April 4. - The piece of plate referred to in the previous page was this Day presented, by the Rev J. Porter to Mr. Hart. The Rev Gent being unwell it was necessary to take the same to his house, where I, Mr Butler, Thos Oddie, W Holding & Mr Hart repaired - He was in bed and appeared to me to be in a very feeble state - He gave a suitable address to Mr H on the presentation - Afterwards we went to the School, where, at Mr Hart's request Mr Butler & Myself delivered addresses on the Subject - Mr Hart then replied & was deeply affected by the Kindness of those over whom it had been his province to preside he said he could never forget their kindness & hoped that so long as God blessed him with health he shd be permitted to remain among them.
1839 Feb 4. Revd Ths Exton drowned in the River Darwen. - He was at Balderstone
Sister Mary died March 15th 1837 Aged 33 –
Feby 4th This Day was interred at St John's Church, the late John Hornby Esqr in the 78th year of his Age. He was one of Old Standards of the Town, & no man had for so long a period received the high & approving testimonial of all ranks & classes of the Community. To the Town itself he was indeed a munificent benefactor, to its institutions & liberal & untiring contributor, & to the Poor an unceasing friend. - He was senior Governor of the Free Grammar School - one of the Oldest Governors of the Girl's Charity School, and, in fact, there was no good society to which he did not send his benevolent assistance & no case of real distress that was passed unheeded by him. - In politics he was a staunch & decided Conservative - a Member of the Church of England, and yet exceedingly Liberal Contributor to promote the cause of religion & virtues in every denomination. He died regretted by all the Town & left behind a bright example for his surviving children to imitate. The Inhabitants testified their veneration & esteem for this exalted character by a general cessation from business & by forming a procession to the tomb of this most excellent Gentleman. - I walked in the procession.
[February] 8th Thos Livesey informed me that he had from authentic source that Miss B Alston of Pepper Hill, had been brought to be of a Child by the Rev F Law, about 5 weeks before - If this be true, what great reason I have to be thankful to God that his providence frustrated my intended union with her in 1838; An union, wh to my present thinking wd have produced the most unmitigated misery & unhappiness to my mind. How very strange & singular is the working of events - my very expressions & suspicions, mentioned at the time to my mother - & her parents - as well as to divers friends - & recorded in my former Book are fully & literally verified. - There is nothing equal to biding God's time
Blind unbelief is sure to err
And seem his works in vain
God is his own interpreter
And he will make it plain
Poor Betsy
(The weather since the comt [commencement] of Feby has been desperately cold & severe - fairer towards the end.
Feby 26 Made an Agreement with Charles Vose to secure him as a Lodger under our roof until his house be ready. - [illegible] per week, himself and wife - Servant to be found half by him, and half by us. - About a fortnight prior to this I & Mary accepted an invitation to take Tea with Mrs Callis, being the first since our Marriage. - A pleasant Evening
March 5th This Evening the Annual Meeting of the Library took place - On the motion G Edmundson, seconded by Mr Hoole, I was appointed Chairman. Present: - Mes [Messrs] Atkinson, Edmundson, Hoole, Swift, G. Radcliffe, Maurice, Tiplady, Chadwick, Threlfall, Wraith, Whewell, Dewhurst, Cort, W Boardman, Lewis, Adamson, Alderson & others. - J D Cort after being admitted in the [illegible] of his Father would have proposed some alteration in the Rules contrary to rules I was of [illegible] to refuse putting them from the Chair. He made use of a deal of silly, pragmatical, & impertinent remarks, & in fact made himself a laughing stock to the Company. –
Wedy March 10th A Special Meeting was held, D Robinson, in the Chair. --- Various resolutions & alterations were suggested The principal as follow:-
The Library to admit Guinea Subscribers, without proprietorship - Annual
The Fines to be re-modelled & reduced.
The Library to be open each Day 11 to 1 for Delivery
Power to call a special General Meeting given
The following Committee chosen to revise the Rules:-
William Boardman
| Thomas Clough
Joseph D Cort
| Adam Dinwoodie
George Edmondson
| L. Adamson
William Hoole
| Thos Atkinson
Charles Tiplady
| |
Sub-Committee from the above - Geo. Edmundson; Charles Tiplady - Jos Denison Cort -
D Robinson, Chairman
Note. WB. complained of Mr Cort's behaviour to him & C.T. supported the charges made - DR. sheltered him from a severe castigation.
Sub Comttee met and revised the Rules and appointed a Meeting for April 8.
Mar. 21. They chanted the Song of the Three Children this Morng at [Morning] St. John's. It is nearly 20 Years since I heard it before.
Apr. 26. I was nominated a Sidesman at the Parish Church, & on 29th sworn in to the Office. The following constitute the Officers & Clergy of the Parish Church, Revr J. W. Whittaker, Vicar, Revr Mr. James, Curate, Messrs. Thos Bentley, Thomas Fisher, Thomas Waring & Richard Bell, Wardens, Messrs. Robert Bentley, Jams Pilkington, Charles Tiplady & J. S. Livesey, Sidesmen - I pray to have Grace Given me to fulfil my duty faithfully in the Office.
May 11th - Entered into the Prosperous Youth Independent Order of Odd Fellows, - was appointed on the Committee. The admission cost £1.1.0. In the course of the Business the Ballot was introduced for a new V.G.- Br [Brother] Kenyon & Br Plummer, Candidates; - Br K admitted majority - 1- 17 to 16. Also a new Secretary Coulthurst versus Stevenson C. 20. S. 16 –
[May] 20 This Day died James Appleton, an acquaintance & formerly President of the Bn Ops Conn [Blackburn Operatives Conservative Association] aged 45.
This Day terminated the debate on the Sugar Duties after nine nights discussion. Ministers in a minority of 36. -
Remarkable fine genial spring weather from the middle of Feby onward thro' the whole Spring - with scarcely any drawback - & very few east winds.
[May] 15. Thos Farren left. He has now served up his whole time not very much improved I fear.
An Election is generally expected to be near at hand. A requisition to John Hornby Esq. has received numerous signatures.
May 25th J. Forrest called and requested me to go to Blackpool with him in his Gig, I did so partly expecting that that mode of conveyance would be cheaper, but I found that two days expences cost me £1:3:6d viz:
| s. d. | Suppose going by Coach | |
Bars to Preston | 1:4 | Coach to Preston | 2.6 |
Horse Do Do & Gin | 2.0 | Do Lytham | 2.6 |
Tea at Lytham &c. | 2.3 | Do Blackpool | 2.6 |
Bars to Do | .6 | Liquor & Food | 1.6 |
Breakfast &c Blackpool, also Tea | 4.6 | Keep at Blackpool and beds 2 nights | 2.6 |
Horse at Ditto | 3.6 | Expences at Fleetwood | 1.7 |
Expence to Fleetwood | 1.7 | Shrimps &c | 1.3 |
Shrimps for home | 1.3 | Coaching home | 7.6 |
Bars home | 1.10 | | |
Horse at Preston, &c | 2.0 | | |
| 1.0.9
| | 1.1.10 |
Breakfast at Lytham | 2.3 | Expences home | 1.6 |
& Horse & Ostler | £1.3.0 | | £1.3.4
but if by Railroad from Preston then about 6/- Less. The weather was fine & agreeable.
On the road we entered into long conversation on various subjects.
[May] 30th I received a very kind Letter from Mr Feilden of which the following is a copy:-
"London, May 29th 1841
"Dear Charles,
"Accept my thanks for your kind Letter of the 28th just received, with its enclosure, which I had seen before.
"Mr. John Hornby tells me that he shall be in Blackburn on Tuesday next, when most likely he will decide upon the course he means to take, for at present, he is rather undecided, but say nothing about this, for his plans must soon be made public, and he will do nothing to injure me.
`'I think it would be premature in me to issue an Address at present, to the public, because my intentions are known, but I shall have one in readiness, that I hope will reach the points you speak of and give general satisfaction to my friends.
"I am told we may have a majority of about Two on Sr Robert Peel's motion of want of confidence. No Dissolution will take place till the Corn Question has been discussed, for this is the point on which the ministers depend; for Agitation is their object.
"Although I have told you that we may have a majority of Two, I must confess I think it doubtful. The majority may be the other way; it will be a neck and neck business."
Believe me to be, dear Charles
Truly Your's,
Wm. Feilden."
The ultimate effect of the above division, and one which followed it, was to cause the Ministers to dissolve the House, and a very severe contest occurred in the Borough of Blackburn, by which Mr. Turner, the Radical Member lost his seat by a majority of one only. The Election occurred on the 29th and 30th of June 1841.
June 8th. Quarrelled with Mary on the following occasion Thos. hat nib was ill broken, so I took it off, & finding another upon an old cap of mine, I civilly & gently requested her to fix it on instead of the broken one. She said It was inconvenient So no more passed at the time. -This Day I observed that Thomas looked very awkward in the cap & asked why she had not fixed the other on. - She said it was lost. I replied if she had fixed it on when I desired her it would not have been lost. She very snappishly replied that she had told me it was inconvenient. I said considering the little time it would have taken to do it she should have made it convenient. - She retorted that she would please herself when she did it or whether she did it at all. I said I would not submit to her impudence. She immediately replied if I did not hush she would give me something to make a noise for. - Enraged at such downright hectoring insolence I struck her upon which she struck me, & If I had not held her hands she would have "bitten me". To mend matters Charles was in her arms, & screaming dreadfully - Thomas I whipped & punched on the back in my rage for being the cause of the quarrel. - Many other jeers & offences Epithets She called - especially a Brute, & a Liar & so forth. - I told her I should be no man to stand by & hear her threaten to strike me, & for lying I defied her to prove that I had told her one since our Marriage. As an other quarrel she strongly expressed her sorrow & regret at ever marrying me, & if she had thought that I should have behaved to her as I had done she never would. I said she might go then if she thought so &c &c &c. - From this I will have any-body to judge of her temper. I said that if it was wrong to strike a woman, it doubly so to provoke a Man to do that which he descried to do, nor had the least intention of doing - I am afraid I have hurt Thomas.
