window of Mr J. Forbes, Victoria-street, the silver challenge shield which Mr John Lewis has presented to the Blackburn Unit of the Volunteer Athlete Force.  It is to be competed for at the shooting range by the companies.  The conditions of the Competition will be drawn up by the committee at an early date.  As will be seen by the by the reproduction of the photograph given here, the shield, of beaten silver, is a very handsome one, mounted on oak, and shows a number of soldiers at target practice.  It has a beautiful floral boarder.  At the top is a scroll bearing the inscription, “Blackburn Volunteer athlete Force Rifle Range, Presented by john Lewis, Esq.” The unit have a church parade tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon.  Assembling at the headquarters at 2.30 they will proceed to the Parish Church where the sermon will be preached by the Vicar of Blackburn, the Rev. T. H. sale M.A., the Chaplain, Dr. M. O. Forster, one of vice-presidents has intimated his intention of taking part in the parade.  The War Office armlets have been applied for and are expected this week-end.  There are vacancies for about 30 members who must be over the age of 38.  Applications should be made at the headquarters any Monday between 7 and 8 o’clock.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 6th February 1915
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It was so genial and pleasant yesterday [Friday] afternoon that it is difficult to imagine than less than a week ago—Sunday morning, to be precise—Blackburn was under snow to the extent of two or more inches.  The photographs, taken in the Corporation Park, bear witness to the fact, and it will be seen, also, that the large lake is covered with ice.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 6th February 1915
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  In their latest efforts to help the soldiers, the members of the Blackburn Women’s Liberal Association enlisted, as they have done on previous occasions, the services of the “younger generation.”  Miss Gifford and others trained Children from all Parts of the town to sing, recite, and also to act in a topical pageant, “Little Master Jack.”  The result of their efforts was seen at Barton-street School on Thursday evening, when a concert was give, the proceeds to be devoted to buying material for making garments for soldiers.  None seemed too young to take part in the entertainment, and one who took a most conspicuous part was only in his third year.  This was “Baby Riley,” son of Mr. Riley, Liberal agent, who was put on the platform to give a nursery rhyme.  He had only uttered a sentence or two, when he became conscious that something was happening behind the scenes.  His innocent surprise and his uncontrollable desire to view the unseen created an agreeable diversion.  This was not the only part of the proceedings in which Master Riley figured, for at the outset he toddled on to the platform dressed in a suit of satin, and handed to Mrs T. P. Ritzema, who presided, a beautiful bouquet of tulips and narcissi in return for which he received a kiss.
The other entertainers were a little older, Bessie and Nellie Coupe, sang about Geishas gaily serving tea; Alice Coupe about the merry life of the squirrel; grace Witton, dressed in khaki, put dash into her singing of “Tommy Atkins”; Jim Higson very pleasingly sang of what children ought not to forget, and of the virtue of being “well-mannered, contented and kind”; Rene Wilding sang of the joys of that pleasant land “of I dunno Where”; Elsie Revill, a very pretty ditty about “The Sandman,” and Allie Wall and Nellie Holt about the happiness of bygone days.  “Johnny’s” fidelity and sacrifice were the themes of the recital by Consie Brown; while the wonder of a little boy at the days when youngsters never made a noise and always did as they were told were the ideas of a recitation “Long Ago” given by Lena Ridsale, and a tale of Bagdad was told by Nellie Wilson.  Frank Scholick in Bright and amusing way told of the wonderful variety of things a lads pocket may contain; while Elsie Ianson, in quite an accomplished way, recited the story of the running away and return of  “The Imp.”  Both carrying dolls Minnie and Bertha Haworth showed what jealousy there may be in the nursery over the naming of dolls; while Ronald Riley and Norman Gibson caused merriment by the sketch, “A Bashful Lover.”  Piano and violin duets by Winnie and Harold Ibbotson were much appreciated.
In a Few remarks Mrs Ritzema commented upon the brightness and cheerfulness of children, who she said, helped to keep the older people young.  She also alluded to the fact that the Liberal women, in arranging such gatherings were working not for their own ends, but in the interest of the soldiers at the front.
Blackburn Times 20th February 1915
Honour has been conferred upon Blackburn by the fact that one of its residents, Corporal C. Knowles, whose home is at 15 Polly-street, has been recommended by Sir John French for the Distinguished Conduct Medal.  Corporal Knowles, who was employed by Messrs. W. Meadowcroft and Son, fruit essence manufactures and soda water engineers, Regent-street, is in the South Lancashires.  He was a reservist and had spent eight years in India.  Upon the completion of service in June last [1914] he signed on in the second-class reserve.  He was called up on August 4th, and has seen a good deal of fighting in the present campaign.  On one occasion he was wounded in the head and arm but he afterwards went back to the trenches.
The brave action for which the D.C.M. is recommended is as follows.  Water was urgently needed for some wounded comrades, and the only available supply was some distance away across a shell-swept area.  The captain called for volunteers and Private Knowles—as he then was—at once offered his services.  Another member of the company proffered to go with him, and together the two set out.  They had to run the gauntlet of a perfect hurricane of shells and bullets, but they returned in safety with the water, their companions heartily cheering them for their gallant action.
Corporal Knowles has two brothers serving with the colours.  Private Robert Knowles (North Lancashires) has been in the fighting line and his now in a London Hospital suffering from wounds: while Private Thomas Knowles, a time expired soldier who served in the Boer war, joined the East Lancashire (Kitchener’s Army) shortly after the outbreak of hostilities.  Two more brothers, Private James Knowles (Liverpool Regiment) and Private William Knowles (King’s Own Royal Lancashires) also took part in the South African Campaign.  The firs named succumbing to an attack of fever.
Corporal Knowles is of a modest disposition and when home on a three days furlough a fortnight ago he was very reticent concerning his heroic action, remarking that he only did his duty.  He has since written to say that he has returned to the trenches, and that he is back amongst his former comrades, who were very pleased to see him.  He took back with him a parcel containing various articles of food and comforts, and he states that for breakfast the men had ham and eggs.
The Mother of Corporal Knowles yesterday received the following letter from Mr J. Meadowcroft;—I was very glad to see from the newspapers that Chis has been mentioned in Sir John French’s despatches.  I am sure you will be proud of him, and I am sending him and his company a lot of “smokes” to celebrate the event.”
 Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 27th February 1915
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 Touching scenes were witnessed in Blackburn on Saturday afternoon when the funeral took place of Private James Foley, of The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, Who died last week from Dysentery after returning home from the front.  The ceremony was of a military character.  Crowds lined the route, and the coffin was borne from the house by four relatives of the deceased soldier, al; of Whom have returned from the firing line, and was covered with the Union Jack, upon which was the equipment of deceased.  Members of the Accrington Pals Battalion marched at the head of the procession with rifles reversed.  Members of the same battalion formed a firing party at the Cemetery, where the “Last Post” was sounded and three volleys fired at the grave side.  The firing party was under Sergeant Woods, and the whole were under the command of Colour-Sergeant Fielden.  Twenty-six picked men of the 2nd Company of the 4th Reserves Battalion East Lancashire Regiment walked in the procession.  The National Reserve Band was in attendance.  Among the Floral tributes were a wreath from the Blackburn Packing Co., where Private Foley was formerly employed.  The photograph shows the cortege passing down Montague-street.
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Where have you gone to, happy birds?
I hear no songs from you;
I Wonder can it be that you
Like me are weary, to0.
With this fair world, so red with blood,
Made by my brother man.
My voice is hushed, my muse is sad
Allbroken is my plan.
I cannot sing of killing men-
My nature's not that way
My reason never tells me that
'Tis right to fight and slay
Yet I'm a Briton, staunch and true-
How shall I play my part?
To-day in many a patriot's home
there's many a broken heart
With all my human sympathy
I'll wend my way to thee;
some service I'll have done if I
One one aching heart can ease.
To those who suffer through the war-
Oh, God' my footsteps lead-
Help me to do some deed of love
Just in the time of need.
Sarah Robinson Poulton, Keith-street Burnley.

