​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​1850 -1859

1850 | 1851 | 1852​ | 1853 | 1854 | 1855 | 1856 | 1857 | 1858 | 1859

N.B. The pdfs contain David Hughes’ transcription of the diary, footnotes​ and annotations which could not be included on the website.  
It is particularly​ 
recommended to check the pdf  in relation to financial tables & lists.

Home (Diary of Charles Tiplady)


Tuesday. Jan. 1 1850. New Year's Day - a fine frosty Day and likely to continue - busy with Christmas Bills - In the Evening attended St John's Female Friendly Society and home early after calling for a few moments at the Temple of Friendship Lodge.

 Wednesday, Jan 2nd The frost still continuing.

Monday. Jan 7th The Club Day - attended Dinner - at the Bull Inn, about 70 dined - The Society has not done so prosperously as could be wished having lost £54.0.0 The Meeting was not a pleasant one.

Tuesday Jan 8th. Agreed to go in the Afternoon to Rishton Reservoir; - a very strong frost with snow underfoot - The party consisted of Hy. Tattersall, T H Pickup, Rt Walker, and myself - Had a very pleasant afternoon - Rt W & H T very good skaters - saw several upon the Reservoir, which was completely covered with ice 3 to 4 inches in thickness, returned home a 5 o'clock - No Meeting tonight.

1860 Hy Tattersall & Robert Walker long since dead.

Feb 8 to 12
th These last four days have been occupied in discussions respecting a certain agreement, leaving some disputes to the Arbitration of Thomas Hart & Christopher Parkinson. I signed on the 13th. Ash-Wednesday. - On the 10th I wrote to the Executors in the following terms

Blackburn, Feb. 10th 1850
Dear Sir/
Though I do now, and ever shall consider the Valuation of the late Mr Callis' property a most unfair and dishonourable transaction; and I wish to be distinctly understood that I do not concer [sic] in it; yet considering the manifest improbability of all the Members of the family agreeing to a Re-valuation; -

Feb 14. First annual Dinner of Trade Protection Society was held this Day at Mr ​Birch's St Leger's Inn, Mr Montague Feilden in the Chair - Mr Fowler Vice-chair, A very happy and pleasant party - but rather expensive - I was called upon by the Chair to respond to a Toast. Did not do it so well as I sometimes do - The Gent present were Messrs. M. Feilden, J. Sturdy, Mr Sheppard, Mr Clarke, Editor of the Standard, Mr Roebuck, the Editor of the Guardian, Mr Manchester of Preston, Messrs. J Gate, E Healey, H Tattersall, W Brooks, J Constantine, J Beardsworth, J Webster, C Tiplady, E Fowler, Hy Briggs, R Hartley, R. N. Marshall, T. Duckworth, R. Barlow, T. Livesey, R Walker, W. Hirst, Thos Hart, O Roylance, John Dean, R. Woolfall, J. Callis, W. Smith, W. Thwaites, J Pye, Jas Forest, J Riley, R. Parkinson, and other, - Left at one o'clock.

[February] 22nd In consequence of my printing a placard Headed 'the Sweating System', calculated to injure Mr Turner of Bn. I was this day served with "a Writ" and though the Tailors would defend it - I was advised not to allow it to go to a Trial - the evidence being paltry. - I went to Preston with Mr Leonard Wilkinson on the 6th Day of March, and settled the business - The Tailors upon this were in a great rage at me, as having made them into public liars, by denying the Allegations of the placard. The whole affair besides loss of time, anxiety and other inconveniences cost me £52:0:0 which the Tailors refused to pay. - This is not the first time I have been led into an Error by the over officiousness of William Durham, at whose request, I printed the Bill.

March 28th The remaining part of Mr Callis's property was sold at the following prices

House & Shop Penny Street
House, Shire brow  35:0:0
Pew, in St John's Church14:0:0

It was considered a good & fair sale, I could have bid higher but consider the above quite the value.

Good Friday Visited James Kerfoot, who now lies dangerously ill, & not likely to recover - He expressed sorrow for his misconduct - The poor young Man died at 7 o'clock the following Morning - Aged 23. - He was interred at St John's on Thursday the 4th of April.

Monday Ap. 1. - Short time Committee, - paid over to the Treasurer £8:0:0 being a Donation from John Livesey, Esqr.. Great Tea party at St John's - where the Wife of Mr Wheeler had a portrait of her husband presented to her.

[April] Tuesday - 16th Annual Meeting of the St John's Female Friendly Society - about 300 sat down to Tea. - Mrs Hart presided.

[April 17th?] Wednesday. - The public Meeting of the Ten Hour's Act was held this Day at Darwen. I attended as a Deputation with, John Gardner & Andrew Wade. - A good Meeting but very hot Night - There were about 8 from Bolton. There were refreshment at Mr Hutchinson's - Revd. H. Dunderdale in the chair.

[April 18th?] Thursday - The Soirée of the Bn. Mechanic's Institution took place. Mrs C. Tiplady had a Tray I was engaged by the Comtte to read the annual Report to the Meeting - A very pleasant night.

April 26th - The 96th Anniversary of the Subscription Bowling Green was held. There was a large attendance of Members, among the Guest present were W H Hornby Esqre, John Alston, J Smithson, W Sames, D Nicol, R Ainsworth, H Tattersall, R Ashton, R Baines, Robt Baron, Rd Haworth, Jas Haworth, Guest Vickers, Thos Dutton & many others - on the motion of T Dutton seconded by Jno Alston, C. Tiplady was appointed chairman, - Mr Bywater & Mr Bramley looked over the Account wh: being found correct were unanimously passed.
Mr Thos Bennett was elected Steward
The entrance Fee was increased to 2 Guineas
The Rules were ordered to be revised.
A Committee of 7 persons were selected to perform that duty viz, - J Alston, R Ashton, C Tiplady, T Pickup, R Howarth, - T Dutton, and J Bywater.
Hugh Seed was appointed Servant of the Green at a salary of 10/- per week.
The two sums of £5 were ordered to be paid forthwith which had been last years voted to the L. [Ladies] Charity & Stranger F [Friend] Society.

May. 13th The day on which Joseph Callis paid the purchase money (found by W. Forrest) for the property in Salford and Penny Street, as under

Penny St360:0:0

I also this day took the Premises from Mr Dutton, which I now occupy in Church Street for a Lease of 14 years at £34:0:0 per annum. - His maintaining the outside & I the inside in proper in proper repair.
This year completed our Twentieth year's occupation. I paid for the lease £3:0:0

[May] On the 12th Mrs Swails, wife of E Swails, Librarian, Died and left a large family.

July 2nd The Greatest Statesman of his day, Sir Robt Peel died, after 2 days lingering from the effects of a serious fall from his horse.

July 22nd In the presence of Mr Kenyon, Mr Wraith, Mr Charles Callis, & William Tattersall, received the Legacy from the Estate of William Callis, amounting to £148:7:10 including the share for Nancy.

Septr 29th The Short Time Committee held their last Meeting at the Rechabites Hall, when the Accounts were audited & settled. –

Sept 1st At Skipton and at Bolton Abbey - Very large market for Cattle at Skipton, it was a glorious, fine Day. - The ride to Bolton was pleasant, tho' I was not well, I never saw finer scenery in my Life. Got Tea with Mr Tasker, who was very kind, & also his Son.

Meetings from Sepr. 23rd to 29th &c
Monday - none
Tuesday. Audit of Oddfellows, - at Thos Hitchen's in King Street, - until 10 o'clock - then to Choral Society. - Angel
Wednesday, (25th.)  Quarterly Meeting of the Loan Society at Feilden's Arms - Leyland Street - Society very prosperous. P. Little captious & uncomfortable - C [Choral] Society at 10

Thursday (26) at Over Darwen, Gas Compy as Director present E. S. J. B. J. G. J. G. W. J. J. W. & self - Motion for reducing the price of Gas. agreed that the price should be 6/6 up to 50,000; 5/6 50 to 1000,000 - 5/- 100 to 150,000 - 4/6 150 to 170,000, & above that quantity, 4/- per 1000 feet. Left Darwen at 1/4 to Nine o'clock, and was thus prevented from attending public Meeting of Ratepayers in Blackburn, where I understand the New Act was agreed to be introduced for the Rating of Small Tenements.

(27) Down to the Subscription Library, which I am sorry to say is in a miserable Condition, - in debt, without funds, and obliged to remove from the present Central situation, Mr Lund in the chair. It was agreed that an Advertisement for a New Librarian & New Premises should be inserted in the Standard. Left at 1/2 Eight, then went down to Mr Hoole's, where I inspected the Plans for the New Town Hall. - They are very beautiful, and the Pile of Buildings will be an ornament to the Town - Left at 1/2 Nine, & had a sandwich at Mrs Houlker's where I fell into Company with Mr Kenworthy & others, for an hour or two. - He talking of going to America, which I do not credit -

(28) Heard this Morning from my Wife of the unexpected and lamented Death of Henry Grimshaw, a very old friend to me and one whom I highly respected. He had done business with us ever since we began business. - This report was not true.

28 (29) Was glad to hear that H. G. was living - Down to the Loan Society in the Evening where a dispute arose by A. E. respecting an allowance to his Wife, I thought him very selfish & refused to comply. -
(30) Sunday - Parish Church Morning & Evening - Mr Wheeler, in the Evening - preached his favorite Doctrine of Election, which I look upon as rank fatalism - His Sermon made a sensation in the Town

Monday Sep 30th Attended the District Meeting of Oddfellows as Treasurer - very uncomfortable squabbling, W. Fielding & others voted factiously - The Directories were given to Thos Woods - I left at 1/2 past five from Ewood Bridge & came to the Assembly Room, where the Poll was about Commencing - Having been appointed a Scrutineer with Mr R Edmondson, Chandler. After some arrangements had been entered into the poll commenced & was kept up with spirit until nine o'clock at which time the numbers stood as follows –

For the introduction of the New Rate158
Against it9

 The poll was then adjourned until Tuesday Octr 1st 1850 when the entire numbers stood then​

For &c

On Wednesday the Act was declared carried - Thanks were voted to the chairman, scrutineers &c

[October] Saturday the 5th The Letter "Philo" in the Preston Chronicle on the Alley's Spring was mine  - so in the Standard the week following "A Lover of Justice" on the same subject.

[October] Monday, the 7th Tradesmen’s Club. The cases of John Farrar and William Aspinall entertained. The latter one referred to Arbitration. The Arbitrators were John Biggar, Moses Sharples, Thomas Hart, and they appointed to meet on Friday night - A pleasant Night was spent.

[October] Thursday the 10th My Wife and myself visited Whalley to see little Charles our son. From there we went to Whitewell in Yorkshire. The day was fine up to 4 p.m. when a wet night set in - The Rev L. Preston kindly drove us thither in a vehicle from Whalley - We got a few nuts and spent the day happily.

[October] Friday The Arbitrators decided that William Aspinall should not commence receiving pay until August 6th 1853.​

Decr. 19th. My Wife was delivered of a Daughter "Esther" she did pretty well untill [sic] her Breast gathered. - The children came home to Christmas, - Charles from Whalley - Willie & Richd from Bury. - They afterwards returned to those places.

1850 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes

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At a public Meeting held as before stated a Committee was appointed to advise with Mr Ainsworth as to the best mode of effecting & carry out a Resolution for a Corporation. Present - Mr Hornby - Chairman, Messrs. T. Dugdale, W. Hoole, Jas Parkinson, Thos Ainsworth, R H Hutchinson, R R Jackson, Charles Tiplady, Geo Dewhurst, Christr Parkinson, Danl Thwaites, Jas Boyle; - Jno Livesey and Mr Ainsworth, Solicitors.

1st Meeting - Decr 2nd. all present
1st Motion - That Mr Hornby, be chairman.
2nd - Do - That the petition as altered be adopted.
3rd - Do - Advertised in the Blackburn Standard.
4th - Do - A Plan of the Town be provided for the inspection of the Committee with a vice to divide the Town into Wards.
5th - Do - That the Committee adjourn until Monday, when Mr Ainsworth have prepared Minutes of the present Meeting for confirmation.
The Petition was inserted in the London Gazette, Feb. 3, and to come before the Queen in council, March 10th 1851.

Week's Work
Sunday Feb. 2. Morning parish church. Dr Boudrey Afternoon Trinity Mr Robinson on the prayer Book Church bad hearing place - Evening at home & at my Mother's, to bed early - with prayer –
[February 3] Monday. Besides usual work - Meeting at the Op Con [Operative Conservative] Association, in the Evening - requested to be the President for the ensuing year - agreed - Meeting cold, formal, slender.
[February] Tuesday - 4th. At John's School - Monthly Meeting female friendly Society - Took £23-15-9 - cold-stormy night - called Angel.
[February 5] Wednesday - Victoria Burial Society, - Meeting of the of the [sic] Managers - preparatory to the 2nd Monthly Meeting
Thursday Feb 6th. Trade Protection Society Annual Meeting at St Leger. slender, only nine present viz: Sturdy, Brooks, Fowler, Tiplady, Hirst, Pickop, Roylance, Duckworth, and Barlow. Report agreed.
[February 7] Friday. Second Monthly Meeting, Vic: Building Society Took £107 - very busy. Thompson, myself, W. Stones & Whitworth officiated.
[February 8] Saturday, At the Shop tolerably busy - closed at 1/2 Ten

Feb 19th 1851 Daughter Esther christened at the parish Church. Sponsors Uncle Ratcliffe, and two Miss Elltofts of Burnley. - Monk officiated read the service very rapidly.
Mrs Vose had one christened same time, "Mary Elizabeth"

March the 6th Went to Great Harwood, and assisted Mr Dobson with some School Club Rules, dined with him a pleasant Day, and invigorating, Returned at 3pm same Evening went to Over Darwen, Gas Meeting when a Dividend of £7 per Cent was recommended

[March] 7th Sale of shares at the Victoria Building Society 14 shares at £16:10 per share.

March 27 &c Auditing the Town's Books

[March] 29th Capt Warburton held a "Court of Enquiry" in relation to the Incorporation of the Town. - There was a tolerable attendance - It was very satisfactorily arranged that the Town be divided into six Wards. viz:
1 - St Mary's Ward
2 - St John's   Ditto
3 - Trinity   Ditto
4 - Park   Ditto
5 - St Peter's   Ditto
6 - St Paul's   Ditto

April 2nd Mrs Thomas Hart died at Lytham suddenly.

[April] 16th. On a jury at the Workhouse, enquiring into the death of Thos Holden, who was found in the Railway Tunnel at Eanam, long enquiry - 8 hours - Verdict Accidental Drs Pickop & Wilding were examd. It was said by rumour that the former had neglected the Man. - It did not turn so no evidence - tho' some of the jury thought the man's thigh should have been set earlier.

May 1st The Great Exhibition at London - opened.
This Day I appeared against a Travelling Flying Stationer, named G Blain, who was convicted of selling Goods without a Hawker's Licence. - Fine £10:0:0 Done in self Defence.
Same Day an Oratorio at St Paul's Church, Conductor Mr Jopson - A large, but not very efficient Orchestra.

June 4th 1851 Attended a Meeting of the Directors of the East Lancashire Company - on Saturday the 7th of June on the subject of the Blackburn and Darwen Railway. - Arrangement were made whereby I went to support Mr Allsop & Hall to oppose an Amalgamation with the L. & Y. Compy [Lancashire & Yorkshire Company]. - We had a free pass. I was in Company with Mr Thwaites.

Journey to York, Leeds & Harrogate
May 13,14 & 15. Having a strong desire to visit York, I took the advantage of a cheap Trip (11/6 2nd Class there & back) - from Blackburn, on Tuesday the 13th. There was a great Race to take place that Day between the "Flying Dutchman" and "Voltiguer" for 1000 Guineas. - I cared little for the Race but thought it would add something to my experience by going the journey.
We started from Bn at half past 8 with about 12 Carriages (E. L. [East Lancashire] Line) and had a pleasant Trip up to Colne. The Morning was delightfully fine with occasional cloudiness. - At Colne about 13 other Carriages joined the Train, and thus we proceeded up to Skipton, - Mr W Hirst pawnbroker was in the same Carriage with myself and we agreed to stop at the same place. - We went on from Skipton at 10 a.m. taking up passengers all the way until we reached Shipley, Keighley & Bingley and about 30 or 35 more Carriages well laden, were added to the Train making about 60 in the whole. - We had here a stoppage of 3/4 of an hour and it was thought at one time we could not well proceed without more strength - However with 2 powerful Locomotives in front and one in the rear - we went on at a easy pace to Leeds, where we stopped about 10 Minutes, and the line being very level from Leeds to York, one Engine was detached from us; At Leeds the clouds threatened Rain, and there was a shower or two - The place itself seemed enveloped in smoke, and presented an unpleasant appearance so far as we could discern from the position in which we viewed it. - From hence we passed onward through a most delightful country to York, where we arrived at half past one - p.m. - We secured lodgings at the Golden Fleece Pavement, kept by a Widow Lady named "Young" and under all circumstances were made as comfortable as we expected. Though I cared little for the Races, yet as I was in York I went and witnessed the exciting spectacle between "Voltiguer" & the "Flying Dutchman" the latter winning by about a length. After races went to the Cathedral or Minster, had a splendid view from the Tower, clear view of 50 Miles - very fine, not so much as a Cloud - Then went to the Railway Station to see the Multitudes return home, Vast numbers of Trains and people to all parts viz: London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Newcastle, Scotland &c &c - In the Evening slept with W Hirst. On the following day went to the Museum very striking curiosities. York contains 28 Churches - Left at 2 o'clock, went from there to Harrogate, which I had got view of - Weather still fine - Tasting warm water - horribly bad, like rotten eggs. Left at noon, came up to Leeds, where Mr Hirst left me & came home, - I stopped at Robt Whalley and had a snack there - then left and came up to Skipton & Colne, where I met with Mr R. Hutchinson & Jno  Ratcliffe coming home. Arrived safely home.