July 12th The three previous weeks have been all bustle and agitation in consequence of the General Election. The Candidates for the Borough of Blackburn were, Wm. Feilden, Esqr. Jno [John] Hornby, Esqr, & Wm. Turner, Esqr. The two former on Conservative, and the latter on Whig & Radical Principles. The contest was extremely severe & close, The Nos at the close of Polls being
Feilden 441
Hornby 427
Turner 426
Majority 1
The Mob were favourable to the Whig Candidate, - & great excitement prevailed on the Day of Election. Joseph Eccles, Esqr. was the Returning Officer.
Among the papers which appeared, I was the author of the following "Little David", "A Conservative", 2nd Address "Conservatives to the Poll", "A Friend to the Poor" &c &c
Destruction of the Bull Windows &c
About two hours previous to the announcement by the returning Officer it was currently reported and believed that the Conservatives had been defeated by a majority of Two Votes; but upon careful examination of the Poll-Books it appeared that this Report was incorrect, & there was exhibited a Majority of one in favor of Mr. Hornby. - This announcement exasperated the Liberal Mob to such a degree that they instantly resolved to attack and if possible demolish the "Old Bull Inn" where the Conservative Committee sat during the Election. An immense multitude rushed for this purpose into the market-place & commenced throwing heavy paving-stones, brickbats at the windows which they speedily demolished. They then proceeded to gut the interior - commencing the Old Travellers' Room adjacent to the street, from which they tore Tables chairs, sofas, Glasses and every other description of Furniture - Not satisfied herewith they levelled large stones at the front door which ultimately gave way & the mob rushed tumultuously inside threatening death to all opposition. - In the mean time by the exertions of James Neville, Esqre. the military was called out, the Riot act Read & the Police Constables marshalled into the market-place - whence they commenced a vigorous attack on the infuriated populace, and in a brief space put them to the rout. - It was my lot to be stationed on the Bull Inn, during the whole fray, in which I witnessed three of the most astonishing transitions of human passion, in the inmates that I recollect ever to have witnessed, viz Despondency, consequent on the false Report circulated that we had lost, Excessive Triumph on the announcement that we had won by one & dreadful Terror when the Mob attacked the Building. In the first instance all was solemn silence & dejected countenances - you might have heard a pin fall; - in the second - they appeared positively intoxicated with joy - such salutation & shaking of hands & wishing of joy, I never saw anything equal to it since I was born, - It was, as I may remark, in the height of this bewilderment of joy that the sound of the first missile reached the ears of the assembly - the transition awfully sudden & somewhat ridiculous as shewing the effects of fear on the strongest nerves when suddenly & unexpectedly attacked. - In an instant, men of the most undoubted courage fled panic struck into holes & corners, over roofs & buildings - into cellars, attics, stables, &c &c. - I remained with a few until the riot was quelled. - This is now the third time the Bull has been stormed after an Election.
July 1st The Revd Jackson Porter astonished the whole Town, by marrying his under servant Jane Neville, after a short Courtship of one fortnight - Considering the precepts wh he always strenuously preached against unequal Marriages - the fact was the more surprising & inexplicable. - He also offended some of his oldest and best friends by his conduct in this business. - viz Mr. [illegible] and others. - In a sermon preached by him on the Death of his first wife he said, - "In her place none can ever stand to me but God" and yet in the lapse of time we see his mind changed so thoroughly as to make his servant a Clandestine Wife. So little reliance then ought to be placed upon assertions uttered in affliction and excitement. - If any Man, had hinted to him that such wd have been his conduct afterwards - he wd indignantly have replied if ever that came to pass - look upon me as a Man bereft of his senses.
Augt. 21 - At 1/2 past 5 this Morning a terrific thunder Storm broke over the Town; the rain literally descended in torrents, and quickly laid under water the various Shops and Cellars in low situation, - Salford, Penny Street & other places suffered severely.
[August] 22. Went to Harwood Charity Sermons with James Livesey the Revd Gilmour Robinson preached an excellent discourse from Proverbs "My Son, if Sinners entice thee, consent thou not". The Choir performed several airs and choruses from Handel's inimitable work the Messiah; they sung them in an exceedingly correct, harmonious, & delightful manner. - The whole service gave great satisfaction to the congregation. - which tho' a very wet afternoon was very numerous & filled the church to overflowing.
[August] 29th Revd Dr Whittaker, the Vicar, visited the School this Morning; many of the Teachers & Monitors were gone to Witton, whither also I intended to have gone, but was apprehensive of rain. - He was well pleased with the order and discipline of the School and held a long conference with Mr. Hart, self, and Mrs. Cort. - In the Afternoon the Revd A L. Courtenay visited us.
Sept 2nd Political Memorandum - On the 19th of Aug the New House met and unanimously chose Mr. Lefevre Speaker the Conservatives not opposing his re-election. - In the House of Lords the Address to the Queen's Speech was negatived by a majority of 72, and the same fate befel it in the Lower House by a majority of 91. - Ministers perceiving the decided turn affairs had taken, and that upon a question which they had anticipated would ensure them a majority came to the Resolution of immediately resigning their Office wh her Majesty most graciously accepted Aug 28th Sir Robert Peel was sent for - and a Conservative Ministry formed.
Sept 12th - Dr. Whittaker visited the School both this Day & the previous Sunday. The nos was 593. - In the Aftern at the request of Mrs. Cort and the Teachers I delivered an Address touching the Death of Jane Ainsworth late a Scholar in the School in wh. I took occasion to show three of the distinguishing marks (humility, sincerity & an earnest desire for the salvation of others of a real Disciple of Christ. - and to enlarge on the benefits of Sunday Schools; the advantages of Religion; and the certainty of death the scholars were very attentive & serious - The School was this day visited by Mr. John Lund, Lieut. Holbeck, Revd A. L. Courtenay, Thos Butler, Esqre Mrs. Hopwood & Mrs. Hunt.
The breach unhappily existing between Mr. H. [Hart] & Rev J Porter still continues - Mr P still persisting that he has not acted in a improper manner. The division in the Church is likely to place a serious loss & hindrance to Religion.
Sept 10th Died Ralph Marsden. 12 Wm Forrest, Manufacturer.
Sept 14th. About 10 o'clock this Evening there commenced a most awful & tremendous thunder storm, the lightning was exceedingly vivid & almost continuous - The rain descended in torrents & quickly flooded the lower parts of the Town. Poor Salford came in for a large share of the mud as usual. The river was very high, & many houses in the Town were much inundated. –
[September] 17th. Rev J. Porter called, and stated that he intended each Catechumen with a present of "The Church Service" 32nd [illegible] bd [bound] in Morroco & gilt cost 10/- 220 copies - £110:0:0. The extreme value & magnificence of the present has caused great talk & reason[?] by the Public –
[September] 20 Quarterly Meeting of the B. P. B. [Blackburn Philanthropic Burial] Society - Attended & acted as Chairman - very throng - Some little opposition was raised by Mr. F. Wilkinson against the 4/- allowance for funerals. Said that it was contrary to the principle of the Abstinence Society - to receive or use Liquor at Funerals - & at the suggestion of the Chair it was moved "That the allowance for funerals continue as before - but in cases any Person refuses to take the liquor the Under Treasurer shall pay "three shilling" in money and retain "one shilling" for his own use and benefit." - A man named Harrison complained that a Child of his had not been inspected since entered. It was proved that the Collector of the District had not delivered it unto the Inspector - The same person objected to the appointment of an Inspector & said the Offic [Officer] was both useless & unauthorized. The Chairman read the rule requiring the appt [appointment] of an Inspector & enlarged upon his duties of office - The objection was over ruled by an immense majority. - A Member objected to the printing of the Report oftener than annually - it was argued in reply that the public were not be satisfied unless they knew what was going on. - The objection was over ruled - 3000 Reports were ordered - some new Officers appointed & thank voted to the Treasurer & Chairman - An interesting but (to me) laborious meeting - Home 12 o'clock.
[September] 23. Meeting at Bay Horse of the B [Blackburn] Assn for Prosecuting [illegible] Debt - Appointed Chairman - Read a code of Rules concocted by a provisional Committee - Much Debate on various of them, ultimately agreed to with amendments - Had the offer of being made President for one year - but declined on account of its interference with business, & leading to public houses & drinking. Joseph Parker, President Henry Eglin Vice do [ditto], Charles Vose Secy [Secretary], Wm Johnson, Treasurer - Committee of 7 Meetings monthly & quarterly of the Members - Subscription, 2/- Quary [Quarterly] 2/6 entrance.
[September] 25 Meeting of the I.O.F. [Independent Order of Odd Fellows] proposition that William Walsh be made:- objection - B. Martin unfit on account of [illegible] supported by Br [Brother] Ratcliffe both tailors - Defended by Br Tiplady G. A. Talbot - Br [Brother] R. Hacking - Br A Wilkinson & Br Birch, Surgeon. Ballotted for - For 18, Against 7. - Majority 11 - Made. Had the office of Assn [Association] Secretary pressed upon me last declined on account of business - left early.
Oct 24 Clerked for Mr. Fairbrother at the Parish Church in the Aftnoon - He gave me 1/6 for the duty.
[October] 25 Sale at Mr. Burrells the Printer - small lots - sold well, - but did not make much. –
[October] 28. Valued his printing Material on behalf of the Sherriff amounted to 166:18:8 - including Three Presses. - I conceive with fair competition - the Stock shd fetch this at least. –
Oct 24. The Revd J. Porter having resigned the Rev R T [Robert Thomas] Wheeler was presented to St John's. –
Nov 7. Distributed, in conjunction with Mr. Hart & Mrs Cort 80 Copies of the "Church Service" amongst the Teachers & Monitors of the School - being a parting Token from the Revd J. Porter - they were received with sincere feeling of gratitude. - N.B. Mrs C. behaviour with respect to this present has not been satisfactory to Mr. H & myself. –
[November] 9. Her Majesty was delivered of a Son this Morning at 11 o'clock at which happy circumstance great rejoicing took place. It happened to be the Civic Feast of the Lord Mayor of London. –
[November] 22. - At about 20 min to 5 o'clock this Afnoon, my dear Wife was delivered of a Second Son for whose safe Delivery I desire to express sincere & hearty thanks to Almighty God - His name will be "William Callis"
[November] 24. Wife & Child doing very favourably so far thank God.