March 1915 

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 6th March 1915

Many a traveller by road from Bolton to Blackburn and vice-versa (writes Mr R. E. Preston, Darwen) has read the notice displayed on these tablets which are perhaps the last of their kind in Darwen.  If this old landmark could but tell the story of the thousands of weary and footsore pedestrians who have gazed on its face, what a thrilling narrative of the seamy side of life it would make.  A few more weeks, perhaps and then the work of the builder will remove all traces of this relic so useful when houses on the road were few and far between.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 6th March 1915
The seventh annual poor children’s treat by the brethren of the R.A.O.B., at the Bent-street Ragged School, took place on Thursday last when 750 of the poorest children of the borough were feed and entertained, Bro. W. H. Price K.O.M., K.G.H, P.P.G.P., presided and was ably assisted by the organising secretary of the poor children’s treats (Bro. Harry Riding, C.P.K.G.H.) and 30 members of the various lodges in the Blackburn Provence in conducting the event.  Bent-street Ragged School was kindly lent by the superintendent (Mr Chilman) and the trustees and their action was highly appreciated by the Order in general.  The children thoroughly enjoyed their repast, and showed their happiness by the hearty way they cheered when the chairman announced that bags of sweets and oranges and free tickets to the Exchange pictures would be presented to each one when leaving the school.  The proprietors of the R.A.O.B. generously gave the secretary 1,000 free tickets for to-day. A good entertainment was provided by local ladies and gentlemen who kindly gave their services.
Blackburn Times 13th March 1​915