Sepr 12th Went with Mrs Tiplady & Fanny to Ribchester a most pleasant & delightful day. Mr Brodie kindly took us in his white-chapel - visited the Church and also Stydd Church gathered a few nice nuts for the Children

Oct 9th Went with Uncle Ratcliffe to see the Queen to Liverpool very wet day - uncomfortable - Saw the Queen at the Exchange very throng - Prince Albert & the young Princess & Prince were with them - On the following day to Manchester with Mary, very fine - a splendid Illumination none equal to it in London. - The crowd immense - A very nice treat indeed

The Library - We left the Library under the following circumstances. We were under Notice to quit in November but I could not prevail upon the Committee to allow me to sell the Books for £60, until the 29th of October. - On that day however Mr Hoole agreed & I went with him to pay the Rent for 3 half-years viz £28:10:0 and it was agreed the Books &c should be cleared  out by the 12th November, but Mr Boardman should then have liberty to Let the Rooms - Accordingly Mr Johnson who bought the Books got them out expeditiously by the 1st Novr & I sold the shelving &c to Mr Sandford per valuation giving him instructions to clear all out immediately so that Mr John Boardman could have possession. - He did so & on the 6th Nov Mr Bn. [Boardman] came to me in the Evening & we had some conversation respecting the Removal. I told him what I had done, and he said all was right, but he thought he had better have some Notices fixed up on the House showing that he had Rooms to Let, I said he ought to have and he ordered me to print some copies off, as follows "Two Rooms, for Offices, To Let. Enquire within". He requested me to send a Servant to affix one Notice upon the outside, wh: Notice remained up for 7 days, & was up on the 13th November. On the morning of that day he came to me & said Sandford had not given him the Key, and he should now look upon the Library for another years Rent - I told him I did not know but that he had had possession a Week, - On going to Sandford he produced the Key - went with Myself & Mr Boardman, he unlocked the Door & all three went in to the Room, it was empty - all our Property was gone. - He said the Gas should be secured & the Windows Mended, I promised this, & left him then in possession of the Room. - Mr James Woodfall the same day completed the repairs in the Windows & the Gas Piping. - Nov. 20 1851.
May 13th 1852. He has not claimed the half-years Rent either verbally or by Letter on the 12th.
He died shortly after -

Novr 25th Died this day after a severe illness Elizabeth the Daughter of my late Br William aged 18 years. Interred at the parish Church Cemetery.

Decr. 16th Attended a Meeting of the Burial Society & was re-appointed on the Board by 61 Votes.

[December] 18th Inspected Property belonging to Mr W R Wood at Witton. – Benjn Riley at Lark Hill. – George Baron & T C Wolstenholme at Daisy Fields with Mr Stones & Mr Ibbotson – Fee 2/6 each Lot

Dec 28 29th &c
Sunday Morng Parish Church – Afnoon Trinity Church and Evening, St John, Children at Home.
Monday, Annual Meeting of Oddfellows Society, held at the Golden Ball, appointed DGM of the District, and as before Treasurer, - pass Word “Perseverance has Accomplished” New Bye Laws passed, W D appointed C. S. for 12 months.
Tuesday The Annual Meeting of the Society for Pg [Promoting] of Xtian [Christian] Knowledge, held in the Parish Church, Dr Whittaker Vicar in the Chair – the usual yearly business was transacted, 10700 Books were reported to have been sold. – I was present as the Agent
Wednesday, the Annual meeting of the Provident Loan Society. Mr Cartwright in the Chair. – A Dividend of 25 per cent was declared. I was appointed auditor. 

1851 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes


Thursday, the 1st Jan 1852 New Years Day Audit of the Oddfellows Accounts.

Friday – The Meeting of the Victoria Benefit Building Club.

March 1st 1852. Appointed as Auditor to the Corporation in company with Mr Blakey which office I hold over year, and declined proceeding any further.

Loan Societies

19th Feb. 1852
On references to 3 & 4 Victoria c 110, s 9, you will find that Loan Societies may issue debentures for money deposited: but by s. 10 no Treasurer, Trustee or other Officer is responsible for the payment of the Money lent, unless such Treasurer &c shall declare his willingness to be so liable
Your's faithfully
J. Tidd Pratt
Mr W. Durham

Memon [Memorandum] Borrowed of the Widow & Orphan Funds the sum of One Hundred Pounds for two years, 5 per cent. Trustees:- William Feilden, George Cowpe - Lawrence Kenyon, Lawrence Hacking and John Barlow, witness W. Durham- 17th March, 1852 –

[February] 18th Following Day in the Afternoon visited my Sons William & Charles at Whalley, whom I found well, and same Day paid Sister in law in Law the sum of £55:0:0 her residue of the Stock.

[February] 19th The long lost Scrip was this day found with my Deeds - Paid sisters their Money £50.

March 31st Sold 10 Darwen Shares @ £5:10:0 for the account per Jno Ratcliffe

[March] 29th. Was surprised at being displaced from the office of Treasurer of the Oddfellows without notice, - Note We ought always to be ready to give an account of our stewardship - 31st Paid into Wm Lyons hands the District Accounts (M U [Manchester Unity]) except the Hearts of Oak which I hold until Midsummer

22nd March, - Young William Hart disappeared in a most unaccountable & mysterious manner, - He was last heard of at the Preston Station.

[March] 29th Was appointed Deputy for the next A M C at Carlisle for 31st May.

28th April - After an excessive Drought of 70 Days the Wind changed from East to South & West, and we had Rain today, Wednesday. It is said there never were more Vessels waiting outside the Channel for Change of Wind than ever was known before
Was at a Raffle and lost. Afterwards they got to shaking under & over, I much regretted, though I won or lost nothing - still the example was bad.

May 12th. Died, old Mr James Hamer, formerly a Cotton Manufacturer, aged 92 years. He was supported by an Annuity from different Gentn. [Gentlemen] and had long out lived all his old friends except Hy Sudell, Esqre who still remains in his 89th year.

[May] 10th Geo Holme, aged 51, an upright Man, and a Man of great intelligence.

[May] 13th Died W H Morrice, Esqre formerly a Bookseller, a Man of a cheerful deportment, and a bon vivant. He took the traffic for the main lines in this Neighbourhood.

May 25th 1852. Having this Day discharged the remaining responsibilities in regard to my late Brother William, I think it my duty now after Eight years incessant Toil, to review my finances pro & con
Money from Widow & Orphans100:0:0
Henry Kenyon200:0:0
Mother & Sisters60:0:0
Other Contingencies - Hs [Hearts] of Oak20:0:0
Cash yet due to the Stock380:0:0
Credit Three House£550:0:0 
Six Gas Shares90:0:0 
4 Building Shares &25:0:0675:0:0
Loan Societies10:0:0 
New Railway Shares say20:0:0

May 31st to June 4th. Attended as Deputy for the Blackburn District at the A.M.C. [Annual Moveable Conference] M.U. [Manchester Unity] - was elected on the Sub committee, along with Mr Revil, Birmingham, Schofield of Bradford, - Wyld of Oldham, Burgess of S. London, - McDougal of Greenock, and Hickton of Stockport. Lodged at the Union Inn, Citadel Row - After the AMC concluded visited Newcastle & Durham, - only cut a poor figure in debate, had no freedom of speech, and think I was damaged by having Wm Feilden for my collegue [sic] - He at time rude and unsteady.

Election of 1852 - Thursday July 8th 1852
The turmoil of the Election is just concluded, and the Conservatives have suffered a signal defeat. The Candidates were –

James Pilkington Esq.
William Eccles, Esqre.580
John Hornby, Esqre,

Every species of falsehood, bribery, intimidation & co-ercion was resorted to - in order to gain the [sic], but the most glaring was the parading a Big Loaf - & Little Loaf - labelled Hornby's Loaf and Pilkington's Loaf - JH had 220 Plumpers.

Sepr 9. 1852. Since the Election death has made great inroads among the Tory party the following having deceased

Mr John Lewis, Grocer,John Alston, Gentn.
  "  Thos Bolton, GentnJames Forrest, Cotton Spinner
  "  James Haworth, DraperJohn Pemberton, Farmer

On the 26 Augt Mrs Livesey, wife of the Sexton of the parish Church was killed by falling down stairs at Mrs Cliff. Mrs Cliff died shortly after.

Sepr 27th Meeting of the Oddfellows, proposed for Prov G M of the District, a rather fractious Meeting.

[September] 28th Tuesday Auditing with Mr Mitchell the Books of the Econl  [Economical] Loan Society, - Books very carelessly kept by the Secretary.

[September] 29th Meeting of the Provident Loan Society, passed the Accounts, Thos Greenwood in the Chair - 15 shares sold 5 @ 2/6 5 @ 2/8 & 6 at 2/10. Realised 15 per cent.

Oct 20th This Day we lost, by death, our excellent and beloved Mother, after a severe illness of four months. She died perfectly happy & resigned in her 76th year.

Oct 26th We interred our respected and venerable Mother this Day at the parish Church Blackburn - There were present Members of our Family besides Cousins Ratcliffes & Sharps viz
Brother James & Maria, - with Elizh. James, William, John and Mary Anne their children
Sarah from Manchester
Myself and Mary with Thomas, Charles William, Richard, Frances, Henry and Esther our children
Anne, Elizabeth, Margaret and Jane our Sisters
John and Sarah from Bury - Jane William's Widow
After the Funeral I read Mothers Will, which was satisfactory

1852 and 1853 Great Storm
The Christmas & New Year was ushered in with some of the most tremendous Storms of Wind & Rain experienced for 20 years. - On Christmas Eve, & the day following but one Great Damage was Done The Storm seems to have been general throughout England. - In Blackburn, Preston, Lytham, Blackpool & Fleetwood the severity was great. At the two latter Towns & Sea Ports such a dreadful never before was remembered. - The storm was divided into two periods, commencing on Friday the 24th until Noon on Christmas Day, then lulled until Sunday Evening at Six, and so increasing in violence again from that hour until 5 o'clock on Monday Morning when it was both dreadful & fearfully dangerous. From the middle of October when the Autumn ended until this day (Jan 15th) we have had a succession of rainy weather with scarcely any fair day - & only 2 night-frosts in the Winter.

Decr 27th Elected G.M. of the District. W Holt after a Contest D.G.M

[December] 29th Annual Meeting of the Loan Society - Interest 18% Elected with J Ratcliffe, Auditor.

[December] 21st Elected a Member of the Board of the Philanthropic Burial Society.


1852 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes


Jan. 3rd Meeting of the Tradesmens Society at the Bull, flat Dinner, not well having Rheumatism. Elected to the Office of President by Ballot.

[January] Friday the 7th Attended the Building Society collected £170 or thereabouts.
Printed the Directories & Reports for the Oddfellows 2000 Copies –

Jan. 31. Meeting of the Managers, Vict [Victoria] Building Society & prepare and pass Report for Annual Meeting.

Feb. 1. Meeting of St John's Female Frd [Friendly] Society of which I am Clerk.
[February] 2nd Meeting of the Green Bank Lodge (summoned) Subject to let out Money. - Agreed to lend Robert Smalley the sum of £400 on legal Security, also agreed to revise & register the Lodge Laws. full attendance.

[February] 3rd Attended the Marriage of Mr Henry Hargreaves of Mellor, He married a Miss Ewart of Preston, a pleasant party, my Wife was also present.

[February] 4th Meeting (monthly) of Vict B B [Victoria Benefit Building] Society attended to receive Money as Manager with Mr Charles Whitworth and delivered out the Annual Report, same Night purchased 2 shares of Saml Pemberton, 4/8 per share and transfer. –

[February] 5th Saturday, - Went to British Queen Lodge and advised them to register Laws &c. Home at Eleven, - There are few weeks in which I have not to attend Meetings as above.

[February] 6th Sunday (Parish Church) Attended with Wife also Sacrament.

[February] 7th Meeting of Short time Committee a request was made to pay the expences of a certain Meeting to be held for agitating the question of a restriction on the moving power, which was granted under certain Conditions.
In consequence of Aunt Carus not having made a Will, and my Mother not having mentioned it in her Will, my eldest Brother as Heir-at-Law takes possession of my Aunt's property - and also my Sister's Mary's share of our Grandfather's Property.
At the end of this Book will be found a Copy of my Will made and signed on the Eighth Day of February 1853, and I solemnly adjure my Wife & Children as they shall answer it at the bar of Almighty God to carry the same into Effect. – Abrogated

Feb. 15 Since the 6th Severe frost set in with a considerable fall of snow. This Morning it is particularly dense. –

[February] 21. The frost continue with unabated severity - The Reservoir at Rishton is entirely frozen over, and yesterday several hundred persons were upon it - The Reservoir covers Eleven Acres of Ground.

[February] 19 & 20 Soiree at Great Harwood., very good Meeting John Mercer in the Chair. - Mr Fort, of Read Hall, Henry Dean of Sabden, Myself & Tomlinson from Blackburn & Moore of Accrington, Ellis of ---- The Chairman addressed the Meeting - The Speeches were above the average. Slept at the Lomax Arms - Attended Church in the Morning dined with Mr Dobson. Harwood people hospitable.

[February] 22nd The frost broke up mildly - Mrs Geo Stones confined Baby Died The Petition against Mr Eccles prosecuted. –

[February] 26th Mr Eccles unseated for Bribery & Corruption –

[February] 28th Mr Montague Feilden came forward as a Candidate followed on the day after by Mr W. H Hornby. - W H H addresses the people from Brookhouse, Furthergate, Boton Station and Bank Top, and is well received.

March 14th Monday - The Shop and Premises of Mr Jas Parker Fleming Square, burn down, - Supposed to be the work of an incendiary - Terrible Calamity for poor Parker, damage £2000.

Blackburn Election
March 23. The Nomination, Candidates W. H Hornby, Montague Joseph Feilden, - Show of hands, favor of the former, but Mr Feilden had an immense number.
Poor Leonard Noblett died this Day aged 28 years

March 24 Election

Montague J Feilden
W. H. Hornby -574

The Town was in a state of Riot all Day - Both Infantry and Cavalry paraded the Streets.

Perplexities of Will Making Feb. 7. 1853
My Great Grandfather Samuel Lomax, bought certain Property - to wit, Two Good Shops at the top of King Street and four Cottages in Freckleton Croft, commonly called the Cock Croft. - He died and made a Will thus, - He divided the whole with his Money into four parts, - and 1 part each to Ann his Wife, James his Son, and Peggy and Molly his two daughters - on Condition that if James took the Money he should not have the real Estate. - James took the Money and the property thus fell in thirds to my Gt [Great] Grandmother, and my Gt. Aunts, Mary Lomax & Peggy Carus. - So remaining until 1807 when Anne Lomax died leaving a Will, thus she divides her money to her two Daughters, Mary & Peggy - and after their death to James her Son. - This is the state of affairs in 1813. In 1814 James dies, provides for the share of his Mother Ann Lomax by his Will; in the same year Peggy dies without a Will, - and in the year 1818 Molly dies with a Will, in which she divises all her real & personal Estate to the Misses Elizabeth & Anne & their children, - 1st Question How is she heir or heiress of Peggy - her Brother being dead before her - but her Sister surviving.

March 29th Audited the Town's Books for the sixth time along with Rd Townley found them right

[March] 28th Sworn in special Constables to quell the Riots. Our troop was stationed Penny Street, Lark Hill & Brookhouse, It consisted of the following Tradesmen

1 H Stowe, Captain8 Thos Forrest15 Jno Parkinson
2 C. Tiplady9 Hy  Slater16 Hy Simpson
3 John Sellers10 E. Fowler17 Tho Bamber
4 James Bradley11 Robt Walker18 George Ward
5 Henry King12 James Sagar19 T Dickenson
6 George Whewell13 William Smith20 J Umpleby
7 G P Hartley14 W Irving
21 Dr Roiley​

April 6th Old John Mercer the Clerk of Great Harwood Church died very suddenly this Morning of an Apoplectic Fit. - He was a Man highly respected by old parties. He died at Mr W. Birtwistles house, and had been teaching in the Mechanic's Institution. Truly in the midst of life we are in death.

April 19th Died Charles Vose, my Brother-in-Law aged 37 years. It was reported that he was bruised after the Election, but he had for some time been poorly. His affairs were nearly desperate. Buried at Parish Church.

May 16th Whit Monday, I attended as a Delegate from Blackburn to the AMC [Annual Moveable Committee] at Preston, with PPGM [Past Provincial Grand Master] William Lyon, - There was a very great procession of the Order in the Afternoon.

[May] 20th Business of the AMC being finished my Wife came to Preston and we took Train to Blackpool - There were three other Deputies went also - we staid at Mrs Aspinall's, and on the following day rode down to Fleetwood. Left Blackpool on the morning of Saturday the 22nd. and arrived safely home.

My finances May 26th 1853. 1 Year after paying off the Stock.
Debts Credits
To Hy Kenyon200:0:0Houses550:0:0
W & O [Widows & Orphans] Fund100:0:0Gas Shares100:0:0
Sisters50:0:0By [Building] Society 
Stock380:0:0Loan Society15:0:0
Hearts of Oak20:0:0Railway20:0:0
 £750:0:0 £740:0:0

NB - Of the above £380:0:0 - £40 belongs to me in right of inheritance by the death of my Mother. -

Thursday the 17th of June 1853. Died William Eccles Senior, Esqre late M P for this Town, - It is supposed that the being unseated for Bribery & Corruption preyed much upon his mind, and in fact the Mode in which he allowed himself to be brought out would not, could not bear reflection.
On the same day died "William Thom" a violent Radical & Scotchman, - Thomas Hitchen P P G M [Past Provincial Grand Master] died the day before of long lingering consumption.