Obtained this Day a Licence for the sale of Patent Medicines.
Decr 5. Sunday. - W Hart, Mrs Cort and Myself were each presented with a neat Edition of the Polyglott Bible, with Cruden's Complete Concordance, & to the other the Church Service. - In reference to which the following Paragraph appeared in the Bn Standard. "Valuable Tribute of Respect - We understand that in addition to the munificent presents given by the Revd Jackson Porter to the Catechumens for Confirmation, & to the Teachers & Monitors of the Thunder Alley Sunday Schools, - the Superintendents of the above School Mr. Hart, Mr. C. Tiplady and Mrs Cort were each presented with a valuable 8vo [octavo] Edition of the Polyglott Bible, to two of which were included Crudence [sic] Complete Concordance, & to the other the Church Service - neatly bound in morocco. - The present was accompanied by a note from the Revd Gentn expressive of his good will & esteem to each of them individually and of an earnest hope that they might be long spared to occupy their important stations in that large & flourishing Sunday School. - The Superints have returned suitable acknowledgements to the Revd Gent for his kind and affectionate Remembrance."
Decr 6. Meeting of the Teachers this Evening, Wm Holden behaved in a most disorderly, insolent & rude manner, both to me & to Mr Hart for which he was severely reprimanded. - The Teachers much vexed at his conduct & many wished he would leave altogether.
[December] 7. Little & his mother doing very favorably for which Mercy I desire to be unfeignedly thankful & to shew for that my gratitude not only [illegible] life but in [illegible] life.
Decr 6. Sent the following Letter to Mr. Porter as an acknowledgement for his kind presents The Hymn sung, was "O for a heart &c"
[Entries after those for February 1842 in the original.]
Decr 19 - Paid Dr. Whittaker the sum of £14:2:6 being the proceeds of a Collection in the Parish on behalf of the Xtian [Christian] Knowledge Society - after an eloquent Sermon by Mr. Wheeler the Incumbent of St John's. The Church was exceedingly crowded on the occasion - This morng also the Revd Gentn commenced his labours at St Johns in the room of the Revd Jackson Porter - his text was from the Epistle to the Thessalonians "Brethren, pray for us, that the word of God may have free course and be glorified, and the Lord direct your heart into the love of God and into the patient waiting for Christ - A truly admirable discourse.
25 - Xmas Day. - Attended St John's. Text from Timothy "Great is the mystery of Godliness, God was manifest in the flesh" A very powerful & eloquent discourse.
[December] 26. Mr Wheeler took the singular Text from Genesis "How old are thou", from wh: he delivered a most affectionate & faithful discourse. - He attended the School in the Morning along with Dr Whittaker. - He appears to be a Man calculated to do great good in the Town.
1841 pdf includes the text above and footnotes by D. Hughes
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[Follows order of the original, entries for 1841 added to that year.]
1842 Feby 4 Forasmuch as human Life is very uncertain and that it is the bounden duty of all Christian Men to be in a state of preparation for Death, both as it respects the state of their souls before Almighty God, and the situation of their temporal affairs as it regards themselves & their descendants, - and being forcibly reminded of the great mercy of God manifested to me fourteen years ago on the 8th or 9th of the present, in sparing my Life under a most severe & sudden accident, and that we know not what a day or an hour may bring forth, I have thought it wise to give instruction to Mr. Beardsworth relative to the drawing up of my will, in which I sincerely pray to be guided by the principle of mercy, truth & justice, as commanded by our Saviour. - And I pray that God would herein give me grace ever to be in a state of watchfulness & preparation for Death and to spend the remnant of my short life more entirely to his Glory - As soon as the instrument is drawn I shall transcribe it for safety in this Book. –
[February] 6. - This Eveng. St John's Church was first lighted with Gas for Evening Service - The attendance was highly respectable and numerous - Mr. Wheeler preached from Acts 16 v.14. The Conversion of Lydia - a very powerful, searching, & eloquent Sermon - the singing was beautiful & altogether the Services were such as to produce a hallowed feeling of devotion in the minds of the Congregation. Mr. W. noted my opinion of the Teachers, I told him that among the females he wd find a real & genuine piety, and tho' the males were not to so decided in character Mr. Hart myself thought highly of them. I perceive that already he has won the affection of the School generally, & the females particularly. - It seems as if the long & dreary winter of cold indifference, lukewarmness, & formality was fast disappearing, & giving place to cheering influence of real sincerity & christian love. - May the Almighty grant us a long season of summer & a rich autumn of spiritual fruits to his honour & glory, & the eternal salvation of his poor sinful creature Man. For myself I can truly say that it is as if a live coal had been thrown into my heart, & set into a flame the faint glimmerings of the smoking flux. May God grant his blessing on the head of our beloved Pastor, & make him an instrument of great good to his Holy Church.
Feby 13th. Was very unwell fever a severe cold which I took by eating a dozen cold oysters. Three days ago, but I must be more cautious in future. Could not attend Church in the Morng or Aftern but ventured at night, Mr. Wheeler preached from St Matthew chap 4 v.1 I instinctly opened to the place before he spoke. - He gave a most eloquent admirable, and spiritual discourse from the Text and elucidated the temptation of our Saviour in very clear and beautiful manner. - The Church was well filled, and Revd Gentn discourse was listened to with breathless attention. The more I hear the Revd Gentn the more am I edified and satisfied - He seems to give unqualified approbation.
Jan. 4 The Congregation of St John's resolved to light the Ch. with Gas. - to mat the floor - & to have Evening Service. Dr W. has given his sanction to the plan, & it is understood to commence on the first Sunday in February. - The Pulpit also is to be altered.
Jan. 31. I have exceeding great pleasure in recording the transaction of the first Teacher's Meeting at which the Rev R T Wheeler attended. - After Mr Hart had finished the business of the School & Sick Society - Mr W. addressed the Teachers in a very appropriate & affectionate manner, 1st on the promotion of Unity & Godly Love And 2nd on the strict consistency of character wh: S S T [Sunday School Teachers] ought personally to maintain - His remarks were at once forcible, - convincing, and affectionate, without ostentatious shew of oratory, his language was beautifully lucid - energetic - & pointed - His arguments were deeply convincing, - and his appeal such as touched the inmost feelings of the heart. The Teachers were all most deeply affected, and it appeared to me that a lasting impression for good was made upon their minds. - Years & years have rolled away since I first entered on the occupation of S S [Sunday School] teaching, during wh period I have frequently pictured to myself the happy effects of a truly evangelical & fine Minister presiding over the T [Teachers] Meetings, and I can without the slightest hesitation affirm that the scenes which formerly were merely imaginative were this evening fully realised - What the sentiments of the others were it is not for me to decide but for myself I can truly say my feelings were drawn out toward him in a most remarkable degree. - It was as if the kindliest feelings of love, affection, reverence, & ardent admiration long pent up in the winter cold formality & reserve had been suddenly acted by the sun of Genuine Warmth of soul of a Christian Pastor before whose kindling blaze frigid & lifeless affection became reanimated with new life & vigour. - Mr Wheeler prayer was humble, fervent, & wrestling - he seemed to labour with a mighty Being to bring down the Spirit of God. - his parting Blessing was delivered in such a pathetic and fatherly manner as to break down the remaining fortitude which his address left unassailed - He carried home I am convinced the united thanks, prayers & blessings of the whole assembly. Many such refreshments may we be blessed with, & to the honor & praise of God may all these privileges redound. Amen (Here follows the previous page but one)
Feby 24. According to a resolution previously determined upon by me, I yesterday affixed my signature to my "Last Will & Testament" in which I thank God I can with a clear conscience affirm I have endeavoured to act impartially to all my Children & relatives. - In the Evening at 10 min to 8 died to the unspeakable affliction of his Relatives & friends Joseph Denison Cort, Solicitor after an illness of only three or four days. Truly in the very midst of busy life - death unexpectedly cometh - May I be ready for his approach. Amen.
Feby 24. On Sunday Last both the Revd Dr Whittaker & the Revd R. T. Wheeler, attended the School. -The latter Gentleman's ministrations are drawing large Congregations to St John's. - He is winning his way to the very heart of his heart. Such another man I often think could not have been given us. May he be long spared to us, and may we become more worthy of him every way.
[February] 27. - The Anniversary of the Death of my first wife. May I be led in the way in which she has gone. The Revd R T Wheeler delivered a Sermon this Evening on the Duty & Privilege of attending the Communion of the "Lord's Table". His discourse was from Luke 22 + 19 vs. " This Do in Remembrance of me". The first enlarged on the Text as a command positively enjoined on all professing to be the Disciples of Jesus Christ, the injunction of their dying Saviour. He then took in regular order the excuses for non-attendance at this Divine Ordinance, 1st. The Men of Business; 2nd. The people of pleasure; 3rd. Unworthiness on account of cherished sin; 4th. Unworthiness on account of Infidelity & unbelief; 5th. The penitent's fears; 6th. The weak believer's doubts; & II. The next shewed the words of the Text as an invitation and a privilege:- described the suffering of our Saviour in language the most affecting, eloquent & majestic; he was listented to with almost breathless attention by a throng congregation. He lastly adverted to the growing error of those who rested in the observation of the rite; & 2nd those who substituted the form for the spirit; the sacrament for the Saviour; In which he took opportunity to show the hatefulness of the system propagated by the Puritans. - His concluding and affecting appeal was peculiarly striking & convincing I need not say the Congregation was exceedingly edified. - He is an extraordinary Man and whether St John's consider so or not, I think his coming here to be one of the most gracious as well as merciful dispensations of Providence ever vouchsafed to a body of Christian Believers - or even Chrisn [Christian] Professors.