The local arrangement for carrying out the order for the restriction of lighting have been advanced considerably in Blackburn during the week, and the town is gradually taking the gloomy appearance at night to which we shall have to accustom ourselves until Nature renders such an order ineffective.  Perhaps by that time the need for such restrictive measures will not be so great.  On Tuesday many of the lamps in the town were in use, and it is possible that even the incandescent lamps will be reduced before long.  The lighting of the Market clock has been discontinued and many lamps are out in the outskirts of the town.  When the arrangements are completed, a still further reduction in the illuminations may be expected, as the shop lights are not yet so low as they will have to be.  Tramcars are being adapted to the new requirements under the system arranged by Mr J. H. Cowell, manager, and a number of them have been put into service.  There will be no curtailment of the lighting inside cars, but green curtains are provided.  The dash light in front is painted from the top and bottom leaving a slit in the middle.  The destination indicators will not be lit, and the lamps on the top of the car have been partially painted over.  All cars will be similarly treated as rapidly as possible.

Blackburn Times 20th March 1915
The much coveted Distinguished Conduct Medal has been awarded to another Blackburn Soldier in the person of Private Thomas Duxbury, 1st East Lancashire Regiment, who is not yet 20 years of age, and whose home is in Hannah-street.  He joined the Army shortly before the war broke out, and was drafted to the front about the end of September.  His younger brother, Private James Duxbury, who enlisted about two months before him, was a member of the same trench in the firing line.  Thomas has been wounded on three occasions.  In the first case he was fetching water for his brother and comrades when he was hit in the thigh, the wound necessitating his removal to hospital.  During the stay, the hospital was shelled by the Germans and he was again wounded.  In fact, he was fortunate to escape with his life, for out of twenty inmates sixteen were killed.
The act for which he has been awarded the D. C. M. Was a particularly gallant one.  He was returning with water when he met the commanding officer, who said it was imperative that a certain despatch should reach the next company, situated seven miles away.  Private Duxbury at once volunteered his services and quietly set out on his hazardous errand.  His path lay across the firing line, and shells and bullets came thickly.  He was shot in both legs.  He dropped to the ground, but determined to fulfil his mission, if possible, he crawled the remaining mile and a half.  He suffered intense pain and after delivering the despatch he was at once placed in hospital.  When fit to travel he was brought to England and taken to hospital in Manchester.  He is at present an inmate of a convalescent home in Ashton-under-lyne.  His injuries are to be subjected to X-ray examination and an operation will probably be necessary before he fully recovers.  Private Duxbury has been summoned to appear before the King in the latter part of April, when his Majesty will personally decorate him with the D. C. M. In recognition of his heroic act.
The other D. C. M. Was gained by Corporal C. Knowles of Daisyfield for gallantry in fetching water for wounded comrades.

Blac​kburn Times 20th March 1915
 The Town Clerk has been notified that the closing order made by the town council with respect to the boot and shoe and clog dealers shops, by which shops are to close at 8pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; 1pm on Thursday; 9pm on Friday and 10pm on Saturday, has been confirmed by the Secretary of State and will now come into operation.
 Blackburn Times 20th March 1915
The committee of the Lancashire Automobile Club met at the headquarters in New Market-street on Monday afternoon and formally inspected the two new motor-ambulances which the club has presented to the war office for home service.  These were drawn up outside the offices and were admired by quite a large crowd.  One is a 30-h.p. Humber, the chassis of which was presented by Mr A. E. Higham of Lovely Hall; of which was the gift of Mr W. R. Allen, of Prestwich.  The cost of fitting up the Ambulances has been defrayed by subscription received from members and friends, the work being carried out by Mr J. Lewis, Old Grammar School.  The framework of the bodies is of ash, covered with waterproof khaki cloth, and on each side is a large Red Cross.  The ambulances which bear the name of the club are each fitted with four stretchers.  Should the patient be able to sit up, seats are provided for ten and an attendant, two of the stretchers being utilised in this case as supports for the back.  The club has selected drivers, who have been approved by 5the authorities.  The Humber will be driven by Mr R. C. Hardman of Haslingdon and the Daimler by Mr A. Dobson of Accrington.  The club as also presented to the authorities a 16-h.p. Sunbeam ambulance, fitted with four stretchers for the service at the front.  This has been supplied through Messrs J. Walsh and Co., and is now in London.  The driver of this ambulance is Mr A. Hodkinson, formerly manager of West End Garage, and he is accompanied by Mr C. Pilling, a former employee of Messrs J. Walsh and Co.  The home service ambulances left Blackburn on Monday evening for London, where they will be formally handed over to the authorities.