[June] 17th Captain Whitle of Whalley died.

Copy of a hand Bill in reference to the Death of William Eccles:-
To the reasonable and discerning Electors of Blackburn
Respected Friends,​
My plain and unassuming Address of the 25th inst has been replied to by "An Independent Elector" in a long and scurrilous Address, characterised alike by unblushing effrontery & savage ferocity.

June 23 - My 45th Birthday

[June] 24th. Dr Dugdale unanimously elected Alderman.

[June] 25th Funeral of the late William Eccles, Esqre public procession to the Chapel Street Chapel. - Sermon afterwards - at St John's Church, and at Chapel Street

Monday June 27th. Quarterly District Committee at Pleasington where I gave an explanation of our Mission to the A.M.C. [Annual Moveable Conference] - a pleasant Meeting.

[June] 28th Went up to Mr Kenworth's it being rumoured that his Cook had fallen down dead, - James Houlker with us - The news too true - Suspicion of poison. Inquest called for Thursday nominated on Jury - but subsequently struck off - having seen the deceased shortly after Death. - A Young Man named David Porter suspected of procuring the poison "Prussic Acid" Dr Maitland the physician & Mr Skaife.

[June] 29th At the Economical `& also the Provident Loan Society. - the quarterly Meeting - Dividend paid at the latter in the Chair at the P L S.

[June] 30th Attended the Hornby Testimonial Committee great blame to John Sagar for neglect - at the "King's Head"

July 1st Building Society - Monthly Meeting

[July] 2nd Saturday Audit of the District Books.

July 15th Mr Hopwood Senior the most remarkable Man of his day in Blackburn

[July] 1[7] Died Eccles Shorrock Esqre the King & Potentate of Over Darwen, - This Man by dint of perseverance rose from the position of a Weaver to a princely fortune.

Died Sepr. 13th. Mrs Sarah Tiplady of Bury, Wife of my Brother John after a very long and singularly afflicting illness. -

The 8th 9th & 10th of Septr will long be remembered in Blackburn as the days on which the Hornby Testimonials were given, It is almost impossible to furnish an outline of those festivities which occurred on the occasion but one may instance that there was a Presentation, Banquet, Ball & Grand Procession such as never was witnessed in the Town before.
The presents consisted of a Grand Candelabrum value £350 to Mr W H Hornby.
and to Mrs Hornby a beautiful folio family Bible value £35:0:0.
Mr Charles Boardman was Chairman of the Committee Mr W Peel - Vice & I was Vice Chairman at the Dinner, Mr J W Pemberton was Secretary throughout.

Sep 27 to Oct 5th Took a tour with Mrs Tiplady, our first since Marriage in 1839, - Went first to Blackpool, got excellent lodgings at Miss Gaulton's, Talbot Road, - first day strolled on the Beach, - Wednesday the 28th very high wind - Tide low - walked to Bispham, my Wife telling of her old visits to these quarters; thence to Poulton to the Agricultural Show, met here with Mr Yeo who kindly gave me a Ticket for Dinner; Mr W. Patten in the chair. Mrs T stopt at Mr Yeo's lodgings & got Tea, We left at 6 o'clock for Blackpool. - Thursday went to Lytham & Kirkham, day wet & uncomfortable got home at 7 & to bed tired. Friday had a good warm bath with Mary at the South Shore, thence took Train to Fleetwood - Dined at the Victoria Hotel - good & cheap Dinner, after which took Tickets and went on board the "Cambria" to the Isle of Man at half past 2pm. The voyage was stormy - especially the last 20 miles - was on the Water seven hours - nearly all the passengers very sick - the vessel pitched tremendously - Mrs Tiplady a capital Sailor, stood the Gale equal to any party on board not excepting the Crew. Landed at 1/2 past five pm at Douglas. - Next Day being fine we went to Castle Town per Coach, - very cheap - Sunday to St George's Church - heard a good discourse, Afternoon to Laxey, 7 Miles per Jaunting Car - saw the Lead Mines and the largest Wheel in England 72 [feet] Diameter - met with James Tattersall at the Isle, - Monday the 3rd sailed back to Fleetwood, pleasant sail arrived and Blackpool per Rail at 8pm. - Tuesday remained in Bpool and had a Glorious Sea high Tide, strong Wind & a Swell with Breakers such as I had never witnessed. Wednesday returned home - left Mrs T there and on the following Sunday returned for her then both came home on Monday, much pleased with our tour. -
Amount in the Saving's Bank belonging the Family.

£52:16:5 Oct 19th 1853

Died Oct 13th 1853, Mrs Nightingale, aged 80 Years, - one of the excellent of the earth. -​

A year has now elapsed since the death of my dear Mother - whose memory is worthy of being cherished with the most grateful remembrance. By her will I am ordered to pay my Sisters and Brothers their small Legacies.
I have therefore purchased Seven in the Victoria Benefit Building at a cost of £13 per share. The net Cash received by me being £329. Of this I immediately paid £100 to the Widow and Orphan's Fund and with the residue I shall pay the Legacies. - The money will have to be paid monthly interest & principal, £2:16:0

The principal on the Stock380 :0 :0
Interest for six months7 :13 :4
 £387 :13 :4
Deduct duty   
Nett Balance to   
Divide in Nine£379:10 :9

Viz -    James Lomax Tiplady42 :3 :5
            Angelina Blackshaw   
            Virginia Tiplady          
42 :3 : 5
            Selina Tiplady             
            Anne Tiplady42 :3 :5
            Charles Tiplady42 :3 : 5
            Elizabeth Tiplady42 :3 :5
            Margaret Tiplady42 :3 :5
            Jane Tiplady42 :3 :5
            Priscilla Martin42 :3 :5

The Business was transacted by Mr Leonard Wilkinson

 Oct 22nd - This day with the rest of the District Officers, I went to the Brown Cow in Livesey where we opened a New Lodge - The number of members were 35. - propositions about 12. After the Business, which was lengthy - the Members had lunch, and I took the liberty of addressing them.
Mrs Sagar, (Watchmaker's) died suddenly.​

Oct 24th. 1853 - This Day was remarkable for three things
1st. My Niece Priscilla & her Mother took their final leave of the Shop & concern, and invited myself and Thomas to Supper - with Wife, Sisters, & children
2nd. Thomas' Birthday - aged 20.
3rd Sisters, Niece, and Brother John presented me with a valuable gold Watch, in testimony of regard for my humble and faithful stewardship of their money. We were very comfortable & happy on the occasion.

Resolution - To do my utmost so as long as God spares me to help forward the welfare of my Sisters &c. - 2nd To lay bye [sic] a Shilling per Week towards the Interest of their Money. 3rd To restrict my Expenses, except business require those to sixpence per Day. - 4th Alway to remember with thankful this token of love
I hereby pray to be enabled to do these things.

Oct 28th Grand Masonic Demonstration & Banquet

Oct 31st. Was led into a little Excess on Saturday by Mr K. which I must henceforth avoid.

Yesterday (Oct 30th) went in Procession with the Mayor to the Church - a very fine Day and a goodly Company. - In the Afternoon visited Aunt Ratcliffe who lies at the point of death, - Had to Dinner & Tea Mrs William, Priscilla and Baby prior to their final departure to Atherstone. - In the Evening the fourth Quarterly Lecture of the Oddfellows was held. - at the Pump House, closed at 7 o'clock.

[October] Nine o'clock a m (31st.) - This Day also died my Mother's Sister Aunt Ratcliffe, aged 75 years. Between her and my mother, as the only children of the late James Lomax there existed a lasting friendship This is the third death in the family in the space of Two Months.

Nov 1. Municipal Election, very riotous and disgraceful proceedings - street fighting - stone throwing - Bludgeon attacks, and violence of every kind without check from the police. The Liberals won every seat in the Council and the Con: so disgusted that they will contest the point no longer

[November] 2nd Dreadful explosion of Boiler, Eagle Foundry. Eight lives lost. - Journey to Manchester & Bury, also Ashton - paid - Nieces their Legacy & Brother John.

[November] 4th Aunt Ratcliffe interred this Day - Uncle very calm & resigned. Meeting of Building Society.

[November] 5th Attended St Peter's Church Revd T. Sharples preached - my uncle and family attended. In the Evening at Trinity Church, when Mr Robinson in a faithful & earnest Discourse from Job improved the commentary on the awful Calamity of the 2nd Inst. - A Good Congregation.

Nov 7th 1853

A Careful Summary of my Week's Liabilities
Wages for Self and Family1:10:0
David, Journeyman1:1:0
George, (Binder)18:0
Henry, Apprentice7:6
John     Do.5:0
Son, Thomas, (& keep)2:6
Charles, William & Richard1:10:0
Rent Taxes & Outlay18:0
Interest of Money Borrowed10:0

Set off Rents, - £40}
Interest &c 12} - £52:0:0

I feel under the above responsibilities a heavy and constant depression, with a daily fear that I cannot often pay my Credit which I find the utmost difficulty in.
Now only think of the iniquity of paying Income Tax when I know that all my earnings & my servants are swallowed up in Education - but what is worse than this my Wife imagines we are saving a little, and asks how much less Interest I am paying.

[November] 7th Had an interview with Mr Pilkington respecting Grandfather’s Estate & the best mode of ending the Trust.

Nov 6. Thos Walsh, Sexton of St Peter's died. A few years he appeared one of the strongest & best built men in the Town. I thought he had the best Tenor voice I ever heard.

[November] 9th Thos Dugdale Esqre elected Mayor - Aldermen John Polding, John Sparrow, Wm Pilkington, R R Jackson, James Cunningham, and Robert Hopwood.

Decr 2. Young Mr Hornby of Age, his Father W.H.H. sent a present of One hundred Guineas to the Stranger's Friend Society –

[December] 6th Went to Balderstone to see Richard - my Wife with me.

[December] 9th Old Mr Chew, post Office Whalley, died, aged 71, An Israelite indeed, in whom was no guile.


1853 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes


The year 1853 ended with clear, sharp frosty atmosphere and on New Years Day 1854 (Sunday) the Reservoir at Rishton was completely covered, Hundreds being upon the Ice - The weather continued fine until 1/2 past 4 pm when a fall of snow commenced and continued all night, on Monday the 2nd though the wind was piercing cold there was little snow - the frost however was intense, on Tuesday Evening the atmosphere was wild and portended a very heavy fall of Snow nor were we deceived for on Wednesday Morning it had reached the depth of several - Canals Railway & Highways were all alike fastened & snowed up.
[January] The frost remitted about the 7th & a rapid thaw commenced

1854 Jany 9th Took Charles my son to the Brookhouse Mills where I have obtained for him a situation in the Warehouse To begin Work in the Morning
Things went on smoothly until a certain went home & Essy being unsettled I took her to another Bed. My Wife got into one of her tantrums and we quarrelled violently –

[January] On the 5th Sunday I was informed that Thos had formed an intimacy with Miss Forrest (Mason's Arms.) and that he was in distress of mind. I expostulated with him, but found out he was in a very melancholy way; The following day had with him WBS. - Told Rev C.R. & Uncle Ratcliffe and also took the advice of Doctor Grime, He said it was a religious Melancholy & he must have change. Thursday the 9th went to Darwen & assisted at the purchase of a plot of Ground adjacent to the Gas Works - from Miss Walsh.

Friday last Thirty one years since I was apprenticed & 24 since loose - Building Society Meeting. Annual at the school Rooms.

[January] 10th John Bramley, Tallow Chandler, died

Jany. 9th to 21st. My Son Thomas remained in a very restless, unsettled, and extraordinary condition - I could make nothing of him, when greatly to my astonishment he said he would leave home. Accordingly an Advertisement appearing in the Preston Chronicle, he said he would take the situation vacant and he left me on the 21st Day of Jany 1854.
Of course this resolution & proceeding of his caused me intense feeling - but being now used to heavy disappointment, I felt it were best to be resigned.

1854. April 1. Thos Orrell accused of Embezzlement by his old mas [master] Tom Forrest. Trial at the Sessions on the 7th & 8th at Preston - great sensation - universal sympathy to Orrel believed all to be spite - Went down to Preston, swore to his character as an upright Man, - After two days he was fully acquitted.

[April] 14th. Good Friday (fine). Mary & Charles went down to Blackpool. - Saturday - Thos followed by his own request. He seems better
Drought Continues. April 25th. Great Meeting of the Philanthropic Burial Society to petition against certain Clauses in the New Friendly Societies' Act Petition carried with acclamation.

April 23rd Abram Crossthwaites died of the Hay market Tavern

[April] 25th George Gorton Died. Waterloo Tavern. He was nicknamed "The Old Duke"

[April] On the Evening of the 26th to Morning of the 27th Rain began, a great relief to Agriculture
Sold 2000 Copies of the Form of Prayer for the 26th the Day of Humiliation & Prayer on account of the War with Russia.

May 22nd 23rd & 24th Tremendous Poll for the Appointment of Assistant Overseer – Candidates
  Frederick Ashton - retired 
Votes 317Michael McManus 
    "578John CloughMajority 261

The same day Mr John Durham, died, he voted at the poll - was much pressed by the crowd. He died of Apoplexy Aged 67 years. Also Died Richard Bell the Glazier, much & deservedly respected.

[May] 25. Cock Robin, alias Robert Riding married his Bar Maid Rachel - In the course of the Day some of the children rebelled, an ill-assorted marriage

[May] 27th Died Wm Yates, Senr Ironfounder he also voted at the last Election - Truly in the midst of life, we are in death.

[May] 28 Sunday Went to Balderstone - Afternoon.

June 2nd Started to London, as a Deputy at the AMC [Annual Moveable Conference] with G. Allen & L Coupe there until the 11th then came down to Atherstone. Was appointed a Member of the Board of Directors.

July 6th Mrs Houlker retired from the Bay Horse Inn - where I usually with other Tradesmen consorted.

Augt. 2nd. R. R. Jackson, Esqr married Miss Whittaker the Daughter of our worthy vicar - He lies dangerously ill at home - not likely to recover.

[August] 3rd Miss Feilden of Witton married to young Mr Ashton [Assheton] of Downham.

[September] 1st. Was again troubled in my mind respecting my pecuniary, and having met wine cross - got angry & vexed with my wife - who I am sorry to say rather provoked than allayed the heat which led the way to much unpleasantness but, ended I sincerely trust in a true and lasting reconciliation.

[September] 3rd This moment has departed my best and earliest friend Dr Whittaker, Vicar of this Town, - I hope the Lord has taken him to heaven.

[September] 10th Public Funeral of Dr Whittaker - from 3 to 400 Gentlemen in procession - the Clergy of the Town & Neighbourhood, the Bishop of Manchester - the 
Teachers of the Schools - the Mayor & Corporation - and a great concourse of Inhabitants - D Riley played the Organ and an Anthem was sung on the occasion - The procession extended from the Church nearly to the Vicarage. Very solemn and affecting Service.

Oct 1st 1854 T Poulton Church with my Wife - heard the Bishop of Manchester preach also saw the Confirmation - Got Tea at Black Bull, - Walked back to Blackpool.

Oct 25th Yesterday (the 24th) my Eldest Son Thomas attained his majority, - I gave him necessary advice as to his future career. - At present he stays with me.
On the same day J H Pickup had a Son born and the first marriages at St John's & Trinity Church were solemnised
Mr John Clayton to Mrs Knowles (St John)
Mr Pearson to Mrs Morris (Trinity)
Mr Charles Glover to _____________ Parish

Novr 12th Sunday, My Niece Priscilla Martin died an irreparable loss to her afflicted Mother and Husband. She had but poor health from the time of her first Childbirth and gradually grew worse. She leaves a little Girl to lament her loss. - Aged 23
Sickness of the Town - up to the above Date the Town had continued in a very healthy state, but the dark, damp weather then set in and brought Fever of the worst kind Amongst the victims, besides sudden deaths of various kinds - were Mr W. B Stones, Mr Richd Backhouse, Solr [Solicitor], Mr Gillies, Land Surveyor, Mr Ashcroft, shoemaker, Mr Kenyon Solicitor, Mr T Taylor, Green Grocer, Mr Thos Bennet, Innkeeper, Mr John Mercer, Innkeeper, Mr Thomas Sower, and many others - As many as 1,000 Cases were said to be in the Town at one time, - There has only been three Days of frost since the Commencement of Winter - myself and family though we have had colds have been most mercifully preserved.


1854 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes

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Jan 21. 1855. My eldest Son Thomas left me this day, and took a situation in Preston under Mr Dobson at the Chronicle Office. Though the Young Man is going to a situation and has conducted himself with sobriety under me, it is impossible not to feel a sense of bereavement at his departure as if he had died - and what makes the loss more heavy - I have no other Son, as yet fit to succeed here.
It was about this time a very severe frost commenced, and continued with little intermission up to the 20th of Feby, 1855.
From the Reports of the Newspapers all the large Rivers in the Kingdom, including the Thames, Severn, Mersey, Exe, Dee, Ribble, as well also the Reservoirs, Ponds, Lakes, Brooks, Pools & Canal Lodges were completely frozen a Great Distress took place in Liverpool on Monday the 19th Inst there were bread Riots.

[February] On Sunday the 18th there was a sort of Fair held upon the Great Reservoir at Rishton when from 8 to 10000 people visited the scene. The Ice was 2 feet thick, and thousands of Skaters were upon it. The Frost is considered to be the most severe since the Great Frost of 1813-4 when a Fair was had upon the Thames, Feb. 13 1814.

Saturday Feb. 17th R Walker buried (B [Beardsworth] & Walker) of Fever which yet continues very prevalent.

22nd Frost continues unabated Rigour!

Feb. 23rd Yesterday the cold was intense, about 3pm the Wind veered to the South East by South and at 6 o'clock the Snow began to fall and continued to do so the whole of the Night.