February] 28. - The Teachers Meeting was held this Evening, and by the Request of Mr. W. the Monitors also attended. - When the business of the Sick Society was disposed off; a conversation arose respecting the School Library, Mr W. & Mr Hart stated that they had obtained several very handsome Donations including £2.2. from Mr Lister - It was then deliberated as to the propriety of obtaining Subn [Subscription] from Teachers, Monitors, & Scholars and ultimately agreed upon that a purely voluntary contribution shd be requested from the Scholars - & nothing further. - The Revd Wheeler then inquired of any person had any thing to speak on, or any question to ask, upon which I took the opportunity of respectfully desiring him to give his opinion "On the best Method of diffusing instruction in a Class" He commenced by observing that he was glad the question had been put for he was desirous of speaking on that point. - Mr W. then said that there were two methods of instruction, one he denominated Preaching & the other Teaching the latter of which he considered by far most beneficial. - The first grand point to be gained was the attention of the Children, wh would be best done by frequent questions & short remarks, 1st Get them to know the meaning of the words, then the meaning of the sentence, 3rd find proofs & parrallel passages of scripture - 4th Ask them their own experience upon the subject - He enlarged most beautifully on all these points & concluded by asking if the Tears agreed with him on them - Thos Oddie replied he thought that system was principally adopted in the School. - Mr W remarked that he thought Thos himself was too neglectful of the system, and proceeded to show him wherein he wd be a better & a more efficient Instructor. He said, he gave these opinions in the best possible spirit & hoped Thos wd receive them so. - The rest of the Meeting was highly delighted with his explanation of the subject & derived great benefit. I then asked Mr W a question respecting his Discourse on the Sacrament the preceding Eveng observing that I believed some had got the impression that he was intending to speak to the Young Persons lately confirmed, from an expression wh he let fall in the Afn Service. He rejoined by entering into the subject & delivered a most kind, affectionate, & fatherly address to the Monitors, wh was listened with feeling of intense gratification & interest. - We then sung the 57 Hymn "Come Holy Spirit Heavenly dove" to Bennetts, and surely there never was a Hymn sung with more humble & fervent Devotion. - Our Dear Minister Concluded with prayer a prayer that went right home to the heart & carried the feelings up to heaven. - I know not what to think - it seems as if a dream - pleasant, lovely & refreshing had come over our weary spirits. Long may he be spared to live among us & lead us in the path of true holiness. Mr H. was equally delighted with myself & the Teachers departed to their home, happily able to exclaim "It was good for us to wait upon the Lord".
March 1 - Marmaduke Callis called - he has left the Army.
" 6th Mr W opened the School. Attended the Communion at Noon, was in a tolerable state of mind, 172 Communicants - the Largest Nos ever known to attend at one time in St John's. Afnoon Service omitted, the scholars staid in the School. Mr W & his wife visited us. In the Evening went to St John's, where there was a tremendous Congregation, Mr W. preached from Lamenn [Lamentations] c.3 verses 31 to 33 on the Afflictions of men; he shewed first "that the Lord causes grief" for wise purposes not always in anger but in mercy - in order to destroy the sin, yet save the sinner. 2nd That the Lord doth not afflict willingly but of urgent necessity, and when no other means will become his benevolent intentions towards the afflicted, 3rd The End of Affliction he next beautifully & clearly laid down, in several most eloquent illustrations & similes - especially that of the Gold refiner, who however often he put the metal into the furnace, was careful to lose nothing but the dross and tin - &c &c. 4th He showed in what spirit afflictions were to be received - & quoted various passages to show that submission reverence & filial obedience, were required from the sufferer to render the afflictions a means of sanctification, 5th He described the comfort & consolations to be derived in affliction, from the word of God; - the sympathy of believers inward peace - & lastly he dwelt upon the last great affliction to which all were subject - death. His descriptions here were exquisitely touching powerfully eloquent and inexpressibly tender. - Upon the whole it was a most admirable discourse, and certainly appeared to me to make a deep impression upon the very attentive audience. My wife attended first time since little Wm was born.
March 10th. Attended the Annual Meeting of the Over Darwen Gas Compy. for the inspection & settlement of the Accts. Present Eccles Shorrock Esq, John Brandwood Esqre Messrs, Seth Harwood, G H. Openshaw, T Pearson, J. Blackburn, T Clough, Jas Walsh, Jno Critchly, Wm Johnson, and myself, with one or two others whom I did not know. A variety of Resolutions were moved among the rest one for a Dividend of 5 per cent upon the Subscription. Upon the whole it was considered that the Affairs of the Compy were in an exceedingly prosperous condition.
[March] 13th The Rev R T Wheeler was rather unwell, but nevertheless he preached a most faithful & solemn Sermon, on the duty and responsibility of Heads of Families to promote & maintain family worship. His discourse was from Gen [Genesis]: 12 vs 6, 7 & 8, the journey and conduct of Abram, His discourse made a sensible impression on the Congregation.
N.B. The matting for the Floor was this Day laid down & the other alterations finished. By command of Mr W. the font has been removed from the Porch into the Church. - So this piece of Puseyism is destroyed.
[March] 15 - My Poor Sister Mary's died this Day four years after a short residence in the Lancaster Asylum - Charles Callis sent me a short and pleasing Letter from Liverpool to which I forwarded a reply.
[March] 17. Have been much disturbed on account of Thos conduct, of which my wife had reason to complain, and was obliged to use severe chastisement. In the morning I talked with him on his fault, he begged forgiveness with strong & earnest cries, when I represented to him his sin; O lord give me grace to correct my children with moderation, temper, and justice, and to remember mercy to penitente.
[March] 20. - Mr Wheeler preached today on the prevarication of Abraham in denying his Wife, from wh he took occasion to condemn in the strongest manner all quibbling & duplicity in disguising the truth. I was sorry to see so poor an attendance, especially in the North Gallery. - In the Evening he discoursed from the preaching of Paul to Felix - a most extraordinary eloquent and awakening discourse. He made many of us tremble - may the word spoken be unto me a savour of Life unto Life - & not of "Death unto Death" The Church was fully attended. - In the first part of the Sermon, he explained the position in wh Paul stood at the time he preached before Felix - 2nd The tyrannical conduct and avaricious character of Felix - 3rd The guilty & disgraceful character of Drussilla, his adulteress wife - 4th He reasoned unrighteousness to Felix - temperance to Drusill, and judgement to come to them both. His application was exceedingly powerful & earnest.
[March] 16th. - I was most agreeably surprised by Mr Hart presenting me with two guineas from the Female Friendly Society, and told me that I was to consider myself the regularly appointed Secretary.
[March] 21. - Went to the Old Hall in Samlesbury with Mr Hart, a most agreeable and pleasant excursion - In the Evening presided at the Quarterly Meeting of the Bn P B Society [Blackburn Philanthropic Burial Society] at which I had considerable heavy duties to perform and Labour to get thro' the business - Upon the whole however, the Meeting was much more orderly than I expected, and listened to the suggestions from the Chair with favorable attention. Several perplexing motions were put, but not adopted, and the Meeting dispersed in a very orderly manner. I received considerable help from Rd [Richard] Dugdale the Engraver, & others and I hope I was able to maintain impartially the character of the Chair. –
[March] 21st Brother Wm unwell. - Had cough, & great Lassitude
[March] 23rd Meeting at the Bn S. [Blackburn Subscription] Library, when various modifications were proposed, and a select Committee appointed to draw a digested plan of the Alterations. - Mr Atkinson formally resigned his office. The Committee named to consist of Messrs Tiplady, Clough, Carus, Slater, Chadwick, Atkinson, and Hoole. - To meet for business on the Last Tuesday in April. - @ 7. I to give Notice thereof.
[March] 24th At the Town's Meeting for the appointment of Overseers. Mr Brennand in the Chair - I moved a Resolution to the following effect "That this Meeting recommends to the Board of Guardians to take into consideration the salaries of the Overseer and Collector, and the Relieving Officer of Blackburn, with a view to allow remuneration for the additional duties which they are respectively called upon to perform, Carried unanimously.
"Wrote the following Address on the presentation of a Church Service to Miss Feilden of Feniscowles"
"Dear Miss Feilden"
"It becomes my duty, at the request of my fellow Labourers, to present you with this trifling mark of our esteem & gratitude, in return for the kindness and unremitting exertions which you have ever manifested in the welfare of this School, and in promoting the individual prosperity of all connected with it.
"We are well aware that a Lady moving in the rank of life which you have the privilege to occupy and adorn, can but regard any present with feelings of comparative indifference, so far as respects its nominal value; but being also well assured that you will attach more values to the motives than to the Offering itself however costly, we are not discouraged to put into your hands, even so humble a testimony of our esteem as the Services of our Church. - No the many instances of affection, zeal, and benevolence which it has been our happiness to experience under your mild governance & tuition forbid us to entertain any such discouragement, for as you have on [illegible] interested yourself in our welfare, we are persuaded it will be very acceptable to your feelings, to know that we are desirous hereby of expressing our thanks and gratitude, in a manner that language entirely fails to describe, and to assure you the Lessons of Instructions wh. we have received from you, we earnestly desire to treasure upon our hearts and practise in our lives.
"By the wise and over-ruling arrangements of Providence it is now our misfortune to suffer the loss of your presence, your pious zeal and your exalted example. When we consider the loss in reference to ourselves & the School, we are ready to exclaim with the Patriarch Jacob, all these things are against us; But on the other hand, while we see pictured before you the prospect of much felicity, and the enjoyment of such happiness as it is our hearts' desire you may fully realise, we can the more cheerfully submit to this Dispensation and reply "The will of the Lord be done."
"We pray sincerely that the blessings of God Almighty whom you serve, may accompany you & sanctify all your future life; - that you may enjoy that peace of mind, under all the changes & changes of this mortal life, which a good conscience void of offence towards God and man, alone can give; that in the family into which you are about to be implanted you may experience as much satisfaction and domestic happiness, as you have enjoyed in the bosom of your own family under the roof of your venerable and beloved parents; that your children may be virtuous, prosperous, and happy; and you yourself, at the conclusion of earth's changeful scenes, may safely arrive at that happy land where no sorrow, separation, sin nor death disturb the happiness of the redeemed of God. Amen.” NB. She is about to be married to an elderly Gent of 60.
"Good Friday" - Attended St John's in the Morning & received the Sacrament, but was in a very cold frame of mind, and much troubled with vain and worldly thoughts. The Rev Mr Wheeler preached in the Evening from 53 Isaiah v. 11 "He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied." - At all times the Rev Gent is peculiarly impressive in the Delivery of solemn subjects [illegible] & he was so in a remarkable manner this night in delineating the Passion, Suffering, and Death of our heavenly Redeemer. - The Congregation were deeply affected - even to tears, at the graphic picture of our Saviour's Suffering, and it is to be hoped that great good to the souls of all present was experienced.