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 27th March 1915

In order to raise £100 to provide a bed to be called “The Cinderella Bed” in the new Field hospital of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, The Musical operetta “Cinderella,” which proved so successful a few weeks ago at the trinity Wesleyan Church, and was the means of raising £14 for this charitable object, was repeated in the James-street School room on Thursday evening, Mr Richard Thompson, J.P., presiding over a good attendance.
As on previous occasions, the piece was admirably rendered.  The arrangements were in charge of Miss Speak and Miss Booth, assisted by Miss Clegg and Miss A. Speak, and the charming manner in which the whole operetta was carried out fully rewarded their efforts.  The parts taken entirely by children, and the manner in which they acted various characters reflected great credit both on themselves and those who had trained them.  The pretty dresses and scenery contributed in no small measure to the success of the production, the electric lighting effects being arranged by Mr T. Speak. The songs throughout the story were prettily rendered by the fairies and others.
The characters were: “Cinderella,” Doris Clegg; “Prudie,” Nora Pickup; “Crosspatch,” Mary Pollard; “Fairy Godmother,” Annie Milnes; “Sir Hector’” Ida Simpson; “Sir Holiday,” Mildred Wilson; “Herald,” Annie Beesley; “Prince Charming,” Margery Booth.  The chorus of Fairies consisted of; Mary Knight, Ann Sager, Edith Edmundson, Isabel Walker, Gladys Oldcocrn, Doris Barton, Madge Knight, Jenny Booth, Ella Ormerod, Edna Dawson, and Nellie Simpson.  The Gift Fairies were; Freda Dawson, Dorothy Pollard, and Ivy Robinson.  Songs also rendered by Nellie Hayhurst.
“Have You Got Your Clogs?”
Private Thomas Gregson of the 2nd East Lancashire regiment, whose home is in Accrington-road, prior to returning to the front on Tuesday, narrated an interesting story of his adventures to a representative of the “The Blackburn Times,” in the course of which he described how he was wounded in the back at La Bassee on the 9thinst, In his battalion was another Blackburn man named harry Edmundson.  Gregson and Edmundson, who had previously kept together, got separated in a communication trench and did not see each other again until reaching Blackburn.  The trench private Gregson was in was nicknamed Port Arthur, and was only 50 yards from the German Lines.  When the enemy discovered that Lancashire men were opposing them they frequently called out, “have you got your clogs?”  One of the German aeroplanes mistook a disposed traction engine for acannon, and over 200 shells were dropped near it before the enemy found their mistake.
“Rovers Thanked For Football”
A member of No. 4 troop, “C” Squadron, of the Army Remount Corps stationed at Shirehampton, near Bristol, writes as follows-; “Would you kindly put in your paper a vote of thanks to the directors of the Blackburn Rovers.  We got a football sent free from them.  We have had a good few matches since it came, and we have beaten every team in our Squadron except the Nottingham boys.  We made a draw with them twice and we are going to play the final in Berlin.  P.S. We are going to France soon.”  The team referred to was composed of the following Blackburn Recruits; W. Grundy, W Garstang, and A. Pomfret; T Holden, F. Clark and W. Tranter, H. Kelly, J. Ward, A. Tunstall (captain), B. Whiteside, and P. Macabe.

April​ 1915

Blac​kburn Times 3rd April 1915


The Chief Constable (Mr C. Hodgson) has sent out to the quarter’s concerned copies of the following circular received from the Home Office in regard to the placing of distinguishing signs on certain buildings “in the event of bombardment or hostile landing”—“The Secretary of State having received inquiries as to whether, in the event of a bombardment or hostile landing, civil hospitals, and asylums, etc., should fly the Red Cross flag or display any other distinguishing sign, he thinks it well to state that Article 27 of the Annex to the Hague Convention of 1907 provides that hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected, buildings dedicated to public Worship, art, sciences or charitable purposes, and historic monuments, provided that they are not being used at the time for military purposes.  It is necessary that they should be clearly indicated by distinctive and visible signs which have been notified to the enemy beforehand; and the sign which it is proper to use for this purpose in the event of bombardment is not the Red Cross flag but the sign which is specified in the portion of the Hague Convention dealing with bombardments by naval forces and which has also been notified by the British Government for protection in the event of bombardment by land and air, viz. a large stiff rectangular panel divided diagonally into two painted Triangular portions, the upper portion black and the lower portion white.  The only hospitals which are entitled to use the Red Cross emblem are those which are exclusively under military or naval control, or have been granted special authority by the Army Council.  The fact that a hospital or other building is used for the accommodation of wounded soldiers or sailors does not in itself justify the use of the Red Cross.
 Blackburn Times 3rd April 1915