Extracts Copied from the London Times Feb. 21. 1855, Wednesday

Similar Accounts from every County in England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales, - The Ice on the reservoir 30 inches thick - Water frose [sic] close to my bedside & split the Water Jugs on Friday & Saturday the 16 & 17th. Inst. (Feb 17 40 below Zero.

[February] On the 24th & 25th a Thaw thoroughly set in (Sat & Sunday, and continued until the 1st of March, but again commenced freesing [sic] on the 4th & on the 9, 10 & 11th was exceedingly cold, on the 10th it snowed but on the 11th there was a heavy fall of snow from the S & SW which continued till the 12th when the Wind shifted to the West with a Thaw

George Duxbury - (George & Dragon) and John Entwistle, (Star & Garter) died – March

Feb the 27th Went to London on the Gas Question 28th appeared before Lord Redesdale in Committee, did pretty well. - Saw Ice on the Thames.

March 1. Returned to Bn with T. Clough.

[March] 7th (Wed) Started again for London same business stopped at the (Dolly's Chop House) Newgate Street with T Clough & W Hutchinson, returned Sat. the 10th. with W.H. - Weather cold! - Expences paid by the Gas Company, Darwen.

March 21st (Wed) General Fast Day on account of the War. –
The Weather thro March very frosty - almost every night - but the days towards the latter End finer but cold, and so on up to April 5.

Decr 1. aged 49 Fred W James, in Australia, late Secretary to the Bolton Railway. - (Date 1854)

May 4. Friday Sometimes one meets with paragraphs announcing the extraordinary mildness of the Season - but I think the Weather this year has put to flight these old Women's Tales. I should say that we cannot have had less than 100 Nights of severe frost from Jany up to this time. - This Morning there was a keen blowing NE Wind & ice - very thick for the time.

[May] 2nd Mrs Astley run over and severely hurt.
John Kay, currier, died.

Good Friday - In the Church Morning - in the Evening, Building Club. John Gregson, Teetotaller, there. John a clever, sober, thrifty fellow. The son of the Old Clerk at Ribchester, John sometimes attacked the moderate Drinkers - I resolved to drink no Spirits a Month (May 4) - Kept it without deviation - 30 Day x 3 = 90 Glasses of Whiskey

May 7, 8 and 9. On these Days I attended my last Meeting as a Director of the Board of the L C of Oddfellows. As usual there were a good many knotty points to unravel, questions to answer and appeals to hear and decide, and as usual there was a deal of "Jaw" from "Daynes", and drollery from "Cox". on the whole the Meeting was comfortable. The Directors, to a Man, except myself, are returned as Deputies to the AMC [Annual Moveable Conference]. - It happened also very awkwardly for me, that my Son, Little Henry was taken severely ill on the 4th & remains so at present. On the 8th the Directors in a body left Manchester to pay Thos Kilner a visit to Eccles, where we dined at an Inn, inspected the Old Church and went also to Patricroft to Nasmith's Engineering Works, - We saw the Embryo of a Cannon, now Manufacturing of "Beaton Iron" and also had a view of the largest Steam Hammer in the World - 11 Tons - This we saw in operation by the kindness of Mr Willis the Manager.
I took leave of the Directors on Wednesday, and so ends my connection with the Board.

May 31. Dreadfully cold windy winterly & wet.
James S. Livesey Died suddenly. - He was in my shop on Wednesday. (yesterday) (31)
Oliver Roylance elected on the Board –

June 3rd (Sunday) Visited Blackpool where my Wife and three children are. Henry much better. Went down to Fleetwood, -

June 5th Died after a short illness, Edmund Pomfret, generally known as "Little Teddy" - He formerly kept a Farm at Cicely Hole, just above Mount Street.

June 2nd Appeared the first Number of a Weekly paper called the Blackburn Weekly Times, price One penny, - printed by F J Nicholls of Darwen.

July Died Robert Barlow of Salford.

Aug 6th & 8th These days were memorable for Two Lectures being delivered on Auricular Confession and the Inquisition - The first Lecture I did not attend but at the second I was called to the Chair. - There was a stormy Meeting - The Baron de Camin made some strong statements - Mr Alexr Woods, Mr Marwood, and Mr Charles Boardman opposed the Lecturer. At Ten o'clock I dissolved the Meeting.

Sep 2. Revd John Hartley son of W Hartley Inct [Incumbent] of Balderstone preached his first Sermon from Remember now thy Creator & - also Evening Mellor Brook - I heard him & Mrs T. - then went to T D. with Charles & Richard.

[September] 7th. This day was remarkable to self and Wife on this account, we went upon Pendle Hill, We started for Chadburn [Chatburn] per early train, which we reached at 8 o'clock, from thence we walked to Mrs Badger's the calf's head inn, Worsthorne and after refreshment sallied forth to the foot of Pendle. The day was remarkably fine, but hazy - we reached the top of the Mount at 12 o'clock - and enjoyed ourselves, - very much returning at 4 pm we took Tea with Mrs B and her interesting Daughters, and with Miles I went a nutting - We returned home safely by the 7 o'clock Train - well gratified & thankful.

Fall of Sebastopol
Sep 10th Rumours of the Capture of the Malakoff Tower were rife - and confirmed by Telegraph in the Times - at 7 o'clock pm. The fall of Sebastopol by electric Telegraph was announced. The excitement was great - the Bells rang - the Bands played, - the people shouted &c &c
Sep. 10, 11, 12, 13 Great Rejoicing on the fall of Sebastopol Bells Ringing - Band playing - Mob shouting - Flag Waving - Guns shooting & so on, in the Town. I lost a Hat which the Mob very uproariously made into a football.

[September] 11th Jury on Jem Kenyon's Wife, - Foreman, bad case of brutal ill treatment - no conclusive Evidence. Inquest adjourned to the 14th - On that day he was convicted of Manslaughter! & at Lancaster transported for Life in March 1856

[September] 26th Died Tom Edmondson the Letter Carrier He was, in youth, a School fellow of mine. - A very sober, upright & diligent Servant of the Blackburn Post Office.

Sep. 30th. This Day was appointed by her Majesty to be set apart for Thanksgiving for the late victory at Sebastopol in the Crimea.

October 24th 1855. Son Thomas' 22nd Birthday - May God bless him in all his affairs.
My Wife and two youngest Children Henry and Essy have been now at Blackpool since the 11th Inst. During this time we have been extremely busy and I have found the loss of her help exceedingly - Perhaps never since our Marriage in 1839 have I been more severely tried, and taught the value of an helpmate. In my sleepless hours this Morning at four my mind was much agitated. I was induced more particularly to review my conduct towards her, and tho' I could not charge myself with actual transgression of my Marriage, yet in thought, during temptation, how often had my heart & affections wandered! But in nothing more was I distressed that on the reflection that often by my irritability I had distressed her mind, and sad reflection, caused her affections to be somewhat alienated. In this state of agitation & dejection I could not find no rest on Man or any Creature, but here the Lord exercised his goodness, and gave to me such a measure of his Spirits that I was enabled to pour out my sl [soul?] troubles before him, - and by earnest & I hope a sincere exercise of repentance was greatly calmed, & felt that if God in Christ that alone sustained a Man under his Burdens - I believe this Trial had done me great service, and I do most solemnly entreat the Alty [Almighty] thro Christ to give me his Wisdom his help and his support that in future, so long as he shall spare my dear & faithful Mary & myself to one another - I may assume & practice love, forbearance & strict charity - Amen.
My Wife and Children returned safely home this night, for which mercy I thank God.

Nov 8th This Day was interred (Died on the 4th.) Mr John Polding Junr aged 38 a very estimable person. The Members of the Union Club, 30 in Number, attended the funeral headed by Mr Hornby, Mr Hopwood & Mr Thos Dutton. He was a R Catholic. Interred at Osbaldeston.

12th. Rent Day. William Fielding of the Spread Eagle Inn, Cable Street died - after a short illness caused it is said by intemperate habits.

Decr 10th Mrs Tiplady Birthday - (45) –

[December] On the 1st of this Month old Mr Wraith was taken with a fit, and continued in a state of unconsciousness until the following Day, when he expired - He was a Man greatly respected by all classes. - He was also one of the oldest Tradesmen.

On the 5th there commenced a hard frost - the Reservoir was frozen over and was skated upon on the 10th Inst.


1855 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes


On the 26th Jany. Died most awfully sudden Mr W M Perfect, a most respected Gentleman.

[January] Diary - Sunday the 27th church Morning (Parish) Let your Light so shine - Afternoon & Evening at Home reading Lewis & Clarks Travels

Monday poorly from the Effect of cold. Auding [Auditing] the Economical Loan Society's Books. Bad case.

[January] Tuesday - (29th.) Again down at the Loan Society, - the President, - Secretary & Innkeeper - all in Debt - & repudiating the same.

[January] Wednesday (30) Annual Meeting of Provident Loan Society. Dividend £5 per cent from there to the Economical Dividends £5 per cent - here appointed on the Committee.

[January] (31) Thursday Annual Meeting of Widows & Orphan's Society S.O.F.M.U. [Society of Oddfellows Manchester Unity] attended - re-elected Treasurer for the 7th time. - Grants £27:19:0 - Meeting of Committee of Tradesman's Protection Society attended. This Day also walked in procession at the funeral of W. M. Perfect about 100 Gents walked including the Mayor, Magistrates, Union Club, and Many Gents - of the Corporation & Tradesmen of the Town. A very upright Gentleman.

Feb. 1 Building Society Meeting attended - along with Messrs. T Ibbotson & J. Gregson.
Cold increased on Sunday Monday & Tuesday so much as to confine me to the House

Son Thomas called (Feb. 5.) collecting for Messrs. Dobson & Sons Preston, I did not see him.

The following is my financial position 1856

Cash owing Mr Kenyon's Trustees100:0:0
            "           Rent Bag60:""
Sisters old Account54:""
Shares of Stock (4) £40160:

Cash owing Building4200:0
profit50:0:0155 ""

[February] The adjourned Meeting was held on the 24th. and I got a very severe cold by attending

March 7th Mr Charles Boardman Painter died, after an awfully short illness of four hours. His death struck consternation into the minds of his sorrowing friends & relatives. He was in his 33rd year. (33)

[March] On the 11th his Mortal remains were conveyed to their last resting place in St Peters Yard and the sorrowing lamentations of relatives & friends - The Corpse was attended first by the pupils of the Free Grammar School headed by the chief Master then followed a body of Free Masons of which craft the deceased was a Master then came the immediate friends of Poor Charles among whom I walked then the Corpse & relatives closed the mournful cortege. The Organ was played by Mr Robinson in a very affective style, & the whole proceedings were marked by deep solemnity.
Thus passed to an early Tomb one of the bright ornaments of the Town. He had been elected Governor on the last Annual Meeting of the Grammar School and was a Councillor for St Peter's Ward - for remarks in the paper see previously –

Monday, March 24th Easter Fair, a vast Multitude of people in the Town. - Amusements such as is usual at Fairs were numerous & profitable.

[March] 25th. The Annual Meeting of the Female Friendly Society - favourable Report. Increase in Funds £75:12:0 & total Balance £860:8:0 My Son Charles assisted Mr Hart. I went to Manchester on the League Business but could not do any Business - as Mr Pratt refused to sanction the appointment of the Committee

[March] 26th Mr Walkden's failure announced

[March] 27th At Over Darwen Gas Meeting of the Directors. - Thompson Walkden & Johnson absent.

[March] 27th was very ill of a cold got in Manchester. - Mr Wilding gave me authority to communicate to the Family that he was ready to make a first Division of Monies under Mr Lomax' Will viz £800.

[March] 30th Sunday Morning. Parish Church - excellent discourse by Mr Kershaw on the rebellion of Korah, Dathan & Abiram - Evening (Trinity) The duty & privilege of reading the Scripture.

April 3rd Thursday - This Day is Memorable as being the time when a portion of the Money left us by Grandfather Lomax was divided between the families of Tiplady & Ratcliffe. After innumerable delays and consultations with Mr Wilding Solicitor we agreed to divide £1,800 in the following manner

1 James Lomax Tiplady90--Thos Ratcliffe Senior   
2 Sam L Tiplady    Adms for James   
Trustees &   Ratcliffe deceased11210 
Executors for   Do for Elizabeth1615
Angelina}        £30.0.0   Do for Ellen18150
Celina}            30.0.090--John Ratcliffe 1/814765
Virginia}         30.0.0   Mary Anne Stones   
3 Mary Tipladys    Wife of Geo Stones14765
Administrator90--Robert Ratcliffe14765
4 Anne Tiplady90--Thomas Ratcliffe   
5 William Tiplady's   Junior14765
Trustees for his   Margaret Margerison   
Grandchild90--Boardman Adm14765
6 Charles Tiplady90--Thos Ratcliffe Senior   
7 Elizabeth Tiplady90--as representative   
8 John Tiplady90--of Elizabeth Rab   
9 Margaret Tiplady90--Deceased1615
10 Jane Tiplady90--    
 £900-- £8991911
    My Account   
Houses500--Building Club250--
Gas Shares90--Sisters54--
Shop Goods600--Share of Stock160--
Loan Society15--    
    April 5th 1856   ​

On the same Day Mr William Stones & myself viewed and measured the property for the purpose of Administration, and in the Evening I went to Over Darwen where we entered into a contract for 2000 Tons Cannell @ 17/6 per Ton - On return Theatre, I saw H Stowe in Luke the Labourer

April 5th. 1856 - An important day of business Brother John came on the previous Evening and this Day received his £90. Sisters placed their Amount of £360 in Cunliffe & Co. Thos Kenyon called with his £100 Promissory Note, which I owed his Brother Henry & this was transferred to himself being reduced to £50. I borrowed £10 of Brother John. Robt Ratcliffe received his Money day before. I very unwell all Day with a severe headache.

April 10th Went down to Whalley along with Mr R. Thompson - It was the Horse Show. We were much wet on our return.
The same day died James Pickup, Esqre aged 74 Years a most worthy and upright Gentleman.

12th Died W Noblett Tobacconist - and on the 9th William Walsh (aged 53) a very old acquaintance and formerly Superintendent of Grimshaw Park School.
Truly we may remark Death's shafts fly thick

April 22nd Second Journey to Manchester on the League Building Society business. Met the Board and had a long Consultation with them. - They were very cordial & some business was done.

[April] Friday the 25th Went to Accrington with Mr Clough to the Oratorio of Judas - The singing was excellent Mr Hinchcliffe sang brilliantly & with great power I also liked Miss Senior, but she is not equal to Mrs Sunderland, Mr Cooper was not equal to the Tenor Songs in this Oratorio tho his efforts were very creditable indeed. The Instrumentalists were good and the Chorus well sustained.

May 24th Died at Burnley Thos Carus formerly of this Town. Schoolmaster & Parish Clerk - He was greatly addicted to liquor. Aged 52

May 29th Peace rejoicing - went to Preston.

June 2nd I narrowly escaped a severe accident by the falling of a skip of Weft from a Teagle in Clayton Street which slipped from the Iron & fell to the Ground within a few yards from me & others.

[June] 3rd Went to Manchester on the League Building business some progress was made, especially in reference to the proposed Dissolution & Dividend.

[June] 4th Mr Sansom was buried from the Old Bull Inn aged 39. - He was supposed to be very unhappy in consequence of the incontinency of Mrs S.

Memoribilia [sic] 1856
June 2nd Auditing the Corporation Accounts with Messrs. Coddington & Woods. - Books reflects great credit on Mr Hargreaves the assistant to the Treasurer. – Escaped

[June] 3rd Went third journey to Manchester on League Business

[June] 4th Returned from Manchester, early.

[June] 5th Darwen Gas Society's Meeting. –

[June] 6th Victoria Benefit Building Society Meeting Mr Sturdy withdrew his shares.

[June] 7th At the Shop –

[June] 8th Sunday Annual Sermons for the B N & S [Blackburn National & Sunday] Schools the Rev R Hart preached in the Morning, Parish Church.
In the Afternoon Rev A. Haworth at St Michael's.

June 14th Palmer, "the Great Murderer" hung.

July 19th This Day Son Thomas left Preston and went to Ingham Bros Paper Merchants, Brown Street, Manchester.

[July] 20th Children again to School. - Essy to Miss Forshaw's, Harry & Fanny to Miss Waddington.

Resolutions this Day for 12 months - by the assistance of God.
1. To drink no more spirits - unless unwell or find my health impaired
2. Ale & other Liquors in extreme moderation
3. Discontinue Sunday travelling by Rail, unless to Divine worship
4. Attend two services on the Sunday.
5. Put by One Shilling per day for the children's School wage.
6. Not to "bet" the most trifling wagers.
7. To inculcate Truth & Integrity at Home.

July 23rd James Cross Esq died at Ripon - buried here (St Peter's) on the 26th.

[July] 24th Died Jno Proudlove - suddenly.

[July] 26th paid four Sisters £9 each part of Sister Mary's Estate.
Same Day Charles promoted at the Mill to 5/- per week during pleasure

Kept the above Seven Resolutions - one week.

[July] 25 Audit of the Widow & Orphan's was wrong in my account £1:3:0 made right.
The whole week very busy with List of Voters.

July 31st The List finished yesterday. This afternoon went to Whalley - weather hot & fine

Aug 1 Glorious Weather - but fearfully hot. - Went to Whittle Springs with Mrs T. spent a happy day - but rather overheated. –

[August] 3rd Sunday at Whalley Church in the Afternoon

[August] 4th Dined with Steam Engine Makers at Stevenn [Stevenson's]

[August] 5th Tuesday Ill of the Bowels - Weather very hot & cloudless.

Aug 6th Fanny's Birthday (10) a fine healthy strong girl. Meeting of E Loan Society - stormy & unsatisfactory
The Revd Peter Kay died of Carbuncle on the Spine - one of the finest Men in Blackburn - Aug 6th.