Easter Day - An excellent discourse from the Rev R T Wheeler on the Resurrection - too much fatigued to attend Evening Service.
[March] Tuesday - 29. - The Annual Meeting of the Female Friendly Society was held, when 250 Members partook tea, - The Rev R T Wheeler, Mrs. & Miss Wheeler, Mr Eccles, Mr Butler, & Mr & Mrs Hart were present. The Meeting was exceedingly agreeable & pleasant.
Balance £400 Members, 292.
Sunday April 3rd - It was my good fortune to hear one of the most choice & excellent Sermons from Gen [Genesis]: 13. The separation of Abram & Lot, - wherein was manifested the manly, disinterested, and noble conduct of the Patriarch, in a case of extreme delicacy & difficulty. Mr W. pointed out in a very beautiful manner the precise situation of Abram to Lot and the earnest desire of the former to make peace, tho' at considerable disadvantage & sacrifice to himself. He then at great length entered into a practical application of the subject, and strongly reprehended the conduct of professing [illegible] in regard to one another, - concluding with an exhortation [illegible] away all malice, strife, envy & uncharitableness with friends, relatives, neighbours, & families. His discourse was listened to with evident strong interest And I have no doubt but that in some instances the word was sharper than a two-edged sword dividing to the marrow & joint - In the Evening of the same he gave us a beautiful History of the valour and faith of Gideon the Judge of Israel - & spiritualised the subject by portraying the character & conduct of the "Christian Soldier."
[April 4th?] Monday, Teacher's Meeting - at which a deal of unpleasant business was introduced respecting the conduct of certain Members of the Sick Society, one of whom being proved to have defrauded the Sy [Society] was excluded. As many of the Male Teachers were absent at a Meeting of their Club, Mr W. was disappointed and deferred delivering his sentiments on several subjects until a future occasion. At the conclusion a most beautiful Hymn was well sung - Prior to the Meeting Mr W. [Wheeler] called upon on some business belonging the Clerical Society and incidentally told me that my Brothers-in-Law, the Jas & Joseph Ca. [Callis] had waited upon him the day before respecting his Sermon in the Morning, wh: it appears they considered personally directed at them. He refused to hear any stories and assured them that he knew nothing whatever of the Family, serve that I was their Brother-in-Law
April 10th - Mr Hart being at the Funeral of Mr R Haworth, could not attend the School in the morning. - Mr Wheeler however attended and delivered out the Tracts. - In the Morning Service Mr W's discourse was on the worldly spirit & avaricious conduct of Lot; from which he shewed the calamity of darkness wh. that character brought upon himself - In the Eveng he advocated the claim of the Girl's Charity to a numerous congregation from the words "Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, it no more blessed to give, than to receive." He illustrated first the duty & obligation of giving - from the arrangement of Providence the poor ye have always with you & 2nd. The spirit of giving not in ostentation but in a cheerful, humble, thankful and obedient mind - in gratitude to God- and as Almoners of his bounty to us; - Lastly he stated the Blessings attending the performance of this duty - He then in a very pleasing & affecting manner drew attention to the object of his discourse and concluded by strongly urging it to the generous consideration of his audience - The Collection was £14:10:0. - This Day my mother attained her 65th Year in good health, & provided for by a gracious providence after many years of severe trial - She and all my Sisters took tea together at my house in social harmony & peace. A week of the finest weather imaginable.
Br [Brother] William something better - bad symptoms abated. –
[April] 12th Went down to the Pump House, it being the Evening for changing the Chairs - P G Talbot NG. J Hayhurst VG - and at the earnest request of the Lodge I accepted the office of Secretary. - I also presented P G. Talbot with the Silver Medal of Merit, given by the Lodge in testimony of his valuable services. W Walsh was elected to the office of Assistant Secy. - The Meeting broke up rather later than I expected.
[April] 17th Having a sore throat was not able to attend either Church or School this Day, but was confined to my house; -
[April] 24th. Attended the Wesleyan Chapel and heard a good Sermon from the Rev W. J. Skidmore on the subject of the promise "My God shall supply all your needs by his riches in glory in Christ Jesus" - A Collection was made for the Missionary cause.
In the Eveng the Revd R T Wheeler discoursed from Rom [Romans]: 3, and 28 verse, "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the Law" - He made from these words a most admirable and argumentative Sermon, in which he utterly annihilated the doctrine of human merit, and clearly demonstrated that it is by Christ's merit alone that a Sinner stands justified in the sight of God.
Scrutiny. For the last 10 Days the Town has been thrown into considerable political excitement by the determination of Mr Turner to scrutinise the Election - Accordingly a Committee of the House of Commons, viz: Lord Worsley, Mr Crips, Col. Rolleston, Mr Rundle, Mr Archbold, Sir A Brook, and Sir Edward Hayes were balloted to try its merits. A great number of witnesses were taken up, & great expence incurred - At the end of a week, however, Mr. Turner found himself losing Ground, and gave up the contest.
Riot April 28th 1842 - This Evening a Large Mob congregated in the market place and revenged themselves on Mr Hornby by smashing the Bull Inn windows, The Police & soldiery were called out & dispersed them in all directions. Jno. W. Astley, the father of James Astley, was thrown down & killed on the spot. - Such is the end of their wild & reckless conduct. - The verdict of the Jury was
"Died by the Visitation of God." Brother Wm at Great Harwood & gradually recovering. Attended a Meeting of the Widow & Orphans' Fund & was pleased to find much real benevolence Exhibited by the Committee.
[April] 30. The weather during the whole of the month has been exceedingly dry & sunny, with a east, north-east, & south-east wind. In Blackn., with the exception of a few Drops on the 24th, no rain fell.
May 1st. The Rev R T Wheeler preached two excellent Sermons - In the Evening his Text was "Be ye Doers of the Lord not hearers only."
Brother not so well again - Jno Sutcliffe sick also.
[May] 8 Heard the Rev R. T. Wheeler on the subject of Baptism and Circumcision. He endeavored to prove, and successfully I think, that Baptism was a Continuation of Circumcision under another form, the 1st was a Covenant of Blood - the second of Water, one antecedent to & in expectancy of the Coming of Christ - the other subsequent & in command of Our Blessed Saviour. His Sermon in the Evening was peculiarly impressive, & strongly convincing of the necessity of infant baptism. - He very properly shewed that it was a sign of inwardly & spiritual grace.
[May] 12th Attended a Meeting of the P. G. L. to take into consideration the propriety of removing the same to the Commercial Inn, - We expected little or no opposition, but to our surprise found that the intrigues of one or two persons a strong party was raised against the motion wh: in the first instance gave them a majority of [illegible]
and secondly in a majority of one. - The ignorance, wilful stupidity and beastly conduct of the majority was such as to fill me with feeling of unmitigated disgust. - I gave notice to resign my situation among them. - Some of them would sell their vote for a glass of Ale. - P G. Emmett also gave notice of resignation.
[May] 15th (Sunday) Officiated for Thos Oddie, - In the Morning Mr Wheeler read the Homily on the Holy Ghost, in a very impressive manner, the contents of which were exceedingly sound & instructive in doctrine. - The Evening service was still more interesting, the Revd Gent preached from John 16 v. 7. - On the operation, offices, and influences of the Holy Spirit - It is impossible to speak too highly of the munificent Sermon which he delivered from this subject - clear, methodical, & occasionally eloquent beyond language to describe He first proved the Divinity of the third person in the blessed Trinity from various texts of Scripture, and having clearly proved this point he proceeded to shew that the Holy Spirit Convinced Men of their Sins, 2nd of the righteousness of Xt [Christ] & 3rd of a judgement to come He then made a practical application of the subject to his hearers by a series of touching, pathetic & earnest enquiries into their spiritual state, and concluded by an affectionate exhortation & prayer that he & they might be guided, comforted, supported, and sanctified by the Blessed Influence of the Holy Ghost.
[May] 16. Was exceedingly sorry to hear that Mr Turner has given my Uncle Ratcliffe notice to leave Mill Hill - It seems that he has taken the loss of his seat in Bn very sorely at heart. Now so far as regards myself - I can say, that if Mr T had acted to me according to profession, or as in strict gratitude he was bound to do; I shd voted for him - at least given him one vote tho' contrary to my wishes & in opposition to my political principles.
[May] 21. Have been very irritable and cross all week. God give me more grace to subdue ill-temper.
[May] 22nd The Rev Mr Wheeler preached on the subject of the Holy Trinity, from whom he 1st proved its incomprehensibility to finite Beings, 2nd he shewed nevertheless that Scripture fully substantiated the Doctrine, 3rd that a bare formal assent to it would not avail a Man. He dwelt upon the necessity of possessing the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, feeling the love of God shed abroad in our hearts, and constraining us to love him in return, & hold communion with the Holy Spirit in sweet fellowship & confidence - The Sermon was truly eloquent, and delivered in an animated style. The congregation was exceedingly satisfied & I sincerely hope all of us were benefitted. What a poor wretched people should we be without the life-inspiring Doctrine & Precepts of the Gospel. - In the Afternoon the Rev R T Wr [Wheeler], and the Rev S. J. Allen visited the School, and the latter Gentleman advocated the cause of the London Hibernian Society in a feeling & affectionate Address after wh. a voluntary contribution of £1:10/- was collected in the School, - Mr W expressed himself highly gratified by the generous feeling displayed under trying & depressing circumstance of the times. When the School had closed with prayer by Mr Wheeler, delivered in an exceedingly devout & reverent manner - the oldest class of Girls & some of Boys joined together & sang a Hymn 1st to Ocean which was beautifully harmonious & delightful. - The Children had all sung very sweetly the 137 Hymn to Caroline in the Afternoon & had rejoiced both the Clergymen exceedingly. In the Evening a Sermon was preached in St John's Church by Mr Allen and a Collection made on behalf the same Society - Altogether the Services of the Day in the Church & School were such as deeply to impress my mind with the gracious goodness of God in vouchsafing such great & valuable privileges. May his Spirit assist my infirmities, in a dangerous & crooked generation.