Miss Jenkins.jpg
Miss Emily Jenkins of Punstock road, Darwen, was stewardess on the British S.S. Agula which was torpedoed of Pembroke last Saturday night.  In reply to the telegram sent from Darwen the steamship company said Miss Jenkins was not reported saved.  She is believed to have perished.  One of the survivors told an interviewer:--" I saw a boat with ten men, the stewardess, and her woman friend, who was a passenger, come to grief.  The woman passenger cried out, "I'm shot."  The next moment heavy seas capsized the boat, and neither of the women were seen again."  It is believed that both were killed by shrapnel.  Miss Jenkins had been one of the voluntary workers at Moss Bridge Hospital, and it was probably in consequence of the training she received there that a few weeks ago she secured a position as stewardess on the Yeoward Line.  She left home on Thursday last to join the Agula, to which she was attached, at Liverpool, this being only her second voyage out.  A married sister of Miss Jenkins is also engaged on the Yeward Steamship Line, whilst strange to say a brother who is a carpenter, should have sailed on the ill-fated Titanic when that vessel went to the bottom in April 1912.  At the last minute, however, he was not included amongst the crew and thus avoided a watery grave.
TEMORARY USE OF HARRISON GYMNASIUM AS A HOSPITALThe Harrison Gymnasium Sub-Committee re commended the General purpose Committee to place the Harrison Gymnasium at the disposal of the authorities  for thee the use of as a temporary hospital, if the same be found necessary, and to appoint the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Gymnasium Sub-Committee to deal with any matters of detail—The recommendation was agreed to.
Blackburn Times 10th April 1915


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The Easter pleasure fair which was held as usual on the market ground from Saturday till Wednesday night differed from that of previous years in two respects.  Restrictions were imposed by the military authorities as to lighting, and the fair closed every night at ten o’clock instead of midnight.  The weather was only good on one day of the four days the fair lasted and that was Monday.  There was the usual crop of accidents, all happily of a minor character.  Most of these were dealt with by members of the St. John Ambulance Brigade and the Nursing Division, who were on duty on the fair ground and who had a temporary station at the War Relief Office, 17 Victoria-street.  There were three accidents on Monday.  During the forenoon Nellie Corbett, servant at 88, Granville-road, was riding a horse on one of Benjamin Mitchell’s roundabouts when she fell off.  She was fortunately escaped with slight bruises to the back and after receiving attention at the ambulance station, was able to proceed home;--In the afternoon of the same day Stanley James Wilding, aged 6, of 16, Grace-street, was knocked down by a roundabout and bruised on the left shin.  The injury was dressed by members of the St. Johns Ambulance Brigade he was taken home;--On Monday night John Thomas Hill of 8, Mount Pleasant, a labourer was walking down the steps of one of Mr Mitchell’s roundabouts, when he slipped and fell into the street.  He sustained a severe cut about an inch long on the centre of the forehead.  First-aid was rendered at the ambulance station.—On Tuesday there was one accident and this was late in the evening when William Moran, a barman, of 58 Mary Ann-street, was getting off a roundabout and slipped and fell, sustaining a contused wound on the back of the head.  A member of the St. John’s Ambulance Brigade rendered first aid.—On Wednesday there were two accidents.  In the afternoon Mrs Margaret Holden, of 40 Artillery-street, an elderly lady was walking across the market ground when she stumbled against the electric cable laid on the ground, with the result that she fell and bruised her left knee.—About 9.10pm Mrs Susannah Hal, of 14, lord Derby-street, was standing on the platform of P. Callins’ scenic railway roundabout when some youth pushed against her and she was knocked down the half-dozen steps to the ground, injuring her head.

Blackburn Times 10th April 1915

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The new weaving shed situated in Highfield-road, Blackburn, belonging to the Longshaw Mill Co., Ltd., commenced to run on March 22nd.  The shed which contains 644 looms and preparation machinery, has been built and equipped by Messrs. Ashton, Frost and Co., Ltd., Bank top Foundry, Blackburn.  The engines are of the horizontal, side-by-side compound, Corliss, jet condensing type.  The looms were supplied by Messrs. Willan and Mills, of Blackburn, and the preparation machinery by Messrs. William Dickinson and Sons, Blackburn.
The mill may be said to be of the most modern construction in every detail, fully equipped with all the latest improvements.  It is the first to have installed a special plant for removing fluff and small lumps from the yarn as it passes through the preparation machinery.  The various departments will find employment for 250 work people, whose wages bill will aggregate £340 weekly.

Blackburn Times 17th April 1915

The monthly meeting of the Advisory Committee for Juvenile Employment was held at the Labour Exchange on Monday, Mr J. Aspin in the chair.
It was reported that several children who are half-timers are known to be working also in spare employment such as the delivering of newspapers.  It was agreed that a member of the committee should draw the attention of the employers to Section 3 (3) of the Employment of Children Act, 1903, which states that "No child who is employed half-time under the Factory and Employment Act, 1901, shall be employed in any other occupation."  The committee decided to draw the attention of the committees of the local Co-operative Societies to the commencing age of boys in their employ.
It was reported that the Chief Constable has agreed that all boys between the ages of 14 and 16 who make application for licenses to trade in the streets as their sole occupation should be given a form and directed to register at the Labour Exchange before a street trading licence would be given.  It is hoped that this arrangement will help to minimise the number of boys following street trading as an occupation and will ensure to each applicant an offer of permanent and more beneficial employment.
The statistical report of the secretary, which follows, was adopted:--School cards received, boys 32, girls 39, total 72; fresh applications, boys 30, girls 12, total 42; vacancies notified, boys 40, girls 20, total 60; vacancies filled, boys 21, girls 9, total 30, cases dealt with at rota meeting, 6; Attendance at Care Committee meeting,21; re reports of visits, 25,; fresh cases undertaken, 32; visits by secretary, 14; parents interviewed by secretary, 18.
Two meetings were addressed during the month.  At the request of the Head Teachers Association Miss Marshall, the organising officer addressed the members at the Education Office on "The need for and the use of leaving card"  At the request of the Blackburn woman's Co-operative Guild, the secretary addressed the members on "The Juvenile Labour Exchange and other case work."