[August] 7th At the Over Darwen - also Chairman of the Festival of the Green Bank Lodge - Dinner at Stevenson's a full & pleasant meeting - Thunder & rain.

[August] 8th Thunder & rain - the Rev P. Kay interred amid the lamentations of a large body of his hearers at St Alban's Chapel. Aged 53 years

[August] 9th A Wet Day = all through –

[August] 10th. Sunday - Parish Church - Mr Moss - home in the Afternoon - Evening visited Mr Kenworthy who has been in a dangerous illness for 18 months very feeble but cheerful.

[August] 11th Anniversary of Green Bank Lodge - chairman

[August] 17th Sunday at Great Harwood Church - Rev G. Fielding a good singing affair - but Miss Whitham was too frivolous in some things for Handel - Collection about £36 - had Dinner & Tea with Mr Catterall

[August] 18th Institution of New Building Society, got up mostly to put Chadwick into a job. - full Meeting - all went off unanimously - Appointed a Manager, chairman.

[August] 21 Harwood Fair - wet - revising Bye Laws of the District.

[August] 23rd Mrs T. went to Balderstone with Essy - stopped Ten Days

Sepr 6th. Visit to Mrs Badger's Worsthorne with Mary.

[September] 10th Borrowed of T. Hart £25:0:0
repaid Jan 22nd 1857 @ Interest 8/6

Sepr. 26th 1856
Lawyers are so dreadful dilatory - that I set to this Day and wrote a copy of my Will - which will be found to be equitable I trust to all parties.

Sepr 29th Paid Sarah Tiplady of Manchester £90 belonging to my Nieces - and on the 7th Octr £3 each to the Nieces of my Brother Lomax

[September] On the 27th Died young Henry Eccles, son of the late Member W. Eccles –

Oct 13th The Great Eclipse of the Moon, commenced @ 23 Min past Nine, and ended in the Morning of the 14th It was well seen, the Night being exceedingly fine and clear - About the end of the Eclipse on the morning of the 14th October.
Died William Kenworthy Esqre Brookhouse after a long lingering and painful illness of 18 months - He was a man of wonderful genius in Mechanics, and rose to the pinnacle of fortune by the exercise of his Talents.
[October] 13th Elected Secretary of the Tradesman's Society.

Nov 2nd Visited Blackpool in Company with my Wife, attended Church in the Morning and Wesleyan Chapel in the Evening - The Sermon in the Evening was preached by a talented Gent from these Words "Keep thy Soul with all Diligence" Left on the 4th for Home, and Mrs T. remaining for some days.

On the previous Day went to Over Darwen to the Dinner of the Darwen District, (Nov 1) a very orderly, pleasant and instructive Meeting

The Weather in November was inclined to the frosty and it ended with a clear dry frost but on the 2nd of December there was a heavy fall of Snow much heavier than has been seen for some years - so early in the Winter. -
George sick - Bramley & his Brother left - Son Charles sick - James put his wrist out -

Decr 1 Edmund Banks assisted in the Binding
Money scarce & Credit scarce - Work good, health good - thank God for all his Mercies -
In all our difficulties & trials may we look to Him.

1856 Decr 31 On a Sick Bed - ill of cold & pleurisy which gave way after several day illness –

[December] On the 28th Died Rev Gilmour Robinson of Tockholes very deeply lamented & respected by the whole Township

The Year has been fruitful in changes, & not unfruitful in deaths. It began with the sudden demise of Mr Perfect Esqre followed by the equally sudden death of Mr Charles Boardman, then followed James Pickup Esqre then W Kenworthy Esqre & lastly at the close the above respected Gent Rev Gilmour Robinson - All these were members of the Xtian [Christian] Knowledge Society - and when I reflect how full of Life vigour & hope, Interred in the cold grave.
Their Memory & their sense is gone,
Alike unknowing & unknown.
I can only be overwhelmed with gratitude to be spared a little longer yet. While the Ink is scarcely dry - I must had [sic], Mr James Pemberton, aged 66 - very suddenly

In the Town great Meeting on the subject of an Infirmary in consequent of the generous offer of W Pilkington the Mayor who has given £2,000 to the object

1856 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes

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Jan 23rd Friday - Meeting respecting the Income Tax at the Town Hall, the Mayor W. Pilkington Esqr in the chair, present also Jas Pilkington Esq, M.P., Mr J Feilden Esqr M.P. - T Dugdale, R. Hopwood, Wm Hoole, T C. Ainsworth, E Briggs, - Jno Baynes, C Tiplady on the platform. Resolutions were carried approving of an immediate removal of the War addition (9d.) Thanks were voted to the chair.

29th Mayor's Grand Ball - the Most splendid affair that has occurred in Blackburn - To be followed by a Grand Masonic Ball.

The Month of February commenced with cold frosty weather on Sunday, in the Afternoon there were slight indications of Snow, which came down on Monday, Candlemass Day in overwhelming force, and continued so about a foot deep on the level, and in drifted heap more than four feet deep - On Wednesday Night a further increase in the depth took place - On the 3rd Died very suddenly Mr France Feilding, Knuzden Brook and on the same day equally sudden Mr Thomas Haworth, Iron Merchant Ainsworth Street - highly & deservedly respected.

Feb. 5. Grand Masonic Ball, at the Town Hall - when upwards of 400 attended. In fact all the elite of the Town, Though not much of a Ball Man, and no dancer I and my Wife & one Son attended. - The surplus to be devoted to the Infirmary. 
The Thaw commenced on the 5th and continued two or three days until the Snow disappeared.
Feb. 5th The 41st Meeting of the Society took place in the parish Church - present Rev W Rushton, J. C Kershaw, R Dobson, T. Sharples, R H Hart, Rev R Moss. - J Hargreaves, R Parkinson, J Beardsworth, - J B S Sturdy

Feb. 19th. 1857 My Cousin Robert Ratcliffe died at Manchester - he was buried at St. Peter's Church, - 23rd Feb. - Uncle - Cousins John & Thomas - self & Brs James & George Stones & Willie Boardman - Robt left an ill Daughter.

[February] 24th Proposition = 432 JH & T.C. - Sansom's

3rd March Initiative TC & Mr. – Dined

March 1st The Weather Magnificent - Morning St Peters Afternoon Accrington - excellent discourse "Matthew the Publican"

[March] 3rd Monday - We made a Supper for the Work people to which attended. David and his Wife, George and his Wife, John Hargreaves, J. C. Robinson, My Sons William & Charles, - the Lads - Eo Woods and William Sharples, and a right good supper it was - They all enjoyed themselves.

In Consequence of a Defeat of the Government on Mr Cobden's Motion, (16) Lord Palmerston resolved to dissolve the House, and this caused a General Election. Our Candidate were for Blackburn

1857{ James Pilkington Esqre}No Poll
March 27{ Wm. H. Hornby Esqre}show of hands
 { Jonathan Peel Esqre}Retired

Major Feilden was obliged to retire - a most active Canvass was got up for Mr Hornby and a requisition signed by a Majority of the Electors pledging their support. He was quickly at the head of the Candidates, and so little chance had Mr Peel of success, and so much afraid was Jas Pilkington of being defeated that Mr Peel was induced to retire. The Nomination & Election was on Friday March 27th 1857. There was no poll - Mr Hornby had a tremendous Majority at the Hustings being followed by nearly 600 voters - The Town was in a state of jubilee with joy - & all things passed off peaceably and well - I was on his Committee. - Never was there more complete defeat of the Radical Interest both here and at Manchester, Salford, Huddersfield, Rochdale, Preston, Bolton and Clithero
Cobden, Miall, Gibson, Bright, Clay, Barnes, Armitage &c thrown out, Also Gladstone & Peel

April 23rd. Mechanics Soiree - Having a severe cold I did not attend but my Wife & three Sons were there. I was very angry with them for stopping so very late - one five in the Morning -
James Hopwood, Market looker died - worried & fagged to death by too many Masters.
Old Richd Brown, the Steward of Hy Sudell died - aged 83 years - For a long period he held the Anniversary of H. S. at the Fox and Grapes.

May 7th Mr Thos Thwaites, the Liquor Merchant died this day in a railway Carriage coming from Bacup to Blackburn - Mr Robert Duckworth Inn keeper was present with him in the Carriage. "Truly in the midst of Life we are in Death".
Same Day at Darwen Gas Meeting - Mr Brandwood was not present - His two sons Thos & Wm were both interred in one Day.

May 12 & 13th Had a severe attack of the Cholera which lasted several hours, I was under the hand of Mr Pickop Surgeon and was much prostrated - Threw myself on the Club, but was heartily tired of one weeks confinement - on Sunday (17th) went to Chatburn & Worston with my Wife, and returned on the following day much benefitted by the out.

Rev Hy Boardman died Monday May 23rd 1857 - aged 29 years -
John Whalley died June 2nd 1857.

June 1st A Glorious Whitmonday - the finest Weather that could possibly be desired. On the previous day was down at Ribchester in the Afternoon with my Wife - got Tea at Thos Dewhurst Ribchester Bridge

June 9th Journey to London
This Journey was undertaken in consequence of a Summons from the Blackn. Railway to appear as witness before the House of Commons in respect to giving Evidence before a Committee for the purpose of assisting the Blackburn Line to obtain an Act of Parliament to extend their Line northwards to Settle, and Southwards by Radcliffe Bridge to Manchester - The Bill was lost.
I left home on Tuesday June 9th & went onto Manchester from thence to London by Express Train. - We arrived at Ln. at half past Ten or 1/4 to 11 o'clock, and witnessed the tremendous fire at Pickford's Warehouse at Cambden Town - near the Euston Square Station. I obtained lodgings at Mr Knights the Coffee House, No 26 Charing Cross where I remained 7 days.
On Wednesday attended Committee - not examined - Mr Flannagan in Box all day capital Evidence. Evening at Dr. Johnson's with Lyons.
[June] Thursday (11th) Attended Committee - Flannagan concluded Green begun - Evidence rather confused - closed at 4. Evening at Evans & Drury Lane. Miss Ellen
Friday Attended Committee - was examined, Mr Hornby underwent a long Examination this Day - good Evidence. After him Mr Lewis closed at four & adjourned until Monday.
[June] Saturday (13) Went to the Grand Rehearsal at the Crystal Palace about 11,000 present Day beautiful - singing delightful sight splendid - company agreeable - well worth the Money 10/6 - Chorus & Songs were give from Judas - Messiah and Israel in Egypt - Miss C Novello, Sim Reives, Her[r] Formes & Mr Weiss - principals - Costa - Leader 500 Instrumentalists and 2,000 vocalists from all parts of the Kingdom. Magnificent display of Musical Talent - crowned with complete success.
[New Page]
Sunday Morning - Temple Church - Afternoon to Richmond being kindly treat by Mr Withers - Evening at a Saloon for a few minutes.
Monday I attended in the City - Making sundry purchases.
Tuesday Morning came down to Atherstone & saw my Sister-in-law - who was very well - slept there
[June] Wednesday the 17th down to Manchester - at the Exhibition - and then home.
Friday & Saturday at Home.
Sunday poorly in my side some time

Monday the 11th of Feby Died the Rev Wm Hartley late of Balderstone. - 1861

June 18th. Edward Briggs Cotton Spinner hung himself in the Engine House of one of his own Mills - awful occurrence.

Important Event
Sale of the Property belonging the late James Lomax
Thursday June 18th 1857.
Sold by Mr Salisbury at the Old Bull Inn.

Lot 1House, Union Street, - Mr Jardine and small house behind235""
Lot 2House, Union Street, Mr Jardine275""
Lot 3House              Do        Miss Tiplady145""
Lot 4House Ainsworth Street          Do155""
Lot 5Shops Astley Gate, W Strong485""
Lot 62 Houses Cock Croft T. Dugdale96""
Lot 72 Houses         Do        J. Feilden124""
Lot 86 Houses Snig Brook, J Cunningham185""
Lot 91 House, St Paul's Street82 ""
Lot 102 Houses at Bottom Gate, Beer House &c &c150""

June 23 Funeral of Mr Edmund Briggs - Cotton Spinner
My Birthday - (49) Tempus fugit.
James Ferguson hung himself, Joiner
Weather for the last 10 Days very hot - This Day was remarkably hot & sultry. I should say the finest Summer Weather for many years.

July 28th Joseph Callis set sail for New York. Left Wife, 5 children & Shop in Salford. This he did as I understood on account of violent quarreling with his Wife - Poor Joe - This is the end of the rascally purchase in Salford.

Aug 2nd At Burney with Mrs T. - attended Wesleyan Chapel in the Morning - Revd Levi Waterhouse Good Sermon - Devotional Congregation - handsome & spacious Chapel - & orderly schools - very much pleased Mrs Eltoft and Daughter outstripped all previous kindness - went with them in the Afternoon to Townley

[August] 4th Young Dr R T. Martland died suddenly - It is feared that the immoderate use of Spirits has caused his death.
Received from the Legacy Office - the usual papers - for Administering to Sister Mary's effects.

[August] 6th Fanny Birthday - 11 Years - New Sign put up and it began to rain as soon as up - and rained all that day & the following - at 2 o'clock on the 7th Day.
Tremendous Flood - Water up into the Property in Church St & Golden Lion Street -

[August] 14th George Dewhurst, Reed Maker, Queen Street died aged 67 years. A Man notorious in his day for Reform principles - a Councillor for St Paul's Ward. -
Buried in the Cemetery Aug 19th 1857 very fine

[August] 16 At Clitheroe, Mitton & Whalley with Wife.

[August] 19th. Died Mr Robert Riding of the Golden Lion - He was a noted sportsman and was usually named Cock Robin. No doubt excess & irregularities hasted his End. -
Buried at the Parish Church (24th)

[August] 21s & 22d Great Domestic disturbances between Brother John, Sisters & Myself - on the occasion of his intention to marry a Strumpet or little better. He very headstrong & self-willed, but ultimately he was persuaded to give it up. Wrote twice to Mr Walker of Bury - John bought a Mangle & Furniture for her.

[August] 25th Mary went to Blackpool and I followed on the 28th. Had the Bowel Complaint all the time, and left on the 1st Sept no better - put myself under medical Treatment up to the 10th of Sept rather better.

[August] 29th Died little "Willie" & on the 6th Sepr little Richard the son of my Brother in law Joseph Callis - now at Chicago N America

[August] 31st. Died James Parkinson, Stone Mason and Measurer, Queen Street, aged 52 years.
At Home all Week - poorly weak & unfit for Work -

Sunday Sep 13th At the Methodist Chapel with Wife heard the Rev John Hickling - an old preacher in his 92nd year preached from 12 Rev. [Revelations] v. 1 "And there appeared great Wonder in heaven, a Woman cloth with the sun, and the Moon under her feet and upon her head a Crown of 12 stars" Forcible, clear, affectionate & earnest - and for a Man of his Age wonderful in the pulpit. He was a tall Man, and look particularly healthy - He must have been a strong Man in his day. He was also to preach in the Evening.
Recovered from my sickness - praise to God. -
My Wife & self to J Eatough in the Afternoon in a quiet friendly walk. Day after to Clithero & Chatburn.

Sep 20th To Hoghton with Wife - Wm & Richard walk towards Moon's Mills - beautiful day - very pleasant & refreshed - Much better.

Sep 24th. Aunt Callis (50) Age comes on apace - youth is fled - An excellent Woman.
Son Thomas leaves Manchester & goes to Turner & Co. this day (Liverpool) I pray for his success.

Sep 26. Letter from Thomas living at Birkenhead.

[September] 28th District Meeting £911:14:6 paid into the Bank for the Hotel, - Ours paid under protest.
The opinion of Mr John Field Pratt is that no part of our Funds can be used for the purchase of this Building. 

[September] 30th The Great Bazaar for the support of the Infirmary was this day opened - a large concourse of Strangers, particularly Ladies, - attended - The receipts would be large.
Poor Thomas Briggs of the Crown Hotel fell down in a fit and expired - He had lately built a fine Hotel & Shops near the Market Place.
It must here be noted that the Summer of 1857 from May to Sepr inclusive was one of the finest, richest & most fruitful that ever was remembered. There was more Sunny weather - richer growing season - and in short the entire Harvest from E to W & S to North was fully completed, housed & secured by the 30th of September

[October] Sunday Afternoon the 4th Visited Thomas Dewhurst of Ribchester with Mrs. T. grand & pleasant walk.

[October] 5th Tradesman's Quarterly Meeting peaceable & harmonious. Thence down to the Board of Management, strong discussion on the position of the Treasurer, he having too much money in hand. Resolutions carried to amend the state of things.

[October] 6th Women's Quarterly Meeting - Son Charles with me took £15:16:11.
Thence to the Masonic Meeting - No particular business.

[October] 7th Wednesday - General Fast & Humiliation on account of Insurrections, Murders and Massacres in our East India possessions. At the parish Church twice Morning Sermon by Dr Rushton, Vicar from Joel - Evening Sermon by the Curate, R H Hart, from Jeremiah. A good collection was made on behalf of the Sufferers. The Day was apparently very well observed in this Town. Collection £35-10-0 Parish

[October] 5th Died Thomas Hilton, painter & Gilder - Drink!
Mem: Prayers sold about - 1750 - from Eyres & Spottiswoode.

[October] Got Cold Sunday 11th Very hoarse, damp Weather. Sermons at Trinity Rev G Feilding preached - very well - poor Collection - hard times - many calls - Buyers swallowed up all –

[October] 12th To Manchester with Wife and Richard to the Exhibition- heavy train, fine day - met with Mr Hutchinson of Darwen in the same Carriage - He gave some very interesting details on the Geological Nature of the District - Bull Hill - Sough - the Tunnel Entwistle &c &c Very wise & sage remarks - good Memory good expression  & personal experience of the District. Seemed to know every field, plot, farm, coal pit, stone Delph - Slate Quarry & plantations in the District.
Very throng at the Exhibition - 27,761 - Lost a Glass with Mr H. I said there were 30,000 - Home by Ten pm 37 Carriages - slow Coach - great difficulty to make the incline from Bolton to Entwistle - Then we dashed away like fury thro the Tunnel - No Accidents -
Very much gratified with the Exn. but tired, jaded and knocked up with pushing, staring & squeezing.