[May] 23rd Br William a[t] Lytham for the benefit of his health. - John Sutcliffe also sick & from his work.
In the course of this Day was solicited to visit an Old Scholar, Joseph Pomfret, who has fallen into great affliction & distress; about 6 weeks ago he buried his father, & in a week or two following some rascals entered the House, and robbed himself & Brother of their clothing which they should have had on to appear at Church after their father's funeral. - These things preyed upon his mind naturally weak & timid and so overwhelmed him in despondency, as to bring on a strong nervous fever, the symptoms of which, from my observation appear to be very similar to those of my late Sister Mary - He seems to have an horrible dread of some fearful calamity hanging over him, starts at the least sound, and is apprehensive of being left alone. - When I visited him, and enquired if J. P. [Joseph Pomfret] lived there, I was startled by hearing him in a rapid & incoherent manner call out "yes" and immediately asked me if "it was not all over". Being used to similar expressions from my Sister, I soon recovered self-possession sufficient to enter into conversation with him. - He surprised me by his answers, wh. yet appeared to come from a mind unsettled and that had lost its stability of thought. I reminded him of the Afflictions of Job, and of David, out of which after sore trials God delivered them, he replied that he well remembered the passages, and instantly quoted Isiah - where he speaks of the coming of Christ & the comforting of the People, which struck me as being very appropriate, - I followed with passages in Jeremiah & in the New Testament to which he listened with attention, yet there was a vacant stare at times which convinced me that he was bordering on a very dreadful disease, Lunacy. - I endeavoured to compose his mind as much as possible, and he, at times, was convinced that great weakness was come upon him, Before I left I prayed with him, there were present besides his relatives, John Baron, Andrew Berry and John Witton, all of whom were under my care at Grimshaw Park, and they were deeply affected by the distress of their friend. It surprises me frequently to find how often, even after the lapse of several years, my old Scholars in Grimshaw refer themselves to me in perplexity, distress, or when requiring advice, wh: to me is convincing proof, that however much S S [Sunday School] Teachers may be disposed to imagine that their "Labours are in vain in the Lord" & think that little or no impression has been made by repeated Precepts & Lessons of Instruction, yet where the spirit of God has accompanied their teaching, the fruit tho' slow & protracted in their appearance, do most unaccounted to us, [illegible] and that under circumstance the least favorable to their [illegible]. This poor young Man, tho' verging on insanity, could tell me I was his first Teacher, some fourteen years ago in G P S [Grimshaw Park Sunday] School and no doubt some good Lesson of the Word, like a good seed had taken root in good ground, and will yet perhaps, bring forth fruit to the glory of God. - How surprised probably have Mr Yates, Denistone[?], Graham, and R Sagar, frequently been, that the way and wilful, over confident Lad Charles Tiplady shd nevertheless & not withstanding all his then unprofitableness, & present unworthiness yet have been by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, raised to occupy a station of Superintendent for many years in two large Schools of the Establishment.
In the preceding week, Mr Atkin & Mr Wraith, proceeded to take Mrs Callis stock, and found a considerable defficiency [sic]. They were much dissatisfied with her conduct, and especially with respect to her her [sic] marked favoritism to Charles Vose, - Br in Law. Marmaduke, Joseph, and George, were much vexed at her - and quite agree with me in thinking that such behaviour is far contrary to the intentions of Mr Callis, who, doubtless, was desirous that all his children shd be equally benefitted by his property. - For myself, she married into the family and having now two Children born, I praise God for enabling me by my lawful calling to provide for their wants, so that no heart burning & jealousies have been stirred up against me in the family. - Surely she must be devoid of all Christian Principles to set at defiance the will of her late husband, and the wishes of her children - But the day of retribution will arrive, and woe to them for whom the "rod is prepared".
May] 28. James Callis married at Padiham, the young woman with whom he had become connected. - Joseph Pomfret was sent off to Blackpool with John Mitton & Andrew Berry.
[May] 29. Sunday - Mr Wheeler continued his subject on Abraham, bringing down the History of the Patriarch to the Birth of Isaac. - His discourse was principally directed to prove that Isaac was the child of promise, & a type of the believing Church of God, that Ishmael represented the children of the Flesh, mockers of those who separated themselves from the world & the sinful lusts of the flesh. - He concluded with a practical application 1st to the young, 2nd to the Unbeliever 3rd to the Church, to all of whom he very affectionately gave an exhortation suited to their different conditions. - In the Afternoon I officiated for Thos Oddie who did not attend the School Our subject was the 23rd Chap: of Jeremiah - on ungodly, unfaithful, & carless [sic] pasters, from which we took occasion to shew the duty of a Christian Minister, Father, and Teacher, to save from destruction & from being scattered abroad the flock whom God had given them in charge - The beast we explained as representing the Devil - Sin, Evil Doctrine, & Wicked Companions, which were all waiting to prey on the Lambs of Christ's Fold, with a view either to their eternal destruction, or to their dispersion by persecution, schism, or dissent, - I concluded by an exhortation to the Boys to manifest due reverence to their pastors, teachers, and masters. I am truly thankful to state that they were very attentive. - Mr Wheeler's discourse in the Evening was on Baptism, but as I neglected to make an entry at the time, I cannot give the particulars.
Br William mending - he is down at Lytham
[Sunday the 5th June Attended the Sacrament, but having been vexed in the earlier part of the Day was not so composed as I ought to have been. - The Sermon in the Morning was a beautiful exposition of the Miracle performed by our Saviour on the Nobleman's Son at Capernaum He shewed 1st the importunity of the Father - mixed still with unbelieving doubt - "Come Down" said he, Not like the Centurion, "Speak the word only, and thy Servant shall be healed" - 2nd His belief when the sign & miracle had been performed. - He concluded by an exhortation for Believers to bring their wants to God, & leave it for him to deal with them as he would. - The Sermon was short but very interesting.
May 31st 1842
A Transcript of the Summary of Mr W. Callis Stock in Trade, at the time of his Death. - taken by the Executors and sworn to:-
Exors Peter Atkin, Hargrave Wraith, and Alice Callis.
1833 Dr | £ | s | d | 1833 Cr | £ | s | d |
Household Furniture of various sorts included in Stock &c | 157
| 18 | " | Debts owing by the concern, which Mrs C. had to Liquidate | 643 | 12 | 8 |
Additional Pews | 18 | " | " | Funeral Expences 5.0.0 Misses C. 4.0.0 | |
| |
Stock in Trade | 489 | 4 | 3 | Clothing 9 11 2 | | | |
Book Debt | 528 | 3 | “ | Dues 0 13 0 Grave Stone Cutting 2 17 4 | 22 | 1 | 6 |
Cash in hand, and in the Bank | 105 | 5 | 6 | Probate Duty | 35 | 17 | 7 |
Bad debt recovered | 20 | 12 | " | Expences Do Returning | 6 | 16 | " |
| | | | Legacy Duty, Total | 20 | 15 | 1 |
| | | | By Balance of Stock on hand | 428 | 17 | 5 |
Total £ | 1143 | 4 | 9 | | | | |
Probate Duty Returned | 14 | 15 | 6 | | | | |
£ | 1158 | 0 | 3 | £ | 1158 | 0 | 3 |
| £ | s | d | | £ | s | d |
1834 To Balance brought Down | 428 | 17 | 5 | Valuation of Property | " | 15 | " |
| | | | Legacy to Marmaduke | 30 | " | " |
| | | | " Nancy | 30 | " | " |
| | | | " James | 30 | " | " |
| | | | " Elizabeth | 30 | " | " |
| | | | " Charles | 30 | " | " |
| | | | " Joseph | 30 | " | " |
| | | | " Eleanor | 30 | " | " |
| | | | " William | 30 | " | " |
| | | | | 240 | 15 | " |
| | | | Balance | 188 | 2 | 5 |
£ | 428 | 17 | 5 | £ | 428 | 17 | 5 |
To Balance of Stock | 188 | 2 | 5 | | | |
In the Evening Mr Wheeler completed his Discourses upon Baptism by a splendid Sermon from John 3. 3 Verse Except a Man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God - In which he first shewed the view which the Ch: of Engd maintained on the subject, in the Baptismal Service, in the Catechism, the Articles, and in the Homilies. - The Church, said he took it for granted the recipient of the Sacrament was a true Believer, & as such entitled to the covenant graces & blessings promised in Baptism, and he maintained that both in adult & in infant Baptism & where this was the case, they were bound to believe, that the Baptised person was regenerated. He dwelt largely upon this point, & produced a variety of proofs from the Prayer Book & other sources to uphold his view - 2nd He proceeded to show that all who were baptised, were not all regenerated - for if that were so, what should be said to the daily experience of thousands living & dying in sin & open rebellion against God, of men who while they had the mark of a Christian upon their forehead, yet in their hearts & lives utterly denied their Religion & their Saviour. He also threw some light upon the duties & obligations of Sponsors - they promised, in the name of & for the Child, which promise the Child himself was bound to perform, when he to age. He shewed that Sponsors & Parents were required to make know & instruct their Children what had been promised for them. Upon the whole I think I can truly assert that I never heard the Subject treated in such a masterly style so full of sound, sensible argument; since discrimination between doctrine & ordinance, the sign & the thing signified; and withal comprehensive in detail, elegant in language, energetic in delivery & faithful in application - A most notable discourse, rich, powerful, scriptural & conclusive, searching to the heart & convincing to the judgment of the hearers, the congregation dwelt upon the Speaker with an intensity of fixed attention, - at once delighted, instructed & enlightened. Talk of printing Discourse not one in 100 of the printed discourses I have read, are fit to be named with it or compared thereto. It was a noble effort & no doubt blessed by the Almighty & the souls of many who heard it. - No language can paint in colours so striking as it ought the merits of this extraordinary Sermon, suffice it say he finished by peroration as Grand, as it was beautiful, and as deeply affecting, as it was exalted and sublime. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.
May 30. Received the white Degree at the Lodge - the sign of which is right thumb over left - two fore fingers pointed - the rest clasped - The pass word "Charity".
The weather since the commencement of June has been oppressively hot - & sunny, the thermometer frequently rising to upwards of an hundred degrees - This Morning (13) we had a shower of rain which would be found exceedingly beneficial.