Darwens defenders.jpg

Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 24th April 1915

The Chief Constable (Mr C. Hodson) has issued new regulations regarding the action to be taken by the civil population in case of an attack by a foreign enemy.  The Military Authorises wish it to distinctly understood that whilst there is always the possibility of such an attack they do not consider the public have any cause for anxiety or fear.  In the event of any hostile attack, whether by raid, bombardment, or by aircraft:
All persons are requested to remain indoors or to return to their houses or shops;
Doctors and surgeons are requested to remain at their houses or surgeries until summoned by the authorities, who will advise them where their services are required; and householder's and occupiers of business premises should at once turn off gas at the meter and taps, and also electricity as a
against fire outbreak and explosions.
The public are strongly advised to shelter in basements and cellars, and remain there until the danger is over.  Householders who have such basements or cellars should admit their neighbours whose habitations do not afford such accommodation, and also passers-by in the street.
School teachers should take all possible steps to secure the safety of the children in the schools and parents are particularly requested not to leave their homes to go to the schools to seek their children.
Arrangements have been made that on receipt of a notice from the Chief Constable or any other person delegated by him of the anticipated approach of hostile aircraft, a preconcerted signal shall be given by special hooter at the Corporation Electricity Works, Jubilee-street, to war all citizens of their danger.
The preconcerted signal will be as follows: One long blast (about ten seconds), then three short ones in quick succession, followed at short intervals by similar signals, which will continue to be repeated for five minutes.
On the approach of hostile aircraft, the electricity supply will be cut off until all danger is passed.  Householders are advised to meet any emergency by obtaining candles, oil lamps, etc., for temporary use.
The instructions of the military and of the police must be implicitly observed.  Special constables and ambulance men are requested, on hearing the hooter, to at once parade at the police station.  These emergency regulations have been thoroughly tested by Mr. Hodson, and there is not much chance of an airman seeing Blackburn at night when they are in operation.  In addition to posters, 20,000 copies of the regulations are being distributed to school children to take home.


 Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 1st May 1915


Louis Calverly.jpg

In the 1880s, when Athletic meetings were more popular than they are to-day, Mr Louis Calverley, whose death recently occurred at Blackburn was exceedingly well known as one of the fastest amateur cyclists in East Lancashire.  This was the time of the big wheel, and on his 52in diameter bicycle he won innumerable trophies in competition with the most famous speedmen in the country.  He was always a popular favourite with the crowd, for he invariably rode a straight race, a line of conduct which, even in those far away days, was far from easy.  The desires for favourable starts, and the opportunity of the bookmaker, have ruined the reputation of many athletes, who did not possess that determination to win or lose only by fair means, which was so characteristic of Calverley in his racing career.  Retiring from the track, he entered the cycle dealing trade at Burnley for some years, afterwards he removed to Accrington, but for the last four or five years he had lived in Blackburn.
The open-air classes instituted by the Blackburn Education Committee demonstrate the immense advantage of the system for scholars whose health gives cause for anxiety.  Highly beneficial results continue to be recorded.  During the school year 1914-15 three such classes have been held—at Bangor-street, at Accrington-road, and on the Corporation Park; the two former were opened last May and the one in the Corporation Park in June.  The classes in each of which there is accommodation for 24 to 26 pupils have been open continuously, with the exception of the usual elementary school holidays.  At Bangor-street the scholars were taken into the main school on six occasions, for a total length of time of 6¾ hours.  At the Corporation Park the room has been used for a still shorter period.  At Accrington-road they have made use of a classroom in the school on 25 occasions only.  Twenty nine have been admitted to the Corporation Park class, 31 to Accrington-road and 44 to Bangor-street, giving a total of 104 children.  The diseases from which these children have been suffering include general debility, anaemia, tuberculous glands, rickets, rheumatism, St. Vitus dance, weak chest, and asthma.  Their ages have varied from 6 to 12 years.
As their health improved several children were sent back to their former schools, and others were admitted.  The experiment of admitting fresh children in January was tried.  It was found that there was no disadvantage from this practice.  In fact, the children showed marked improvement in a very short space of time, several making 100 per cent of attendances, ant the attendances of all being much better than at their former schools.  The average attendance of the children at Corporation Park was 89 per cent, and that at Bangor-street 84 per cent.  The effects on the pupils have been most marked.  At first most of them were weak, languid, had very weak voices for singing, and poor appetites.  The improvement has been shown by increase in weight and height, good appetites, stronger voices, general brightness at work and play, and an all-round increase in energy and interest in everything connected with school work.  All the parents who have visited the classes have expressed their great appreciation of improvement in the children's health.  At the Accrington-road class the average increase in weight per month was 6½ ozs; at the Corporation Park, 9¼ ozs; and at Bangor-street 7½ ozs.  The subjects taken have been the ordinary subjects of elementary schools, but special stress has been laid on nature study, physical exercises, and practical geography.  School gardens are worked in connection with each class.  Each child on being admitted was supplied with a separate chair, rug, and towels and retained the use of them throughout his or her stay in the class.  The children are examined by the School Medical Officer once every three months, and arrangements have now been made to take records of increase in height and chest measurements.
As examples of marked improvements the following cases may be cited.  Three children who frequently fainted when attending an ordinary elementary school have never fainted since attending the open-air class.  One girl who has been unable to read aloud in class for some years owing to stammering, as quite recovered without any special treatment.  Another girl, aged 12, who when admitted could scarcely read now reads a Standard III book easily.  One boy who had never attended school before is now the best in drawing in his class, writes very clearly and well, is good at handwork, and is working at a Standard I Reading.
Blackburn Times 8th May 19​15
 Mrs Flora Drummond, known to the members of the Woman's Social and Political Union as "The General," because of the leading part she has taken in organising all the great demonstrations and pageants of the militant section of the Woman's movement, is the principal speaker at the recruiting meeting in Blackburn Town Hall, on Tuesday night, under the auspices of the W.S.P.U., to be presided over by the Deputy Mayor, Alderman Crossley, J.P.  Among others who have promised to be present are Sir Edwin Hamer, J.P., Alderman Nuttall, J.P., and other members of the Recruiting Committee.
"General" Drummond has been a member of the W.S.P.U. almost from the beginning.  It was the first militant protest, at Manchester free Trade hall. in October 1905, that caused her to come into the ranks.  One of her first services to the cause was to make a protest at a meeting addressed by Mr Winston Churchill then candidate for North West Manchester.  In the beginning of 1906, the W.S.P.U. established its head quarters in London, and "General" Drummond then took a share in organising the London campaign.  She soon became famous as a speaker.  She is possessed not only of great natural eloquence, but of an unrivalled gift of swift repartee which in itself delights and wins over her audience.  In 1908 the W.S.P.U. organised in Hyde Park a great demonstration, and "General" Drummond took a large share in the work.  A suffrage procession organised by the W.S.P.U. in 1910 was headed by the "General" mounted on horseback.  Mrs Drummond has been five times in prison.  In October 1908 she and Mrs Pankhurst an Miss Christabell Pankhurst were charged with inciting the public to rush the House of Commons.  On that occasion Mrs Drummond was sentenced to three months imprisonment.  She again stood in the dock in the summer of 1913 with Miss Annie Kenney and others.  The charge was one of conspiracy, but owing to her grave illness, the charge was subsequently dropped, but not until she had carried through a hunger strike.
Since the outbreak of the war "General" Drummond has taken an active part in the recruiting meetings organised by the W.S.P.U. throughout the country.

Blackburn Times 8
th May 1915



​The Germans have carried out their openly-avowed intention, and torpedoed the giant Cunard liner Lusitania.  This dastardly act was committed without warning at 2.23 yesterday [Friday] afternoon when the vessel was off the South of Ireland; but the loss of the liner was not known in London until about 5 o'clock, and up to a late hour last night nothing very definite was known as to the fate of the passengers and crew.  There were over 1,900 souls on board.  The vessel was eight miles, North by West, off Kinsale when sunk.  She was on her passage from New York, and it will be remembered that before she sailed Germany warned American passengers of the risk they were taking.
It was ascertained at the Cunard offices in London, last night that the 1,978 souls on board were made up as follows:--Passengers – 1st class, 290; 2nd class, 662; 3rd class, 361; crew, 665.  Among the passengers were  Sir Hugh Percy Lane, and others who had booked passages and were supposed to be on board were Mr Charles Frohman, Mr A. Vanderbilt, and Lady Allen (wife of Sir A. Allen, of Montreal).
The Lusitania was torpedoed without warning, and sank in 20 minutes.  Twenty of the Lusitania's boats and 16 other boats were on the spot after the great liner went down.  Other boats were proceeding from Liverpool to the scene of the disaster.  Information had also been received that a boat had load of survivors was being towed to Kinsale by a Greek steamer.
A Queenstown correspondent telegraphs; All the vessels in the harbour have gone to the scene.  The Lusitania has gone down, but efforts are being made to save the lives of the passengers.
A telegram from Lands End says:--A Wireless message received here this afternoon from the Lusitania ran; "Come at once; big risk"
Among the passengers on the Lusitania was Mr William Bolton, formerly a newsagent of Accrington, who has two married sisters and a brother resident in Blackburn, a married sister in Darwen, and another in Rishton, Mr Bolton, who is about 30 years of age, went to Canada about two years ago, and was returning from New York to rejoin his wife in Accrington.  His brother is Mr James Bolton of Redcap farm, and his sisters in Blackburn are Mrs Barnes, Willow House, Whitebirk-road, and Mrs Duckworth, Intack Farm, Whitebirk.
Mrs Duckworth a Blackburn lady whose home is in New York, was one of the survivors; Mr John Almond of 66 Cherry-street, a steward on the vessel, who was last seen struggling in the water and is believed to have been drowned.
Saturday: No Parade
Sunday: The Battalion will parade at Billinge End. Fall in at 11 am.  Each man should bring his own rations, which should securely labled, with his name and number of Platoon.  The Cyclists, Signallers, and Ambulance Sections will parade as such. Return to Billinge End about 5 pm.  Overcoats will be taken charge of by the Transport Section.
Monday: 7.30 pm., Recruits Squad.
Tuesday: 7.50 pm., "D" and "C" Companies will parade at Headquarters.
Wednesday: 7.30 pm., Recruiting Parade.
Thursday:  3.0 pm., The Battalion will parade at the Market Square for route march with the band of the Lancashire Fusiliers.  7.30 pm., "B" and "A" Companies will parade at Headquarters.
Friday:  7.30 pm., Class for Promotion at Headquarters.
Saturday: 2.30 pm., The Battalion will parade.  Fall in at the Recreation Ground, Ewood,