Novr 2nd This Day I contested St Mary's Ward for a Councillor - & was beaten by 72 votes. There was tremendous personation - & other rascally proceedings

The Poll stood thus:

A. Roylance273
J. Arkwright264
C. Tiplady201
R. Parkinson183


Novr. 8th Sunday. Afternoon with Mrs. T to Whalley walked all the way - Night to Trinity after return, Dr Robinson preached an admirable Sermon on Home Education

Novr 11th Borrowed of Thomas Hart £20:0:0 to be repaid with interest £5 per cent, Febr 13th 1858.

[November] 15th To Pleasington at Geo: Stones' to Teas, thence home with Wife -

[November] 17th At Manchester, with the District Officers, J Brooks and C Roylance, on an appeal Case against a Levy of 10/- per Member, Upset by Preston objecting that the lodges were not summoned.

[November] 18th Mrs T. lost her purse, source of vexation and privation, - not much lost.

[November] 19th. Mrs Stott broke her leg, badly - in putting out the Clothes Lines.

[November] 23rd John Balshaw, the Town Cryer, called and informed me that Alexr Emmett, the Secretary of the Burial Society had absconded and taken with him a portion of the Funds - Immediate steps were taken by the Board to prevent unnecessary confusion - A Board Meeting was held and adopted resolutions appointing E Whittle & W. Eaves joint Secretaries until the Annual Meeting - Legal advice was also taken as to what steps should be taken to apprehend him & bring him to justice. - His defalcations amount to about £100

[November] 27. The same unpleasant Business at the Board when Mr Whittle charged the whole Board with neglect. - Very stormy & cross language followed.

[November] 25 The Frost began, and is now very severe but ended on the 30th of Nov.

Decr 1. This Day is remarkable for Two things 1st John Salisbury's Account was settled after a tedious delay of some years - for which I am thankful being very nearly destitute - 2nd My Wife found her Keys, which had been lost a Week.
Business flat but we must wait patiently for better times -

23 Nov. My Son Richard went to Mr Wilson, the surveyor first time this Morning -

Dec 28th Monday Sale at Clitheroe, Type, went purchased a fount or two. Evening Grand Banquet of 432, very rich & expensive affair - Too much so for the times. Br H presided, - ended 11 p.m.

[December] 29th. Willie not well - John not recovered - very busy

[December] 30th (Wednesday) Daniel Hawthorne Manager of the Over Darwen Gas Work interred at Trinity Church I & R Thompson attended. W. Evans elected Secretary of the Burial Society.

[December] 31st Grand Ball of the Oddfellows at the Hall in King Street. My son attended (Charles) I went to Over Darwen. We appointed Mr Jas Hawthorn Manager pro-tem until March 1858. - Brought in New Year home

1857 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes​

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Jan 1. Friday Willie very poorly - Banquet of 336, did not attend - Audit of the Tradesman's Society very satisfactory. Building Society could not attend.

Great indignation Meeting held on the Market place by Messrs Brown, Crossley, Gregson & others respecting Emmetts deficiency - The Board condemned &c. - The Board could not help Alexr running away with the Money. - (Jan 2.)

[January] 3rd Sunday - Morning at the Parish - Evening at Trinity –

[January] 4th Annual Meeting of the Tradesman's Society - slender but comfortable attendance. 20/- subscribed to the children of the late Nancy Walmsley. Broke up in good time. Willie recovering.

[January] 5th Female Friendly Society Meeting St John's

The Weather had continued beautiful & mild up to the 2nd Day of January - almost as warm a Summer. The flowers were in full Bloom. Daises, polyanthus, auriculas &c &c - but on the 3rd Sunday, the Wind veered one or two points S.E. bring up a keen blast for several hour, and still veering more Easterly until the Night of the 4th when the frost began the 1st Ice being upon that night - On the 5th the storm increased in force, the frost hardened - the cold was now intense - & so till the Wednesday the 6th wh: was a bitter day indeed, followed a Storm of Snow from the S.S.W. & back again to the S.E. - a complete Thaw.

Jan 7th. Joseph Callis returned from Canada.

[January] 10th Sunday Parish Church Morning - Sermon by the Revd John Leyland Feilden, Subject, "and that Rock was Christ". The Revd Gentleman gave a most magnificent discourse from the above Words, full of real Gospel Truth, - earnest, interesting, affectionate, eloquent and was listened to by a large Congregation with profit, all being greatly affected. -
Willie a little better.
Evening at Trinity - had Sisters in Law to Dinner
Joseph Callis having assigned his Estate over - Wm Forrest took the gains at a valuation, whereupon Joseph was ejected from Salford - denied Lodgings and became houseless & almost penniless - without Home, without business - separated from his Wife and children, bankrupt in purse - and in commercial character, for pity's sake my wife & self gave him Two Nights Lodgings on Saturday the 16th & Sunday the 17th January 1858.

[January] Sunday 24th At the parish Church. Sermon on Humility by Rev R H Hart. Afternoon with Fanny & Mother to Langho and Whalley. Evening at Trinity - Rev D. Chapman - sermon on all things working together for Good - a Calvinistic Sermon.

[January] Monday 25th Married, the Princess Royal to the Prince of Prussia, - not much rejoicing here - but great stirring in London. - Night my sons Charles & Richard fired several rounds in honor of the Event, I scolded because Charles used Ball - which I would not permit.

[January] Thursday 28 at Darwen - Night at Widow & Orphan's Annual Meeting - re-appointed Treasurer for the Ninth Year - Society very prosperous - Afterwards at (432) rather full Meeting - Mr G. P. Hartley instated.
John Hargreaves - returned to his Work Jan, 25th

Tuesday & Wednesday Feb. 2 & 3 Sold to Mr William Stones the Shops at the Top of King Street for £485:0:0 he to take immediate possession and the forthcoming Rents. - Agreed T Ratcliffe Senr & Junr, Jno Ratcliffe - C Tiplady.
The Accounts of the Burial Society having been re-audited were found to be correct with trifling difference of 3/10. The public Mind is somewhat settled down.
The Weather for the most part frosty & very cold.

[February] 20th Died Mr Joseph Yates, cousin to Mr D. Thwaites of Eanam, - after a short but painful illness of 8 or 10 days. Aged 44 - Interred at Harwood.21st Sunday at the parish Church, sermon by Mr Hart.
Died Jim Leaver a sad dissolute character. -
Edward Rycroft an industrious & hardworking Man - Flagger & Slater.

Feb. 21. Also to the great regret of his Flock & District, the Rev Thos Sharples, M.A. Incumbent of St Peter's Church the Rev Gent was highly respected as a consistent & faithful pastor, - and one whose merits & character will be long remembered. His end was eminently peaceful. In him I lose a sincere friend. Aged 50
Politics - Lord Palmerston being defeated on the Conspiracy for Murder Bill resigned - The Earl of Derby formed an administration - Feb. 20th & 22nd Not supposed to exist very long. –

Feb 24th Handel's Birthday - Supper of the Choral Society T. Clough presided. Very pleasant Meeting.

[February] 28th Sunday. In the Morning the Rev Dr Robinson preached a funeral Sermon in St Peter's Church improving the death of the Rev J. Sharples - There was a very crowded congregation - The Rev Gent preached a Most affecting discourse from the 17th Chap of John - 24th verse - It need scarcely be remarked that the vast concourse, including many from other Churches listened with devout attention - & the lamentations & tears - fully attested the deep esteem in which the late Rev Gent was held by his flock, & the inhabitants of Blackburn. -
February has been remarkably free from Rain or Snow for three full week east winds prevailed & very dry but freezing cold - & frosts - on the 28th indications of a change were apparent, and this Morning March 1st a heavy fall of snow took place.
The Burial Society stormy halted for the present.

March 2nd. Died Thomas Parkinson, 61, after repeated warnings from taking liquor in excess. His brother died about 6 months since. -
During the first Week in March the Weather has been very stormy with frequent falls of Snow - especially on the 4th 5th & 7th with strong E & N E Winds –

[March] Sunday (7th) re-opening of the Wesleyan Chapel, when Rev Dr Hannah officiated. Subject "Christian Love" its peculiar characteristics - Afternoon, Mr Nattrass powerful & eloquent Sermon - The justice (severity) and goodness (mercy of God) - Collections were made on the occasion. Services impressive and profitable £52.0.0
Large quantities of Snow continues to fall day by day putting on the Earth the full appearance of the depth of Winter - previous to wh - say at the end of Feby. a Robin visited us - when I remember predicting very winterly weather. –

[March] 7th Old Ellen Barlow died aged 90 Years.

[March] 11th Annual Meeting of the Darwen Gas Company Jas Hawthorn poorly - the Business was mostly of a formal Character. - Appointment of a Manager deferred.

[March] 13th Rumour of Mr Catterall's Death - untrue.

[March] 14th Brock-Hollinshead died aged only 37 Years - lamented much by his family & a numerous circle of friends & of the fraternity.

[March] 16th Quarterly Meeting of the Burial Society - the old Board resigned in a Body - Whittle behaved badly to the Board - a regular Disputed Meeting - Great numbers nominated for the Board - all the old Board rejected except four - viz: Holden, Nuttal, Green and Tiplady - new Members, Pooley, Crossley, - Cutler, Akeroyde &c. &c.
After this a Motion was got up to re-elect the President and after that the Vice-President, the former of which elected unanimously & the latter rejected in favour a Stranger one Bradshaw Birtwistle the son of John Birtwistle of Ewood. 

[March 19th] Friday Mr Hollinshead interred at St Peter's Church a large concourse of Inhabitants lined the way - and about 30 Free Masons attended the funeral in private costume. - The Brethren also attended Ch: on Sunday.

[March] Sunday (21) Dr Robinson improved the death of Mr Hollinshead, at Trinity Church @ Night - to a large Congregation who were most deeply affected.
The Weather for the most part beautiful as Summer. The Eclipse which happened on the 15th was not seen here by reason of the bad state of the Weather & so cloudy. The following amusing Letter was written by Jno Salisbury on that subject.

Lady Day. Mr Bradshaw Senr. hung himself this Day. The cause "Drink & Poverty of Condition".
Old Sammy Briggs interred at the parish Church, aged 80. Thos Nightingale Aged 78 Years –

March 28th Afternoon with Wife & Fanny to Tockholes heard Revd W. Walling - first rate gospel Sermon thence home - good attendance - fine Day - tired when I got home - Saw  the Revd Gilmour Robinson's Grave. -

March 30th public Rumour with its thousand tongues has been busy with the doings of Mr H . R. Hargreaves a most respectable Solr. & the Son of our highly esteemed Coroner - along with a Miss Fair Confectioner, a crafty middle aged pus - who it is said has inveigled Henry into Marriage.

April 3rd My Wife reproached me with having attended a Masonic Meeting the Evening but one before, whereupon I retorted rather angrily - which led to unpleasant words and a very unhappy Easter Day - why she should then seek to provoke me I know not - for of attending the said Meeting either led to profligacy, profanity or unpiety I would attend no more for ever.

[April] 4th Thomas here from Liverpool - well in health - and still at Turner & Dunnett. The weather rough - wet and tempestuous - quite a change from the end of March –

Easter Sunday
The Rev F W. Chapman delivered a good Sermon on the spiritual knowledge of Christ, and the power of his resurrection - He seems to me to have the "root of the matter in him". He dwelt most forcibly on the inconsistency & indeed impossibility of a Minister preaching the power of the resurrection without an intimate personal experience of the same in his own soul, to which I fully agreed for some of the Sermons now-a-days are little better than sounding brass or tinckling Cymbals - Words without feelings & declamations devoid of efficacy.
To bed & prayed heartily for a spirit of Meekness and for the forgiveness of my sins - unreservedly on God's Mercy & fell asleep in peace.

My Engagements are as under -

Director of the Over Darwen Gas Company
Member of the Board of Management Bn P. Burial Society
Secretary of the Tradesman's Commercial Society
Do of Masonic Lodge 432.
Do of the Female Friendly Society
Manager of the Victoria B Bg. Society
Do Provident Building Society
Annual Member of the Mechanic's Institution,
Treasurer of the Widow & Orphan's Fund,
Paymaster of St John's School Sick Society
Trustee of Green Bank Lodge I. O. F
Do Weaver's Association
Agent to the Christian Knowledge Society
Member of the Blackburn Burial Board.​

April 5th1858 Easter Monday - Cold - Blustering Stormy Day old William Monk died - aged 68 Years our oldest Tenant.

[April] 6th Easter Tuesday - the 24th Anniversary of the Female Friendly Society held good Meeting - very orderly clean, and healthy appearance of the Members enjoyed a good hearty Tea. Mr Hart not so fidgety Funds wonderfully increased £1016 - netted £70 during. Books all right.
Best of all the disturbance between Mary & Myself settled amicably - I would rather die than be drawn in to sin against - Through manifold Temptations from Women - & thro' infirmity of disposition I have yet - preserved my chastity - In fact I know no other.

April 9th First Meeting of the New Board - very full attendance - Mr Dugdale handed in a Protest against the Decision of the Quarterly Meeting - the Board by an uns [unanimous] vote resolved not to disturb that decision some very important entered into - The Board acted in a very caustious [sic] dignified & business-like Manner all through the proceedings & concluded in harmony at 1/2 past Ten o'clock

[April] 18th Sunday - Excellent Sermon for the Girl's Charity parish Church by Rev J. C. Kershaw. £25 - Afternoon to visit Mrs Badger of Worsthorn - very fine. Wife & Fanny with me. The only drawback is using the Rail on a Sunday which do not like –

[April] 15 to 22nd Serious consultations about Richard whose Master, Mr Wilson, is about to leave this part for South America, and R wants to go with him - The expence is great. Mr Hutchinson, Mr Townley, Mr Hart, Mr Brierley Surveyor, and many others think it a good opening. I pray for the best

[April] 21st William Whalley - late of Navigation Inn, died

[April] 24th Day of April 1858 Made final Terms for my Son Richard to go out with Mr Hugh Wilson, Surveyor, to the Brazils in South America, as Apprentice, for the term of three. I to pay £60 (outfit) passage & keep for the first year. - Messrs Wilson & Watson covenanting Wages for the second & third year, Mr Wilson to take the responsibility of watching over Richard – should sail on Monday, the 10th Day of May, 1858.
Richard bound Apprentice this Day, for three Years to Mr Hugh Wilson, - by Messrs L & W Wilkinson, Solrs. April 26th 1858.
Made conclusive Terms with Mr Wilson, and paid him £60 as per Agreement, - part of Richard's Luggage went this Day to Preston, per Rail & so on to Southampton May 4th 1858.

[May 5] All of us were fearfully alarmed this Morning (5th) by Charles having a sick or Epilepsy fit, he recovered shortly after.

[May] 6th Meeting at Darwen Setting of Gas Holder

7th of May - a Memorable Day in my Domestic Circulus Son Richard left us for Southampton & Brazils - His Mother & Myself took him to Manchester, and delivered up into the care of Mr Hugh Wilson. He was in cheerful spirits & seemed reconciled to his new position. I pray God to bless the undertaking - We have done all we could to fit him out respectable - and of his health be spared - I have good hopes he will be useful to Mr Wilson.
Night Meeting of the Board.

[May] On the 6th at Darwen, full Meeting - very important Setting of Gasholder - Estimates referred to a Sub-committee Hutchinson, Thompson, Walsh & Baron, - agreed, - after the Meeting Mr Baron took Thompson, Johnson & myself to his Hall, where we had a comfortable cup of Tea. - Most beautiful place.

[May] 7th With Mrs Tiplady at Belle Vue Gardens for 3 or 4 Hours, - Grand preparations making for the forthcoming Whitsuntide Holidays –

[May] 8th Night, Bay Horse, Disgusted with the conduct of J. B. - whom I consider a Man of violent measures.

[May] 19th Received first Letter from my Son Richard, dated 13th May - from Lisbon, whither they had safely arrived and all in good health & spirits.

It cost nearly £100 to fit him out pay his passage and keep for one year but all has been done for the best and Mother & Self earnestly pray God may bless the enterprize to his benefit.

[May] 24th Whit Monday - This Day may be considered the most important in the History of Blackburn, being the Grand Inaugeration [sic] of the Laying of the Foundation Stone of the Blackburn Infirmary - The event was celebrated by way of Jubilee. First there was a Grand Procession in which joined all the leading Men of the Town the Corporate Body - the Gentry - the Ancient Order of Free Masons, - the Associated Societies - the Grammar Scholars, - the Sunday School Children of all Denominations, and a countless multitude of Spectators from all parts - The procession was headed by several first rate Bands of Music, Mr George Ellis taking the Lead, and Mr William Riley, the vocal parts.
After the Grand Masonic Ceremony, the different Societies adjourned for Refreshment to their respective Lodge Houses, - Then came the Balloon Ascent which was magnificent indeed - & rose with majestic Grandeur from the Market Place. After the Balloon, there were Balls, - Dinners & Amusements in the public park - The day was moderately fine. - and every one seem to enjoy the same wonderfully well. -
I walked with the Masons as Sec of Lodge 432

May 30 Died James Smith at Coroner's Hargreaves –

June 1st A Magnificent Day - 30th At Whalley with Mrs Tiplady - walked home, one of the pleasantest & most agreeable visits I ever had - Met John Baldwin at Whalley and walked to the top of Nab Hill
The Month of May this year realised in a higher degree my notions of Thompson's description of Spring than at any previous year - The Earth appears a perfect paradise, - and the Trees are full of beauty & bloom exceedingly

June 3rd Went to Haslingden - Prov G. Lodge Meeting - about 240 present - Walked in Procession, attended Church and Banquet, Sermon excellent - Dinner moderate singing good - John Nuttall was the first annuitant £20 from the Prov Fund - Weather exceedingly wet in the Afternoon. Home at Ten - got a severe curtain Lecture though neither cross drunk nor disorderly - gave immense offence to Mrs T. by purchasing a White Neck Tie at Hn. - Would not quarrel the consequence was that she got out of Bed & stopped down stairs until Two o'clock - What have I done to deserve perverseness equal to this -

[June] 6th & 13th Out both Sundays with Mary & Fanny weather splendid – Incomparable

[June] 15th Second Letter from Richard, dated May 20th 1858. Cape St Vincent -
Log for 10 Days.