June 6. Died Lettice Kenyon, one of the Teachers belonging to Grimshaw Park School & an old scholar of Jno, Alston's. This is the [illegible] Young Woman that Jno. has buried from his charge.
June 12. - The Rev Mr Wheeler proceeded this Day in the History of the Patriarch Abraham subject the Offering up of Isaac - which forcibly demonstrated the principle by which Abm was governed thro' the whole of this painful trial; his unflinching obedience to the command of God, and the reward of his obedience was the blessing wh: the Almighty - pronounced upon him. - The Sermons were very affecting & earnestly impressive. - In the Evening the same subject was continued; - in the course of his observations he shewed how Isaac was a type of the "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" - of Him who died on Calvary Mount to atone for the sins of a guilty world. -
The School was slender in the Afternoon, the heat being intense. Mr Hart, Mrs Cook, Miss Sharples, Miss Whaley, Thos Oddie & Mr Baynes being all absent - I think the heavy duties of the school have latterly been thrown much upon my shoulders. - I taught the first class: we read the 2nd Chapter of the 1st Book of Samuel in which we took particular notice of four things, 1st The prayer & thanksgiving of Hannah for the mercy of God in giving to her a man-child - who was most solemnly dedicated to God. 2nd The great wickedness of Eli's Sons Hophni & Phineas, who committed vile abominations in their office of Priesthood; 3rd The neglect of Eli, in not administering suitable reproof & justice - and 4th The awful threatening of judgement on his house by the Almighty "because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not". - We took a retrospective view of Hannah the wife of Elkanah, shewing how she endured much reproach because of business, while Peninnah being blessed with a numerous offering, daily they tried her to make her fret - Her husband's inability to heal this breach, her recourse to God - the imprudent judgement of Eli who thought she was "drunken" - her successful application & happy deliverance of a Child - Samuel & the consequent song of praise of the chapter under consideration. The Boys were very attentive & seemed much pleased with the Lesson.
[June] 14th - This Day in consequence of Richard contradicting me I gave to violent passion & attempted to strike him, he resisted and but for the interference of James & John a serious encounter might have happened, I regretted afterwards speaking so severely & hope it will be a caution to me in future not to indulge in anger.
[June] 15th - At four this morning I awoke with a violent pain in my right side, but whether owing to being bruised or by cold I cannot determine - most likely both. The pain increased up to noon to such a degree as to cause me to leave work where to bed where I took a sweat & opening medicine, and by the blessing & mercy of God, my breathing was somewhat easier - In the afternoon Mr Wheeler called upon Me & hearing I was unwell came up stairs - He dicoursed [sic] to me, & delivered a very faithful prayer, to which I am thankful to say I was able to give great heed, and was deeply moved by a sense of my own sinfulness and unworthiness I thanked him for his kind visit, and in reply he said it was his duty to visit the sick, & he hoped I should also pray for him. I felt exceedingly drawn out toward him, & could not help pressing his hand fervently & praying that "God would bless him for ever".
The same Evening the Lodge met to discuss the Proposition that it be removed, & contrary to the expectation of some, tho' only in accordance, with my anticipation it was finally resolved by a majority of 22 to 17 to remain at the Pump House, considering the subject by myself I came to the conclusion that it would be best for me at once to resign my office which I have resolved to do at the next Lodge or Lecture Night.
[June] 19th The Rev H. Haworth of Goodshaw officiated & preached an excellent Sermon on the worthy example, consistency & courage of Daniel, who was not to be deterred from performing his duty by the fear of Man. The Revd Gentn showed the difference wh: he feared existed between the character of Christians in the present day & Daniel, and ended with a fervent exhortation calling upon all men to honour God by public profession & private devotion. - In the Afternoon taught Mr Baynes class in the School - Lesson the 12th chap 2 Book of Samuel - in which was exhibited 1st The integrity of the Prophet Samuel - 2nd The reproof of the People for their ingratitude, 3rd The anger of Jehovah in the Storm of Thunder & Rain in the time of harvest - 4th The contrition of the Israelites & 5th The kind & gracious exhortation of the Prophet. - The Class is a fine one & I was well pleased with the attention & awareness of the Boys. In the Evening Mr Haworth preached, but I was not present.
[June] 20 The Quarterly Meeting of Burial Society, when a variety of motions were introduced by Mr F. Wilkinson, Mr Fell, S Smith, and others, respecting the expences of the Society. It was urged by S. Smith that the expense of Printing was too heavy, & he argued there was no necessity for quarterly Reports, on a motion being put it was carried that there should be half-yearly instead of quarterly Reports. The various propositions which followed were all negatived, except that it was ordered the Committee should produce vouchers for the funeral Expences of March Quarter.
[June] 26th Mr Wheeler this morning discoursed on the Death of Sarah, from which he entered into a detail of the many virtues of modesty, fidelity, and obedience. - He also, in glowing colours portrayed the generosity of Ephron the Hittite in the bargain which he had with Abram for the selling of a Burial place, The discourse was very interesting.
On the following Sunday, previous to his short absence from the Town, Mr Wheeler concluded his Lectures on the Life, character, and Death of Abraham the last Sermon of the Series, which I had not the happiness of listening to, was I understand, peculiarly beautiful & full of interesting matter - He represented the aged Pilgrim Abraham as now coming toward the close of a long & virtuous Life - full of honour, riches, and length of Days. - His earthly affairs settled - his every wish fulfilled - and his Spirit longing to be released from its burden of clay, that it might join the exalted - and the happy Saints in Heaven, - Like the glorious Sun, after a toilsome journey on a long summers, finishing his course with peculiar brilliance & effulgent glory, so Abraham - the friend of God - having kept onward on his course & kept the faith - declined into the peaceful Tomb - leaving behind an example of piety - integrity - & holy confidence, which he earnestly called upon all to copy.
On Sunday the 17th of July, expired after a very short & sudden illness W. Turner Esquire of Mill Hill, late M.P. for Bn. It is supposed that the recent defeat of the Election & Scrutiny, with embarrassment in his affair, preyed heavily on his spirit.
On the 6th of August commenced one of the most extraordinary & complete Turnouts which has ever occurred in this Kingdom; it began at Stayley bridge, on a question of wages relative to a proposed reduction of 25 per cent. from three most unprincipled Masters connected with the Anti-Corn Law League of Manchester, this reduction was attempted at a time when the Trade, which had been long depressed, had shew evident symptoms of a healthy revival, and so exasperated the Operatives that they refused to go to work altogether. - From thence it spread to Ashton, Oldham, Rochdale, Stockport, Manchester, Bolton, Bury, Todmorden, Bacup, Haslingden, Preston, Wigan, Chorley and all other Lancashire Towns, and extended itself to Blackburn on the 15th of Augt. - Messrs. Rodgett & Brierleys Mill at Further Gate was the first attempted were they succeeded in turning out all the hands, but were prevented from entering by a detachment of the 72nd Highlanders under the command of Lieut Col. Arbuthnot. fifteen prisoners were taken & comparative tranquillity restored. In the meanwhile straggling gangs of ten or twelve took the advantage of surprising different Mills in the Town, and with the exception of about four the whole were closed before Night. Foiled in the general attempt, & vexed at the firm resistance which the authorities had so ably provided, the mob retired for the day & threatened a decent [sic] of a more violent & determined character on the following Morning. Accordingly they appeared in great strength on the Accrington Road & proceeded to Bn. The Magistrates having intelligence thereby sent a strong police force with a company of the 72nd Highlander, a Troop of the Lancashire Yeomanry Corps, & half a Troop of the 11th Hussars to meet them; They encountered the Mob at Further Gate, & put them immediately to Rout, driving & pursuing them across the fields in every direction, In the course of a few moments they were utterly dispersed, and about 75 Prisoners captured, which were lodged in the Barracks for safety.
By such vigilant exertions the Town & Neighbourhood was saved from pillage & other violations of the Law, - yet on the following day the Soldiers were obliged to fire on the Mob, and several persons were severely wounded, but happily not mortally - the most serious case was that of a Young Woman, living in Penny Street, who happened to be returning home from the Mill at the time of the discharge of fire arms took, & unfortunately two Balls struck her, & it was thought there was little chance of Recovery - It is highly to the credit of the Regimental Surgeon & officers of the Regt as well as to the Surgeons resident in the Town, that this poor innocent victim was promptly & gratuitously attended. - Medicine & Nourishment were duly & reasonably administered and were blessed with good success, as up to this time (Novr 28th) the Young Woman survives, and is doing extremely well.
In the course of a few days the Mills resumed employment & our population, without exception, returned peaceably to their employment - which many of them wd never have left but by compulsion.
August 1842 Preston Guild 1842
It has been my lot now to attend two Preston Guilds, being present at the one held in 1822, - I do not consider there was the same attraction this time as on the Last. - With respect to the number of visitants I should be inclined to think they were more numerous by far than at any preceding Guild, tho there was sad falling off in Nobility. - The Trades, as usual, paraded the Town with suitable devices, I walked with the Letter Press Printers.
On the Friday I took my little son, to see a procession of the Scholars, and a most pleasant and gratifying sight it was to see from 5 to 6,000 Scholars, all marshalled out in due order according to their different schools with their Clergy at their head - The assembled in the Market Place around the obelisk when the Mayor gave out the National Anthem which was sung by all the schools. - after which Several rounds of cheering was given for the Queen, the Mayor - the Vicar and other Distinguished Persons - The children were then marshalled to their respective Schools where suitable refreshment was provided for them, and they no doubt separated highly delighted with their entertainment.
Sept 13th I was much disappointed this night in losing the vacant situation of Librarian to the Bn Subscription Library. The Election fell between myself and Wm Stirrup who defeated me by a majority of one. I attribute my unsuccessfulness in the first place to the animosity and activity of Thomas Clough, Solicitor, whose conduct to me has been exceedingly unkind & vindictive, - 2ndlyto the carelessness and neglect of some of those Gentn who should have attended and voted on my behalf & who either came not at all, or else so late as to be of no service at all. - 3rdly to a Circular which Thomas no doubt originated wherein he made it appear that Mr S. had been appointed by a Committee already and therefore [illegible] several favourable to me to hold back and refuse to [illegible] had the honour of receiving the support of John Livesey, Esqre, James Neville, Esqre and others to whom I am grateful.