The following promotions have been made—Section Commander H. Ginger to be Platoon Sergeant; T. Field to be Sub-Section Commander.

For the Battalion Commander,
J. Isherwood, Acting Adjutant.
Blackburn Times 15th May 1915
 The disposition of the legacy of £10,000 left to Darwen by Alderman T. Lightbown has been satisfactorily settled after a good deal of contention.  A scheme for the erection of cottage homes was sanctioned in Chancery, and we reproduce a photograph, by Mr Kershaw of the plans of Mr G. J. Sames J.P, which have been accepted by the Trustees.  It will be five years in September since the death of Alderman Lightbown, and in that time many schemes have been under consideration.  The cottage homes will be built in the Sunnyhurst district, on a site acquired by the Trustees at the corner of Owlet Hall-road and Earnsdale-road.  There will be a block of eight houses set diagonally in the centre of the two-acre estate, the last buildings canting at each end.  There will be open an garden in front, with a central sundial and seats, and accommodation at the rear for cottage gardening.  A feature of the accepted plan is that the setting of the houses is such that the windows will receive the maximum amount of light.  Another matter which influenced the assessor, Mr G. H. Willoughby, of Manchester, to select Mr Sames's plans, is that the living-room extends from front to back, and is well lighted on both sides.  In addition, each house will have two bedrooms and a scullery.  each house is self contained. They will be built of stone and as befitting homes for aged people there are to be no steps on the estate.
Blackburn Times 22nd May 1915
At the Blackburn Borough Police Court, on Wednesday, the Royal Humane Society's parchment and a special reward of £1, were presented by the Chairman of the Bench (Mr James Kay) to Mr Thomas Tattersall, aged 50, a foundry labourer of Esther-street in recognition of conspicuous bravery in rescuing a lad named Thomas Finch aged 11 of 4 maple-street, from the Leeds and Liverpool canal.
Narrating the circumstances Mr C. Hodson (Chief constable) said on Sunday, April 25th, the boy Finch was playing on a turn bridge at Whitebirk with another lad.  The bridge was turned to far from the towing path, and Finch attempted to jump from it to the towing path.  In doing so he fell into the water.  He struggled for some time and drifted to the middle of the canal.  He had sank for the third time when Mr Tattersall, who was walking along the path, noticed his condition.  He divested himself of his jacket and immediately jumped into the water.  He succeeded in bringing the boy who was unconscious, to the side, and by means of artificial respiration undoubtedly saved his life.  Mr Tattersall had risked his life in making the rescue, and it was some time before he himself recovered for he was not well at the time.  He (Mr Hodson) communicated the facts to the Royal Humane Society, and they had forwarded their parchment and a reward of £1.
The Chairman handed over the certificate and the reward, and said many a man of the age of Mr Tattersall would not have risked his life in this way.  Not only did Mr Tatersall bring the lad to the side but his knowledge of first aid enabled him to bring the boy round.  Thus this was a double honour, and the Bench hoped that his example would prove beneficial to others.
Mr Tattersall acknowledged the gifts.
Blackburn Weekly Telegraph 29th May 1915

A rally in connection with the troops of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of St. Peter’s School was held on Monday, and was attended by troops from St. Michael’s, Christ Church, St. Francis’, Oswaldtwistle, and Feniscowles.  The Scouts and Guides walked in procession by way of King-street, Darwen-street, and Livesey Branch-road to a field in Livesey, where they had a march past, and gave an exhibition of Scout craft, etc.