June 19 1858 Alex Emmett arrested - sad affair.

[June] 21 Brought up before T. Hart, D. Thwaites, John Sparrow, John Baynes and M. Hoole - Convicted and required to pay the amount deficient, or be imprisoned three months, a full Court, the officers and advocates of the Society prosecuted under the 18th & 19th Vic. c 63.
Essy badly in the Measles, - Henry recovered therefrom.

June] 23rd My fiftieth Birthday - for all God's sparing Mercies I would be thankful - Age hastens on apace - Even in my day - I seem to have outlived nearly all my youthful friends and schoolmates, - those who are left he scattered ere and there like a few ungleaned stems of corn
Temptation on account of + + Truly the flesh is weak, tho' the spirit is willing -

June 30. Had considered that A Emmett affair would have been finished but in consequence of some unfounded rumours that there had been complicity on some part of the Board, and the Blackburn Standard having made some Strong allusions thereto - an Indignation Board Meeting was held and a very severe, and I think to me unjust document promulgated as if I had some sinister end in screening Emmett, but I wish it to be distinctly understood  & recorded that in all this matter I have acted uprightly and if Mr Townley had manifested any firmness the thing would have been ended long ago.

July 2nd. Third Letter from my Son Richard at Bahia where he has safely arrived; the Letter is as follows: See Letters

[July] 9th At Gisburn Park with Mr & Mrs Baldwin very pleasant excursion and grand scenery - Wife also there.

[July] 11th At St Peter's Church - Morning Sermon by Mr Woodhouse on the Services of the Church, - In the Afternoon being very fine treated Mrs T and the Children to Ribchester Bridge - Son William stopped out all Night - but he was at Eatough's yet as we did not know, his Mother & self were very unhappy and had little sleep.
The Summer rich, fruitful and delightful, beyond any that ever I remember.

[July] 21st Meeting of Economical Loan Society all the Books delivered up to Me. Mark Knowles appointed Collector

[July] 23rd Public Vestry Meeting to elect Members of the [Burial] Board Dr Rushton, T. Clough, and Harral Johnson retired - also Mr Rutherford resigned - I was elected in his stead.
Dr Rushton in the chair - 1st Motion by Mr Hart J.P. That Dr Rushton be reappointed carried unanly [unanimously].
2nd Motion by Mr Littlewood that Mr Beattie be in the room of Mr Clough - then by Mr Beattie that Mr S. Littlewood be in room of Mr Clough then by Mr Johnson that Mr Clough be re-elected - Mr Tiplady objected that Mr Clough's Engagements were so multifarious he could not attend.
Voting Mr Beattie elected 37 to 27.
3rd Motion by Mr Cowburn That Mr Charles Tiplady be elected in room of Harral Johnson
Amendment that Mr Johnson be re-elected by Mr Whittle
Amendment 59 to 50. - Mr Johnson Elected.
4th Motion That Mr Charles Tiplady be appointed in room of Mr Rutherford.
Carried Unanimously. -
Thanks to the chairman &c & meeting concluded.

The Amount stated to be collected by Mr Astley - 44.2.6
Cash paid Richd Hall
7/- per Cent Collection  3.6.2} 
Balance due to him16.4}   44.2.6

Copied from Jno Astley's book

July 24th Went to Blackpool to see Wife & children the weather rough - sea very fine - found them all well, returned 26th.

[July] 31st published the list of voters once More - 1555 Names a week of heavy work and toil, - but got through with diligence & perseverance - Same Day again Visited Blackpool & staid 4 four days.

Monday August 2nd At Furness Abbey, with Mary where spent a most agreeable day - was sea sick on going –

[August] 5th Ed. Whittle tried & reprehended on two Counts out of 15 but not discharge.

[August] 6th Fanny's Birthday - a fine big Girl - 12 years.

[August] 7th At the laying of the first Stone of St Paul's Schools by Miss Feilden, took part in the Ceremony as one of the Masonic Brethren, a very fine Day.

[August] 8th Sunday. Had the great privilege of hearing two magnificent discourses by the Revd Gervase Smith at the Wesleyan Chapel. In the Morning from the Acts of the Apostles the "Gift of the Spirit' In the Evening, The Conduct of Pilate & the Jews on the trial & condemnation of our Saviour - The Sermons were specimens of highly intellectual Compositions rising sometime to eloquence of dazzling splendour - interspersed with copious selections from choirs works, and beautiful selections of poetry all delivered in a first rate Style of Manly dignified & fervid oratory. A most remarkable Man.

[August] 9th Died, in his 86th Year, Mr Giles Cunliffe, a Tenant & Neighbour of mine. Buried at Darwen.

[August] 15th Sunday, Our Wedding Day - the 19th Anniversary - Spent the Day at Burnley with Mrs T. pleasant day. Went to the Wesleyan Chapel with Maria Eltoft in the Morning and after Dinner to the Pendle Water, with her and Sister and also Mrs T. - Staid all Night, and on Monday took Train to Todmorden, where we spent a pleasant time - Arrived in Bn at 9 o'clock p.m. - a most delightful visit, M a very smart interesting young Lady -
On my return, or at least a day or two afterwards was troubled with the bowel Complaint, but am better –

[August] 24th At Chew Mill, in the afternoon with Mary - but very unwell.

[August] 27th At Manchester & Belle Vue, did business with Mr Heywood - my wife was with me, we spent a very pleasant day after business - but the Train was long on the road returning.

[August] 29th Mrs Eltoft and her two Daughters, Sarah & Maria paid us a visit, - In the Morning to Church and in the Afternoon with Wife & children to Witton, - The weather, had threatened, but turned out delightfully fine - I had a long pleasant, and interesting walk with Maria, - and in the course of which this dear young Lady gave me her confidence, - but which I pledged faithfully not to divulge - and one great principle of Sharing being fidelity - I close in silence with this exception that her Mother & Sister with herself may be protected & blessed - Home to Tea. Thence sent them home by Train - E.L. very throng indeed. -
Edward Whittle's Effigy burnt at Great Harwood - Sad misguided people.

August 28th Died Little Joseph Callis - the remaining Son of Joseph & Mary Callis, Salford.
After a season of almost unparalleled days sunny and lovely summer weather - there is a change to wet not but that water was much wanted, and has afforded a great relief both to commerce and agriculture - In Nine cases out of Ten Sept 1st has been ushered in with fine clear bright skies - This Morning is a drencher and only a continuance of wet from Sunday Evening.

[August] 31 Ellen our Servant left. Gone to Liverpool.

Sepr 2nd Meeting at Over Darwen very comfortable business Meeting - At Night Anniversary of the Green Bank Lodge - was requested to preside, and the Company spent a very pleasant Night - Their kindness to me was really overpowering. - Brother John married - a person from Ramsbottom -

This Day died Thos Entwistle Swift the Solicitor & Clerk for the Blackburn County Court. - A Man whose character I am grieved to say will not bear honest investigation. –

Sep 5th Sunday Morning at Parish Church - Sermon by Rev R H Hart, a mystified discourse which few would understand, and still fewer profit by - on Justification by Faith - Afternoon at Cemetery - wet - Evening at Trinity Mr Haslewood - on Love to Christ - Extempore not much in his Discourse - I long for the sound, broad gospel Doctrines. Mrs T not well.

[September] On the 4th Letters from Bahia - Richard well, and apparently fully employed. - Mr Wilson also well -

Willie gone to Lytham to meet Thomas. –

r 7th Tremendously enraged by a violent outbreak of my Wife who after various ill natured remarks, reproached me with a desire to get rid of her for Younger Woman, and then alluded to my attempted liberty with Ellen, - I was of course conscience smitten, - but having persevered in a determination not to molest Ellen by word or act, and having religiously abstained from doing so, I was not prepared for this Reproach, and was dreadfully cut up in my mind. - I have considered since how she came by this information, and find it has sprung from Mrs Roebuck's - and I put it on record that it is the most impudent step Mrs Tiplady & Mrs Roebuck could have been guilty off [sic] - and this be the manner in which she treats her husband, - I am not surprised at his recklessness and folly.

All confidence now between self & Mary is extinguished and I see nothing but sullen strife, rebellion and domestic misery in the future.

Reconciliation after mutual explanations effected - A warning to me to avoid the slightest deviation from conjugal rectitude.

Have been earnestly solicited to stand for St Mary's Ward - Wife much against it - Do not feel was interest in the contest but something ought to be done to stop the extravagant waste of money. The Election took place on the 10th when the most vile system of lying & personation took place. The Election was gained by Mr Turnbull.

Mrs Tiplady, like the rest of all good Wives, feels disappointed more than the husband, and so took on sadly at the above Event, and with one other circumstances seemed almost heartbroken, - In order to divert her, and recover her from this desponding state I took her to Studely Park on the 13th a most brilliant day we had - September resumed its wonted clear atmospheric, and for heat fineness and splendour was a one of the most glorious Days of the glorious days of 1858. and they were many. We left Bn at 7-10 a.m. ran up to Skipton, thence to Leeds - Harrogate & Ripon - Ripon a fine old Town now City - with Cathedral &c all houses respectable & very, very clean, - In the centre of the agricultural District equi distant from York on one hand and Leeds & Bradford on the other it possesses the advantages of a quick communications to each place, - We arrived in nice time 12 o'clock took Omnibus 6d each to the Park, and language would fail to give an adequate description of that most lovely spot. Suffice it to say that after walking amidst the gorgeous scenery of this beautiful park, we returned to Blackburn delighted with our day's cheap Trip. - The best of all was Mrs T. enjoyed the visit amazingly, and improved greatly in appetite and spirits.​

[September] 12th Sunday Sermons at Parish Church for the School Revd Messrs Watson, Wrenford & Rushton
Afternoon Feniscowles - Mr Lambert Preston
Evening Trinity Rev D. F. Chapman, -
In all cases collections were made; - & to each place I attended.

[September] Friday the 17th to Chadburn [sic] Downham & Worston with Wife, spent very agreeable day. Home to the Burial Society Meeting - which was not very agreeable.

[September] 19th Sunday - Parish Morning - Good plain Sermon by Dr Rushton, from Amos - Summer Fruit Evening at Trinity -
[September] Tuesday 21. Quarterly Meeting of the Burial Society - A scurrilous placard was printed and circulated to the Members as they entered - but I treated it with silent contempt, a Deal of Discussion on the subject of appointing a special General Meeting of the Society to select a Committee for revising the Rules - Agreed to. - The Meeting was quiet and orderly.

[September] 22nd Died Richard Noblett, aged 32 Years.
At the Lodge in St John School Room - Not much business. -

[September] 23rd At the Masonic Lodge - Not much, except financial business - very wet night - slender attendance partly on account of Cushing's Grand American Circus being in the Town - I understand not near so good as previous visit - in fact - the Circus is divided -
Afterwards attending the Meeting of Managers for the Provident Building Society - appointed Auditors & other arrangements prior to the Annual Meeting -
Work very scarce - Home happy & free from strife, - Mary affectn & free from recriminations.

Friday (Sep 24) Attended a Meeting of the Burial Board at the Cemetery - present Dr Rushton, - Messrs Beatty, Tiplady, Pickup and Johnson - (2 o'clock pm) held us nearly 4 hours. In the Evening Meeting of the Victoria Building Society at the Castle Inn from there to the Angel Lodge of Fidelity, 336, - with Br John Ibbotson, Mr Robt Ibbotson was initiated. The Brs received John and myself with great cordiality –

Sunday, Sep 26th At Tockholes - Charity Sermon Preacher Revd P Graham, - a well composed Lesson Mrs T with me - fine day - This Day Died from the Effects of falling into a Sewer, J B Eccles Baynes Monday the Inquest was held over him - consisting of Charles Tiplady, foreman &c "Accidental"

[September 24] Tuesday - At Southport with Mrs Tiplady - very cheap also fine Day. There was a very heavy Train. –

[September] 30th The Comet brilliant & beautiful

Oct 2nd At the Anniversary Meeting of the Newtown Lodge, Darwen - very good Meeting - was kindly received - Chairman of the Company - John Kenyon Vice Chairman, about 150 present, at Mrs L G. Smalley's Indulged in no excess. Was at great liberty of speech

[October 3] Sunday - Very Wet Weather - which continued with little Intermission throughout the week more particularly Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday. The Comet occasionally visible - the best view of it on Friday night

[October 4] Monday. the Quarterly Meeting of the Tradesman's, Question respecting the Investment of funds. - left to me

[October 5] Tuesday at St John's Female Friendly Society - very rough weather collected £14:14:0 - afterward Victoria Building Society –

[October] Thursday - 7th Down to Whalley - wet & windy - a good show & numerous attendance - Dined at Edward Brewer's - got rather too much liquor during  the day but home at 1/2 past Ten.

[October 8] Friday Meeting of the Burial Board - present Dr Rushton Main - Messrs Beatty, Tiplady, Pickup & Johnson subject revision of fees - adjourned to Monday at the Cemetery.

[October 9] Saturday the Confirmation - Great Dissatisfaction by the closing of the Church Doors - Many parents unable to obtain admission

[October] Sunday 10th Went with Frances to St Paul's to hear Mr Thomas Higham preach his first sermon - Text Proverbs "The path of the just is as the shining light - which shineth more & more unto the perfect" Diffuse & somewhat flowery Discourse - eloquent language - graceful and earnest delivery - semi calvinistic Doctrine - but well grounded on Scripture. The young Minister acquitted himself exceedingly well - & looked well in the pulpit - The Congregation was overflowing.
 Domestic quietness been uninterrupted - Business Moderate - Health of self & family good - for all mercies God be praised - and all offences - we humbly pray forgiveness at the hands of a Merciful God.
Oct 10th Sunday Morning - Parish Church, - Evening down to St Paul's & as before.

[October 11] Monday at the Cemetery with Dr Rushton, T H Pickup and J Beatty, sundry propositions agreed to and an inspection of the Grounds made Evening - Weekly Meeting afterwards to Mr Jno Ratcliffe, Richmond Terrace, where I spent a pleasant hour with Uncle, John, C Parkinson and Thos Brennand.

[October] Tuesday the 12th Afternoon, Preston with John Baldwin returned early, - Building Club Meeting.

[October] 13th

[October] 14th Loan Society awkward business, shameful neglect & scandalous attempt at robbery - thence to a very pleasant Meeting at the Angel, - Mrs Pemberton, being a farewell supper to Thos Ainsworth. –

[October] 15th. Provident Building Club - also down to Walton le Dale with my Wife, and spent a very pleasant hour or two.

[October] 16th Saturday - The Fair - very throng upon the Market Ground. –

[October] Sunday (17) Morning at St Michael's, heard Mr Abraham Haworth, - good matter - but very Calvinistic - and a close imitator in style, method, gesture, delivery, position, attitude & intonation of Mr Wheeler, in fine a complete copyist - but withal an earnest preacher, and a capital knowledge of the sacred Book. - Sermon somewhat long Subject Esau Birthright Heard him again in the Evening at Trinity - liked his subject well - "They shall be equal with the Angels" - a good Congregation
Note. Son Thomas from Liverpool here, - very well in health, also Joseph Callis - come to engage a situation with Mr Daniel Thwaites. -
Business fair - health of family good - praised be God for all mercies

Nov 9th Alderman Baynes appointed Mayor
Mr Cunningham addressed the Inhabitants on that appointment showing his disappointment

[November] 17th published My Annual Book Almanack for the 20th Time

[November] Sunday 21st At Balderstone with Mrs Tiplady - fine frosty day.
Very dry and clear frost for many days.

Decr. 5th At Whalley with Mrs Tiplady

[December] 9 & 10th Grand Masonic Ball at Over Darwen good attendance, pleasant Company - but rather Expensive to me
Letters were received from a Mr Grattan Solicitor Chesterfield stating that a small Legacy of £90 was left by a Mrs Woodhead to the children of Mr Callis, & Miss Mary Callis - The following are some Registers requite to establish the claims of the family

Marmaduke Callis, died Decr 23rd 1786, aged 55 Years He was vicar of

John Callis, - (Mrs Tiplady's Grandfather) born at Bridlington, Yorkshire, October 28th 1759
Mary Callis, his Wife (Miss Ashmore) born at Mansfield April 8th 1757.
Married (the said John Callis) at Nottingham February 11th 1779.
William their Son, (my Wife's Father) born at Walesby Nottinghamshire December 4th 1779
John, born at Nottingham (St Nicholas Parish) May 18th 1788, Trinity Sunday.
Mary, (afterwards Mrs Starkie) born at Nottingham St Mary's Parish, August 31st 1791

Decr 20 to 27th Christmas Week - One of the darkest dampest & most dreary seasons that I have remembered - Thos visited us - he is in health - and all the family except Fanny.

[December] 4th Friday Night my son William & Myself went to the Grand Oratorio at the Peel Institution at Accrington. The performance was good, and there was an overflowing attendance. - 200 Performers, the elite of the District. Mr Barnes conducted in a masterly manner. The Hall is a very beautiful place & well adapted for public festivals.