Sept 18th The Revd Charles James, Curate of the Parish Church having died after a very short illness, the Revd G. H Ashe, in the absence of the Revd T Wheeler, improved his death this Morning from the impressive words in Matt [Matthew]: 25 - v. 13 Watch therefore, &c. &c. The Rev Gentn was exceedingly affected, and the congregation apparently deeply impressed by the solemn service. He died on the 13th inst - having been poorly only 3 or 4 days.
Sept 19th The Quarterly Meeting of the Burial Society was held this Evening when I was unanimously voted into the chair. I explained some errors which had appeared in a former Report. The motion for not printing a quarterly Report was confirmed. Several foolish and random observations were made by some vulgar fellows, but were quickly over ruled - The Society is in an exceedingly prosperous condition, having saved not less than £308 during the quarter.
To thee, O Lord, I humbly pray
Protect and guide me thro this day
From danger, and from vice defend
And bring me safely to the end;
For Jesu's sake my sins forgive
And make me fit with thee to live
(Composed going to work)
Thanksgiving Sermon - Oct 8th. The Rev R T Wheeler, this morning preached a most affecting & eloquent Sermon from Jeremiah 8 20 ver. "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. -The discourse was preached on account of the extraordinary & wonderful plentifulness of the harvest; - a subject of the greatest importance & exceedingly well-timed - Never in all my life have I witnessed such a harvest - the fields & fruits of fruits literally teemed with plenty - and the weather from the opening of spring until the closing has been uninterrupted fine, beautiful, & genial. - Praise the Lord O my soul & forget not all his benefits - - The Revd Gent said that the Text naturally suggested two subjects 1st a subject of thankfulness, and 2nd a subject of thoughtfulness under these divisions he proceeded to illustrate the beneficence of God, in the glorious plenty with wh: he had blessed the Labours of our Husbandman, when our fears for the contrary were imagined by the very poor seed-time which followed the harvest of 1841. - He here deduced the reasonable service of heartfelt gratitude wh: the nation at large and every single individual in particular was bound to pay to the Almighty. - On the 2nd head he introduced a spiritual of illustration of the harvest of the Last Judgment his warnings to the unbeliever were here of the most solemn & pointed description and concluded with an earnest call to repentance.
E Hindle, my servant, having left of her own accord, I have been under the necessity of changing, I can honestly remark that I have endeavoured to supply her Father and mother's place, and would have done so still, if she had conducted herself as she ought to have done.
Oct 16th
Octr 23. Sermon on the Christian's practical character "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven" - From which words he preached strongly enforced the indispensable requisite of holiness in the Christian's walk - He divided his subject into three divisions comprising 1st The government & conduct of the Temper; 2nd The restraint & command of the Temper; 3rd The general consistency of the Xtian [Christian] in his business. - From the 1st head he exposed the lamentable deficiency of the present time of Persons professing to follow the meek & holy Jesus, and yet, on the smallest provocation & sometimes without any cause at all, indulging in anger, sulleness, bitterness of spirit, peevishness & uncharitableness, how ready to resent, how slow to forgive how contrary to that spirit of love described by St Paul in the 13th of Corinthians, - he ended the division with an exhortation to correct this manifest evil. On the 2nd head he dilated largely, showing the misery & wickedness produced by that unruly Member the Tongue, - slanders most foul - idle tales founded upon rumour, conjecture, malice, and sometimes nothing at all, bickering, strifes, envying, backbiting, lying: - With the same member praising God in the Psalms & Hymns & perhaps shortly speaking evil - nay cursing our Neighbours. The learned Gent proceeded to adduce testimonies from Scripture to the support of his views, and concluded this part by calling upon even the most circumspect to set a watch upon the door of his life that he offend not in his tongue - In the 3rd and last division he laid down some places[?] useful & scriptural Rules for Men of Business - showing what spirit ought to stimulate & control in their counting Houses, Workshops, Desks or Offices, Counter or Shop - that there be a manly, open, candid, friendly, honest demeanour, no slipperyness, no chicanery, no obligation of dealing - but a fair, reasonable, and marketable profit when at this point the Rev Gentn was interrupted by the unreasonable laughing of one or two Members of the Congregation, whom he publicly reproved, and then concluded this most admirable discourse.
[October] 25th I attended the Lodge, and requested permission to have a Clearance granted to remove to another Lodge - The members expressed extreme reluctance to part with my services, and desired to know my reason for leaving I stated that it was an inconvenient distance, and that I wished to be among my Friends or Companions. After consultation the Lodge resolved that the request be not granted, carried unanimously.
[October] 30. Sermon in the Morning against the neglect of attending the Communion - searching & peculiarly solemn - In the Evening the Revd T. Walsh of Feniscowles preached from these words, "Unto the Upright there ariseth light in the darkness" - In which he shewed that tho' the righteous were not exempt from trouble, yet they had a consolation & hope wh: helped them through - upon the whole a good sermon.
[October] 30 & 31 Mr Hart informed me this morning that Mrs Cort had resigned her station in the School as Superintendent of the Girl's School, and upon enquiring the reason I found that a conversation between her & Mr Wheeler had led to some disagreement, in which he considered himself grossly misrepresented to the Teachers by Mrs Cort - as having said that he was dissatisfied with the School & the sort of Teacher in it. - And as she could not explain it to the satisfaction of Mr Wheeler, he told her she was unfit for her situation. Upon which she immediately quitted the School -
Mrs Cort sent a written message to Mr Hart & myself stating that she desired to see us at the close of the School We waited upon her; & found her in a very excited state, respecting Mr Wheeler & in a long conversation attempted to justify and defend herself.
My own private opinion is this that Mrs Hart has a strong dislike to Mrs Cort & influences the conduct of her husband in this respect - I believe the Lady to be well affected towards the School, but guilty of too much gossiping & talking, & perhaps, upon the whole not sufficiently circumspect in her Language - & it would be well for her if she would rectify this error.
Mr Hart & Mr Wheeler wished me to attend them in an interview on this unpleasant business, and I endeavoured to set him right on one or two points in which I thought he laboured under a misapprehension with regards to his congregation, - This statements certainly appeared to me so far as man can really be credited, fully to exonerate him from blame, in the matter of Mrs Cort or of behaving to her with undue severity - I am afraid that my bluntness & plainness of speak was both unpalatable & annoying to him but I am not conscious of having said any thing but what I would utter again - This Evening strikingly I perceived a studied reserve in both him & Mr Hart at our Meeting but this might be merely imagination, as it seems Mr Wheeler had been addressed the Teachers & Monitors in a most affecting & impressive manner.
A word about Mr W. in conclusion, I have thought him a man of an austere & unbending disposition - peculiarly strict & methodical in his views & certainly inpatient of any restraint, contradiction & control - He has been complained of in more quarters than one, of entertaining very high and proud notions: he has restricted himself to the Society of one or two individuals in his congregation to the manifest chagrin & jealousy of the remainder - It has been said by some that he has refused to visit the Sick when called upon - because not in his district & upon the whole that his address is far more calculated to promote feelings of fear than love. I believe him to be ruled in many things by Mr Hart, who has always been considered to entertain very high notions. But as a Preacher I consider him incomparably eloquent, scriptural & faithful - For the rest, who has not his own faults?
Octr. 31. My dear little Son William Callis has been extremely unwell these few days, & appears to me to be fading away - "The Lord gave, and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord."
Nov 1. According to my expectation Dr. Whittaker this Day having to see me on business took the opportunity of entering on full particulars respecting the unpleasant disagreement between Mrs Cort & Mr Wheeler, to repeat which would occupy far too much room, & perhaps be dull & uninteresting except to those immediately concerned. Suffice it to remark that he perfectly coincided with my views upon the subject, & seemed to think both parties equally blamable - He admitted Mrs Cort aptitude to garrulity & the consequent deviation from strict truth, and at the same time thought that Mr W. had made too much of the circumstance, and in fact, had seized as an opportunity of getting rid of a Person against whom he entertained a strong prejudice. He was however strongly desirous of preventing a rupture with the School or Mr Wheeler, & concluded from the appearance of things that it would be most prudent to accept her resignation. While I was with him - her resignation was handed in, which he read to me; he entered into a long statement of other things connected with the Congregation of St John's, Mr Wheeler, and the School, and told me that he intended to bring the matter before the General Committee. - Altogether he appeared determined to unburden his own mind, & to know my sentiments both of which I can with honesty state were explicitly developed, both on his own & on my part. - The interview lasted upwards of four hours.
In conclusion he desired me ascertain the opinion of the Teachers, as to the necessity of appointing a successor to the late Superint Mrs Cort, & report the same to him, which opinion he would lay before the Committee at a Meeting that he would call for the purpose.
Novr 4th I this qualified as a "Commissioner" under the Blackburn Improvement Act, & gave a vote in favor of Mr. George Illingworth, the candidate for the office of collector, who was elected.
Respective Numbers were
Mr Geo: Illingworth 168
" Jas. Wood 15
" Richard Lund 127
Total 310
The majority for Mr Illingworth was 41
Nov 7th. Dr. Whittaker called a Meeting of B N & S S [Blackburn National & Sunday Schools] Committee to consider what steps should taken in consequence of the Resignation of Mrs Cort, - The Meeting was attended by all the resident Clergy, Mr Lister, Dr Markland, Messrs Cort, Haworth & Hart. As I had promised to inform him of the state of feeling existing among the Teachers of the Girls School with respect to the necessity of appointing a Successor to Mrs Cort, I forwarded to him the following Note which was read to the Meeting
"Blackburn Novr 7th 1842
Revd Sir,
I have, in accordance with your request ascertained the wishes and opinions of the Teachers in the Girl's School, with respect to the necessity of appointing a Successor in the place of Mrs Cort; and I find that it appears to be a general opinion that such appointment is not required, nor, under present circumstances, at all desirable. They are persuaded that Mr Hart & Myself, will be quite able to conduct the general business of the School, without the aid of a Female Superintendent, & I sincerely concur in that opinion.