Decr 31st 1858 - Repaid Mr Thomas Hart the sum of £30 borrowed on the 1st of May - with Interest 10/- which he charged at 3/- per cent.
Thus ends the eventful year 1858. - A year of unexampled Mercy to old England in which she entirely regained her warlike prestige, - re-conquered the rebellious Indians opened a satisfactory commercial Communication with China & Japan, - a year also in which her harvests were plenteous, her trade prosperous; and her people happy and contented, - and all this under the wise & merciful rule of an enlightened, talented, Conservative Statesman the Earl of Derby - Truly we may say that God hath appeared for us, and as Nations & individuals, we will cry out not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Name be the Glory for thy Mercy endureth for Ever. -
Our family not settled - Mr Wilding delays. -


1858 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes​


Jan 9th Attended the parish Church, most excellent Sermon on behalf of the Society by the Rev J. R. Feilden, a Collection amounting to
In the Evening the Rev D. F. Chapman, a worthy young Clergyman, took his leave of the Holy Trinity Church, & removed to Preston, - There was an overwhelming Congregation present, who were deeply affected at parting with so excellent a pastor - His Text was appropriately taken from Rev. 3. v 20. "Behold, I stand at the Door and knock, - if any Man will open the door, I will come in and sup with him, and he with with [sic] me"

The whole of January was stormy, wet, dull and dark weather - but no frost. On the night of the 25th The colour pole, & Horse were blown down from the Tower of the parish Church

About the 18th or 20th I received Letter from M. of a private nature - alluding to a delicate question she expresses much thankfulness for sympathy -

[January] 27th Mrs Tiplady at Blackpool.

[January] 31st Died Mr James, Banker, highly respected.
Cash in the Bank £2147 - Mr Wilding

Feb 16th Died William Charnley, Sheriffs Officer a Man of wild & ungovernable habits - aged 49 - I should think he has been injured thereby. -
Henry Halton an old School fellow died. -

March 3rd Still very wet, - Visited Accrington & Burnley, paid some accounts.
Grand Masonic Ball - did not attend.
Also Masonic Provincial at Accrington wh: I did attend. Did not see M at Burnley.

[March] 10th The Annual Meeting of the Over Darwen Gas Works. Present Messrs. Shorrock, Hutchinson, Baron, Tiplady, Thompson, Whalley, Gibson & Johnson. A Dividend of £6 per Cent was declared - Certain recommendations from the Auditors were considered & ordered to be carried out.
Deaths: John Feilden Esq. Mollington, 90.
     " Mr Dewsbury Draper,
     "   "  Byers  Grocer, suddenly –

[March] Tuesday the 15th R Townley, deficient £174.0.0

Thursday March 24th Died Adam Wilkinson, Secretary to the Widow & Orphan's Society, much respected.
Meeting @ Darwen to receive contracts &c - That for the New Gasholder, deferred on account of the stupidity of Seth Harwood Joiner.
Mrs Wilson wife of the Surveyor, dearly unwell - Sister Jane also unwell.

[March 24] Friday, Vestry Meeting of the Burial Board, Revision of the Fees &c - a Stormy argument in favor of the Cemetery being opened on a Sunday, - Compromise 1 to 4 Winter - 1 to 8 Summer. -
A Very Wet Spring.

March 31. Went to Bacup to assist in the valuation of a Printers Stock in Trade - along with Mr Vickerman of Bury we agreed tolerably well together - Value £371 - Mrs Harris - taker - Mr Bentley Solicitor -
Stopped at the Green Man - the Weather exceedingly cold but dry. On the following day returned home, The fee of £7.10.0 for 1 1/2 Days was charge & cheerfully paid.

[March] 31st & April 1st Ministry defeated. Majority, 39. - Parliament to be dissolved. –

April 3 to 5 Unwell - and on Tuesday had a severe Inflammation of the Kidney & Bowels with sickness - continuing mostly for a week –

April 6th Mrs Hugh Wilson died, aged 33 Years. Same day Letter from Son Richard - well but busy

April 11th Died by taken an overdose of Laudanum Mr J. B. Chadwick late Overseer of this Town, aged 57 years. - A Man whom I had known long but of very untidy habits. Buried at the Cemetery.

[April] 12th Recovered from my illness - for which I desire to be deeply thankful to Almighty God. –

Was appointed Chairman of St Mary & District or Ward - 330 Voters -
The Election of 1859. Saturday April 30th A Severe Contest.

Hornby 832 - of which 600 were plumpers
Pilkington 750

A turbulent week ending with the Death of my sister Jane, who died at Manchester on the Evening of Saturday the 7th of May. - On the 6th I received Letters from my Son Richard in S America who continues well. -
The weather, - I am afflicted with a bilious attack caused I think by railway Travelling & being unhinged in my mind

June 5th Mr Wilson of Bahia visited the Town and made arrangements for his children he looks well gave a good Report of Richard & on the 8th left Blackburn again for S America
Abel Haworth, a Collector - killed, June 5th
The Weather fine & sunny with showers

Whitsuntide 1859
On Saturday June 11th 1859 commenced the Whitsuntide holiday in this Town & Neighbourhood. Cheap trips by Rails to Liverpool Southport, Lytham, Blackpool & all the Sea Coast were originated and on this Day but particularly on Monday an immense number of people left Bn for the above places. Among the rest Myself and Wife with the entire family went to Liverpool and spent a very happy day. –

Received Letters from Richard July 5th all well, thanks be to God.

Weather in July exceedingly hot & fine - also drier than usual.

Great HeatJulyTher:Rain

[June] 16th Sent little Henry & Frances to Blackpool.

[June] 17th At the Wesleyan Chapel morning & Evening the Revd John Bedford preached two excellent Sermons for the chapel Trustees - At Tea with Mr John Baldwin with my Wife

[July] 14 Uncle Ratcliffe 76 - very infirm & feeble.
Same day died at Preston John Addison Esqre the Judge of the County Court, a Man universally esteemed by the profession, and by the poor

July 24th Went to Clitheroe & Waddington - a very hot and fine day - but I think it had a bad effect upon my health - as I was on the following day attacked with Rm [Rheumatism] of a very painful and violent character.

July 25 to 31st Dreadful attack of sciatica quite laid up with bad pain night & day -
30th The List finished 1668 Names & 1 Star.
Little Essy has been six weeks with her Brother Thomas at Bootle near Liverpool
August 7. very wet Day - St Peter's Sermons Rev R T Wheeler preached - Evening Service very throng.
My Rheumatism painful, but somewhat better.

August 8th 1859. Monday
This is the "day of days" in our Family Epoch, for on this Day, Mr Wilding brought the Family Affairs to a final close, at 3 o'clock pm When after a multitude of explanations, calculations and arithmetical Divisions - each party Entitled by Mr Lomax's Will took his or her portion.
Mine was as follows -

Top of King Street15.6.6
Union Street &c91.6.4
From Mary's share3}
Bill for assisting Kaney2.0.0

And now I thank God most heartily that I have lived to see this affairs finally closed.

August 9th 1859. In the presence of my Wife Mr Thomas Ratcliffe, Senr being also in the House I paid to my Sisters Anne, Elizabeth and Margaret, separately & respectively the sum of £40.5.2 each being Money lent upon my Stock in Trade and interest thereon up to the said Ninth Day of August

Amount belonging Mary as Administrator    £105.3.1

paid Brother James his Share11.13.0
  Do                  John11.13.0
  Do                  Jane (William's)11.13.0
  Do                  Elizabeth11.13.0
  Do                  Self11.13.0
  Do                  Anne11.13.0
  Do                  Lomax's Children11.13.0
  Do                  Margaret11.13.0
  Do      Sister's Janes 3 Legatees11.13.0
Expences       6.1

These amounts were all paid by me.

Augt 9th & 11th. Went to Accrington with Mrs Tiplady - My Rhum better.

[August] 11th At the Lodge very pleasant and happy Meeting.

My financial affairs
Owing to Sisters78.0.0
Aunt Callis20.0.0
Building Club150.0.0

Shop Goods600.0.0

Aug 24th Agricultural Show at Blackburn, N. Lanc: very good and successful Show.
Same day (Wed.) Went to Blackpool, Mrs T had gone the day before

[August 28] Sunday at S Shore –

29, 30 & 31 Aug particularly rough at Blackpool high tides, much rain, stormy winds. No stirring out.

Sep 1. Finer, Journey to Lytham pr [per] Coach - very pleasant.

[September] 2nd Voyage & journey to Furness - and Dalton - fine day, nice sail. -

[September] 3rd In Blackpool, from I returned at night Rh. bad.

Tuesday Sep. 6 My Son Thomas married Elizh the daughter of James Forrest, Farmer, Revidge Fold.

Sep 16th Moderately fine - Afternoon to Miss Badger's with Mary - not many Nuts but a fine Afn upon the whole home at 1/4 past 8. -
Length of Great Eastern - 692 feet - Breadth 830 ft. Depth 58 feet. Tonnage 28,000.

Sept 27th After much rain - a fine day. Mrs Tiplady and children went to Southport

[September] 30th to Manchester with Mrs T. to pay certain small legacies of my late Sister Mary - very wet all day. Did some other Business & home early & to bed very tired

Oct 9. To Ribchester Bridge with Mrs T. very tired fine day. –

[October] 13th Darwen Gas (Special)

[October] 18th St Luke's Day - delightful visit to Burnley with Mrs T. got Tea with Mrs E & Daughters. - May the Almighty bless & preserve them.

[October] 21st First frost of the Season. Ice observed.

[October] 22nd The first signs of Winter appeared this Morning in a slight fall of Snow.
My Mind was exercised much in thinking about M. but was very calm, & rational.
Little Henry unwell. - Strongly tempted.
Ought not to have omitted that Letters from Son Richard & Mr Wilson on the 4th containing the joyful intelligence of their health and prosperity for wh: I humbly offer thanks to God.

[October] 23rd Sunday a very rough winterly day - Snow & sleet all day - Twice to Church P. & Ty [Parish & Trinity]. My Son Thomas & his Wife visited us from Liverpool.
"A Sabbath well spent
Brings a week of content
And strength for the toil of the morrow
But a Sabbath profan'd
Whate'er may be gained
Is the certain forerunner of Sorrow"
The above is the maxim of old judge Hale.

[October] 25th St Crispin - a Crisp frost this Morning Hoar - Ice & settled clear frost - very early and apparently like to continue.
Dahlias all Slain & withered.
David sick Hic Dolorenes, absent all Week -

[October] 25th Died William Briggs, Solicitor, aged 57. He had long been in a poor state of health.

[October] 26th & 27th Rough boisterous winds - especially in the Irish Channel. The Royal Charter lost with nearly all hands -and a most precious cargo just in sight of home. She made the passage home in 65 days - computed to be the swiftest that this Line of Steamers has ever attained - But the race is not always to the swift - nor the battle to the strong.

[October] 27th At the Mechanics Institute - Annual Meeting took the 3rd Resolution and was well received had great Liberty of Speech - whereas the Mayor who is proverbially a fluent speaker was at a loss for expression - Captain Jackson made a few judicious & pertinent remarks Mr I Lloyd was flowery - noisy - & impassioned as usual The Institution appears to be really prospering. -
Same Night at the Oddfellows Hall, to receive the subscriptions of the Widow & Orphan's - Commended the intelligence that I had received £4.0.0 from the Harmonic Society.
Also at the Conservative Registration Society - where some one I found had nominated me for St Mary's Ward which I declined. Then home and happily to my repose. - The mercies of God are great.

[October] 30. Sunday at the parish - Good sermon by Dr Rushton on the Three Hebrew Children - In the Evening at St John's - Mr Chapman preached an eloquent discourse from St Peter "What shall be the end of them who obey not the Gospel of God".

[October] 31. Very hard frost - with a probability of a hard Winter. We had a very throng week up stairs. The Lads did their duty well & I rewarded them for it. David to work.
Weather suddenly changed to rain increasing in the Evening to a Storm, with Thunder early on the Morning of the First Novr - which presented as uncomfortable a prospect for a Municipal Election as could possibly be.

Nov. 5. Excessively stormy Weather - In the Evening received a Letter from my Son Richard, who appears to have been sick but is recovered - In a foreign Land far from his Father's House - O Lord preserve & succour him in thy Mercy.

Sunday Nov 6th. In the Morning at the Parish Ch. heard Mr Wrenford, on the obligation of the Christian Sabbath -
In the Evening at the Wesleyan Chapel, being the Missy [Missionary] Meeting when the Rev John Rhodes preached from these words 2 Cor 8. v 9 For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. The Sermon was throughout a magnificent display of pulpit eloquence - argumentative, sound, scriptural & highly devotional - The preacher in debating upon the richness of the Redeemer portrayed in glowing language his existence with the Eternal before all world - his power as the Creator & Governor of all things, - his Divinity, - as having power to lay down his life & resume it &c He showed contrasted this with his poverty - becoming subject to Law for our sakes, living, suffering, dying the just for the unjust, and concluding with an earnest appeal to his hearers to accept the riches which Christ had then wrought out for us. The whole subject was handled in a masterly Manner and left on my mind a strong conviction of the wonderful condescension of our Saviour in the redemption of the World. O, God give me such faith in thy blessed Son that I may attain to His righteousness.​

Nov 1. The Municipal Elections transpired.
Ellis Duckworth returned for St Mary's Ward.
Thos Lewis & T. Walmsley, Trinity Ward
J. C. Forrest & J. Ratcliffe, St Peter's "
Wm Stones & H. Pemberton, St John's
[November] 9th James Cunningham Esq. elected Mayor, by an almost unanimous vote.
Aldermen. Turnbull, Sparrow, Wilding, Hopwood, Cunningham and Rutherford.
Weather again settled down to a keen hard frost with a rising Barometer.
Work plentiful and good - Health of self and family good, for which praised be God.

Novr 13th The Mayor attended Church, There was a large concourse of people - A Sermon was preached in the P Church to a large congregation and a Collection made towards the Infirmary amounting to £41.0.0

[November] 17th At Manchester with Mrs T. on various business particularly getting New Debentures for the £1,500 belonging the Tradesman's Society

Sunday Parish - Wrenford - On the forgiveness of Injuries - Till Seventy-times seven. Evening Trinity - Welland - There remained a rest for the people of God - a good Sermon.
Mrs Tiplady had a fall wh: might have been of the most serious consequences -
Letter from Pannel's Attorney at Liverpool threatening prosecution for £22:19:0. This to an old Customer - Journey to Liverpool (Nov 21) - paid the Money - did not see him.

[November] 22nd William's 18th Birthday - an healthy young Man - quick but peculiar in temper. -
Weather - dismal - damp, dark & foggy -

Died (Dec 2nd 1859) Mr Moses Sharples late Cotton Manufacturer, - A person celebrated in the Warden's Bills - as "Little Moses" - So passeth this World away.

[December] 4th Dreadful rough Morning - heard Mr Skinner in the Morning - O Lord, revive thy Work - a very eloquent & lucid discourse delivered with much earnestness & devotion.

[December] 5th The Election for St Mary's Ward when Mr Dean was defeated - and Mr John Dugdale elected by a majority of 53. -

[December] 7th Letters from Richard to self & Uncle. My Son in good health - & writing very cheerfully.

[December] 9th Mr Alsop from Bahia called - he had seen Richard before starting home

[December] 10th Mrs Tiplady's Birthday (49) - Verily the world passeth away, and we hurry onward to the Grave. So teach us to remember our days that we may apply our heart unto wisdom.

[December] 11th The Ink is scarcely dry - when I have to record the death of Mrs. Riding of the Castle Inn, a house of frequent resort by the Conservative party.
Parish in the Morning (Hughes) He must increase, a good sermon - Evening St John's - Mr Robinson, on the Second Coming of Christ –

[December] 14 Do

[December] 15 Do exceedingly sharp -

[December] 16 Do Do

[December] 17 Saturday Morning - The Water frozen in the Tumbler glass at the bedside 

Still very severe indeed but no Snow. Rishton Reservoir one Mass of Ice - Thousands of skaters &c - [December] 18 & 19th

[December] 18th At the parish Church - Afternoon & Evening home - very cold also Rheumatic.

[December] 19th Very hard frost. - 20 - Snow & very cold
Essy's Ninth Birthday.

[December] 21st Tendency to Thaw.
Uncle Ratcliffe dangerously sick - now 76 years old & feeble & infirm

[December] 22 & 23 Relapse into very hard frost - Mr Watson called, and brought from my Son Richard a Bottle of preserved Snakes of various kind - Mr W. gave a promising Account of my Son's health, & spoke encouragingly of his habits & industry.

Christmas Day (Sunday) - At the Parish Church Morning & Evening - There was nothing particular in the Services. A very wet Christmas

[December] 26th While all the world around seem given up to holiday festivity & jig - there are some heartless which destitute of these feelings - for as I came down to the Shop, I met, worn out with watching, anxiety & weeping - poor Mr Isaac Lloyd whose Wife had just departed this Life - He seemed in a dreadful state of trouble may God Almighty support & comfort him.
The frost is between thawing & freezing -
[December] 26th Thawing - Journey to Darwen, - thence to Tockholes round the hill side up to Sandford & Haydock Mill - where I met them & their workpeople - at Supper, in the Victoria Inn, - a large party - & very happy Meeting - proposed Army & Navy also the Workpeople - The Chairman & our next Merry Meeting plenty of good singing by Grime, Haworth, Duxbury & others - and perhaps as clean neat & pretty a set of Factory hands as ever sat down to supper. Home at 12 - Got 2 fingers nipped accidentally by a Coach Door in Pickup Brow.

Another year of life is gone
My mortal race is hastening on
To that tremendous doom

Where hopes and fears & toils & cares
That Made life's scenes of smiles & tears
Will sink into the Tomb.

1859 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by David Hughes​​

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